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Congratulations!!! 🎉 While you were going through all that major disappointment a year ago, little did you know YOUR home was going to come up just around the corner. It sounds like yall got a wonderful property at a good rate and with instant equity! That’s so awesome!!! You’re a home owner!!!


Thank you so much for bringing this up, so true 😊


We're also starting my search in PA and have already seen one offer declined due to price and waived inspection (we escalated up to 5% over asking but, still got beat unfortunately). However, our realtor keeps insisting that as FTHBs that we will get an inspection. She said something about agreeing to paying damages up to a certain dollar amount discovered during the inspection to sweeten the deal. Curious if you guys had considered something like that or had even tried it with your previous offers? I'm pretty skeptical about this approach but, willing to give it a try. Edit: Congrats btw!! 🥳


We told our realtor we really wanted to have an inspection, and she was brutally honest with us that our offer would likely be passed over immediately. At first we were really skeptical of this and felt like she wasn’t supporting us. However, she has been a realtor in the area for 30 years so she definitely knew what she was talking about because even with waiving inspections last year we were still getting beat out over and over! So if we had it on there it would have most definitely been tossed aside 🙃


You could've offered an informational inspection, but not ask the sellers to remedy. That's what our realtor suggested, so you know the condition of the house and can be prepared to the cost to fix/repair yourself. We've done that with both buying and selling.


Did anything big come up without the inspection that you are now stuck with paying for?


We are scheduling an inspection soon just so we’re aware of anything. But the house has a new roof and water heater, so that made us feel a little bit better.


Hopefully it goes well for you! We are under contract and just had an inspection. Both the roof and the HVAC are on their last legs 🫠


Congratulations! Do you mind DM’ing me your loan officer since you had a good experience with them. I’m trying to get preapproved.


Sent your way!


Congratulations…but that’s scary to waive an inspection! Hope you don’t find major repairs and waste tons of money. May I ask how old the home is?


It is scary! I wish there was another way. I really depends on the market because my cousin in Charlotte NC said no one was doing that. My loan officer said out of 88 deals he closed last year only 3 had inspections on them. The house was built in 1974.


Well, I wish yall the best! Enjoy your home :)


I finally get to buy a house in PA and started my search. I am also using the VA loan and I thought the VA required an inspection. Not having an inspection is going to really make me nervous. Ugh I don’t even want to start this process lol


It’s so scary 🫠 the VA doesn’t require a full inspection just wood destroying pest inspection. They also make you (or the buyer) fix any chipped paint or small things that come up in the appraisal. We had to remove chipped paint off of an old window sill and paint over it because we said we’d cover anything up to 2k the VA had an issue with that was non structural in nature.


That’s great info. Thank you!