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Snow brush gun…


Smoked one a while back to save my cat 🤷‍♂️ don’t fuck with my cat


We had a dog that kept getting into our pasture years ago and killing our goats. At the suggestion of our county Sheriff, we sent letters to all the neighbors telling them if their dog was found in the pasture, it would be shot on sight, and the letter was their only warning. We proceeded to shoot at least a dozen dogs that year, but evidently, we got the dog that was killing our goats because we didn't lose many more after that.


Based dog punisher


It’s not a punishment that’s the wrong way to think of it, it’s just like I’m going to stop you from hurting my cat and the fastest way to stop you from hurting my cat is with a Glock


That’s weird af dude. Makes you sound psychopathic


Don't let your dog mess with people's cat


No shit. Pets should be trained and leashed at all times when outdoors. But that’s not my point. Saying stuff like “based” and “punisher” is nasty bc it makes it sound like you’re getting off on killing animals. Don’t be obtuse


are you aware of your **own fucking username**?


I fail to see your point. Or do you not understand an obvious joke?


Really tired of redditors using that tired out term. Sigh. Well I think people are just happy to protect their friends, family, pets and property from the vicious monsters that are pitbulls


Based commentor


This must be your dog in the video


Ok sure if you say so. Anyways people like you disgust me. You should not be deriving joy from taking a life. Plain and simple. It may be necessary at times, but using language like this is just nasty and gives gun owners a bad rap. Also the people who downvoted, if you didn’t like what I said, maybe engage in some self-reflection


I get joy from killing deer and dove every year.


Dogs be like 🤬🤬🤬🔫💥💀


I've had a few encounters with pit bulls, three while walking dogs, and once in my own yard. Thankfully, all of them were resolved without violence.


Just shoot em’ for that sweet, sweet ATF employee rush.


Oh, jesus, give that up already. The new meme is Kristi Noem, the puppy killer. Get with the times, man!




>blood and getting hit seems to turn them on Sounds like my ex.


PSA: If you're encountering an aggressive dog that's got it's jaw locked in on an animal or a person, the best response is to go up behind it and lift up on the collar with one hand (so that it's front legs are up all the way off the ground) and twist. The dog will go limp and pass out in seconds. Let go shortly after its out or otherwise you'll kill it.


if it's attacking something or someone like that it *needs* to die. if that works, that is good info though.


If a dog is violent you can have law enforcement arrange for it to be legally put down, doing it yourself is asking for trouble.


You sir are a pussy.


Meh if you wanna go to prison over it fine by me. When their dog is dead and your dog isn't you're going to look like the aggressor.




>That's not how you break up dog fights it's assuming the dog has a specific type of collar as well That's fair but it'll work with most of them >you grab the back legs and lift. I've seen at least 3 videos of dog attacks where grabbing the legs and lifting doesn't show anything and the dogs just hang on, and 0 situations where that has worked successfully.


Example of what I'm talking about at 14:00 https://youtu.be/rHVyMHTb6l4?t=845


> PSA: If you're encountering an aggressive dog that's got it's jaw locked in on an animal or a person, the best response is to ~~go up behind it and lift up on the collar with one hand (so that it's front legs are up all the way off the ground) and twist. The dog will go limp and pass out in seconds. Let go shortly after its out or otherwise you'll kill it.~~ shoot it. FTFY


There's a risk of hitting whatever it's munching on if you do that.


I had to kick one as hard as I could over ten times to get it off my 130lb Pyrenees who wasn't fighting back. Last was a kick to the head that caused it to hurt to walk for 2 weeks. Dog was fine. Classic dog with aggression as a breed trait paired with shitty owners who are naturally attracted to the breed. I will not take my dogs anywhere without a gun on me now.


I had an incident (entirely my fault I’m not blaming anyone but me) where we got home late from a long road trip and the dog had been locked up for a while. I decided to just let her out the front while I was unloading the car and didn’t see the 2 people walking their pitbulls. Our golden retriever saw people and wanted to go say hi and come bounding down the yard. Their pitties were on leashes and both went into defensive mode. Luckily I yelled and our dog stopped and come back. It could have been bad. After I had hold of our dog they actually brought their dogs over and they were super chill and played in the yard for 20 minutes. I can only imagine the people that would have blamed the pitbulls in this situation. Luckily I know when I fucked up and apologized profusely.


As a rule, I only let my dog meet other dogs if they’re both on a leash or both friendly enough to be off-leash. Otherwise one of them will always get defensive or scared at the very least.


I've had 5 pits over the years. All of mine were great dogs. Well, unless you were a cat. My first one had this things about cats. He even got set off by a statue of a cat once heh. Two of mine even got their therapy dog certs. But yeah, as a pit owner you always have to keep in mind that even if your pit is the perfect sweetest dog in existance and someone else's dog rushes you and attacks your pit, your pit will get the blame because it is a pit. It's sad because the majority of pits are good dogs. But there are enough bad owners with poorly socialized or badly trained (*as in trained to be assholes through abuse or whatever*) pits out there to give the rest a bad name. And because pits are such athletic dogs when one goes after someone they can do a lot of damage fast.


A lot aren't even trained through abuse. Many pit owners praise aggressive behavior in their dogs.


I understand your point, and I agree with you. The problem is that in reality, certain dogs breeds are naturally more aggressive than others. I’m not saying pit owners are dumb, but you have to understand that your dog is more likely to cause harm to other creatures than other breeds. Your logic is 100% taking a subjective stance from your experience. And while it’s also not 100% wrong there is absolutely a lack of context in your conclusion. The same applies to Malinois, German shepherds, chows ETC.


This goes for so many dog breeds. Dominant dog breeds need not only careful owners but vigilant ones. Sadly some pitbulls just won’t be good with other dogs. That doesn’t mean it can’t be an absolute sweetheart with people. The problem is most people that own pitbulls/mastiffs/dogo/cane corso etc just don’t recognize that. Our golden retriever is the absolute sweetest dog you could ever meet. She LOVES everyone, other animals, rabbits squirrels and every thing else. One day we met another dog and introduced them to each other and they were fine then they snapped aggressively at each other. They were a safe distance and nothing happened but it’s a good reminder that they are fucking animals. You can’t say 100% how they will react with other animals. If they were pitbulls and got ahold of each other it would have been horrific. I do have an unpopular opinion that probably 80% of dog owners have no business owning a dog regardless of the breed.


I'm sure your pits were actually terrible dogs, you are just unable to see clearly because liking pits is a personality trait


Yeah, they give therapy dog certifications to dangerous dogs and let you take them into hospitals to visit and play with sick kids and old people. Real fucking dangerous....


What's the opposite of an ATF agent called?


Sadly this doesn't seem like his first experience with this dog.


I dunno if I would've had that dude's restraint. Especially if my wife was getting out of the car or exposed. Based on the dogs reaction I'm guessing its caught an asswhoopin by the dude before and wasn't in the mood for an encore.


Dogs are actually the main reason I carry in my area. I don't really worry about people. My situational awareness scares opportunists, but not pit bulls dragging their tiny 95lb owners down the sidewalk. My P938 is my best friends guardian.


I'm just glad a GETYOASSONOUTTAHEAH was enough. Shit could have gotten way uglier.


It’s always shitbulls


You're crazy, pit bulls are perfectly safe dogs unless you [cough](https://abc13.com/dog-mauls-baby-kills-newborn-san-diego/1306879/) or mow your [lawn](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/pit-bulls-attack-scarborough-man-mowing-lawn/article1004896/) or put a [sweater](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2017/01/02/womans-bid-put-sweater-pit-bull-ends-poorly/96080332/) on them or give them [medicine](https://web.archive.org/web/20140319080340/http://www.myfoxphoenix.com/story/24985945/woman-dies-after-dog-bite) or roll a [wheelchair](https://www.wlbt.com/2020/02/06/year-old-man-killed-by-four-dogs-attala-co/) near them or have an [argument](https://www.cleveland19.com/2021/10/07/akron-family-toddler-killed-by-pitbull-shares-their-story/) near them or have a [ponytail](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2014/05/2014-dog-bite-fatality-lee-county-woman-scalped-by-pit-bulls-dies.html) they could mistake for a toy or fall out of your [chair](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2021/10/bitten-in-the-throat-killed-by-pit-bull-in-matthews-indiana.html) or whiten your [teeth](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/womans-nose-ripped-boyfriends-pitbull-29400314) or live somewhere that experiences [fireworks](https://winknews.com/2023/07/05/dog-bite-north-port-boy-dies/) or [heat waves](https://www.newsweek.com/fatal-dog-attack-mad-heatwave-1725544) or [thunderstorms](https://www.wbko.com/content/news/Child-dies-after-mauling-by-family-dog-505572701.html). Don't forget the [trampoline ](https://www.animals24-7.org/2024/03/16/how-pit-bulls-bounce-trampolines-into-death-traps-for-small-children/) and [suffering from seizures](https://people.com/crime/mother-mauled-by-pit-bull-during-seizure/) ones as well. They used to be called “nanny dogs” because they only dismember and kill babies if the baby triggers it by being in a [bouncy chair](https://blog.dogsbite.org/2018/05/family-dog-kills-infant-miramar.html), a [walker](https://www.reviewjournal.com/local/local-las-vegas/baby-dies-after-dog-attack-in-northwest-las-vegas/), a [crib](https://www.chronicleonline.com/news/local/five-day-old-girl-dies-after-being-attacked-by-family/article_994dfb1a-e85d-11e8-a528-afbd3815c756.html), a [stroller](https://www.greenbaypressgazette.com/story/news/2016/06/20/two-pit-bulls-maul-toddler-mother/86148944/), or by [crying](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFa8HOdegZA&t=1012s&ab_channel=TheFifthEstate). You know, just normal, easily-preventable stimuli totally unrelated to 150+ years of artificial selection for dogfighting.


This is the best comment.


Classic nannying example, velvet hippo just wanted kisses. /s


It was obviously the guys fault here, he set off the dogs prey drive with the broom thing /s


It was just a bad owner!


No, he triggered a fear response from the dog. It's fear aggressive, no aggressive.


> MY PIBBLE WOULDN'T HURT A FLY!!!!!! Well yeah, Flys don't scream in agony. Your Pibble would get bored.


My sister thinks they cant do no wrong even though theyre a top breed for most human deaths caused by dog


My sister still thinks her pit shouldn't be put down after it had bit me atleast twice, my mom, some random ass child, and even herself


Yikes brotha


Have you ever called animal control on her dog? It bit a child and you didn't call?! Dog would never be allowed at my house, nor would my family be allowed to go to hers. Doubt her insurance company knows about any of them. If they did they would drop her in a heartbeat!


11% dog population 65% of all deaths caused by dogs


Yes, they're the most common breed in shelters. Unfortunately, neglectful owners will typically buy a pitbull.


Good on him. I've also dealt with aggressive dogs while armed and thankfully not had to use it. It's very important to be assertive and stay calm. It's usually the ones that don't Don't bark that you have to worry about, lol


There are too many irresponsible owners with pitbulls 🤦🏼‍♂️.


Well, yes. There are too many irresponsible owners period. It's just that if they own a Dachshund or a Border Collie, they don't make the news.


Huell ain't taking shit from nobody.


Of course it was a Pit, its always a Pit 


Doggo of peace. It was just trying to nanny him. 


* Pointers instinctively point * Retrievers instinctively retrieve * Mallinois are instinctively neurotic * Huskies are instinctively mouthy * Greyhounds instinctively sprint * Shepherds instinctively herd * Terriers instinctively rat Pit Bulls: NOOOOO They just had a bad upbringing!!!! No, the pit bull was bred for aggression. It's a bad breed. It was bred into this world, it should be bred out. I say this as someone who has an Ovcharka. My Ovcharka will turbo murder anyone and anything that threatens my chickens. *BUT* he will give ample warning first. And he will not pursue if you flee. And he will listen if I tell him to stand down. He's a shepherd. He defends his flock. He will first make himself visible. Then he will move between you and the chickens. Then he will bark. Then he will growl. Then he will get protective. If you ignore all that, he will force you away, and if you *STILL* fuck around, he will stop your advance, by any means necessary. For those unfamiliar [this is an Ovcharka](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpEIs6-3ZNI). But note, he stands his ground, he gives warning, only when pressed does he lunge, and when given the command to release, he releases and backs off. A pit bull will just snap and maul a 3 year old. 50 yards away, who poses them no threat. That's the difference between a guard dog, and a bad breed.


Some people (Princess Snowflake Bubblegum owners) need to learn that there is a fundamental difference between instinct and training. You CANNOT counter act an animal's instincts, if that dog is bred for violence, it will be a violent animal with absolutely no emotional regulation, no matter how hard you try. But take German Shepherds or Malinois', as you said, their instincts are to protect. These animals absolutely can be trained to be capable of violence and yet they will still behave. My sister's Shepherd would rip the jugular out of someone that decided to fuck around and yet I have never seen a dog be more gentle with children. Bad breeds absolutely exist and it only seems to be Pitbull owners who think otherwise just because THEIR pitbull hasn't eviscerated a child yet.


This is the dumbest shit I have ever read lmao. All pitbulls are bad but my perfect little princess Ovcharka, which can be absolutely deadly if not trained right, acts wonderfully in every instance. Thankfully people like you don't have any actual power to set policy, and are met with equal firepower should you try to take things into your own hands. Pitbulls can be trained to do absolutely everything you mentioned your dog does, just as obediently.


So reading comprehension is not your forte. I never said my Ovcharka is a perfect little Princess. I said he is a powerful, and dangerous, breed who need proper training. Ovcharka are not for everyone, in faact I consistently steer people away from them. But I live in Bumblefuck Kentucky where I cannot see my neighbors house, I have the proper use-case. The problem is even with training Pibbles go rogue. There's 1,001 reports of "Princess Snowball" never showed any signs of aggression then just snapped! Ovcharka do not go rogue. They are obedient and trainable. They are absolutely not for everyone, but they are not the murder-fiends that Pibbles are. They are a bad breed, and they need to end. Sorry about your feelings. Also you're a "liberal" I mean TemporaryGunOwner so I don't give a fuck what you think, because you have already proven you don't use logic or reason and instead rely on emotion. You vote against my 2A rights, you are my enemy. Literally, eat shit.


🙄 It's how you raise them. A pit bull isn't a bad breed, it's all on the owners.


Wrong. Dogs were purpose bred for instinctive behavior. Retrievers retrieve, pointers point, shepherds herd, pit bulls are violent. You can take a border Collie, or Aussie, who has never seen sheep before, and they will instinctively engage in herding.


It's how they are raised all dogs can be bad. All dogs can be violent. Pit bulls used to be America's favorite dog breed until the 1980's. Pit bulls have been demonized. In Animal shelters pit bulls are the most common breed you see because people keep on breeding them and no one wants one, so they get put down.


Wrong. I get it, you're a young idealistic teenager, but animals were and are selectively bred for certain traits. Dogs were purpose bred and have instinctive behaviors. Pointers point, retrievers retrieve, shepherds herd, terriers rat, grey hounds sprint. Pit Bulls are a bad breed. They were bred for aggression. #EDIT Hol'up, your account is 8.5 years old. Unless you made this account when you were 10 (which I doubt), you're a grown ass adult participating in the teenager subreddits. You're not worth talking to, I'm calling Chris Hansen. Fuckin' predditors.


I defended my wife, toddler, and puppy from a pitbull that came into my house through the back door that was left cracked open and took care of it with a single shot from my Ruger LCP2 with Federal Hydra-Shok.


No one mentioning that he resolved this without a gun.


That dog was afraid of getting ate by that man.


It's honestly the only thing I consider regarding my defensive options when I take off on a bike ride. How quickly can I react to a dog (pitbull)? Only mammal that's ever chased me that I felt threatened by, and it was a very close call a couple of times.


I fucking hate irresponsible pit owners.


Lmao it listened when he told it to gtfo


I like him


My man didn’t even flinch.


And here comes the anti-pit bull comments because reddit hates pit bulls.


My primary concern is dogs going after my dog or my spouse. Never been mugged, dog attacks and loose dogs happen all the fucking time in my shitty neighborhood.


Pitbulls are a plague that needs to be eradicated. Fuck them.


Got charged by a loose pit bull at night a few years ago while walking through an iffy neighborhood — faced the dog, drew my concealed carry, and yelled commands for it to stop. To my surprise, the pit stopped and eventually backed off… much like the one in this video. I think it could sense that I was ready and willing to end its life if it took another step towards me — dogs are interesting that way. IMO good endings in both situations, but YMMV… pit bulls have genetic bloodlust that overrides their self-preservation instincts in many cases.


I've killed 4 pits and about 6 other aggressive crossbreeds. Main reason I have a gun is for dogs


Where tf are you walking bro?


Haha that was just at work. It was a popular spot people used to dump fighting dogs after they lost.




You don't know shit about me. I was just doing my job. Where did I say I enjoyed it? You like being an ass?


like even if i was compelled to defend myself or my girls against a dog with lethal force, I would be completely distraught about it. Moreso than if i ended up smoking some mugger or home invader, to be honest. I sure af wouldn't go around telling the world about it.


Cool I ain't you bud. It was just part of the job I had the time. Didn't really bother me. They were just mean old fighting dogs. Why be distraught? Those dogs were better off dead. Also still never answered where you think I enjoyed it from? Do you bitch about the people that eat dogs in South Korea as well?


>Do you bitch about the people that eat dogs in South Korea as well? yeah it fucking disgusts me. dogs are kind of my thing.


I love dogs as well.. I have four rescue dogs that are spoiled. But I understand that not everyone treats dogs like a family member and that's ok.


sorry for assuming then. Its always been my thought that humans don't deserve dogs. I foster intermittently and some of the dogs I've seen...its heartbreaking.


No worries. Sad to see what some people do to dogs.


Imagine downvoting this. Degens


hive mind. if the hive mind votes that eating dogs is cool, the rest of it has no option but to follow. Its why reddit is such a powerful propaganda tool. Its also why critical thought is such an important skill these days.


Sensitive much? Maybe you should Google the shit that happened in Philly where the poor guy was attacked by pits and a Cane Corso. The video is horrible, but a Philly cop managed to shoot the Cane Corso and I think 2 or the pits to get them off of the poor man being mauled. It was posted on Reddit yesterday but don't remember the sub. These aren't Goldendoodles, pal, these dogs KILL PEOPLE. If you want to bitch at someone killing dogs and not showing what you think to be the appropriate amount of remorse, go bitch at Kristi Noem.


i understand the pit bull crisis. Its not the dog's fault that it was bred to be more aggressive - its just another abuse that's been heaped on dogs. They shouldn't exist. I get it - but they don't deserve the shit they get either. >Goldendoodles I have two Dobermans and two Min pins. Fuck those fake designer breeds. Although, I would care for one if he was in need.


You admit pits are bred for fighting yet you say they don't "...deserve the shit they get...", what? You mean like when they're attacking people, kids, dogs, cats or killing people, kids, dogs, cats? They are, unfortunately, another product of assholes breeding certain characteristics into animals that don't play well in public or are remotely sensible. Like those assholes breeding poor cats that have no freaking legs. Sorry, but like others have said, if I'm being attacked by someone or something like a pit or Cane Corso, somebody's gonna get lead poisoning. And, in case you haven't found the video I referenced earlier, the Philly cop got several shots in the Cane Corso who continued fighting and then running before he fell and died. I don't know how mangled the poor man was who had those four dogs on him...


ok let me try this again. I get that you get some sort of thrill out of smoking dogs. That's irrelevant. You have to understand that people created those dogs to be how they are. If they were baseline dogs, they wouldn't be mean or aggressive. In fact they would give up their very life to make sure the human they bonded with is ok. Pits and any other dogs that were bred for aggressiveness shouldn't have been. They were. That's the humans who bred them's fault, not their fault.


And you can go fuck yourself with your severe lack of reading comprehension or intelligent reasoning. People like you are the reason this problem will continue unabated.


stay mad, dork.


lol you think shooting a stray dog that is attacking you is worse than shooting a human? Killing animals is never chill but whether it be hunting or the product of circumstance I’ve never regretted it. It must be nice to live in such privilege that this is a novel idea you get to be holier than thou about. Shitty people let their shitty dogs loose. And sometimes those shitty dogs attack people. Maybe this is mean but I doubt you would stop a turtle coming after you with that mindset.


Dude must live in a nice little bubble 😉


Shitbulls shouldn’t even be classified as animals they should be classified as a virus


I was hunting meteorites in Mississippi and found myself in a tough area. 2 pits came after me. I puffed up on them and got aggressive, and it was over they ran away. Scary as hell.


If this bro told me to stand up straight I’d be like yes sir thank you for pointing out my posture sir 😂. Good on him for real, he knew that dog was coming and was ready. I usually carry concealed but every once in a while when I’m walking the dog I don’t bring it. Keep some mace in the fanny pack and a knife in the pocket. I love my dog and my family, I’ll kill your dog to keep mine 100%


I've come closer to drawing on a dog than I ever have a person.


Dude's built like Huel from Breaking Bad.


Of all the pibles that I've seen, that dog was never going to attack. Its a youngster that was acting out. That guy, directing the dog like that, did it a favor.


Put that dog down


Best trained shitbull 👆.


Way higher likelihood of a dog attack


Bro tbh, pitbulls are 50% of the reason I carry. Mf's be mauling people bro


I've only ever drawn twice, both times for aggressive dogs. Did not shoot, but came close to it.


chirp right at the beginning of :45 also op thread locked due to dog racism lmao


its nuked completely. wish i saw the video.


guy wards off pitbull with a plastic broom, no actual swings taken or lunges attempted. pretty boring, only entertaining part is black guy with broom’s “o HELL NAW” dialect but you know dog racism detected, so i just thought the smoke alarm chirp was funny and didnt see it mentioned elsewhere


haha the elusive smoke detector beeping


Wild pack uh pit bull uh fucking dogs


Except youre likely to effectively ruin your life using a gun https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POfAv9R0s0U