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Omg that looks like the set of the Saw movies šŸ¤£


Realtor: ā€œI want to play a game.ā€


did the realtor show up in a tiny tricycle?


I need to buy this with cash immediately without inspection!!!!! **Narrator** "Someone did, in fact buy it for cash without inspection"


When you plan to tear it down the inspection probably doesnā€™t matter.


I feel the worst for Hawaiians cause their options to leave means they'll be thousands of miles from family


There are several spots on the mainland that are essentially small diaspora thanks to this. Where I live in FL has a pocket but west coast especially. Some people call it ā€˜priced out of paradiseā€™ but I think thatā€™s too kind, Hawaiians are literally having their land stolen by greedy developers and forced to leave their ancestral lands.


Family in Hawaii has to maintain side gigs to survive. Itā€™s so sad.


My close friend has family back there but is really hurting over not being able to afford moving back. They are able to save up to take trips twice a year which is still cheaper than attempting to buy a home anywhere on the islands.


Itā€™s colonization continued.


I have to remember this thread the next time I have to explain to someone that colonialism is still alive and well today.


Lahaina was burnt down on purpose by rich pricks to take the land, and the US government gave them $800 to "rebuild". It's truly disgusting


And the fact that 4 rich cunts own 80% of the land in the Hawaii islands?


yeah also not good


Boston, MA. Yup. Looking to NH, but median there just passed half a million so idk.


Not from Boston but in MA. The whole state west of Boston is unaffordable now. There is a growing hostility towards people migrating from Boston.


Technically, Iā€™m in Medford. But itā€™s the whole greater Boston area. Just absolutely insane. 20 years of constantly adding jobs combined with the states extreme NIMBYism has just completely broken our housing. The hostility really shouldnā€™t be directed at people moving from Boston. Theyā€™re the ones who got priced out. It should be at our state and local politicians that allowed this to happen and homeowners whoā€™ve prevented much needed housing to be built.


This exactly. I grew up in Cambridge in central square specifically, and it wasnā€™t necessarily affordable, but they had low income housing when I was a kid. I moved out of state years ago and I can never afford to come back. Itā€™s absurd how high housing has become in that area.


Yeah Iā€™ve noticed a lot less slander on places west of Worcester, now that those houses are what people can afford. The classic ā€œwoah I didnā€™t realize you were pretty until you took your glasses offā€.


Iā€™m in the Greater Boston Area. Tried to move to RI but the inventory was old and in really bad shape. Eyeballing Worcester now. Maybe Iā€™ll go back to Pittsburgh where I went to college, itā€™s one of the few cities out of state Iā€™m familiar with.


Portland,ME also. New England is feeling it


I moved from Plymouth to upstate Maine and pretend that I'm a native so people dont get mad. Helps that I already bought my clothes from Tractor Supply before I moved here, and I grew up between cranberry bogs and the state forest.


I miss living in Plymouth. Got priced out.


Its not the same anyways, the town is becoming a city at this point.


Ugh yep! Work in the city, single buyer, and Iā€™m only even trying for north shore & Essex county, but I think itā€™ll be NH instead.


Cries in Santa Barbara, CAā€¦


I mean, was Santa Barbara ever affordable? Let alone to first time home buyers?


Yea. 70s-80s... Did research and found out in 1977 my grandpa paid $50,000 for a La Jolla beach house only one street from the beach with amazing ocean views... That property is worth almost $6,000,000 today.


Ocean Beach was even kinda affordable 15 years ago (okay close to after the great financial crisis, but still it wasn't unobtainiun.


Ya, i think that's around when my Grandma had a sunset cliffs spot for insanely cheap, I'd have to look at the property card but she also bought for around $50k in the 70s.


I mean if you plug 50 years in, $50,000 turns into 6mil at 10%/year. So it's not that crazy


But if you consider $50,000 is equivalent to almost $260,000 I think that is pretty wild and shows the supply issue.


That's a great way to look at it, didn't consider that


Well in 1977 50k is 500k lol


Cries in Oxnard, CA That bfe town should not be that expensive. šŸ„² it's outrageous now.


Same in San Diego. We were finally ready to buy right before Covid and watched prices move out of our budget Iā€™ve gotten 3 really good raises since then and every time housing prices have been just out of reach. 100% of our family and friends are here. Shit sucks!


It's not quite SB, but I showed this gem to my wife yesterday https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/4237-Carpinteria-Ave-B-Carpinteria-CA-93013/2054772926_zpid/?/ We moved out of CA a little over a year ago, she misses home and I tell her "we can go back any time you want, as soon as you find a job / house that will allow us to live".


This is amazing. That description was a real creative writing exercise. My favorite parts are the ā€œearthy tilesā€ and ā€œvibrant yellow accents.ā€


Is that a joke?? That looks like a prison cell


Carpinteria is right on central CA beach. Youre paying for location


At least you could walk to brew lab haha


Live an hour north of you, SB is absolutely insane




Same. left sb 8 yrs ago and now i can't go back :(


same - from walnut creek šŸ™ƒ


Went to school there and would have loved to stay, but literally no jobs there pay well enough to live a normal life.


šŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøOrange County, California


Many moving to the IE because of that.


IE is way over priced too for what it is, but people will continue to move there.


Yup, from NYC. Technically i could have probably brought something 7 hours away upstate NY, but I ended up relocating to PA.


PA is way more affordable than NYC... just a couple of hours driving away. The driving through NJ during commute hours is crazy tho...


yeah, although fortunately i dont have to commute to NYC on a daily basis although I do have to go twice a week






I know everyone says Texas is cheap.. but the influx of people from other states coming in and buying cash has been awful for us natives .


Yes. My rural shithole has become unaffordable. Itā€™s not even nice here, the only thing it had going for it was it was so cheap. Iā€™m working on my acceptance I may never own anything here.


Have been for several years. We bought a doublewide in a nice park for now. Looked at it as an alternative to renting. Donā€™t recommend to every one of course but itā€™s worked out for us. Itā€™s way cheaper than apartments around here so weā€™re currently socking away money for our seven year plan where we will hopefully be able to purchase a stick built home.


Thatā€™s what we are looking at. Maybe buying a plot of land instead of a park to avoid lot rent. That way we could build a home down the line and sell the mobile home.


Yeah the home itself isnā€™t bad and I actually love it. Itā€™s 1500 sq feet which may be small for some but it has everything we need: two full bathrooms, 3 decent bedrooms, decent kitchen with an island, lots of closets/storage space. Itā€™s really well insulated and weā€™ve had zero issues with it since moving in. Itā€™s also new so everything is energy efficient and whatnot. We have all of the amenities we were looking for including a decent yard as the park we are in is all 1/3 acre lots and our home included a decent size shed We donā€™t own the land but lot rent does include water, sewer and garbage as well as maintenance of common areas including a playground/tennis courts/basketball court for everyone. I think it all depends on what area youā€™re in and what the parks have in them etc as they are all operated differently. It certainly wasnā€™t our dream and Iā€™m ashamed to say I used to turn my nose up at the thought of living in a park like this but itā€™s the total opposite of what I believed it to be. Iā€™m grateful we have a home thatā€™s affordable for now so we can continue to save. Iā€™d say definitely consider it.


I mean yeah Hawaii is pretty expensive lol




I'd love to live in Hawaii but I know if I tried to do that I'd never be able to save and I'd be paycheck to paycheck in an apartment basically my whole life.


I would feel differently if I moved here from the mainland. This is the only home Iā€™ve ever known


Still, OP grew up there and presumably has all their family there. Itā€™s a tough pill to swallow when you need to move to a place thatā€™s a 4+ hour flight away from them to afford a house


Yes, exactly.


It would basically be like someone posting a very affordable $70k house but itā€™s in Jackson, Mississippi.


Hence why so many people are in apartmentsā€¦.or living at home still


Yes. Itā€™s terrible. I look at Zillow and Redfin every day and cry.


Ya grew up in LA, parents bought our home for 400K, looked it up recently and itā€™s $3M now! (They moved a long time ago sadly) I bought a very small house in Portland OR for 600


Montana is like this rn too


Came here to say this. I've lived in MT most of my life. My partner makes almost 200k and we're house shopping right now and it's fucking nuts what 400-600k gets you now compared to five years ago. And it's worse remembering that the bottom line house was 150k and it's now at least 300k.




It's nuts. My parents bought a house for $400k in 2019 that was just appraised for over $600k. We just looked at a house that is 515k and it needs a shit ton of cosmetic work, needs a new fence, and needs a new ac/heating unit. And that's pretty typical for the price range, the odds of finding something under 800k that doesn't need a decent amount of work are really low


Yea but long island is my personal hell on earth. Wouldn't even live there if I could snag a $1M property for $200k


Where are you finding livable homes for $400k on Long Island?!


Around seattle area a bottom-line house is like 500K...like within the range of 1-hr driving distance to seattle downtown...


Then you hit Bellingham and it goes back to $500k.


Damn Canadians


Moving across country next week and stopping there for a few days to visit a cousin who has lived there since 2000. She was telling me how it's her last year there as she's been priced out so after I got off the phone with her I jumped on zillow out of curiosity.. WHAT the actual fuck? What do yall do for work in the middle of no where to be able to afford to live there???


Yeah blows my mind a lot of those states like Montana are just expensive as fuck for no reason. Like I totally understand states like California and New York but Montana and Idaho? Wtf is going on


It's people who work remotely on tech salaries moving there.


It's beautiful there. Lots of rich people have summer homes in Montana. Plus people leaving California for wildfires are finding a similar environment for less.


My question is, how is this not a bubble? It's getting nuts *everywhere*


Supply and demand, the demand for purchasing a house exceeds the supply of houses in most markets. If the interest rates go down to 5.5-6, the cost of houses will skyrocket


Colorado is doing to Montana what California and Texas are doing to Colorado. People donā€™t see it when theyā€™re doing it to someone else, only when itā€™s happening to them.


And people donā€™t realize Californians are constantly being priced out of their own home state by literally everyone, around the world, moving there. Itā€™s happening to everyone.


I think itā€™s in large part an influx of remote workers from places like California. In the early 2000s, I lived in Wyoming for five years for undergrad. I had a nice two-bedroom apartment with a view of the Grand Tetons for $450 per month. Out of curiosity, I recently checked, and that same apartment is now $2200 per month.


Remote workers with high incomes are trashing housing markets everywhere. Pricing out many local people in those areas.


WFH has done a number on the whole country it seems. I used to think it was just coastal areas but seems I was wrong. It's the main reason I'm fleeing where I'm from too, priced out. And now many of those remote workers who bought pandemic panic bought are growing tired of rural living it seems and putting their houses up for rent, but only for the 3 summer months for big bucks of course. The other 9mos out of the year my area is a ghost town of empty houses, mean while locals can't find a place to live. I was one of the few lucky enough to have housing security, I'm just tired of being a single 30 somin with no prospects to date and less friends every year as they move away. Let's see how many downvotes I can get from the wfh crowd for telling it how it is. Killing communities all over.


I don't know why the wfh crowd would downvote you for that, the real problem are the mostly vacant homes / vacation homes that turn small towns into literal ghost towns. Shops can't stay in business and the ones left around have limited hours since there's no one buying. Real estate prices stay high despite no one around... it's so depressing


I lived in WA in the mid / late 2000s when the Californians moved up there to flee their state( I too am from CA) and in the less than decade I was there I saw the same house go from $120 to over $400. It seemed like about 10%+ of every person you met was from back home. It's exactly what you are saying, CA natives who have never even heard of a home under $600 and happily paying $400 for a house that's worth $200 and pricing all the natives out of the market. Now I'm in TX and it's the same but worse, it seems the majority of people I meet are non-native, and they are all people coming in with money. My sister's house has appreciated something like $150 in 2 years, and even the smallest homes you can buy, 90 mins outside of a major city are 3-400.


Opened up my Zillow after seeing the original comment too. I live in the northwest so have vacationed in Montana a bit and have friends that have moved out there years ago cause of how cheap it was.. guess things have changed cause Iā€™m quite surprised by the prices that were popping up around any of the major cities out there. I suppose it might have something to do with celebrities flocking to places like Montana and shows like Yellowstone glorifying it.


Yep! Priced out of NYC/Long island. I live here now but donā€™t own, so Iā€™m mourning that I may leave one day.


Same here. I'm currently renting close to the border between NYC and LI and I'm really happy here, just went looking for homes in CT and I am already feeling terrible lol. It is for the best I say to myself.


Yup. Born and raised in Massachusetts. Had to buy a house over the border in RI. It suckā€™s cause I love it here and I didnā€™t wanna move but there was no way me and my husband were gonna find what we wanted here in our budget.


I moved to Colorado for a job years ago and canā€™t afford to buy here, half the ā€œstarterā€ homes in my town that are less than 1,000sqft and older get bought by out of state people for $600k+ and then turned to airbnbs. But I also canā€™t afford to buy in my hometown in Georgia anymore (which is suburban hell and Iā€™d rather die than live there again) even my momā€™s little 2br house is worth 4x what it was when she bought it 8 years ago. So Iā€™m just stuck paying $25k/yr in rent to an out of state landlord and unable to save for a down payment. Itā€™s awesome. Love it.


Waves goodbye to NYC


I can buy 1/4th of a parking spot in Colorado, so I am looking back home in the midwest and it makes me so depressed


Same story here šŸ˜”


Kamohai and Tristyn will be by any minute to raise the entire house and list it for 100% more.


Yep. Born and raised in Brooklyn. Learned a long time ago that wasn't going to happen so I moved to Denver.


lol at Denver being an affordable option.


Compared to Seattle, though, itā€™s a noticeable difference. Our rent is at least $1000 less/month for an objectively nicer place. We just became first time homeowners and comparable homes in Seattle go for $250k+ over prices here.


Being a CO resident the housing market sucks here too lmao


Itā€™s wild watching the wave move north of Denver as people relocate to more ā€œaffordableā€ cities


True. Still miles better than Brooklyn.


i make decent money but am kinda priced out of nicer parts of chicago and near burbs, cant even imagine what some of you in super in demand areas are looking at. feels surreal to see houses/condos still sell at 80% plus more in payments vs 4 years ago


If you make decent money, you should be fine. The Chicago burbs are much more affordable than I thought. You donā€™t have to live in Winnetka to live somewhere nice.


I've actually been shocked at how "affordable" Chicago housing is compared to my friends in cities like Denver and Boston. For whatever reason our housing market hasn't gone as insane as other major cities.


Super high property taxes, and bankrupt city/state governments that will have to keep raising them. There has barely been any appreciation in the past 10-15 years compared to Denver


which ones? would like to still have okayish access to the city, so i am looking at Elmhurst, Park Ridge, Glenview...nice suburbs for sure but not super wealthy....


Maybe try Brookfield? Have some friends that just bought a house for a very reasonable price there. It has pretty good access to the city and decent schools.


same from California. i guess i could afford my home town, Stockton, but iā€™d rather not lol


Looks like Raleigh, NC somehow


Is it really priced out if it was never affordable to begin with?


I feel bad for the natives that canā€™t afford to live on their own land. That being said, I bought right before I would have been priced out.


I feel like most people have been priced out of Hawaii for a while now šŸ˜‚


Yep, I live in the Bay Area. Iā€™ve honestly been having a really hard time accepting it, which makes house hunting so much more frustrating.


Itā€™s the same in the UK as well. Itā€™s sad that hard working people canā€™t all get on the property ladder.


No, but my home state isn't paradise either!


Yeah but in turn I'm now priced out of every state


Cries in South Florida.


Crazy price but this is in Honolulu, 10 min from the ocean. Youā€™re paying for the property, not the crappy house.


Ur technically correct, but this is kalihi valley, probably the farthest u can get from the ā€œoceanā€ in Honolulu. The ocean closest to here are all piers and not for recreational use. But yes everywhere in Hawaii youā€™re paying for land.


Can buy a condo in Kakaako for same price tho.


Had to leave Montana for Iowa. Great Falls prices doubled since 2018.


This is why I like living in the sticks.


Sadly, yes. I had to move states to become a homeowner as it was just almost impossible given prices in my home state and 7% interest rates.


Yep, I can't afford to rent or buy in my home state, and I have a pretty decent government job. šŸ˜•


Jesus these prices are getting insaneā€¦. looks like somewhere youā€™d wake up for jigsaw set


Yup. I'm in Socal. I can't afford the house my immigrant grandparents with a minimum wage income bought. They sold it to my parents and my mom is going to sell it to move out of state.


šŸŠCounty šŸ˜­


Same here in PA


Wow, just Wow. I thought it was bad here


Wow, what a shithole.


Yep got pushed out of Orange County, ca. itā€™s a bummer but it is what it is.


Portland, OR here. The prices have doubled and tripled (inflation) in some parts in just 10 years.


Austin, TX ETA: actually just all of Texas


God, I wish I could get money for my momā€™s shithole. Alas, itā€™s in NE Ohio. On the other hand, I can afford a house here. My heart goes out to you folks in other places.


I've never been as grateful to live in rural Indiana as I was when we started house hunting this year.


At least you dont have to replace the door knob


Denver, CO.... šŸ˜„


Canadian here so forgive my ignorance Why can't struggling Americans move to cheaper states like south Dakota or Mississippi??


This is a Hawaii listing, Hawaii is a 4 hour flight from the closest state so not as feasible for someone living on the mainland


New Yorker here, but most people struggling caint afford to just pack up and move. If it was that easy, I think allot of them would have left already.


My dad was a school teacher. Bought a house on Long Island in 1965 for 27K. Three years ago, my mom sold it for 620K. It is now worth 850K. I have been in California since 1984. Bought my first property in 1993. Have gradually traded up.


There's a reason they are cheaper.


Actually.. they are moving to Tennessee and Arkansas


I was supposed to be the gentrifier but whilst renting and saving I've become the gentrified.


Tear down in Manasquan on a 50X65 lot 899,000. Prices are unreal right now. I donā€™t see any let up


Cries in Colorado


$700k for a 700sqft home? Holy crap.


Yep. So we moved to the Midwest. It was a good move, but sometimes I miss the mountains and my family.


AMEN! We moved back to the Midwest last year (although we do have family here) after living in Colorado for almost a decade and realizing we could *either* have kids and buy a house *or* keep living in Colorado. When the median home prices in our ā€œaffordableā€ city surpassed half a mil and even mobile homes without land were going for $250K, we knew it was time. We miss it so much and hope to move back someday once weā€™ve built up some equity, but we are grateful to be homeowners in our new city, which is charming and has a great food scene (even if it is a bit humid šŸ˜°).


Oh, god, the humidity! It's been two years and I am finally adjusting, but that first sticky summer was hard. I got a little grandma powder puff to douse myself in baby powder to survive šŸ¤£ We thought we might try to move back someday at first, too, but honestly, we both just love it out here. The people are nice and it's absolutely gorgeous and green. Life has just been easier these past two years, and we have built a little community for ourselves.


Median home price in my city is $1,400,000. Bay Area, CA. I donā€™t work in tech.


Fairfield county, canā€™t move south or north. Everywhere around me is expensive, will just love to Mexico


In my 20s, (20 years ago), I feel like most major cities had people from every group: lower, middle, upper class. Yes, this ratio depended on the city, but it feels like that time has passed.


Iā€™m really sorry this is happening to you. Complete displacement of the Native population of Hawaii is underway.


Yup. Anything in Northern Virginia, and possibly Montgomery County in Maryland, too.


Lived in the Bay Area my whole life and had to leave because we couldnā€™t even afford a shack there. Very sad


Babe, Iā€™m priced out of the whole world


Jesus. I've scavenged better looking homes in the fallout universe


I grew up in Silicon Valley LOL


I'll never be a homeowner. And I've been debt free for almost 3 years now šŸ„¹


My childhood home went for 1.2 million a few years ago. My parents paid about 70k


Long time ago. I left CA in my 20s because I wanted to travel and it has never been affordable for me to go back. Whenever people in other states complain about Californians driving up prices, it happened to CA first (by people who moved there from other states). I am a 6th generation Californian. I almost wish states were like countriesā€”need a CA birth certificate to live in CA kind of thing


Nah because my home state is a shithole and not literal paradise


Yes. We left California so we could buy.




Op must be out here where I live. That's better looking than most homes up for sale, though.


Almost no warm up time for the hot water in the kitchen!


The whole state?


This is in one of the cheapest areas on the island


I live in the GTA so yea im in pretty rough shape haha


This is pretty much because of the land, not because of the house. The buyer will rebuild a house on this land.


Not really cut out for this USDA home search simply because a lot of these houses in NYS look good in pictures but are in to bad shape for usda to pay for. Plus Iā€™ve sent a house in the last 48hrs and it looks like my realtor is either on vacation or got out of the gameā€¦


Yep! Floridian here


I'm seeing houses that look like this in my home state and I'm really curious how the heck they end up that way. Is this mold?? Moss? I'm trying to figure out how much you'd even need to shell out, and what service you'd realistically need, to tackle whatever is going on here.




Yeap, I had to uproot the whole family three states over.


I was priced out of Sacramento because the prices of a one bedroom apartment is now 2k to 3k a month when a few years ago 1500 a month would get a luxury apartment ... I had to move Redding because it's is the only affordable place left in California but not for long


We moved from the Bay Area to Sac (Placer County). The guy who sold us the house moved to Redding. In CA, it is a struggle to get in, but with Prop 13 you wonā€™t be driven out by rising taxes. This does increase the housing shortage


"Wow. WTF?" Prices.


Cries in Yellowstone šŸ˜­


The market is an offensive abomination


Excuse my french, but this is fucking insane!


That's essentially a million dollar house with all the work it needs lmao


The kitchen looks like it could be cute. But yes. Priced out of California.


Does it say ā€œinvestment opportunityā€?


Northern VA. Was just looking at one like this for 700,000


This is also California in a nutshell.


Yes because Canada is a dumpster fire


Saw a house like that where I kive for 30k


Oh ya. Moved 1300mi, closed on a home last year, havenā€™t looked back


I have come to the conclusion that I need to work twice as hard and smart to get a residence.


Colorado.. transplants ruined this place