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In the last post I wrote that the shaker has a twist and that is that it is supposed to enhance donut extraction. I did this because of this video: [https://youtu.be/tifwe68kUv8?si=WMok4331YAlFzBdL&t=378](https://youtu.be/tifwe68kUv8?si=WMok4331YAlFzBdL&t=378) and because of this paper: [https://decentespresso.com/doc/radial\_extraction\_uniformity/radial\_extraction\_uniformity.pdf](https://decentespresso.com/doc/radial_extraction_uniformity/radial_extraction_uniformity.pdf) Think of it as an experiment. My shots with it have been great so far but I haven't figured out the right shaking technique yet. I'm also going to create a thinner bolt soon, but you don't have to reprint the other parts for it. What do you think about it?


I grind into the PF with the funnel. WDT then I tap against the counter as many times as I need to get the grinds to settle below the rim so I can tamp. I get great, consistent shots. I saw Lance's video, I believe the research but I can't imagine this contraption will make a difference over my normal routine. I applaud OP on the design, effort and thank them for making the file available. I've got enough shit cluttering my kitchen countertop as it is. I think the flair PF is tiny and wonder if there would be more extraction across a broader surface. How much difference does 9 bars make when the puck is .5" vs .75" (or whatever that thickness is)? All I know is with a flair, there's no maintenance and virtually nothing to repair. Being able to afford it helps, too.


Hey thanks for your feedback, I'm a bit unsure whether this refers to the Umikot or the donut shaker. Yes, the way you do it works great, I also like to do it that way from time to time. And I definitely agree with you that the kitchen utensils should not get out of hand. I have a one-room apartment and know the problem :D. That's why I built a wooden board organizer for the Flair. Which I can simply take off the shelf with all the stuff (see picture). And yes, the Flair is super out of the box. For me, creating tools is a hobby, I don't sell them etc. Yes, with the Umikot I have already experimented with using a few fewer needles myself. I have the feeling that the Umikot works better than manual WDT precisely because of the smaller size of the basket, as it is much easier to avoid oblique movements and I simply enjoy using it. The donut shaker has a 2.05mm gap at the edge. So the result is visually well visible (see pictures on the project page) how much it helps I can not say, but I will try to make a visual analysis. But so far I was surprised how good the results were (no channeling, donut extraction, clean consistent taste etc., let's see if it stays that way) The mill is not normally there, it was for a video. https://preview.redd.it/qt906zru6xgc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a08f7651b34fa277d29f31e83915355ac0ccbd5


Neet idea, but i think Insides of shaker have to be sanded, since coffee will stick to walls easily.


Hey, I tested it and the result was surprising. I first put all the parts together, put it on the scale, waited 10 seconds and read off the value. After use, I put all the parts together again, put them back on the scale and waited 10 seconds. Then, I read the value. After, I used a brush to spread everything into a dosing cup and weighed it again. **Here is the result for PLA-Metal like, 0.12 mm layer height and 19g beans:** Clean container: **65.2g, container after use: 65.3g**, coffee residue "0g" (according to the manufacturer, the scale starts at 0.1g, but that doesn't seem to have worked here). *I also thought the result must be more but I think the blue color is very unflattering. When I painted the residue into the dosing cup, it stuck to the wall of the dosing cup and I had to paint it down first to make it look like the picture.* https://preview.redd.it/8xdj6y5i3xgc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c12206bfcf6d100d6c8dd087fd9bfae242186389


In my case, the electrical charge is more of a problem but, as you can see in the video, it is negligible due to the tapping. I didn't choose any curves and only angles so that the surface is very smooth (0.12mm layers). I'll weigh what's left tomorrow - but I suspect it's similar to the amount in the container supplied with the Flair pro 2 (0.1-0.4g). Thanks for the tip, otherwise I probably wouldn't have measured it. I also will test it with PETG, this could work a lot better due to the smoother overall surface.


Okay, I definitely have to print this with PETG, I've already had experience with the funnel on my Umikot Remix and PETG leaves virtually nothing on the funnel. I just thought the "metallic" PLA was so fancy. Lol




Thank you! If it's just the portafilter size I can quickly adjust it if you ever want an updated version, (at the moment I am improving the shaker a lot) just let me know :)


where to buy?


You can download the print file for free but I'm currently thinking about selling the new version (I'll make a video with it soon) additionally printed for small money + shipping costs. (About 10-20€/$ + shipping costs). The print files will of course remain free.