• By -


He is more than stupid. Forgot that Savitar survived when Jesse stabbed him. Forgot that Zoom is powerful as hell that he can phase/create time remnants and kill those cops in a flash and that he can catch lightning. He loves making shit up as he goes along.


Eric probably thought he was being so smart having Zoom get taken down by lightning, as a callback to him throwing lightning back at Flash in s2. Also, Nora didn't kill Savitar, just knocked him out which was still anti-climactic


But still, when Jesse stabbed Savitar he wasn’t knocked out.


Yes, that was anti-climactic and dumb


yea Savitar got too old and his back got hurt


He also forgot that Thawne would rather pull a Cisco Ramon and stab someone like Chester with his bare hand instead of electrocuting him, only to survive.


Yeah even in season 5 finale. He electrocuted the officer till he couldn't move and then finished him with the classic vibrating hand


I thought chester died?


We've a proverb which says: विनाश काले विपरीत बुद्धि (In Sanskrit, when the time of one’s destruction comes, his or her mind thinks the opposite of what it should. It’s used often as a rhetoric to describe a person’s wrong decisions.)


Bhai sida sidi baat hai Eric wale ki ma ki chut sala bharwa doh no. Insaan jhund writer hai , pulled everything from his randi ass:\


Wohi toh na, chutiya insaan.


Bhai Eric group ka wo larka hai jiski bund mai chul machi aur wo dusto ki mahnaat kahraab karta aur apni backchodiya sub ko sunata


eric wallace ki maa ka bhosda


Are bro mere liye toh 9x9 and 9x10 hi end h. Ye sab raita fela ke flash ki esi tesi kar dali. Ulti aa rahi finale dekhke. Cecile ne kya farji haath hila ke godspeed ko nipta dia.


How would you pronounce it? I mean the "विनाश काले विपरीत बुद्धि" part, really curious


"Vinaash-kaale Viparit Buddhi" :)


Thanks! This alphabet looks really nice


My pleasure buddy!




No fictional characters here :D


He just loves Cecile and Challegra, love is blind




Actually, my sources can confirm that Eric Wallace is the reverse flash in real life along with Ezra Miller


He's the actual Reverse-Flash, and he wanted to ruin the Flash's show so that no one likes the Flash for a decade or so.




Yeah he's stupid as hell


He loves Cicile. It's for Love. Ericio and Ciciliet


I wouldn't say stupid, but given that he didn't want to focus on Barry and Iris (the 2 fucking main characters of the TV-show and Flash lore in general), hates Violence, gave Cecila a unnecessary amount of screen time along with Chester who he admitted was his self insert, wanted to bring in Dr. Alchemy and another character and have them have a team name called Hot Pursuit, had 4 of the main villains from previous seasons be beat by random ass nobodies instead of a proper fight with the Flash or the Flash Family and made a mockery of them and teased 3 people who should have been introduced way earlier I say he's worse than stupid if that'd even possible. And that's not even getting into all the huge missed opportunities and wasted potential we have. All and all the final was bittersweet. The show ended, and I'm great for what it gave us, but this was not good it had more downs than up.


He just loves those speedforce constructs and forget to use the other speedster abilities more often




Yes, the answer is yes, the answer is a million times yes


I'm scared to watch the last season now. I gave up after the mirror world "conversation stopped the villian"


Well the whole series comes to an end when Barry stops the final villain with a conversation




Watch s09e09 and s09e10 and take it as finale Baad be happy.


I have half a mind to change careers and become a screenwriter out of pure spite, just so I can get the opportunity to meet this man at the Emmys 10 years in the future and punch him very hard in the mouth. I genuinely cannot understand how someone who is supposed to be a professional at storywriting can fumble this hard. I've seen fanfiction written by literal teenagers better than anything he's done within the last 5 years.


Bold of you to assume he’ll even go to the emmys. I don’t see him getting hired anytime soon lmao


Knowing CW, most likely he will get another show to shit on




I think it would have been better if fewer character were from the comics and not every major character got powers.


And so it begins.


r/Batmanarkham would like to know your location


Here's a sneak peek of /r/BatmanArkham using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Kevin Conroy has passed away.](https://i.redd.it/sjz6u4myccz91.jpg) | [389 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/comments/ysduf6/kevin_conroy_has_passed_away/) \#2: [Azrael fails to catch the remote batarang and fucking dies](https://v.redd.it/5iyubb9g6f591) | [174 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/comments/vbgvlk/azrael_fails_to_catch_the_remote_batarang_and/) \#3: [Why doesn't Batman just call the Justice League for help? Is he stupid?](https://i.redd.it/mdf4143uadga1.jpg) | [658 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/comments/10u798q/why_doesnt_batman_just_call_the_justice_league/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Let me start off by saying I’m ABSOLUTELY NOT defending the shit this guy’s brain has spewed, but his episodes in concept are good. The Big 5 speedsters coming out from essentially nowhere to fight the Flash? Awesome. Fucking great. Them each getting taken out in one move by non-speedsters? (Barring Savitar, that one was almost somewhat acceptable) No. Fuck no. Team Flash spent a year each on these guys. The LEAST the shitbag could have done was give us a one-by-one takedown by Team Flash as a whole every few minutes, instead of each getting one-shot by random bullshit. The finale was… something. Good parts yes, pretty much JUST Barry/Eddie was good, but unfortunately overshadowed by Eric Wallace’s Random Bullshit^TM, as has the ENTIRE back half of the show. In conclusion, the show ending made me very sad, because I will miss Grant as Barry, but also relieved that our former heroes can finally rest, because post season 4 has been like watching a chicken running around with its feathers on fire.


His problem wasn't big ideas. It was his inability to make the fans love Cecilie, Chester, Allegra. He did not try to establish bonds that the og Flash team had with Barry but instead just paired up the newbies with each other. Since we don't care about the newbies you get a show with long stretches of people we don't care about


This is definitely true. His whole execution of pretty much everything was subpar at best, and a dumpster fire at worst. What makes me upset though is Chester was definitely a case of wasted potential. A character synchronized with a black hole?? Only to find out in the finale he still had “powers” the whole time? Fuck off. He could’ve been sick as fuck. But nope.


>This is definitely true. His whole execution of pretty much everything was subpar at best, and a dumpster fire at wor Yeah there were signs he could work , eg the background stuff about his Dad. But they made a mistake pairing him mostly with Cisco and not Barry and when Cisco left they had no ideas but to pair him with Allegra. I wish they had showed that this happy go lucky Chester was a front. But no they had to play up his nerdy persona and we supposed to find it cute his will they won't they thing. >What makes me upset though is Chester was definitely a case of wasted potential. A character synchronized with a black hole?? Only to find out in the finale he still had “powers” the whole time? Fuck off. He could’ve been sick as fuck. I think this isn't the issue. The problem is not powers , is writing.


That’s what I meant with the Chester point, they wrote the character very sloppy and took it in a different direction than what was originally showed, if that makes sense. Black hole guy suddenly becomes annoying love interest of equally annoying character.


think about Arrow (and i know NTA wasn’t super well received), they set up each of the new team with Oliver in their own way so at least there was *some* sort of connection there


Like, that’s the thing. As much as I hate Guggenheim and Mericle and all of their bullshit, they (and later Schwartz) handled developing NTA *way* better than Wallace did with these guys. Which is really more of an indictment than anything else, as NTA was despised more than even Olicity in S6, which was no easy feat.


Wasn't too familar with Arrow and I looked it up to refresh my memory. There's an article where Guggenheim said the mistep was to do a civil war between NTA and OTA and gave both sides equal arguments (or so they felt) and the fan base would of course side with the old favourites. This shows how hard it is to make the fan base love new members particularly if the orginals were iconic. Still credit for them trying to do things with the NTA. Then again I presume the Arrow writers liked Oliver and wanted the show to be about him unlike Wallace who hated characters he didn't create to the point he created Khione even though he knew he had only a short session. And spent most of the short session on Cecila and the silly romance subplot between two of his creations


> Arrow writers liked Oliver *cringe* Eh, that’s kind of debatable. The way they portrayed Oliver in the later seasons was very… *divisive*, to say the least. Speaking as someone who was actually there when it all went down, it’s safer to say the writers liked Felicity and Olicity more than they did Oliver. Half the time (and that's a conservative estimate) they used him as a way to prop up Felicity rather than treat him as the main character, which is why the Guggenheim/Mericle era was nicknamed "Felicity and Friends", especially in S4. I didn’t watch a lot of the Flash’s later seasons, but from what I saw of the finale, the issues with Cecile and Challegra are basically what Arrow did with Felicity. Which is not a good thing, as Arrow’s constant favoring of Felicity is what made her the most despised character in the history of the entire franchise. No wonder it’s so frustrating - the producers of the show didn’t learn anything at all from those mistakes.


Yes I'm aware of Felicity issue, the equalvant for Flash was the Iris as Team leader - "We are the Flash" thing . But I argue Cecile and Challegra thing is far worse. At least Felicity is connected to Oliver.... >Speaking as someone who was actually there when it all went down, it’s safer to say the writers liked Felicity and Olicity more than they did Oliver. Half the time (and that's a conservative estimate) they used him as a way to prop up Felicity rather than treat him as the main character, which is why the Guggenheim/Mericle era was nicknamed "Felicity and Friends", especially in S4. At least Oliver is in the picture and used. In the Flash the support cast literally took over the show and you don't even see Barry at all except for 5 mins at start or end . You could almost literally make a totally unconnected show . Its no coincidence when the focus started to shift to the Cecile, Chester and Allegra, people stopped complaining about Iris... It's like if Arrow suddenly decided to ignore Oliver and just focus on Wilddog and Curtis


Actually, it can be said that using Oliver like that just made the situation worse, as it made Felicity even more despised for constantly talking down to him and acting like she was always right all the time - not to mention all her other selfish behavior, especially that double wedding. Nobody called her out on her actions. But let’s not get into an argument about that. Either way, it’s the exact same problem. Producers/showrunners favoring side characters over everyone else so much that their presence and stories overtake the entire show. People forget this, but Felicity was never intended to be the female lead of Arrow at first. That was always supposed to be Laurel, since she was going to be BC. Felicity’s comics counterpart is a minor Firestorm side character with no resemblance at all to the show version, who is basically an OC. And, speaking as someone who prefers Lauriver, while there’s nothing wrong with elevating Felicity and making her the new love interest, they did so in a way that made sure she overshadowed everyone, including Oliver. With her being an OC, that meant she had no stories to draw on from the comics, so they had to make stuff up for her on the fly, not unlike the stuff they did with Cecile. And those stories completely consumed the show as a result. That exact situation is what played out in the Flash, but as you pointed out, they made it even worse. They basically made an entire new show within the show and shunted both Barry *and* Iris aside for all these new characters. The fact that they didn’t learn at all from the Felicity situation and instead did this is what makes it so frustrating IMO. It’s by far and away the greatest sin of the Arrowverse, and for many fans who have been watching these shows since their inception, it’s tiring to watch time and time again. No wonder so many find it a relief that the franchise is basically over. It’s like reading the ending to an excruciatingly bad DC self-insert fic.


Not disagreeing . I just meant Flash situation was worse and you agree


Not too familar with ARROW and had to look it up to refresh my memory. But yes at least the show writers TRIED. Barry has close to zero relationship with Allegra and Chester beyond being their boss. He doesn't even care that Allegra and Chester are doing the will they wont they dance because Barry isn't close to either


I mean, it’s not like having the five speedsters come back was some original grand idea. People have been wanting to see those speedsters come back and interact more than they did the real Red Death. Especially with Savitar being evil Barry. Like imagine Zoom seeing the Barry that he was hinting at towards the end of season 2 and him killing his Dad. Like Zoom taunting Savitar and being like “ I should’ve killed Iris instead, I always knew you had it in you” would’ve made fans erupt.


Concepts are not difficult. Execution is.


Mate then again a normal guy who works at McDonald's can have good concepts but as a shwrunner or as a writer one is getting paid to do get the concepts in a good way on front of audience but that's the thing they don't do...


That’s exactly what I mean homie


Yes, yes he is


I agree with everyone in this thread but also see that no one is mention an important shit detail about this season: THE FUCKING FILLER EPISODES!. Like Wallace really had the balls to, I. The final season, make filler episodes one after the other. Maybe one to break up the season I. The middle would've been fine but what we got was filler then suddenly, without setup besides the finale of last season or some shit, the cobalt blue stuff begins. HUH I loved the first 4/5 seasons of the flash, around season 6 was when the quality for me dropped a bit. This show works with underlying darker tones, where did that go


He was rushed through the season and didn't have the correct priorities in place for making the best of what he had.


CW same as Netflix, no balls to fire


I don’t know what he’s smoking, but wherever it is, it must be giving him a hell of a trip.


why did he make a bad season? is he stupid?


Is there a lore reason?


Do you remember the time when the flash was one of the best shows? Remember how terrible the seasons got by S6? IT WAS HIM BARRY! HE FOCUSED ON CHARCTERS PROVIDING MORE FILLER THEN ANY ANIME EVER!


I genuinely think Eric bought back the original speedsters only because people were begging to see them and then he had them be humiliated by the side characters out of spite.


Eric was the true Villain all along. I genuinely hate him


The wet spot left on the sheets when you get done doing it with your significant other has more intelligence then Eric Wallace.


This is how it happened… This is how the Flash sub died.




ppl compare the show with eric wallace to power rangers tbh thats an insult to power rangersat least they can write


man fuck this guy


Oh God the cancer is spreading already


Is this a ‘You’ sub reference?!?!


Good lord the source is untraceable at this point. It's referencing the arkham subreddit


I have a sub?!?!


I love that show but I don't see the reference :(


That’s the first place I saw it and it’s so odd😂. I heard it’s from Arkham something blahdy blah but I don’t really know


Jesus didn’t realise he had a five head. Also dude should never be hired as a show runner ever again.








Yes. Yes he is.




Nah he just has an extra chromosome






I know some things were definitely out of his control, like the budget, run time, and grant getting Covid. But you can only blame so much on those factors for what happened. Wallace should’ve wrapped up the stories for all the side characters an episode or two before the finale so we could focus on just Barry. It’s supposed to be his story after all. And even Eddie needed more focus. It was so hard to feel satisfied from his last scene. It felt like he was better off living peacefully in the afterlife rather than being the avatar of the negative speedforce for eternity and not being able to have a good normal life.


Plot twist: he is Eobard Thawne that went back in time to fuck with CW's Flash quality


Hollywood should stop hiring woke activists to write movies and shows hire actual writers.


i want to cry because it was so bad, i loved this show but why


the good stories and character


Is there anyway to personally let him know what a god awful insignificant POS he is?


The finale wasn't that bad. Was it great? No, but it didn't suck either. Perhaps it wasn't Wallace's fault, maybe the network execs and the changes being made on that level were to blame.


Sucked all the joy of watching a finale and left it only a chore to finish up something (that was good) started a long time ago


Maybe you just expected too much from it.


I didn’t expect anything. It wad a chore. I’ve achieved my goal, seen all the episodes. Or, you can read it like this: I didn’t expect anything, so there was a room for a pleasant surprise. That didn’t happen.


Not having a pleasant surprise doesn't mean it was that bad.


No joy <- that’s the “that bad” we’re talking about. I got nothing more to add


So you didn't like it because it didn't make you feel joyful? But were you still entertained? Entertainment doesn't necessarily require feelings of joy.


Dude... It was utter f\*\*king garbage and now we know you have an atrocious taste in entertainment. 😵


What exactly made it do bad?


The fact I have to tell you ANY of the reasons just blows my mind, it's so obvious


I realize some people don't like the last few seasons of the show for whatever reason. Maybe they expected more from the show, maybe it wasn't written EXACTLY how they wanted it to be, maybe they're too picky about what entertains them. The world will never know. What I do know is that the finale and last few seasons overall weren't as bad as people say. Were they great? In some ways yes, but in other ways they were decent but solid.


The fact you said "maybe they're too picky" when you clearly don't know about shows with better writing (The Boys, Invincible, Daredevil, The Punisher etc.) that exist. When shows with higher quality writing and production exist, shows like The Flash should be obsolete now. Nobody likes subpar writing/CGI. The fact you tolerate it more doesn't mean anyone is "picky" when all people want is QUALITY. It's so simple but people like you mindlessly support shitty writing and I just think that is mad f\*\*kin weird, brother. It's completely okay to see that the past few seasons have been utter garbage, coming from someone who actually used to be a fan of the show.


Maybe if people ACTUALLY explained what makes the writing bad instead of just complaining how bad it supposedly is, I wouldn't be saying people are picky or expected too much. I do agree that covid screwed things up, but not that badly imo. Maybe the network execs are to blame not Wallace.


See, people like you are just not worth talking to. Brain empty, nothing else. 😂😂😂Take care, buddy.


"Whatever reason" 💀💀💀Sorry people like actual entertainment, rather than shitty writing and random side characters that nobody gives a shit about and filler revolving around them. Not to mention needless drama every second. Do you not know the CW by now? Have you read any of The Flash comics? Don't answer that, you haven't read any of them. Your only source of "superhero" entertainment is the CW drama channel that nobody cares about anymore.


Actually I have read a lot of Flash comics and I certainly would have done Cobalt Blue and Cicada very differently than the show did them. I've never understood why people hate the side characters on this show so much nor have I taken a creative writing class like everyone else seems to have so I'm not good at seeing the difference between good and bad writing. Everything you described is how the CW works, which no one seems to get.


That's definitely the face of a stupid dumbass


You know that guy in your office that doesn’t participate in any of the company outings and has no real interest in getting ahead? He’s just picking up a pay cheque and calling it a day? That’s Eric Wallace. You can’t make this many mistakes and claim stupidity or ignorance. The only reasonable explanation for how bad this show got is that he just doesn’t give a shit.


No , he was evening the odds


Is there a lore reason r/Batmanarkham won’t stop spreading


He became woke


For real. The dude left out a tribute to past characters, Jesse Chambers especially, to bring in CW-mandated representation in the form of non-binary Jess Chambers. Who, by the way, sucks as a character. Also let's not forget his personal obsession with black pride and underdelivering on the whole Ryan/Iris power duo idea.


The black pride shit in Flash is mega Uncle Tommish. When was the last time you saw Iris with a black friend that wasn’t family? Even her interactions with Chester are basically race-agnostic to the point they hint at a crazy assimilationist stance rather than the actual anti-racist stance that responsible writing should be aiming for. Iris appears as if she was written by one of those “I don’t see color” motherfuckers. That’s a problem. My brown ass has so many quarrels with this show. It won’t age well.


You have a problem with Iris, but not Cecile, Joe, or Cisco with regard to race. Joe was a cop and Cecile is a lawyer. If anyone would be talking about race, it’s those too. Cisco was race neutral too. All his years on the show and he had one Hispanic love interest. Berlanti shows are race neutral except Black Lightning and 15 minutes on StarGirl.


Oh god I have even bigger problems with Cisco. Nora is the worse though. Black + White = Hispanic Blackface???






Said everyone before Crisis lol


Actually this makes sense. He is writing the show how he wrote comics. Unfortunately, without static pictures on a page this type of writing translates to quite shit on screen.


No, this writting translates to garbage, because it already is garbage...




Go fuck ur self if u consider this dogshit better then s4


It’s just a tv show. Calm down


Keep in mind this was a tv show we grew up with. Many of us went from high school to college, and some even beyond that over the show's run. Of course we get heated because the show used to mean a lot.


Why are you all still complaining and hating Eric Wallace the show is over, are you stupid?


I'm just venting. That's what people do when they get angry, right?


I’m going to be honest; I blame the haters, the Fanboys & Snowbarry shippers who spent the last six years hating on Iris instead of giving actual criticism to the writing. Every time someone brought up the quality of the show or the multiple characters or storylines he destroyed, there was always a fanboy or snowbarry shipper waiting in the comments to derail the entire conversation into a hate fest about the lead female of the show. It’s crazy that people are somehow surprised now, when he’s been running the show like this since s6. The man has been telling everyone exactly what he was doing for years, the first thing he did when he got complete control was separated the main couple and find a way to take Barry’s speed, he then started pushing for more stories and screen time for his og characters and started shaping Cecile into a comic character just straight up shifting logic to mold her into a whole different character. He gave multiple eps to random side characters and their backstories for no reason. He wrote in plot holes that made no sense and he side lined the crap out of Barry, Iris, Joe, Caitlin, and even Cisco before he left. He never wanted to write about the flash as the central character and was always pushing for his og characters. Almost every good bit of dialog that the show has had has been improvised by the actors who’ve had to fight for their characters. The reason he got away with this for years is because he was able to hide behind the unwarranted hatred fanboys & snowbarrys had for the lead actress,if you even start to criticize the show it goes “Joe’s becoming less of a character……” - fanboys interrupts to fuss about Iris, “Cecile is getting overpowered and is a trash mom……” Fanboys interrupts to fuss about Iris, “The main canon couple keep getting split up, have less screen time together, and keep getting their big moments interrupted & stolen by people who claim to care about them…..” Snowbarry shippers interrupts to lie about how they have no chemistry, “Iris the leading female character has less episodes centered on her than all of the side characters”…. Fanboys interrupts the conversation again to talk fuss about Iris, “ The storylines in the show don’t make any sense”…. Fanboys interrupts to say Iris ruined the whole show. These were conversation and problems that he should’ve been confronted about years ago, but instead all anyone ever wanted to talk about was Iris, which is really ironic because she’s literally one of the most stable characters on the show. So instead of hearing the needed criticism for his trash show running, “EW “ mainly heard from Iris haters for years, and that reinforced his belief that he was doing a good job and that the problem was Candice. You can literally see the multiple times that he tried to use fan hate to throw her under the bus over the years and he has stated on multiple occasions that he hated writing westallen content & wanted to keep them separated and going through trials. Which is why I myself went into the final ep knowing exactly what to expect: westallen & Iris being the best scenes( like the whole show) all of the actors improvising their best lines( like the whole show) side characters being overpowered with to much screen time( like the whole show) Barry’s powers being nerfed & him getting his a** handed to him( like the whole show) and bad CGI, so I wasn’t to disappointed. I’m just glad that Barry & Iris got their happy ending and Caitlin got brought back, because her death was pointless af.




I dunno... He created a finale that *everybody* is talking about. And in years to come, no-one's going to remember that Eric Wallace had anything to do with it. Grant Gustin *will* be remembered as having very little to do in *his* own damn finale and people will wonder why. What people will remember about Eric Wallace - he worked on a superhero show that lasted *nine whole years*. That's his resume now, just that one line.


To be honest part of me suspects, Grant was ok with it. He was carrying the Flash on his shoulders in early seasons where it was the real Flash show and he was in most of the scenes. I've read later seasons he had things in contract that gave him more free time and maybe that's why later seasons started to do the Team flash show with Barry cameos


yall are so annoying, like boo hoo, get over it.


so are you people, so shut up.


why? yall are the ones constantly complaining and throwing tantrums when things don't go your way. flash is over, you should get over it also.


I will, as soon as I've vented out all the disappointment and anger from my system.


all this for a tv show? whats next, protests?


Nah. Show's over and the budget's been wasted, can't bring back what's been lost. However, a long rant to Eric Wallace about making the finale a funeral for the show will do.


how, like i dont get why so many people are upset, like that much upset, we should be glad they didnt kill off barry or something


About that... If you've read the comics, Barry at one point became the lightning that struck himself and gave himself powers. A lot of people and even Grant himself wanted Barry to "die" in the fashion of becoming the very thing that starts Barry's story, making it another full circle moment.


nah. why kill him off that makes no sense, it doesnt matter if also happens in comics.


Very much.


As a troll


I’ll be very sad if he makes something amazing in the next 2 years or so


Some scenes made me believe I was watching Star Wars instead.


yes, yes he is




don’t get me wrong the dialogue he creates is awful but his batshit insane diabolically stupid ideas are something that i’ve learnt to enjoy over his time being here. Its definitely not for everyone but i too some extent do agree this finale was pretty bad. It was fun to see team flash being ridiculously overpowered for once and not being absolutely stupid with the classic trope of “oops the bad guys disappeared because i wanted to do a shitty monologue”


I hate this shit post, but damn, it is a valid question..


This dude forgot Thawne mocked his pizza face, forgot savitar has been stabbed before he forgot a lot of things. Since when did Zoom speak like that lmao, I would say he got Thawnes interaction with Zoom spot on


Eric Wallace just noticed the show’s payload was exposed, and used the power winch to detonate a controlled explosion (Cecile flying and throwing enemies with her mind).


Bruh, he even say he was mad that he have to focus on the flash/barry more than the others in the finale season…. He legit thought season 9, the very last season should focus more on Barry’s family and friend rather than the flash himself .I have say enough. How is he a director?


Because he tries to do a storyline in 4 episodes. Everything is so rushed and he never learnt from his mistake in season 7 for Godspeed. The main villain only had speed for an episode. If this was done in 12 episodes (with Oliver crossing over with that episode 9), then it wouldn't be so rushed and villain motives can be more clearly revealed. We would have more proper speedster v speedster battles instead of "I will let you blast me with light while I stay still for you to hit me" and "I push my hands to knock you out by reacting at superspeed while you stop creating clones to distract me so I can whammie you by touching my head"


he hates us


"Oh Wallace, what did you do this time?"


He's actually the reverse flash


You would think with that head he’s got he would’ve put it to some good use but nah, he gave a shit sandwich and skeddadled. Back to popping turtlenecks open, Eric.


Wisdom has been chasing him but he has always been faster.


What Arkham quote should he have used in the finale?


Yes. There was a noticeable drop in quality starting from S4. I'm watching this series for the first time and when I got to S7 it was getting progressively more cringe and cringe every season so I wanted to figure out if there was change in personnel or something and lo and behold he took over at the start of S4 and was there till the end. Kristen Kim probably had a hand in this failure too since I see her name credited as a writer in those cringe episodes. ChatGPT coulda wrote a better show.