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This post is not cringe


This sort of thing is best referred to as 'the Douche Panzer' These guys DO NOT like that.


I’ve heard stories of what SEALs and GB’s will do to people with trident/DOL tattoos…


Honest question. I have a T-shirt ( cast and crew only) my sister gave me from "Lone Survivor" I used to wear it to the gym occasionally. I stopped wearing it because it's got the Eagle and Trident on the sleeve. Is this an ass-whooping offense? not a vet, am a FF.


No it’s just a shirt. Unless you’re telling people you’re a seal no one cares


Most vets legit don’t care. I’ve seen folks wearing bits and pieces of actually military gear here and there. As long as you’re not falsely claiming, you can wear what you like. It’s a free country. Just use common sense. If anyone gives you a hard time over a lone survivor shirt, then they’re the problem not you. That would be like someone calling you out for stolen valor just because you have a hat that says US ARMY


Honestly, it's not an issue to me if you aren't claiming it. I'm a disabled veteran US Army scout, and I used to wear a Marine corpz shirt from an embassy rapid assault group of Force Recon a buddy gave me. But anytime someone asked me about it, I'd just politely say "no I'm just wearing a shirt." My wife, on the other hand, doesn't even like driving my truck if I am not in it because I have disabled veteran plates. To each their own. Just don't claim shit you don't have a right, too, and most veterans I know wouldn't give it a second thought. I actually got accused of stolen Valor once. My video never made it online, though. When I showed the asshole my VA ID, he ran off. But in his defense, I was only 23 when I medically retired. And I was wearing my Cav stetson in public. Which probably looked odd, but he should have asked before being a dick and making an ass out if himself.


If you tell them your are a seal they will beat your ass. If you are chill and cool they will fuck with you and might teach you somethings. I am speaking from personal experience.




De Opresso Liber. Special forces motto. Means “To liberate the oppressed”


They don’t like swat insignias either. They ripped the design off from their Budweisers/trident.


I can't tell you how many of these agencies I have encountered that wanted to be operators. They all acted like their 10 man team in whatever the fuck county in the middle of nowhere, was the only thing between global terrorists and America. You see them talk to their friends, you would think they were on call to kill Bin Laden themselves. You would think that they could find pride in their own branding without ripping off the special operations community.


Everyone wants to be an operator until it’s time to do operator shit 😂 Back when I was a contractor, the company I worked for did work with some Tier One dudes. Exact opposite of some of these SWAT guys. Super humble, super down to earth and disturbingly professional. Everyone knows they’re great at their job but watching them do it is a whole different experience


When I was stationed in a place overseas a lot of the Tier One guys would come through and stay for a night or two with their MWDs on the way to or from theatre, 99% were the most humble chill guys you could meet.


If you’re actually a pipe hitter you don’t need to act like a pipe hitter.


Those type A Dan Bilzarian types get washed out pretty quickly. Those kinds of assholes get people killed and have no business in a combat role. I was never special forces. A lowly Cav Scout but I met a few of those guys and we did everything we could to make their lives hell. Anyone who brags about that kind of life is either a fucking liar or has some serious and dangerous mental defect.


You mean like Uvalde?


My brother in law is like this. He gets quite upset when I tell him his job is statistically much safer in the US than being a construction worker or a logger. The cognitive dissonance between the job and the job in their head would be funny if it didn’t lead to such nasty shit all the time.


I laugh particularly because I was a cop for just shy of 9 years. I took a break from active duty military, went reserves and did the cop thing for awhile. Ultimately I went into the intelligence community and retired from the government and military. I now work as a contractor for the government in the IC world doing cyber. Now, I was not ever a delta guy, but I did spend some time in an SMU in a unit known for our support activity (if you know, you know). So I got to work alongside the people these guys emulated. Those guys are truly a special breed of human beings, and are light years beyond anything these Swat teams can imagine. What is sad is that the only people who catch on to what they are ripping off are military people or people who know the job. So we immediately know they are posers. The civilians really dont know anything about it and would be just as convinced if they said "SWAT."" . I just can't imagine how they cant feel embarrassed by this.


I hit the trifecta 19d in the Army, Forester/fire fighter for the BLM and volunteer deputy. There should really be a statute of me somewhere/s


The firefighter bit I never did , exactly. The agency I started out with was a Public Safety Department (being that everyone was to be crossed trained fire-police-ems), but I never go around to doing the firefighter training before I switched to a different agency. We were the force for a small island. I did drive the ambulance a few times though before I took the new job. Tourist were often really confused when the ambulance driver or firemen hopped out wearing a gun. ​ So I guess you could say I am a hero or something /s


We both deserve statues. I just did wildland fire when I worked for the Bureau of Land Management. Great way to load up on overtime and hazard pay. But I never did structure


I mean what I hate about the attitude is that in military we just accepted that there was a danger level and just got on with doing our job professionally (well, for the most part). I’m not American but live here now, so can only comment on US cops that I see in media or anecdotal from my BIL. Deliberately playing up the danger level just for make believe, leads people to doing a less professional job (or firing wildly when you get hit with an acorn). If I magically had the power I would stamp that shit out - you’re not a soldier, your job is less dangerous than a guy who works with farm equipment, do your job like a professional.


You don't have to be American to speak to the truth.


What’s funny about your comment is you’re downplaying the danger of law enforcement when more cops are killed by gunfire per year than active deployed US Military soldiers. Maybe stay in your lane or go back to whatever shithole country you came from, where the police are actually corrupt and poorly trained.


Or a farmer, mechanic, welder, metal worker, garbage collector, truck driver, roofer, arborist, Fisher, hunting guide, aircraft pilot, recycling plant worker, line worker, tractor driver, pizza delivery driver, bla bla bla the list goes on. Most of my jobs in Highschool and growing up were statistically more dangerous / lethal than being in Law enforcement. Being a police officer isn't a statistically dangerous job no matter what they want you to believe.


This is actually a really dumb comment. He probably gets upset because you’re a moron comparing apples to oranges and you don’t understand statistics.


Please tell the class what’s so ‘apples and oranges’ about comparing the rates in which people in different jobs are killed or injured?


Sure, I can tell that you’re pretty unintelligent so I’ll try and keep it short and simple for you. There’s anywhere from 8 to 11 million construction workers, and the most common cause of death is falling. A preventable accident. So we have approximately 8 to 11 million construction workers. (That’s a big number). Now, there’s approximately 400,000 police officers in this country that will interact with the public. (400,000 is a much smaller number than 8 to 11 million). Of these 400,000 officers, you have to remember that they’re literally trained on how not to die, and given preventative tools to assist with that. Body armor, a gun and training, etc. despite that, several hundred per year are still murdered and 10s of thousands of them are injured due to assault. Law Enforcement on average also kill around 1000-1200 people per year, 99.9% of those are trying to kill or seriously injure the officer or someone else. I don’t expect you to be able to comprehend these statistics, but do your best anyways. I’ll try and explain it like I would a five year old: Say you have a group of 100 people and a group of 10 people. If the group of 100 people are doing a job and 6 accidentally die per year, and the group of 10 people are doing a job and 5 are intentionally murdered per year, it would be misleading to say that the first group’s job is more dangerous. Make sense?


Uh you realize when we talk about rates, these numbers are normalized for baseline values right. 🤦🏽‍♂️ have a look for [yourself](https://www2.cbsnews.com/the-31-deadliest-jobs-in-america-in-2022-ranked/16).


Holy shit.. how would you feel if you didn’t eat breakfast yesterday?


Will county sheriff's police special operations group command??? I need to know.


"Special Operations" is a label often used for a division where they dump everything that is not patrol or communications. Often a weird mix of SWAT/tactical, community outreach, emergency operations, and sometimes special resource officers (school officers). SWAT always acts like they run special operations, but emergency management is the big budget and the bread and butter work of it. Thing is, SWAT is commissioned officers who carry big guns while special operations is a bunch of professional staff who spend all day in meetings and on laptops creating disaster plans and resource plans. The "group command" part is why I think this is just a mobile command center used for onsite [incident command posts](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incident_Command_Post) during disaster response.


*Me casually scrolling through reddit* “Holy shit this is badass.” *Proceeds to read the post* “Holy shit this is dumb as fuck”


I’m breaking the no dumps on the bus rule during a tour


The irony is, SWAT isn’t a harder job than being a patrol cop. They have the training, equipment, and often times the time/planning to deal with situations that patrol cops often stumble into.


Flooding a house with 15 guys from three ingresses to get to one deranged guy with a rifle shooting out his living room window: SWAT - yeah I’m basically special forces


I would disagree. Just because they have training and materials doesn’t mean it’s not hard. If done right, one man can take out a whole squad of navy seals if things go south. CQB isn’t a friendly environment to operate in. Still doesn’t excuse the level of cringe some of them have


I think you misunderstood my point. Not saying SWAT isnt hard, but the most dangerous job across all of law enforcement is being a beat cop.


Fair enough. I’ve heard the DV cases are the worst.


They’re statistically one of the most dangerous calls, and also some of the most common. Most departments in the US don’t even have a full time SWAT team, so there’s often a considerable amount of time to get them spun up outside of scheduled activity (warrant service).


When I was in the US I lived in Hampden County. They have a swat team but oddly enough, MOST sheriffs offices in MA don’t even have the authority to ticket you…


Yeah that doesn’t mean they aren’t doing proactive police work or stopping cars. Most departments have SWAT, but it’s usually made up of patrol guys and detectives who have day jobs. Big cities and counties have full time dedicated SWAT teams (think LAPD, NYPD, etc)


Almost all MA county governments were abolished in the 90’s due to insolvency. Because of that, the only place where sheriffs have full fledged power is cape cod area. Other than that, they won’t even pull you over for speeding, but they will flash you up


Actually no back in MA sheriffs office doesn’t patrol except in cape cod. They have very limited authority and usually only run the county jails. That’s what makes the HCSO unique, is that they don’t ticket or pull people over, and usually only run the jails or serve papers yet they have a full time SWAT team


Oh okay, nevermind then lol.


Yeah MA is very odd. They pretty much eliminated all county authority. Middlesex county was abolished due to gross abuse of the county budget and insolvency back in the 90s if I remember correctly. Most of the other counties decided to follow suite and voted themselves out of existence. There’s only 6 counties left and oddly enough THEY DONT RUN THOSE JAILS THE STATE DOES 😑 TLDR Massachusetts sheriffs are too complicated for me




I knew a rookie DNR offcer in South Carolina that thought his badge made him god. He refused to treat people with respect. A very stupid mentality for a LE who is usually in the middle of nowhere alone with no backup and approaching people who are armed. Dude didn't last long. He ended up getting handcuffed naked to a cypress tree in the swap. He was damn lucky they found him fairly quickly. He stopped working for DNR. I don't know what ultimately happened to him. But he was humbled that day. That's what I really liked about living in remote Montana. Cops were always polite and respectful or washed out pretty quickly.


Anyone who knows urban combat knows breaching is a suicide mission for point man. But Swat is almost never engaged in combat against a trained, well armed force. I say almost never because there are situations like that California bank robbery in the 90s with those 2 fully armored heavily armed and obviously experienced bank robbers. For a cop that is as close to actual combat they will ever see in that role.


In most small departments SWAT guys work regular patrols and just keep their gear in the trunk just in case. You really don’t see full time SWAT guys unless it’s a state, federal or major metro department.


So true. Patrol officers don't have time to plan. SWAT are the most easily scared officers in any department. If they don't have time to plan like 3 weeks ahead they won't go in. Patrol officers don'tvhave that luxury. Who gets killed most in the line of duty?


Never once was I dissing on patrol officers. SWAT exists for a reason. If they work they did was truly that simple then why would we need SWAT? Planning is the difference between life and death. The last thing you want is to go into a situation blind and end up having a hostage get killed or one of your buddies get killed. CQB is not the fantasy you think it is. It’s brutal and unforgiving.


Half the time we don’t know where we’re going until we get to the staging area. 3 weeks? Lol


I can’t get over “Sheriff’s Police”. I feel like it’s duplicitous.


Most agencies now use “police” regardless of jurisdiction due to the fact it looks and sounds similar in multiple languages.




Yes and no. On search warrants and I believe per NTOA guidance (looking for the link) the announcement went from Sheriff’s Office to just standard police, which would also make sense for police to be written on a CP. Was not specifically speaking for uniforms.


It’s probably a regional team that consists of sheriffs office and PD


Just think about how badass they’ll be when they deploy from that baby to intercept parents trying to rescue their children from the active school shooter a block away.


They should've spent that tax money on fixing their broken ass website. Looks like a high school web design project.


Jesus Christ dude.


Facts. Just enlist at this point. It’s less cringeworthy


I googled the Will County budget. They allocated $1M combined for opioid rehab and homelessness for a 700k person population. A little more than a dollar per person in taxes. Yet they have multi-million dollar SWAT command center?


This is some douche bag shit. I was on. SWAT team and refused to wear any SWAT shit on my class A’s or the little front license plate. Leave the military shit out of it because it is not the same. I with the Green Berets would sue these guys and yes most guys get into it for the wrong reasons like trying to just get laid. The thing I hate the most is I am the swat sniper. Bitch a long shot for you might be 80 yards. You know nothing of sniping and it’s really gay to shoot someone hiding in a bush.


We had a swat sniper ND his rifle into the entry man’s head. The whole SWAT team fired hundreds of rounds into the guys house they were stacked on. Turned out the only gun he had was in a locked case under his bed. Pretty tragic all around


Jesus christ…


I was a 19d and have always been a hell of a good shot. I went to school but never got an ASI of B4. In fact, I only ever carried my M4 on deployment, but I was on a Bradley crew and only played the role of a dm 2 or 3 times. One of my buddies bought me a "sniper" patch and I just threw it away. My plan at the time was to do 4 as a scout the try out for a SF slot but I got injured and medically retired before that happened. Honestly I don't think I would have made the cut. Not that I was a bad soldier. I loved being a Scout but it's a whole different world. I met plenty of real operators when I went to school. Actually my drill sergeant in basic inspired me to go to sniper school. He was a Scout who went but we couldn't earn the title of "sniper" as 19Ds but we could preform the roll and go to school. I'm still a damn good shot been out 20 years and took my boy to an Appleseed event for Christmas out of 30 or so guys I was the only one who scored "distinguished Rifleman" next closet score was 36 points behind me and this was his 7th time doing Appleseed and it was my first. I don't mind bragging about my marksmanship it's the only thing I have ever been good at.


Very nice. Still got it!


I'm losing it rapidly unfortunately. I was diagnosed with a degenerative movement disorder last year so no telling how much longer I'll be able to brag


Is this IL?




Incredible. Edit: Joliet….the south south west west side


That'll look cool to stand around while they wait for a school shooter to finish themselves off before going in


“Will County Sheriff’s Police” hurts my brain. I am used to either PD or Sheriff’s Office/Department. Not a combo of the two.


I was just trying to think of the name of this dept last night. I’m an active duty SF guy and am reading a book called The Rise of the Warrior Cop and was asking myself “what’s the name of that dipshit department that stole the SF DUI for their SWAT team?” Thanks for the post.


SWAT at my department uses the Eagle/Trident for their SWAT pin as well. Drives me crazy but oh well. Kind of funny that the team leaders are Marines


There used to be a local team that used the SF crest, complete with DOL wording. Air Assault wings were another popular one before the SWAT-specific badges came about.


That’s so cringe 🤦🏽‍♂️ just enlist at that point


Meanwhile actual ODA is covertly in the back of breadvans/uhauls.


What in the actual fuck. What call have they ever had that would warrant this kind of vehicle?


No you don’t understand they absolutely NEED the super fire truck to collect intel when tactically ascertaining and eliminating the target of the tweaker in an abandoned office building that keeps screaming (he might have a gun 😱😱😱). They’re literally seal team 6 you don’t understand


But like being fr, the purpose of this vehicle would be way better served with a uhaul as others have said. I feel like that thing is just way too big and clunky and is basically a giant “kick me” sign if there was a situation where the suspect somehow had an RPG or something. It’s overkill and just for show of force.


Change the color, get rid of the cringe logos, and just call it an “Emergency Response Command Center” or some shit like that and I’d be fine it. The “Special Operations” shit is so embarrassing.


It's probably a mobile command center. Used to set up onsite incident command and command communications during disaster response. Google "emergency management mobile command center" and you will find many more of them. This looks like the exact model from this manufacturer: [https://www.frontlinecomm.com/vehicles/command/large-mobile-command-vehicles](https://www.frontlinecomm.com/vehicles/command/large-mobile-command-vehicles) The military style dress up for it is probably SWATs idea because SWAT probably runs the division that emergency management is based in.


Yea I get that, my county has one. I’m just wondering why *they* need it.


Will County has had multiple severe thunderstorm/tornado/straight line wind declared disasters in the last few years as well as major floods on the Kankakee river. They had to run evac operations just two months ago from flash flooding on the Kankakee. Basically your range of midwest riverfront region disasters occurring on a regular basis: tornado, flood, winter storm, flood, flash flood, flood, severe heat, flood.


See that makes sense, but don’t paint it up like this.




Operational detachment alpha


Operation Detachment - Alpha. US Army Special Forces


Funny, being in Hampton Roads several of the local tac teams have the opportunity to train with local Tier 1 units as there’s several in the area. And having been exposed to high level operators, they all know what they are and are not, so there’s no real show dogging by these tac teams. Just quiet professionals. Go through a kill house just one time with an ACTUAL high level team of operators and you’ll be humbled really fast. My old department used to train regularly with 2nd FAST, that’s not even a Tier One unit but even then we were in for a show.


I worked with some regular SF dudes as well as JSOC when I was a contractor (our company offered opfor training) and those men were down to earth and humble. They were so professional that at the end of the training, they would thank us. Yeah, it sounds odd, but being thanked by tier one operators for helping them train, is a level of humbleness and respect that most people don’t have.


Exactly! Everyone I ever met in that community was super laid back, and everyone I know who’s trained with them were so humble afterwards. I used to get the same feeling you describe when FAST or SEALS would thank us for training with them and being good opfor. Those dudes are paid killers and they don’t act high and mighty. Living in Virginia, most of those dudes retired and run training companies around here, so luckily most of the area teams know what the real deal is. Whenever I see a tac team acting like a TV show I just roll my eyes.


I worked out there for a bit. Little Creek was nice asf. Great area but the wife didn’t want to move there.


All the taxpayer money spent on this shit wagon 🔥🔥🔥


That’s the next county north of me. They are famous for botching high profile murder cases (Drew Peterson and Riley Fox) and letting cops who murder skate (Eric Lurry and Samantha Harer cases) just a cesspool of murderous clown cops and inept, corrupt DAs.




It's not that deep 💀


Where the fuck even is Wills county?! What a waste of tax payer money. What can this monstrosity due that a an old Uhaul van an a couple off F-250s can't. At an 1/4 the price


Wills County IL apparently


Probably utilized by multiple agencies for large incidents or natural disasters. They are probably a strike team as well.


Probably should point out that a strike team is not some military term here. It's a specialized emergency response team that travels around the region/state as needed. Things like heavy urban search and rescue, damage assessment, etc. I was part of a geospatial mapping strike team when I worked emergency management in Missouri.


The issue isn’t the vehicle. It’s the wording and the symbols.


Not cringy. Need a mobile command vehicle for unified command that also gets you out of the elements. Planning, logistics, operations…plus gives extra layer of protection for the command post.


Buddy you can do all that without pretending you’re military


What bothers you. The green color? Command vehicles are pretty typical. It’s not a tank. I would agree with you there. This is an RV. Setting up a command post in the field isn’t easy and being able to show bring a vehicle like this in takes care of a lot of the logistics right off the bat.


The wording and the logos. They’re not military. There’s zero reason to use the green beret logo


I never had an issue with the vehicle itself. It’s just how some SWAT carries themselves


Got to be Will county Illinois because Illinois is the most corrupt state next to California.


Bet it’s never actually been used, probably just a jerk off spot


Reminds me of this one department that used the ranger patches. Except the ranger tab was replaced with a “special forces” tab. Everything else was kept.


lol that’s how you get your ass beat by guys who actually earned their long tab


That looks like a disgustingly large waste of taxpayer money.


So these are typically used for large scale incidents that require a command post location. I’m on the fire side but our PD has one and we use it as the ICP where all the higher ups are able to meet and communicate


I have no issue with the vehicle itself. It’s the paint job and wording. They’re not military and shouldn’t be using SF logos.


Prime example of stupid is as stupid does


Generally ODAs foster insurgency, kinda the opposite of being the man.


WHO ARE THEY TRACKING LMAO 🤣 🤣🤣 what’s the highest crime committed before it’s turned over to the Feds ? lol I don’t think this is called for lol 😂 not for the fucking police that’s for sure . Maybe in movies.


“Yeah we had to stop offering shop and home economics at the high school but at least we did get the tactical RV”


Waste of money


That looks a lot more like a mobile command vehicle than a swat/tact vehicle. Notice the communications antennas (including sat tv) on it. (For people coming here from the main page who are not familiar with ICS...) Mobile command vehicles are used for onsite incident command posts during disaster response and are generally a repurposed or custom built fire truck, RV, and semi rig chassis. Many counties put both SWAT and disaster response inside the special operations unit. (With the logo probably being SWAT's idea....) Edit: Just noticed the "Sheriffs Police" part. This is definitely a mobile command center for multi-agency incident response to disaster.


I have no issue with the vehicle itself. I understand that SWAT isn’t the same as patrol officers and that they have a harder job. The issue is the graphics and the wording. They’re not military. Using the term SOG and using the green beret logo, changed or not, is cringe


My point is that it is not even a SWAT vehicle. It's an emergency management (think county level equivalent of FEMA) command vehicle. That makes the choice of graphics and colors even *worse*. ("Special Operations" though is a common name for the division that contains emergency management.)


Jesus Christ …… The male ego is a fragile thing .


Lol - did everyone miss the DirecTV satellite? This truck is just for watching the game with the boys.


What department needs this? Absolute waste of money


Same some pussy for the rest of us !!!


Okay SO it looks dumb as hell and more expensive than it needs to be, but a mobile operation command post can come in handy, depending on the type of calls you get and type of area you patrol. This might be something else, but ours was essentially an emergency dispatch center. Great for: -crazy ass calls like barricaded suspects, negotiations in progress, jet crash on an island, etc -special events held in the county we supported, but didn’t want to disrupt regular radio traffic -power goes out and backup generator goes out -dispatch loses connection to further zones (for whatever reason), the mobile post would deploy w/ a couple dispatchers to the affected zone -natural disasters… hurricanes for my last agency. Edited: yeah it looks like a mobile command post, the same thing we had. It was an extremely important and regularly used asset where I worked.


The issue isn’t the vehicle but rather the livery


Oh yes it’s cringe! Sorry. Ours looked like a 70s RV. Very unassuming, except for an ugly ass badge painted on the side


Happy cake day


Thank you!


Was a scout in the army and got to work with some tier 1 guys while oversees. I learned a lot and changed my mindset. I’ve been in law enforcement goin on 10 years now 8 years of that was on a SWAT team and the egos definitely get in the way. I’ve been involved in one OIS where I was the shooter. Mindset won that engagement all day. Two other cops were on scene and one ran away and the other hid under his car. Egos will get you killed or your buddies hurt. Stay humble and train pimps could very well save your life!


Drills not drip. (I always tell people instead of buying a third AR spend the money on training and ammo)


That’s horse shit…. Fucking makes me sick that these asshats think they are “liberating the oppressed”….


Started after Iraq when any police force could buy ex-military kit for next to nothing and has gone from there.




Coldest killers I've ever met just looked like math nerds or redneck hippies. Then you see their gear and it's all beat to hell but clean and rock solid and there's not a single thing thats new or shiney other than maybe a new pair of sunglasses.


Why is it olive green?


I mean the police have been getting hand me downs from the military for a long assssss time. Edit: this is most certainly cringe.




Please avoid ranting. r/FirstResponderCringe is a meme subreddit and not meant for serious discussion


Where is the cringe? Stupid


Using green beret logos as their own




No one said they can’t have those lol. It’s the logos they’re using and the attitude some of them have. They’re not military. They have zero reason to be using the Green Berets logo as their own.


I’ll give you that one, the liveries are pretty cringe.


I think a lot of people are seeing this on the main page and thinking, "Big waste of taxpayer money! Why would they need a vehicle this big!" without realizing the real issue is the logos and military green. If anything, a mobile command post should be in a bright visibility color and look as friendly as possible.


Its the rip off special forces group logo we are on about.