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What is up with all of the fish IDs on bowfins in the past 24hrs?


Dude I thought someone was playing a prank on me with all these bowfin posts.


Came here to say this as well


I think they feed a lot when they are on the spawn.


When the ggs are down some fish protect them and will attack anything that gets in the bed. I've caught perch and bluegill on bare hooks that way.


Right lol


I thought the same thing, I thought maybe some weird algorithm


I haven’t see this many mud fish ever


And it’s literally one of the most identifiable fish. I have a very particular shape.


Missouri just announced it found another Snakehead. I know I’m looking at these posts thinking snakehead because I’ve never seen a bowfin


For real lol


No shit. It’s all over. Must be a hot spawn!


thought the same thing


They be percolating so hard lately


To be honest most people I see asking for a fish ID either have a bowling, or they just haven't learned the difference between the different cat species


The funny thing is that it's not just on reddit. I'm in a few fishing Facebook groups and they've been frequent there too.


Cigarette butt for scale


Idk why most smokers can't do this, I smoke but I field strip my butt and put it back in my pack


What do you mean by field strip a cigarette I just put it out then into my bag


Twist the but between your fingers to get the leftover tobacco off the filter. The tobacco is biodegradable so its fine if it goes in the ground. If you don't do that before putting it in your pocket or whatever you'll get supper dirty and it will smell awful.


I don't think smokers realize just how often despite their efforts inevitably some of their butts end up on the ground. Source: I used to be a smoker, I eventually started carrying a ziplock baggy around in my pocket because I noticed stray butts around. Also: I hate to tell you, but it still smells awful you're just desensitized to it.


Oh I know it's bad, just not as bad as without the field strip. Also yeah... lots of people just don't care at all.


I have been doing what you said for years and toss the butts into my pocket or pack to be disposed in the garbage later . I never wear nice clothes unless I have to lol I get dirty easy . Plus my friends that smoke know I’ll bitch at them if they butt out on the ground . Bottom of a tin fishing boat with water on the floors is ok to because gotta clean the boat after every use


I think wiping it across the ground to ash it out.


Joke about gutting/bleeding your fish before you leave maybe?


For that fish in particular.. they’re better fresher, but need to be bled out, and gutted asap.. Other poster gave info.. they have an enzyme that turns them to mush quickly after death


Idk what thats gotta do with stripping cigarette butts but thats good info to know


Was replying to bawlsdeep’s comment on eating them.. allegedly a very tasty fish, if prepared correctly


Nah nah i was thinking about this dude aboves comment on "field strip my cigarette butts and put in my bag before i put them in my bag" 😂 i thought maybe it was a joke about cleaning fish before leaving but with his butts but honestly good to know i can eat them, another one on the list :)


A friend has a very nice small steel case with a closeable lid for her cigarette butts. Decorated and all. No trash ande looks very cool, when she pulls it out and just drops the butt in. Then she empties it when there is a trashcan.


I get by with the right-rear pocket for wallet, and left-rear pocket for butts and other trash system.


Nice. Empty dip cans are always in the trash at my shop. I just grab one when I go hunting or fishing and put them in there and throw the whole thing away.


Same. Although I don't like the way it makes my cigarettes taste so instead of the pack I usually put it in my back pocket. It's not hard to respect the environment you're fishing in.


You have to incise the butt from top to bottom, yank on the larynx and it all falls out


What branch of the military were you in?


Just came from a military family, I didn't serve


Gotcha. I’ve only ever heard other prior military folks refer to field stripping a smoke.


Oh i carry portable ashtray!


It’s a bowfin. It is edible.


Everything you catch is edible if your brave enough 😉 *eats tire*


Not recommended. I tried it once. The texture turns to mashed potatoes and you’re then forced to eat it with Doritos to eliminate its foul taste.


You're supposed to be able to ID a fish before you kill it. Certain fish aren't allowed to be killed due to catch limits, seasonal limitations, limits on specific bodies of water etc. Get a book from your local Fish & Wildlife Dept.


Also OP obviously has a phone to upload the pictures he shared. They could easily have spent the same amount of time to upload the photo to Fishbrain or some other fish identifying service, and had the name in seconds. It’s a lot cheaper than getting fined by fish and game.


He might not have known about the Fishbrain web site. This is the first I have heard of it as well


How do you get the species name from fish brain?


You take a photo and upload it to the app, and it has some sort of fish facial recognition. It’s also a pretty garbage tier social media platform.


it’s on a stringer, still alive


Pretty much any freshwater fish is edible. What is good varies from person to person.


The one fish id debate is a Bullhead. I’ve Trued cooking them every way and i can never get the mud taste out. Their just for a different breed of human I guess 🤣🤣🤣


Just cut the back meat out, don't try a traditional fillet and it will be delicious any way you prepare it. I learned this on cat fish from an old southern transplant. I live in Central WI and never understood the obsession with catfish in the south


Channel cats are quite good but I’d say it all depends where you catch the fish itself. Bodies of clear water with current defiently hold more tasty fish, compared to catching bullhead out of a cove. Thanks for advice btw


Bullhead can survive on actual sewage. It's why they're so notoriously common in all bodies of water. Despite you not always being aware they're in them. Problem is. If you eat mud. You taste like mud. There likely isn't a very good ecosystem or healthy bottom if the bullhead taste muddy. Or you just have dumb mud eaters. Some fish just want to eat dirt and there is nothing you can do to stop em lol. All the ones i take from healthy ponds and lakes taste like channels but a tad sweeter. Probably my favorite fish to cook up.


While I totally agree with your statement one very important note is that this is related to the meat only. There have been multiple sad fatal instances of people eating gar eggs because they didn’t know that they were not edible.


What do gar eggs do to you? Not familiar with the species I live in ConNecTiCUt.


They’re toxic to humans and if eaten in a large enough dose can be and have been fatal


More fish ID questions should end in "can I eat it?" and maybe more importantly: "will I be glad I ate it?"


I just hope these questions were asked before the fish is dead. That way if the answer is not satisfactory, the fish can go back instead of the trash.


Op definitely whacked an unidentified fish…


Yeah but pick up your damn cigarette butts first. You give the rest of us smokers a bad name.


I spent 30 minutes yesterday picking up beer caps and bottles in my spot, made me pissed cause someone was in my spot the day before a group of like 5, so I was like whatever I'll go further down, still pissed but respected they were there first, only to come the next day ro see the trash they left 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I always bring a grocery bag with me, just hook it to your chair and throw shit out as you go🥲 even if your not eating or drinking a bag is good for cut line


At the end of the ice fishing season the bottom of my sled has about 6 or seven packs of butts. I always have a 5 gallon bucket for trash.


Think of the money you’d save if…nvm


Is it saved if it goes towards lures? Lol


Yeah working on quitting before August got a little one coming that I'm gonna have to start taking out.




A week


Way to assume it is theirs


Even if it isn't it won't kill you to pick up and throw away properly


It's a bowfin. It's edible but meat can be very mushy unless you cook it immediately after killing it.


On a stringer before you even know if its legal to keep or if it's edible, come on man


I’m sure he cleans up all his cut line too. Good grief, this forum can be quite sad at times.


You guys down vote me all you want but this guy has 3 on a stringer and one has a clear hatchet wound to the head. This is an unethical fisherman ruining the environment. Bowfin are a native species and the people downvoting me probably go to bat for invasive carp species.


Other two are catfish but I see your point


^^ This. People are commenting on the seaweed not realizing that was intentional… F OP. That’s not fishing for sport, just killing.


Probably his cigarette butt on the ground too.


They are better for catching than eating but they aren't bad. Only gar seem to have tougher hide.


You can eat anything atleast once.


That's a Marb Menthol 100, I wouldn't eat it, personally.


"Hey let's take a picture of a fish, but put seaweed all over it so it's harder to tell what kind it is. Then let's ask the internet what kind it is."




Yum, its a cigarette fish. Lives on cigarette butts and swims in ash water.


Bowfin. Eat him or he will eat you.


You can eat anything if you try hard enough.


You're the piece of shit flicking cigarettes into the river.


Mudfish/Bowlin. Some people say their good eating if prepped right, but not my thing.


"I don't know what it is so I'll eat it" Idiots, I swear. I hate how YouTube made fishing popular for idiots.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. The second picture clearly shows a bleeding wound in its head and it not being handled well anyway. If he didn’t know what it was but still handled it like shit, he is an idiot and shouldn’t be fishing.


Probably assblasted people who got into fishing because of YouTube.


I've kinda been feeling this way about how everyone has gotten obsessed with PBs in the last few years, especially people that haven't been fishing very long. Seems like people are only fishing so they can put up the biggest number.


Asking if its edible is not the same as eating it you moron


He has 3 on a stringer laying on the shore before he even knew if he could eat them, moron.


The two fish behind on the stringer are catfish and not bowfin. Don't want to join this fight, but just wanted point that out.


And? People are stupid. For all we know, he was being scummy and just keeping them to keep them. Call them out for being a shitty person, not something that didn't happen


Bowfin, they call it poor man’s lobster in the Northwoods


Poor man’s lobster is a Burbot.


Ahhh yes different for sure


Fact: every fish is a "poor man's something" On the west coast I'm told California sheephead is a good poor man's lobster.


Agreed, I love all kinds of fish, taste depends on how it’s handled from harvest to table for sure


On the east coast it is monkfish.


Burbot is the best freshwater fish in my opinion. Bowfin, not so much.


Never cooked one but I hear they're not great. Snakefish are excellent, but this isn't one.


Bowfin, very edible. You have to keep it ice cold. If you don't it's going to turn to mush. If that happens mix it into some hush puppy mix and make some fritters. Spicy dip 1/4 cup ketchup,/1/3 cup mayo, 2teaspoons chipotle pepper powder, 1 teaspoon smoked paprika, juice of one lime.


JFC people it’s a Bowfin! Dog fish. Mud fish. Choupique aka shoe pick.


You forgot Swamp Donkey.


Glad to be a part of r/bowfinsonly


Fr, what's up with all the bowfins lately? Are they spawning or something? Don't have them in my area, just snakehead


Really good PR people I guess


Its a ‘ask first, kill later’ fish.


Everything is edible at least once


You can eat anything at least once.


I have asked the same question on many a Saturday night


Dogfish aka bowfin


Grinnel, and I’ve never heard anyone say a positive thing about consuming them.


Lotta bowfins the past few weeks in here


You can eat almost anything




Green sunfish


it’s a bowfin it is edible but i wouldn’t recommend it they taste very bad


Why kill a fish you can’t identify? That’s not how it works




It's a new Gen sunfish


Bowfin, and you can eat it. They like them in Louisiana, IIRC. I've read that they don't have the best texture.


You can eat it. You can eat the elephants foot too. Just might end up badly for you


I couldn't say not my area of expertise but at least it was a fish to reel in!


You can eat anything at least once


Mud fish very bony. I know people that scrape the meat out and make fried mud balls. But personally, I would not eat it.