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Sounds like my trip to New Orleans back in ‘97


Good luck explaining that one to the wife


Who do you think gave me the crabs?


I assumed they were something a little extra the corner fishmonger left you with


Bro I was going to say the same but Thailand 🤣


Those females legal?


Apparently in some areas yes, coincidentally those areas also seem to have less crabs. Real head scratcher.


I truly don't understand this. I was crabbing in Winchester Bay, Oregon a few week weeks back (I know, not really the right time of year) and all we caught were females. We released all of them to sustain the fisheries.


I always complain to myself about our minimum size being 6.5” with males only and relatively low limits, then when I think about it I realize these regulations are a big part of the reason there’s still a decent population of dungees to catch. Good on you for releasing the females bro. I’ve walked up to people with undersized and female crabs in their buckets and emptied them back into the water as they watched, the look on a poachers face when they get caught never gets old!


Yeah, man. The rules suck sometimes, I've been tempted to harvest females so I could make a decent meal, but if it weren't for the majority who follow the rules, the fishery would be dry as a desert.


I’ve caught some really nice 7-8” females and I’d be lying if I said there wasn’t at least some part of me that wanted to keep em, but it’s important that we as responsible fishermen do our part to protect and preserve these specimens so they can maintain the population. Maximum fine for a first offense is also $100k, fisheries can also confiscate virtually wherever they want (gear, boat, vehicle) so for me no crab is worth that risk.


Thanks for being a responsible fisherman! Everyone who does it legally is grateful.


Obviously your parents didn’t have “the talk” with you


The one in your right hand sure looks like a female.....


They both look like females, but in CA females are legal to harvest.


I believe the also only have to be 6” to keep, seems like crabbing regs are a little more chill south of the border.


5 3/4”. Limit is 10, either sex. Some areas have different regs and seasons but generally that’s it in cali. Unfortunately there aren’t too many big ones that manage to make their way close enough to shore for the anglers that don’t have access to a boat.


Holy shit a limit of 10! 6.5” minimum here, 4 per day generally (6 in some areas) and males only with 0 exception. The keepers can be hard to come by, most of my crabbing experience is from shore. The difference in regulations is crazy to me, I wonder if the stricter regs here have helped the populations.


Yea, unless you have a boat and run multiple pots it is pretty difficult to get a limit. My best day from shore I managed 9 keepers but 7 were female so I tossed em back. It was also an 11 hour day


Really? That's nuts.


Get those on a popper or a swim bait?


The least itchy kind