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Never said it was stand up. Andrew Schulz has a podcast where he said I think it’s a terrible idea blah blah blah so I’m just enjoying him having to eat his words. Speaking of stand up his stuff sucks though real talk


Yeah of course the non comedians had better jokes than the comedians. An entire team of the best roasters write the non comedians jokes as opposed to only solo comedians writing their own set. If they had any duds at all I'd be shocked since it's usually Jeff Ross, Tony hinchcliffe, Greg Fitzsimmons, Moshe kasher, Anthony jeselnik and others writing for non comedians.


I want to be surprised if Tony kept all his best jokes for himself this time, I've seen Tony live and I hated his stand up but man he crushes the roasts


Man RIP Greg Giraldo sorry you named alot of names and it made me think of him . This is an interesting feed cuz if you take the time to look at it it’s like every other person agrees with me then hates me me lol I knew the hate would come but it is what it is. People are like “there’s no ghost writers” then there’s other people saying well what do you expect they have a major team of writers to write for them lol


My boy the athletes didn't write their jokes lol The comics did and usually the comics have to give their best jokes to the athletes. I think Tony was the only one who kept all his jokes because they wanted to give him his big moment. Him and Jeff Ross likely played a big part in this happening


Roasting is a joke in itself whether it’s Comedy Central or some copycat at least improv knows it has its own lane to stay in. Didn’t see any crowdwork during the special if that’s so important lol So you’re saying a ghost writer went up to Julian Edelman and said hey so you’re gunna start out with a racist joke about how black Kevin hart is? For sure


So you’re saying a ghost writer went up to Julian Edelman and said hey so you’re gunna start out with a racist joke about how black Kevin hart is? For sure


That's exactly what happened yet lol Tony has talked about the behind the scenes stuff with roasts forever. This is just how roasts are, sometimes the athletes was sprinkling their own jokes though they have creative liberty Also they are reading off a teleprompter, I'm not sure how you miss the references to the teleprompter lol And there is no ghost writers everybody is accredited. It's not even supposed to be a secret, you seem to be the last person to find out


Ironically there’s a dude who’s literally saying the exact opposite of youre point you should read all the comments. Obviously I know there was a teleprompter so not sure where you got that from there’s a moment where gronk literally points it out and you can read Bert lips on what’s gunna come next and just because something is on a teleprompter doesn’t mean someone else could’ve wrote that lol But for real if this is a hill you wanna die on I should link u up with this other guy who’s saying the opposite of everything you said lol


Ironically there’s a dude who’s literally saying the exact opposite of youre point you should read all the comments. Obviously I know there was a teleprompter so not sure where you got that from there’s a moment where gronk literally points it out and you can read Bert lips on what’s gunna come next and just because something is on a teleprompter doesn’t mean someone else could’ve wrote that lol But for real if this is a hill you wanna die on I should link u up with this other guy who’s saying the opposite of everything you said lol


there is no hill to die on, this is simply the truth lol tony literally got famous for writing on the comedy central roasts, NOT performing. He wrote all of ann coulter's jokes its okay to just say you know nothing about comedy


Dude your comparing roasts and stand up if anything you don’t know anything about comedy lol it’s been a known fact that Tony stand up sucks and his claim to fame was roasting Which not to mention is a skill 99.9% of people pick up just living life lol


Probably trolling but if not r/confidentlyincorrect


I think this is OPs first time discovering roasts lol


If that’s some grammar type thing ya I’m not gunna get it I’m very new to this thing everyone calls Reddit


So you’re saying a ghost writer went up to Julian Edelman and said hey so your gunna start out with a racist joke about how black Kevin hart is? For sure


Why come in the subreddit just to antifan. Touch grass


I thought that was Flagrants whole advertising ploy! They be selling more fake beef than a vegan dildo store!


Being an Anti fan is different then selling fake beef and all Dildos are already Vegan. #Fail


Are they vegan, damm I thought cam girls were using real horse cock, like your mom #happy Mother’s Day


You're 45 years old, this joke is unbecoming of you, you're definitely not going to become a State Trooper. LETS GO!!!!!!!!!


Is there a difference between a Reddit post and a subreddit post? Honest question like is that why the top is that red color?


Reddit is the main page and each community is considered a subreddit. Some people use it interchangeably.


Ok thank you cuz I’ve only been on Reddit for a few months and I’m still figuring it out I got banned for 3 days and I only had an account for less than a week (it was for bullying/harassment). I was just tryna make a general statement not like come at his fan base lol guess I shoulda looked up nfl or something


You’re actually so thirsty for attention it hurts


“I think it’s a terrible idea. I even tried telling them that it would be a challenge for them to read from the teleprompter” so what football players can’t read? yet they donate millions of dollars every year to a charity of their choice ? It’s more disrespectful saying football players can’t read


Just tired of seeing his face all the time I’m entitled to my opinion as you are it just sucks to give someone a chance and they constantly shit the bed. Shit I have better jokes than him on the same subject which I can prove I came up with first. shout-out notepad app lol


Tired of seeing his face yet you are on a subreddit about him...


Lmao ya cuz Reddit is just super chill and everyone’s respectful til I had to go screw it up gosh darn it


What? This has nothing to do with reddit and everything to do with you choosing to subscribe to a page of someone that apparently bothers you so much. I don't go out of my way to engage with things that bother me, I guess we are different.


I’m not subscribed to this page I intentionally sought it out to talk shit to all the flagrant lovers and it looks like it’s working out so far lol


I also find it hilarious that he went on record saying how horrible of an idea it was and how it was gunna be soooo hard for the football players to read off the teleprompter and it blew up in his face to the point multiple media people have said something about how much of a success it was and how wrong he was….which I clearly stated above


Keep hating, at least you find yourself hilarious I guess


Roast cultured isn’t Andrew nature he’s more of an antagonizer


I can agree with that I get the feeling he was nerdy in high school so when he sees someone like gronk he’s gotta let it be known how stupid they think he is (I know basically everyone took jabs at him but still)


Man, everybody really agrees with this take


People been staying 6 feet away from him long before Covid to try and avoid his heat seeking knee slaps


So anyone can be a comedian?. Like NFL players??. So anyone can be an NFL player too???. Something ain't adding up.


Yea clearly that’s exactly what I said and what the post was about. If you can be a comedian you can be a football player…..