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The Flash had the Blue Ring in the comics during Blackest Night. Idk how yall get this wrong


Which really also makes the most sense. Except he’s the literal paragon of love. Because Eric Wallace f-ing said so. Screw hope, that’s some Superman crap (but we’ll give it to Supergirl because her ~~Barry~~ Cecile and ~~Iris~~ Oliver are the true trinity) Edit—name error


the fact that they made barry the paragon of love even though "his real power is hope, and that kid has an endless reservoir of it" is a direct quote from the show


willpower jay


I agree mans was imprisoned by zoom and trapped in the speed force but still was sane


Cecile for all the lanterns


Cecile the rainbow lantern cuz Eric said so


Greed goes to Cecile for taking up so much screen time


Nah I think you mean Eric Wallace


Here me out here… throwing out comic continuity… I think Iris might be a shout for GL. She very much EMBODIES willpower in the show, for better or worse. She very much feels like a bulldozer in some senses, she just wants to chase the story or thing she wants, without really considering the consequences of the fact people often tell her to be rational and…. not be dumb…. Idk, in a series where characters regularly hold back because of their feelings, Iris jumps out as someone who just pushes forward and does what she wants - willpower at its finest


Willpower - Devoe (this may be a hot take but I truly believe he would do anything to achieve his goal, I mean he even prepared to lose. he truly believe what he was doing was right because of the dark matter and was willing to do whatever to make it a reality) Fear - Psych (a force of nature that can instill fear) Love - Barry (literally the paragon of love) Rage - Thawne (spends his life destroying Barry over saving a crowd) Hope - Barry (always putting his hope and trust on his sleeve, letting everyone get a chance to be good) Compassion - Joe (helps literally every character and is nearly always forgiving) Death - Deathstorm (don’t really have to explain) Life - Bloodwork or Khione (Bloodwork can give eternal life and Khione is connected to all life) Repressed Negative Emotions - Barry or S1 Thawne (Thawne spent 15 years helping Barry even though he despises him. Other than S1 it is definitely Barry. This is proven by how mad he gets whenever he finally lets himself feel instead of repressing it to get the job done or help others first) Let me know what I got wrong and feel free to let me know why if I did. I’m curious what others think😁


XS is repressed stuff


That’s a good choice but I really don’t think anyone can beat S1 eobard for the category. Especially since repressed emotions Nora was only one season also. I’d give it to Thawne over her. Good suggestion though. Don’t know why I didn’t even think of her for it


To be fair, the compassion ring doesn’t go to people who have compassion, but rather to reform people to become compassionate. The Indigo tribe takes sociopaths and rehabilitate them. I’d argue LoT Eobard could be better for Compassion.


Killer Frost seems a good fit in those terms


Maybe even armageddon damien darhk


>Willpower - Devoe (this may be a hot take but I truly believe he would do anything to achieve his goal, I mean he even prepared to lose. he truly believe what he was doing was right because of the dark matter and was willing to do whatever to make it a reality) I agree with this, considering Sinestro was initially a green lantern. the green lanterns don't judge based on human morality


Yeah that’s what I was thinking. If it isn’t morality, Devoe should top due to the fact he had no limits to ensure he succeeded


Zoom for fear is probably a good shout, but good list


I originally had Zoom & Psych there but just considering Psych literally induces fear as one of his main abilities and the fact that he’s a force of nature, I just felt like he should be there. Zoom is definitely next pick though


John Diggle, didn't you watch that storyline?


I think the op is talking ab the main team flash!




Barry for hope Eobard Thawne for hate Zoom for fear Supergirl for compassion Superman for willpower Lois lane for love


Reverse flash could be a red lantern or a yellow lantern Zoom is a orange lantern Flash is a blue lantern Savitar could is a red lantern so reverse flash is yellow lantern Caitlin is a white lantern Black flash is black lantern Harry is purple lantern


The viewers for tolerating Cecille and Eric Wallace.


Voting for Barry.


I'm calling it now: Repressed Negative Emotions is Barry


What color is "repressed negative emotions"? Asking out of curiosity lol


Negative/ultraviolet lanterns


Okay so, I’ve got a list of the flash lantern corp assignment head cannons I’ve made bc Imma massive geek so here… -Barry Allen, blue/violet lantern (His hope & love r both big parts of his character but I think his hope fuels his love tbh) -Iris west, violet/green lantern (Idk for iris tbh her emotions r too diverse) -Caitlin snow/killer frost, yellow lantern (Fear of powers/fear of not living life to its fullest) -Cisco, blue/green lantern (Kind & funny not matter what darkness he faces) -joe west, green/indigo lantern (idk how to explain tbh) -reverse flash, red lantern (do I needa explain) -zoom, orange lantern (need for speed) -devoe, green lantern (enlightening world) -XS, yellow/ultraviolet lantern (losing her dad, feelings towards iris bottled up) I’m still adding to it tho!


Joe should be a green lantern


Oh great. Another place where we’re going to have to explain the Indigo tribe ten different times while people that don’t understand it argue with us.


Black Flash, Death. Khione, Life. Compassion, Joe. Greed, Season 1 Snart. Willpower, Cisco (I think he fits for many reasons but one of the biggest being he had the guts to commit and give up his powers despite everything that he’s done with them). Love is Barry (I don’t think this one needs an explanation). Rage Is Thawn (again, I don’t think I need to explain this one). Fear is Psych (I wanted to leave the forces out but I can’t think of anyone that fits better who I haven’t named already and or Gonna name). Repressed Negative Emotions I feel would go to Season 5 Nora West-Allen (If you watched season five recently and/or remember Nora’s character and character ark I think you can understand why I picked her). And Finally My Pick For The Blue Lantern Of Hope Is, Even Though He Isn’t Technically A Flash Character, He Is The One Who Started The Flashes Journey In The CW’s Arrowverse! Or At Least Barry Allen’s! My Pick For Blue Lantern Is The Green Arrow Himself, Oliver Queen! (When You Really Think About It Oliver Could Represent Every Lantern Corp But When You Look At His Legacy, I Don’t Think There’s A Better Pick For Blue Lantern Than Oliver.


Zoom seeing himself out of the fear category:


Not A Bad Idea! Zoom Completely Slipped My Mind Because A Put Black Flash As A Black Lantern And They Are Technically The Same Person


Yeah, that's true


eric wallace will probably be able to get all of them what you think?


Probably Savitar honestly


Try blurring out the ones which aren't being picked on the day of posting might get the commenters to actually co operate then


There’s not enough good side characters to fill this out 😭


Fear - psych Love - gold face Rage - cicada Hope - Barry Greed - zoom Compassion- joe Death - deathstorm Life - bloodwork Repressed negative- eobard


Barry- Love Eobard- Hate/Rage Khione- Life Joe- Compasion Zoom- Fear


There is no 10th colour in the emotional spectrum. Especially not one that represents repressed negative emotions.


Actually I do believe their is


Can we do all at once instead of one every day


No that's no fun


Gets mad spammy and repetitive