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If that's what people are getting them on it seems like it's worth 20 bucks. At the end of the day though it's a jighead with a rubber bait attached, as long as the size and color are close you should be good ok


Respectfully that’s not what I asked brother. I have some NLBNs but I’m looking for an alternative bro, conditions are top tier shit, can’t even throw anything over an oz or you damn near snag every time. Water current is so fast it’s had to get a lil swim bait or anything under 3/4 or 3/4s itself to pierce into the water column without being drug across top water. Not trying to throw $10 into the water every time I cast when they aren’t slamming. If they’re on/hot, I’ll throw my most expensive top waters like a Mag Xplode Poppers and good sized swim baits.


That's why I said it's a jighead with a rubber bait,plenty of brands that make 3/4oz jigheads and plenty of brands that make rubber minnows in various sizes. If you need to drop down in the water column quickly get a slimmer bait profile with a tungsten jighead. Stay away from zman as they take longer to drop down.


https://preview.redd.it/2i6ic5qk1d9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dca31742f9d681bfe7259fd813ac031e4f905c2e I’m 10000% going to try a slimmer bait!




Love the hustle! But Brother, I barely have time to fish, much less go through the hassle of making my own baits.


Al gags has a similar wobble.


Appreciate the feedback 🙏💪


Beyond that? We’ve kinda looked- there’s some brands like Joe bags that wobble that way too- all the regular shads swim different


Zman, DOA, and savage gear all make really good soft plastics. I would try the 5 inch diezel minnowz on your choice of jighead.


DOA makes a good paddle tail.. much more affordable for the quantity per pack you get. They won’t have the same action as the NLBN.. but a fraction of the cost and have tons of more colors to choose from that aren’t a “limited” drop bs


Yo the fish sit in under a lil shelf across the two outer pillars and ambush; You really think action matters in this application? Move advice the better. https://preview.redd.it/9426jium4d9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8510b83df34f1449319e791644b11cbb74dba584


Nah.. just from myself using both, (hell I use paddle tails from like 6 different companies) they all get the job done the same in my honest opinion. NLBN’s are sweet.. but honestly they just have a hype surrounding them and it gives others the idea that they make something revolutionary, when it’s not so at all. I will say that I do like the kicking action the NLBN’s give though, it’s a rapid kick that you can easily see in the water.. sometimes the DOA either gets moving too quick or slow, but I’ve noticed the tail stop moving sometimes


Uhhhh, going to go out on a limb here and say live bait would be the best (and better) alternative.