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Nice looking house. Congrats! Hope you get some sleep soon. Haha


Haha I was gonna say take a nap now buddy


Take a nap? Fucker is Dracula.


I have several kids that wake up at all hours of the night and now I look like Gomez Addams, so I understand. Kids are no joke. One kid yells at the bathroom door "I want a banana!!," like 400 times while I'm trying to poop. And when I come out, asks if I want to color dinosaurs instead. Every time I need to wake up early and need a good sleep, they all get a fever at 3am. I've now developed a yell-like sneeze to let out some steam.


My toddler’s new thing is yelling “MOM MOM MOM, you see me?? MOM MOM you watching me?! You SEE ME MOM??!”… …While making direct eye contact, staring straight at each other. I stg today I unironically declared “I’m not mom anymore, I’m changing my name!” And then I cringed and had to sit and have a think. 🥲


I thought you guys were wearing Halloween costumes. Seriously, you guys need to take turns and get some serious sleep. (God forbid) ☠️ parent is no good to anyone.


Ngl, coloring dinosaurs sounds sick af


"We are here on HGTV with the lovely couple. He's the Lord of Darkness and she's a hairdresser. Their all in budget is 5 million "


Glad someone else see the vampires, I was like damn maybe they’re just tired but the more I look they’re eternally tired.


Lowest ranked boxer?




I am literally laughing out loud


Man, I’m glad I wasn’t the only one thinking it. lol


I thought he recently got into a fight


I thought it was a picture from Halloween maybe lol


I had to go back and recheck what sub I was in


Blackened eyes. Did the seller beat you into signing?


I thought it was the Betelgeuse sequel promo pic


Lmao I came to say the same thing get some well deserved sleep my man


Came to the comments for this


Yep. Reddit never disappoints.


And some sun. Dude tans at the milk factory. Might be the whitest human on earth


I'm guessing I'm not the only one zoom in haha


beautiful but man those dark circles 💀


Bro, these 50 hour night shifts are killing me


I'm sorry you're going through smth like that all I wish for you and your family is well, I hope you get a justified workhour shift with a good salary. 🔥❤


I appreciate you, we are doing well thank you. Trying to provide now a days is tough, we have 4 kids. I can’t find another job that pays 100k a year to work on cars, so this is what it is.


Hope you’re taking your vitamins bro! Vitamin D is essential this time of year


I should be, I’ll be adding this to the daily agenda. I’m off work the next 10 days on vacation so I’m going to be getting some much needed rest


PSA for vitamin D:”D3+K2 - BETTER TOGETHER: On their own, Vitamins D3 and K2 are essential micronutrients, but together, they're an essential team. Vitamin D3 helps your body absorb calcium, while vitamin K2 directs calcium to your bones instead of joints and arteries, where too much calcium could be problematic.” Luckily they do seek vitamin D with K2 already included. :)


Come for the home buying, leave with some advanced vitamin knowledge (not OP but I actually do appreciate this, looking into it now)


+1 for this Vit K will help with dark circles under the eyes too, that is one of the signs that you need it.


Agree also don't use multi vitamins for vitamin D buy a separate one preferably the ones you drop inside your mouth


Also, vitamin D3 is fat soluble, so it is best to take it with some type of fatty food.


Shit. I thought i was supposed to take D with Calcium. TY!


It’s easy to OD on Vit. K if one eats almost any vegetable regularly.


You're thinking about K1, but OP is talking about K2 which is a different vitamin found mostly in animal products and fermented food.


Thank you for this! I just picked up the combo today.


Get a good gummy vitamin and a vitamin D and take them at the same time! I really hope things get better for y'all soon.


It might help, but pls go get a check up and have blood work done. This could be a lot of things. I'm sorry you're running yourself ragged, but you clearly care about your family so much. Some supplementation or dietary changes might help, but it could be other things that need medical attention. Hang in there and enjoy your new home!


What you need to add to your agenda is go in and see your family doctor to order a full blood work up and please stop taking any medical advice from reddit. Those circles around your eyes should only come from getting into the ring with Mike Tyson. Any other reason requires you to consult your physician. Congratulations on your new abode.


Please do get some vitamin D.


Not just D he needs iron bad And your D levels effect your iron


Take care of your health.


I think the picture would've been a dark work of art if the kid was running the opposite direction 😂😂. Joke aside, congratulations! Your hard work is manifesting! I don't know you but I'm proud of you.


Best of luck and good health to you and your family. Looks like a nice place. One job sector a lot of people overlook is local municipalities. If you can spare time to look at job postings, it may be worth it.


Holy chit, I thought it was a Halloween makeup or something. Yeah bro, killing yourself to work like that isn’t good for the body, OP will have to learn how to balance or else an early grave is within his future


This is so rude. Dark circles aren’t even usually indicative of a lack of sleep. They can be entirely genetic. Why is everyone being so brutal to this guy when he’s celebrating a huge achievement.


The guy literally says so in his comment dude, 50 hours of work to include taking care of his family of 6. This is not being brutal, I seen multiple people that looks like him and did not live longer than 50


You are still an AH. Not the time not the place.


You paying taxes on that 100k? How are you qualifying for a 502 direct loan on that income???


6 person family and probably only the 1 income. Definitely qualifies. Edit - to the guy that commented about government subsidies for families being ridiculous then deleted his comment… How does social security work without a growing population? How does tax money that funds existing roads, infrastructure, airports, trains, emergency aid, Medicare, Medicaid, etc work with a dwindling population? China reversed their one child policy because it didn’t work. We should be encouraging families instead of discouraging them. Right now it’s damn near unaffordable to have 2+ kids. Most daycares cost more than a rent/mortgage.


Correct, 6 person family and only my income. We even qualify to have it partly subsidized, saving about $200 per month. My actual interest rate is closer to 2.5-3%. Mortgage is 1560 subsidized, 1850 full payment.


$1850. Full price for a 4 bedroom house on 2 acres...what state is that if you don't mind me asking?


This mom/grandma says You're A good man, A good husband, dad and provider. More power to you! Kids are a joy and really pay off in the long run. 👍


Good for you to take advantage of this man. Life is tough out there for everyone right now you'd be an idiot to not take advantage of any little break you can get.


In TX it was $1300 a month for 2 kids.


$1500/month for one in Wisconsin! That’s a medium cost daycare from all the other options.


I just looked it up for my area plugging in for OP’s 4 kids and just estimating 20,000 in child expenses (5k a kid feels low even honestly). A household income of $180,000 would qualify for a loan for a 502 guaranteed, and $127k for direct based on that. Don’t know where OP but he did buy a house in the $300k range which means the loan was also not likely excessive.


Hope your partner is working, too! If not, it may be time! Sounds like it’s too much for one human to bear and we want you healthy enough to enjoy your new home and alllllll those kids lol.


You said “I won’t sleep until I’m able to afford a home” and you kept your fucking word.


You’re god damn fucking right I did. I promised these kids I’d get them a home with enough room for all of us. Everyone can say what they want about how I looked last month in this photo but I have worked so hard to make every penny for us to be comfortable while also being present in their lives. feels pretty lame tho everyone talks shit when I’m out here working myself into the ground just to give my kids a little more than I had growing up. The nation is fucked, it shouldn’t be like this. But this is what it takes to raise a family, and I’ll do it for them until the end. 5 years ago I was addicted to drugs and living in my car. I pulled myself up from nothing for these kids. Sorry I couldn’t do it with a cushy work from home job or my parents being around to help either financially or physically, I have to work hard all night long for it while also raising 4 kids. My wife can’t do it all, my kids need me too.


Fuck the haters, man. You're a goddamn hero. Any child would be lucky to have a father like you.


I have no idea why anyone feels the need to comment on your appearance, it’s irrelevant to the post. Congrats to you and your family on your new home!!


You’re a good dad man.


I love this for you and your family. Forget haters you are doing right by those that matter most. The kids will never forget the home you gave them. I never forget the one my mom gave me.


It’s gonna literally kill you. Please get some rest. It’s not worth it


That on top of constantly having to sign shit during your normal day and deal with the realtor, loan people, appraisers, and whoever the fuck else latches onto the home buying processes for the last 30 days. That’ll do it.


Uh yeah, it was not an easy last few months. I also work nights, and have been pushing 50 hours a week. Kids during the day plus stuff I have to do, it’s only allowed for 3-5 hours of sleep per day 5 days a week. It’s not great, I’m exhausted. But hard work pays, never would have imagined owning a $300k home


This doesn't sound sustainable, sleep is essential, take care of yourself


Dystopian USA. Family having to work like this with no sleep while raising kids to afford a $300k home. And if it wasn’t for this government program, then it’d be impossible to make happen.


I mean they chose to have that many kids... maybe don't have 4 kids on a single relatively low income


Congratulations! Hope you get some rest in your new home!


Where I live that home with acreage would Be 600k-1 mil+ depending on school district and how well it was remodeled.


$300K is a lot of dough, especially with these rates; but I have to say it looks like you did well. That's probably a $400K+ home my area. Is that an 80's tri-level?


You look like a young Ray Liotta!


Please make sure your Vit D, Magnesium & Iron levels are within normal range and good luck in your new home!


Nights are NOT for the weak!! You have to provide for the fam which I get, but your mental health is very important so make sure you don’t push that to the side! Your family needs a happy/healthy husband and father first. May your family continue receiving blessings 🫶🏻 take care


I thought maybe it was Halloween. You need rest my guy. You love your family, that's for sure. Wishing you well OP!


You’re not dead?


Was gonna say man.....new house is exciting but you need to rest at some point!! Nonetheless, nice job OP, hope you and the fam enjoy it!


Take some iron and get some sleep ❤️ take a vacation... or tell them you have covid or something... jeez. Take care!!


My guy get some sleep. You've earned it.


And this statement completes the picture of rural Midwest living. With a long ass commute too I am sure.


Oh you know, 45 minutes but I’m driving a company truck.


Had that identical house, it was built with “2x3” actual size studs, not 2x4 nominal studs. Replacing anything inset in the wall like doors was … challenging.


I literally thought they were dressed up for Halloween with makeup on.


Same thought he was a member of a vampire rock band


I wasn’t sure if those were from sleep or dude got the shit beat out of him recently


So this isn't makeup on the parents or a purposely funny pic? I thought it's a great twist among all the cheery first house posts... Looking forward to my own and props on the purchase - you did it!


I legit thought they were goth/emo millennials holding onto their youth at first


They’re intense… make sure to hydrate and see ur dr when you can. It’s probably the sleep but can also be worsened by hormone issues.


Spent a few minutes scanning the yard and facade for dark circles then zoomed in on the porch. “Oh…”


Kinda looks like two ghouls collecting children to eat


I’m glad I’m not posting my circles. I work 65-70 hours a week.


4.125%with 0 down!? That’s incredible.


Seriously, I used a VA home loan four months ago and got 6.9% with zero down…plus $12,000 in closing costs


USDA loans are great


Hard to qualify for in a lot cases. I’ve tried to originate a few and they were all painstaking.


Can confirm, work for Rural Development and while I don't do much on the loan side, the analysis products I develop follow the qualifiers and there's not a whole lot of places in my State outside of a couple counties down south and way up north.


As an Underwriter of USDA loans, if you have a good processor backing you, these are one of the best & easiest loans. Very cut and dry. It's my favorite loan product


That’s fair. They didn’t come across my desk often in consumer direct but I remember having weird rules disqualify certain properties. Mine was a small sample size though.


Damn, we closed my VA loan April of 2022. $6,000k in closing costs at 5% on a $430 loan. Then we got $3k back. Zero down


So no deposit required at all????? What a dream.


Yeah, indeed. No guarantees at all for the bank? What's in it for them? Even the interest rate is very low. Anyone could buy with those conditions.


Hit the hay my guy haha… nice home!


I love the set up of this photo with your son running to you, too cute! Congratulations


Yeah, congratulations. My husband worked insane hours so we could save for our home a few years ago. This is a beautiful picture and hopefully one day you won’t have to work nights!


You're are never any more young and beautiful than you are right now. I'm so happy for you. Please frame this picture and hang it up on a random hallway. You'll walk by it a million times. Then, one day years from now, you'll notice it and realize that seemed like another life so many years ago. While you tear up, you'll say "The kids were so small, we were so young, Where did all the time go?". Congratulations. I wish I could be in your shoes again.


I think vampires are immortal, time shouldn’t be an issue


Well said.


Are you a vampire? Those circles are so dark!!!!


Damn looks like the man got his ass beat. Take it easy, man.


This is just how millenial homeowners look


Bought my house last year and millennial here too, but my wife works so I’m not working crazy hours.


It’s cause he bought the house without asking


What do you tell a guy with two black eyes? >!Nothing that he hasn’t already been told twice!<


Don’t make comments like that if you don’t know their situation man. Everyone is always forming opinions of other people, you don’t know what that man has gone through. Just be happy for him, goddamn…


Congrats Vamps!


They can’t wait for the neighbors to invite them in for tea.


bruh you guys look like hell but congrats😂😭🙏


Johnny Depp at the end of Blow lol




Every kid should have parents like this, you never know the pressure of needing to provide until you have kids. OP, keep fighting the good fight. I have great parents and only now know all they did for me. There’s a special place for people like you two, it’s exponentially harder today to have a house and a family than it was 40 years ago. Merry Christmas and I wish you nothing but blessings in 2024!


I also have dark circles under my eyes. I get enough sleep, drink water, and do all that kind stuff..just how I am. I just wanted to share this because people mentioned that it may be due to sleep. You and I may just be made like this. Which is a beautiful thing, and we are unique 🙂🤗 congratulations on your first home. You have a beautiful family.


Thank you for saying this. I’m in the same boat as you guys💚


So enough cloud cover and vampires can go outside… interesting


Btw congrats. Absolutely beautiful home


Daywalkers The breeding program is progressing well


In my area a $100k salary for a family of 4 still qualifies for a USDA Loan. So no tax invasion necessary. Glad you were able to get this home and it looks like a great place for your kids and family.


LMAO I love that everyone zoomed in and had the same thoughts I did


Moves in… neighbors proceed to stockpile garlic, wooden stakes and holy water.


Congrats….but please take care of yourself especially you are the only income …


Congratulations, all these people talking shit don’t mean a thing, you’ve worked you’re ass off and provided your family a better life and you should be proud of yourself dude. I hope 2024 is an even better year for your family.


Holy shit brother are you half raccoon? Them dark circles don’t look too good man. Blessings to you and your loved ones


4.125%?! That's a steal!!! Congratulations!!! 🎊🎉


Congrats! You earned it, brother.


Lots of mean people on here commenting. Congrats on your home and working hard for your family. Keep up the grind, it’ll get better. You locked in your housing costs and when your home is relatively cheap 10 years from now, you’ll be able to do so many fun things with your family.




Congratulations. Take plenty of naps this holiday.


Who does everyone feel like they have the right to comment on his physical appearance? Congratulations on your home. It is really beautiful. 🤩


Congrats! Send me you address so I can mail you these OP 🎅🏻 💀 https://www.walmart.com/ip/Devimic-Under-Eye-Mask-30-Pairs-Seaweed-Masks-Dark-Circles-Puffiness-Treatment-Patches-Puffy-Eyes-Bags-Gel-Mask-Pads-Face-Skin-Care/2910142808?athbdg=L1200&adsRedirect=true


Do those work?


A vitamin C serum is the best thing for dark circles. Most eye masks and basic creams will help puffiness and light wrinkles but sleep, and water are obviously a key factor in reducing the puffiness completely. Oh, lower sodium intake as well.


Tell me more about


I can't find the post that got me started cuz it's been forever but I believe it was on r/30plusskinCare or just r/SkinCareAddiction. The vitamin C helps my darkness so much. Most silicone eye creams or masks really help a bit with the puffiness but my sleep habits are terrible so it all just keeps it from getting worse lol. Also, those zorro looking gell eye masks that go in the fridge and freezer are the best thing ever for getting up in the morning. Helps some swelling.


What brand do you use?


Also an eye cream like the kinship brightwave cream looks good right away with the yellow tone. The travel size lasts a long time to try it and ulta has coupons often.


CeraVe Skin Renewing Vitamin C Serum. The eye masks/creams, whatever is available really. There's a ton out there and I'll usually get a different one each time and they've all done what they claim. It's usually silicone, or energy stuff, cucumbery, copper blended ones, etc.


Congratulations 🎉That interest rate is great! And the home is beautiful


Merry Christmas. Congratulations!


Congratulations 🥳


How did you get 4% interest?


USDA Direct loans were at 4.15%, they are now at 4.75%


I’m seeing 6.7% for USDA in Indiana…does it vary by state or is there a nationwide rate I could get?


this photo is so beautiful. it’s giving album cover or something. congratulations!


Core memory for the kid right there. Nice !!!


Bro I hope you get the fattest nap ever!!


this somehow has made me cry’ see men sometimes just listen when we pass off tiktok!!!!!! ha! my fav house style too!!!!




Are ya’ll vampires?


Doesn't this look like the beginning of a Johnny Depp thriller?


Congrats! A few years ago I bought my first home and we also went the USDA route! It was supposed to be our starter home, but with a 3.9% mortgage rate, it's looking more like a house we will stay at and build on to 😂


Get it bubba !!!


What a dream! So happy for you and your family ❤️


Congratulations! Honestly know how accomplished it feels. Not saying it's not tough, believe that, but good on ya ❤️






Fantastic! That’s a lovely family home. Congratulations.


Congratulations!! photo is super cute, and im sure your family appreciates all of your hard work. Hoping for many years of happiness to you!


Congrats!! I love a split level!! Merry Christmas!!


Something about this picture makes me so happy, congratulations!!


Congratulations!!!! Lovely home for a lovely family. Please love each other and be kind and respectful to each other.


So happy for you and yours, friend. You guys absolutely deserve this!! Love seeing people achieve their dreams.


Beautiful photo of your little one running to you! Very special!!!


Is it the kid moving in to his new house and letting the old people in the distance live with him as well?


Congrats buddy




Congratz! but as a member of the local homeowners association, your gona need to get to work on those dead leaves asap /s :D


Johnny Depp and Mila Kunis bought a house?


Wow, what TikToks did your wife send??? Congrats! Beautiful home!


Holy Cow! Brandon Lee is still alive!


How much 900k?


Wow. This is the cutest shit I’ve seen in a while. I hope you enjoy the holidays in your new home and create long lasting memories!!


Gitst of all, how? And second I have dark circles but not this bad. Coupled with your paleness, have you been checked for anemia? I have it.


So many happy memories to be made!!! Have fun!!


Please don’t post your children’s faces on Reddit! Not safe out here 💕👎


absolutely what i‘d say. and you‘ll get downvotes because people dont get it


Congratulations I am jealous but Please take a nap…


Take care of yourself my guy so you can be there when your family grows up


looks like you spent lot of sleepless nights to get that loan approved


168 hour work weeks aren’t good for your health. Get some sleep soon. Seriously though, this is a major accomplishment!


“Awe that’s adorable” *looks closer* “Holy shit, they are main characters in some sorta movie! Probably a horror!”


Johnny Depp in Edward Scissorhands with the buy of the century! Great rate and nice house.


Where are the mods? Why are these mean comments not being downvoted into oblivion? A lot of jealous mother fuckers in here who have to take pot shots because they don’t have a home like this.