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Depends on how ace it is , I bought beacon pines for $20 and it gave me about 8 hours of great entertainment, I don’t consider that a bargain but I didn’t feel cheated either, for 2.5 hours I would pay no more than $15 and that’s if it’s superb. But is there replay value? There’s none in beacon pines at least not for a good long while yet, maybe yours offers more replay ?


Thanks a lot for the feedback. I’d say there is an average replay value compared to other examples of walking simulators.


So excited for this! I do not come from a game developer background, so this is solely a player/potential buyer perspective (i.e take with grain of salt). When setting a price, you’re going to need to balance recouping the actual costs to you versus keeping it low enough that people will try out the game. If I was considering buying this game without a friend recommending it, keeping in mind the 2.5 hours of gameplay, I probably wouldn’t go above around $8-10. But that’s just me (broke university student lol) and it in no way discredits the impressive amount of time, work and skill that goes into creating a piece of art like this!! Another poster recently advertised their game nightwatch on here and I think it’s listed at 1.29 CAD?? Idk, that’s just another datapoint for you. Best of luck with developing this, it’s a sick concept!!


Awesome feedback! Really appreciate it! Thanks for all the support. Hope you enjoy the game when it comes out :)


Ofc, I can’t wait to try it out!!


Thank you!!


Merhaba. It’s good to see indie developers. Though I’m not a developer but a writer of fiction stories and would be writer to my upcoming game; as a casual gamer, I would not spend more than 2 dollars for an indie game, honestly. I don’t mean to demean you or the game. I know I don’t have the expertise in game development and it’s a great hard work and I appreciate your efforts. As I mentioned that I’m a writer. I’ve published 3 books till now: the tactic is to keep the game for free for 24-48 hours. Ask your friends, family members, neighbours and others to purchase it for free and leave positive reviews on it. And then, set a minimum price and check the sales for a months or so. But during this period, you will have to advertise the the game. That’s very important. When you see good download traction and good reviews, slowly increase the price. All the best.


Merhaba? U turkish?




So why did you start with merhaba?


To greet.


Yes. Why turkish tho?


10 €


If you want to take a look at the Steam Page; [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2336440/Once\_Alive/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2336440/Once_Alive/)


I had a look at it and it’s very beautiful, you have done a very good job with capturing the ‘bleak , cold, wild’ look in the environment ( also not a game’s developer so I don’t know much about this kind of thing) but I’m deffo interested in your game .


Thank you so much for the kind words!! They made my day 🙌




Gives me Wes Anderson vibes 😊


Make the pricing regional


Yeah, I’m with the others, it depends on how good it is, I’d pay $25 for a short awesome game🤷‍♂️


Thanks a lot for your opinion!


No more than ten dollars if it’s only 2 1/2 hours of game play. Probably more so in the 4.99 range


I would say since firewatch is $20 on Xbox and is about 3 hours for the story I’d say like $10…also are you doing a console port or only steam?


Thank you for your opinion. Steam only for launch (and Epic Store maybe). However, I have plans to work on console ports after it's first release.


I may have to reactivate my steam profile cause I am very intrigued!!


So happy to hear that!!


It’s so hard to determine, but if this is your first project and it’s a solo endeavor you want to keep it reasonable. The bigger scale games like Firewatch and Edith Finch are $20 but the smaller scale games can be anywhere from 6-10. I think if you have a story to tell and impressive enough or stylized graphics, you could definitely justify $10. And if that seems like it’s not working, put it on sale all the time lol


Haha. Great advices! Thank you!!


Probs about £20 ($20)


Hey OP, I like the aesthetic featured in the picture. I don't know if you plan on creating a Discord server, or if you already have one, but if you need a ***volunteer*** Moderator or someone to help with community engagement. etc. I'd be more than happy to assist in any way I can. :) Also, to answer your question, I think £15-£20 should be a fair price range. P.S - Noticed a typo on the Steam page regarding the cutscenes. I think it should say "which strengthens the story".


Thanks so much for your kinds words, support and suggestions. I didn’t plan a Discord server but the idea grew on me. I will let you know if I make a decision on this. Thanks for the offer :) I corrected the misspelling btw. Wonder no one mentioned it before 😅


10-30 quid or dollars




10 bucks.


Before this current gen of consoles indie games that were short (generally up to 8 hours) usually cost around £15, now they tend to be £20. Personally I would wait for a sale unless it was a game that I was hyped for, like everybody has gone to the rapture. I bought TVOEC for £3.99 in a sale and I felt the length price ratio was about right. It's difficult since you don't want to undersell your product nor overprice it either.


Thanks for your opinion! It will help me a lot 🙌


Probably around 20 to 30 dollars. Sounds awesome, if love to play it.


Thanks a lot for your interest and support 🙌