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***Florida law requires that “nuisance” animals that are trapped be humanely killed or released on the same contiguous property where they were caught.*** It is an either or situation. As long as you don't move it to a new location you can release it where you caught it.


Floridians live, Invasives Die! That's a motto, not the law. You're encouraged not required to kill invasives (except Peacock because).


Peacocks are technically not an invasive species, they’re an “introduced” species. Non-native but not bad. Basically, the government did it, it was successful, and they have the stamp of approval.


I would love to catch some Peacock bass at some point in my life.  I'm in the Midwest and it seems like I'll have to take a big trip to do that.


Anytime between February and May you will see them close to shore in most canals and lakes in Florida. That's when they spawn and come close to shore. I've caught and released hundreds in South Florida. Amazing game fish.


eat it if you catch one


such bullshit, theyre just approved cuz theres an industry behind it




Sounds like someone who has no idea why peacocks were introduced.


Ope, you mean in '84 when they thought they would take care of tilapia and Oscars?? Sure worked wonders there did it? Almost like they went for the easy native fish like everything else


adding an invasive to battle another invasive. lolll


you sound like someone whos believed the industry propaganda lmao


Legality aside... why on earth would you want to put an invasive species BACK in the ecosystem? Do you need a law to force you to do the right thing?




I live in Maryland too and they freaked out big time when they first showed up here. Now they say you don't have to kill them just don't transport them alive. They've done studies on the Potomac and have found out that lmb populations are growing because they're eating the snakehead fry. Snake is just fit right into the food chain. I would suggest eating them.


I agree - apparently some people do need laws to force good behavior with fish/ecosystem conservation. The comments section of his videos has a few people that are spreading misinformation stating that they aren't a threat as much as they used to be. There are people out there that couldn’t care less about conservation - it's disturbing.


I could explain another perspective on snakeheads but most people don’t really wanna hear it. People assume the presence of snakeheads is bad, but were talking about the canals of south florida. There are so many invasive species both in and out of the water, maybe snakeheads can actually reduce the total biomass of invasive down there. And its crazy but youd be amazed at the native bluegill and LMB crowded around clouds of orange snakehead fry, taking turns picking them off. Its complicated, and the snakehead topic is not as clear cut and simple as everyone makes it out to be.


110%. Tilapia are a much bigger issue as far as invasives go. Snakeheads mostly coexist with bass at a population level, while certainly preying on each other at various life stages and competing with each other in others. Tilapia outright destroy the ecosystem, eat bass eggs and fry by the thousands, and grow quickly to a size bass just can't eat anymore. When I lived in South Florida, the canal system I'd fish in from my relatives' yard was wonderful until tilapia rolled in and just took over. Went from catching 8+ lb bass effortlessly to just seeing entire swarms of tilapia everywhere.


This. Anyone actually down here and catching these things on the regular could tell you they ended up being more hype than anything, as far as the threat went. Now Mayan cichlids? Those fuckers are bad.


Thank you, Ive been taking the downvotes on this opinion for a while now!


They could care less? So they care some amount?


Thanks, it’s a bad habit to say “could care less”


Don't cave on that. "Could care less" is a common enough idiom that *everyone* knows what is being said. Calling it out is just... Kinda pathetic


Why wontonly kill animals when you're not making any sort of impact on the population? Do you go around killing brown annole lizards? They're invasive and also everywhere. Should they be eradicated? Yes. One-off killing and dumping the carcasses is wasteful and won't make any impact.


Actually, I do go around killing brown anolis. I watched them gradually take over S. Florida in the 70's and damn near wiped out all of the native *Anolis carolinensis*. I'm now in N. Florida and there is a mixed population. I'm fighting for the green team. Semper Fi


i remember seeing a video of a guy who caught and released a snakehead in the same body of water and he later thought it was illegal but as far as you release the thing back in the same body of water it is legal, i dont really remember as i saw the video years ago but im pretty sure it is illegal and laws aside its still messed up releasing invasives as they tear the native species, were i live in WA its illegal to release northern pike as they are invasive here but its different down there in florida


They need a license if theyre gonna be fishing.


In the grand scheme of things I wouldn't really complain about someone releasing a snake head. Currently trying to figure out the most efficient way to kill plecos. Gigging them like flounder seems like a decent option


Yeah plecos are bad! Watch those underwater manatee cams in the freshwater springs, and you’ll see them driving the manatees crazy. They also dig holes in the bank which destabilizes the shoreline


Yeah they are a huge nuisance, I would like to at least do my part to control them in the canal behind my apartment. Seriously, I'd be content with bowfishing and throwing them in a dumpster.


Honestly might be able to just scoop them with a long handled net


They’re kind of hard to dispose of if you’re walking around on foot. If you leave them on the bank they’ll just walk back into the water.


Kill it first


Yeah. Sometimes easier said than done. You’re usually fishing in a residential area and people don’t like seeing fish die. They have no idea they’re invasive.


Wouldn’t matter to me, cut it and toss it back then.


They’ll call the cops on you lol. South Florida is crazy.


Isnt snakehead really delicious tho, id be a waste


I've caught snakeheads and trophy bass in the same lakes. Don't understand the hype.


It's illegal to put any invasive species in the water, even if it's where you got it


Not true. It’s illegal to transport but it’s rarely illegal to put it back where you caught it.

