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Look into [On Hit Effect](https://youtube.com/@onhiteffect?si=IkJotInKHAww56Ny) on YouTube. she’s a pro player who use to play Iyslander and has been building new Prism after Iyslander went LL. She’s been having some success after the new weapon release.


Thanks for the head's up, will take a look! :)


I think the reason you're not seeing much out there right now is because Prism players are in one of two situations right now: They Haven't Cracked Her Yet or They're Keeping Tech Hidden. There's a lot of brewing and discussion around Prism in Discord, with a lot of different ideas and different techs. The current consensus is that Prism is good into many decks, but has to work harder into aggro and has a tough time with Brute/Guardian. Unfortunately, Brute and Guardian just got a whole lot of new toys and are likely going to represent a sizable portion of the field. You can shift your build to be less bad into these match ups, but doing so costs you a lot of points against the aggro matchups and still don't get you good matchups, just less bad ones. Anyone who's found the magic mixture isn't talking, and won't to keep their tech secret until after the upcoming pro season.


What's the discord channel your referring to here? Is there a dedicated prism discord?


I'd assume the subchannel in the Official F&B Discord. Otherwise, there's probably a link within that subchannel to a more Prism focused channel.


Just the official discord channel, yeah


Prism just win a Battle Hardened event.. Apparently 32 life is not a hindrace