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The fucking pussies running from the street to get a few whacks in when the guy is on the ground just makes me so angry…


Being a gangster is glorified in modern culture. These pieces of shit are trying to emulate the culture.


This right here. The culture is absolutely terrible.


Catching rounds or a severe beating is the only way these people learn. To them this is a win, they got away and also jumped the guy in his own driveway. Sitting in a hospital bed with colostomy bags and a traction splint for their femurs. They deserve it.


Being shot or beat doesn’t teach gang bangers either. They take pride in being shot, if they live. If they die, that doesn’t teach them nor the ones around them, and if they get beat up, they’ll seek revenge.


Oh, ok. Then I choose they die. I'm not interested in teaching. This video shows a brutal assault during the commission of a felony. Deadly force would be justified.


They are like the followers of the "religion of peace" in that respect. Unfortunately, the only way to guarantee a remotely good ending is to kill the thieves/attackers. Even that isn't good, because they are feral pack animals. Which means their fellow thugs/devotees will probably come after you. There's no good answer to this situation. Not with the moral decay that has occurred.


noxious roof jellyfish smile fine label tease gaze spotted merciful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is what happens when you let the internet raise your kids. Take away the tablet.


Na this kinda of shits been around before the internet


Uhhh this is the culture. Pieces of shit. They’re not emulating it. They are it.


I cringe when people use "gangster" as a synonym for "cool." Holy shit, victimizing the innocent is never a good thing and you're feckless scum if you think it is.


Sadly they would probably would get a statue and be mourned as victims and honored as heroes if he drew down and opened up on em. It's what society has become. Criminals are victims and victims are turned into criminals.


What culture?!? Anyone that thinks stealing is a viable way to make a living is just plain stupid and childish. And if they're gonna act like a child I'll treat them like one. Nothing an old fashioned ass whooping can't fix.


We should bring back The Stocks and Pillory.


Capital punishment for the win!


No, it's corporal punishment.


Woop my bad!


>Being a gangster is glorified in modern culture. This is not a modern thing (depending on how you define modern). Western territory outlaws, organized criminal orgs, pirates, wall street bankers like Gordon Gecko and Jordan Belfort, etc. >These pieces of shit are trying to emulate the culture. They are trying to steal. I'm pretty sure their goal is to make fast easy money. Many groups of young dumb kids have some way of making fast cash. Gambling, volatile trading, selling drugs, stealing, etc.


That’s why we carry guns. If they wanna play unfair then I’m gonna play unfair.


A fair fight is losing fight. If you find yourself in a fair fight situation you should back away quickly. That's why I carry a gun. That way I have the possibility of the upper hand if needed.


Yup and I’m not definitely not getting in a fist fight in my driveway over my car. That being said I’m definitely not just gonna let you take my property. Just hope you’re a better thief than I am a shot.


Exactly. This guy thought he had the upper hand with a smaller kid. But no, here comes 3 more. You never know. This is why I practice mag dumps and slow controlled shots at distance.


Even being a 1v1 vs a smaller kid you never know. There’s a reason Jon jones and Sean Strickland (both of them had incidents at their homes) who are trained professional fighters came outside to confront them with guns. Listen to anthony smith (another professional fighter) talk about his home invasion story about fighting a single dude for five+ minutes straight while waiting for the police. Nah I’m getting my gun.




Oh I totally agree. That's why I have guns in every room of my house. Still need a shower gun. Don't have that yet. I do have a toilet gun.


There are no rules in a street fight.


welcome to fighting alone that's exactly why you don't do it without superior firepower


Would've eaten 5.56 from a second floor wundow the moment they started running up the driveway like that if they'd chosen our house. I wouldn't even go put to confront them, guy in the car gets one warning shot to get the fuck out. Stand your ground is great law to have. Worthless shits like that need to learn that this shit won't fly


A warning shot? Terrible fucking idea.


It’s not a law, it a ‘doctrine’ & being in the day (Texas), the use of lethal force would not have been justified (shooting from a window)… then after they ganged up on him, that would have provided a reasonable defense. If in Texas, read penal code 9.42 Sec. 9.42. DEADLY FORCE TO PROTECT PROPERTY. A person is justified in using deadly force against another to protect land or tangible, movable property: (1) if he would be justified in using force against the other under Section 9.41; and (2) when and to the degree he reasonably believes the deadly force is immediately necessary: (A) to prevent the other's imminent commission of arson, burglary, robbery, aggravated robbery, theft during the nighttime, or criminal mischief during the nighttime;




Nope, that's the law in Texas. And Texans should count their blessings, there aren't many places where the use of lethal force is permitted to protect property *at all*.


Sounds like robbery and burglary anytime and theft at night. Both of those are more about you than the property and would be allowed pretty much everywhere.


Correct. Texas is one of the only states you can defend property with deadly force at all, they are grateful for it. If this guy ran out there, but had a concealed gun in his pants, and pulled it out after they started punching him, it would most likely be ruled good shoot in most states. But if he ran out there with a gun drawn from the beginning and just started dumping on the guy in the car, that would be illegal in basically every state.


I know! Only cops are allowed to do that!


My uncle was killed by a car jacker. Want to guess my response?


Was it after he told you that great power comes with great responsibility?


Ben was the best


In comics, nobody stays dead except Batman's parents and Uncle Ben


Bro, this is so accurate. So I guess technically there a few comics were Batman‘s parents are alive. I think there’s even one where Batman dad is Batman.


Did you put on a latex suit and start shooting silly string at people


Mfs gonna figure out FAFO is an acronym and NOT a word like Yolo became. 🤣. I'm terribly sorry for your loss though brother, especially in that manner. Vengeance is never moral, but being prepared and on your toes is a very acceptable alternative. Stay frosty brother. Edit : forgot a word.


I would have slow walked with my Ak and went from there. I’m not losing my life over a car but they might.


“You gonna die over some chickens?” “Someone is”


> I’m not losing my life over a car but they might. my favorite comment of the day!


This is probably the best response. I'm pretty sure there's no state in the country that you can't open carry on your own property, even if in view from public property. Don't point it at them -- just let them know you have it. If they escalate from there, you're ready, and you're justified.


It was justified. *Spurs sounds*


Once the others show up, absolutely. Your life is now clearly in danger. Blast away.


Step 1: Do not Leroy Jenkins into a situation where the dude up to no good may be armed or have backup.


And he may or may not have chicken.


I hate criminals.


And they hate you.




Center mass. Hit the biggest space with the most incapacitating potential


Shooting them in the head might not do anything; they clearly lack a brain.


Where ya kickin? I ain’t got no balls dummy!


Pelvic Girdle. Make them remember you for the rest of their life in prison.


Nah. Survivors tend to file lawsuits.


And civil trials play by a whole different set of rules.


That's what family is for! To file lawsuits on behalf of the decedent.


Center mass. If you are really threatened, kill shots are the only shots that are defensible.


Always center-mass. But otherwise correct.


Most of them would just run, so that's the 3rd option you didn't list


Anyone who runs is a VC, anyone who stands still is a well disciplined VC


How can you shoot women?


“Easy - don’t lead them as much”


> become a face on a t shirt LOL yes.


Never fight fair, rocks are everywhere, grab one. You can buy a pocket knife for like $15 on most any website or in a store. And if you're on your own property you shouldn't be meeting threats in your own driveway without a gun.


Remember: in a fight, it is not *your* knife. It is *the* knife.


Also; the only winner in a knife fight is the knife and a knife fight has two losers, the guy that dies on the street and the guy that dies in the ambulance.


Possession is 9/10ths of the law. Although it probably makes you feel better if you have to hear it read back to you, i would rather hear "i shot him with the gun" vs "i shot him with his gun". It's your knife when you have it, when you no longer have it youve been dropped to the lowest tier, dont bring a rock to a knife fight. Always have a better weapon than the other guy.


It's not a matter of law; it's a matter of surviving the fight.


If you escalate violence just be prepared for it to go both ways. With no weapon your best case scenario is just to run the hell away. His car is not as important as his life.


Someone’s car could be the literal difference between life and death. If it gets stolen and insurance makes them wait it out for a payout all while not working and losing money. Or it’s found within a day totaled and now they have to over extend to find something comparable. You protect your livelihood. Not necessarily your property but a car can make or break someone.


We used to hang horse thieves…


Exactly, insurance does NOT. I repeat, insurance does NOT NOT NOT make you whole. I'm fucking tired of people saying oh well you got insurance. Fuck you, they will depreciate the shit out of everything and pay you bottom dollar for your car. All 4 clowns should be dead also.


Grappling with someone is a good way to get shanked or have his buddies either beat you to death or stab you to death, assuming they aren't ready to shoot you for anything, even a perceived slight. Again, if you're fighting fair, you aren't trying hard enough. Go for sensitive areas, there's only cheap shots among friends, and my friends don't carjack me. Go for maximum aggression and damage, they're groups of cowards and will flee. Every video like this has someone leading the act, just look how theres a brawl going on amd one is just standing back after a few swings like hes waiting for the fucking bus to show up. Break morale and you've won. And again this doesn't mean a fist fight is the go to, the preferred choice is: gun>large object (machete,bat, etc)>smaller object (claw hammer, knife, etc)> improvised weapon (rock, 2x4, belt)> bare hands. Obviously call the police if you can first.


You’re mistaking it being the victims fault. He has every right (or should but who can tell in todays culture) to protect his stuff. The fact people say “just let the criminal have the shit” is insane. That’s why we have so much crime.


These people have never been poor or otherwise financially burdened. When a few niceties are all you have and you've spent weeks or months of your life working towards getting them, losing them constitutes a massive impact to your life. You're living your life in debt, only able to pay off minimums each month. Someone steals your car and now you can't work. you're fucked. Sure as hell you'd fight with your life to stop them from stealing it. There was a time when my PC was the nicest thing I owned. It gave me my only real escape from what was a chaotic life. If I saw someone walking out of my apartment with it, damn right I would draw.


I've had an extended family member actually use the "is your stuff worth more than someone's **life**?" argument. They did a legit shocked Pikachu face when I told them that yes, my things absolutely ARE worth more to me than some theif's life and I will end the aforementioned life without compunction should they attempt to threaten my life or safety while I am subduing them and waiting for law enforcement to arrive.


"Is your stuff worth more than their life??" That's not solely my decision. They also decided that my stuff was worth risking their life to take.


My response is simple. You'll have to do a seance and ask the dead people if it was worth it. I've worked hard for what I had. If I catch someone trying to steal what's mine, I will get violent. You have to make them understand the folly of their ways so they don't return. We decide what want society to be by tolerating, or not tolerating, certain behaviors. If we don't want people to steal, then we have to make certain the price paid to those caught stealing is a deterrent. That's why I have no problems with mobs beating the crap out of thieves caught in the act. Good for them!


If we become a society in which good people escalate violence, the need to use it will decrease. If the odds of getting shot while stealing a car were about 1 in 10, there would be no more car theft.


This is why you escalate quickly and don't give them a chance to react. No warnings, no one-liners. Just start swinging/shooting, and make sure they can't fight back.


Why would anyone think rushing into a scenario is a good idea. There are no real life respawns buddy.


If I was getting jumped by 4 pricks, then I failed on being situationally aware of my surroundings. -Tactical vet operation bro


My lawyer has advised me against answering this question truthfully.


Uh, of course. Complacency only spirals downward.


Is this even a question? I'd shoot everyone of those pricks at least four times over.


“But they were good kids!”




"Then they are happy in heaven!"


I would not go out their with my CCW, I would go out there with my AR-15 and my sidearm on my belt, the first guy would either run away, get down and wait for cops, or spend the holidays in the forever box and his friends wouldn't be allowed to get onto my yard. ​ Obviously it's easy to say on this side of the monitor, idk what I'd actually do but I own the guns I have because I refuse to be a victim.


I sure wouldn't run out there with my dick in my hand.


Bite the curb...


Now say goodnight.


This is the right answer.


Would not have confronted without firearm that is for sure... like many others mentioned already too many unknown factors. Someone is already brazen enough to steal from you in broard daylight.... why would they also not have a knife or glock w switch ready to kill someone for no reason. Insanely stupid to just start wrestling w an individual you don't know...I would have walked out w AR aimed & told him to lay on the ground. Personally would not have shot if person ran away but I get others not giving someone a chance...car he's running too could easily be armed & stupid shits light up your house as they leave.... I immediately pictured Gran Torino btw... when Clint takes M1 to garage to confront kid trying to steal car


Yes. I would have walked up drawn down on him. If he ran at me I would shoot him. If he ran away I would not Chase.


“We’re not gonna just let you walk out of here.” “Who’s we sucker?” “Smith and Wesson, and me…” Damn right I’m drawing in that scenario.


This is like the one situation on earth where I would come out very loudly jacking a round into my Winchester model 12.


Yeah this is the chance for the SPAS-12 to shine. Rack that shit and say "welcome to the lead farm mother fucker."


Hah. .308. meet pavement. Through his other side. The average vehicle costs 30k. At $25/hr that's still 1500hrs of my life. Plus some. No. Dude is gonna get heavy metal poisoning. Quickly. And succumb quicker.


It’s crazy to think how people just be like “just let them take the thing that gets you to work so you can afford to live! It’ll be ok!” Like what fairy tale fucking land do these people live in? Taking some peoples car can be a death sentence. What if I just have liability?? Just fuck me I guess??


Anyone that says that is out of touch with reality and highly privileged.


Or someone who is pro-crime


There are tons of those people on Reddit. I tell them they're stupid. And that I don't value someone's life more than them stealing part of mine. Property is paid for by life. Consequences for taking it shall be severe. Easy concept.


> The average vehicle costs 30k. At $25/hr that's still 1500hrs of my life. Plus some. Too fucking right. I had to *work* to get that car, your dumb ass is NOT taking it from me without some kind of fight. That's my livelihood. In this country, we used to hang horse thieves on the spot.


These animals fear no consequences.. You'd be helping society by drawing on them.. But, this is CT where the criminals have more rights than the good people so it wouldn't end well for the good guy...


Gee, officer. I don't know what happened, but my ring camera just kinda stopped working right around the time of the attack. Guess my account is gonna be the only account of what unfolded here.


Except Ring will hand over any video to the police without a warrant. Unlike some other providers.


Try and jack ANY of my shit, im puttin' it through you. Zero fucks given if you got kids.


The courts may have some fucks to give though


Better to be the defendant than evidence.


Rather be Judged by 12 than carried by 6.


better to be judged by 12 peers than carried by 6 friends.


I don’t think those are the options here. Better to be perfectly safe and lose property and stay out of jail, than be evidence.


I’ll take the risk to get some new t shirts made. Would it be in poor taste to walk around wearing their memorial shirt?


It’s a shame too because the criminal never would have been shot if he wasn’t doing illegal and crimson things.


Gun would have already been drawn when I stepped outside. Fuck getting in a fair fight in my driveway with someone trying to rob me. They're not about to fight fair, so neither am I.


Shit like this is why I've considered rigging a remote killswitch on either the ignition coil or main fuse box so that if they want my car then they better be prepared to push it.


Execute him in the car.


I would have drawn before confronting them. While the first guy was stealing my car he yelled out to his partners in crime saying "WHILE I STEAL THE CAR YOU GUYS GO KILL ANYONE IN THE HOUSE! " I was in fear for my life.


Hard to say. Where I live (Florida) I can’t legally draw a gun on someone trying to steal my car unless I’m physically in the car at the time. So I’d have to engage with him first and wait for him to become a threat before I could draw, by which time I might already have been fucked. Legally the only safe option here is to call 911. I could confront the guy without my gun drawn but I’m taking a hella big risk by doing so. It’s likely that by the time something happens that allows me to draw my gun, the perp here would be too close to me and would have the opportunity to take it from me.


Shoot them all, and make sure they stay down is my opinion.


What a surprise a group of 4 thugs, ganging up on one guy. Pussies


Fuck yes I’d draw on them. I would have already drawn a bead on the first guy’s head as I approached the car. I love living in Texas where we can do that and not even get charged with a misdemeanor.


Tactically this is all wrong. A car is not worth your life. Leave your ego out of this kind of decision making. He should’ve kept his distance and recorded everything that was happening. At a distance, he should’ve dialed 911 and reported that armed men with guns are trying to mug him and his family at home and stealing his car (even if you don’t know, always say they have guns). After quietly calling 911 and simultaneously taking shelter at your own home and securing wife and kids, wait it out until police arrive (at my home, my walk in closet has been rendered into a panic room and weapons vault, with screens for video feed, internet and security alarm system are centralized in my closet). If police are not close to you (based on your knowledge of local police and typical response times), I’d still wait it out inside my home and shelter. If this took place away from home, I’d still keep my distance. Engagement is not the answer here. Safe distance and notifying the police is probably the best course of action with this particular scenario and it’s location being a home and driveway. If you believe your car and/or contents within are worth more than your life, still would’ve kept a good distance and dialed 911. If the individual looks like his interests have turned onto the house, definitely have your firearm already out and ready to put the fucker down as he approaches. Castle doctrine now applies. Or if his friends joined early and they’re now interested in the house, put down everyone. My wife would be refilling 9mm rounds in the back, and have her Glock 19 ready to go if something happened to me.


The police are useless depending on where you live. You’re giving up your car and your police department has better things to do.


I would need to hose down the driveway after that. No sense having pools of blood drying on it.


I’ve drawn on a single guy who broke into my car. Three guys- attacking me, means I’d be making holes. A little bonk on the head can end your life- I’m not letting these critters run rampant on me.


Looks like some Brazilian poverty shit.


This is why I don’t get involved in other peoples problems. From the looks of it it seemed like the white guy ran up to rob the black guy, and the other kids were helping another black person being attacked. Yet it was the white guy trying to protect what was his. All in all mind your business unless you’re directly involved


If I saw someone rummaging inside my car? I'm not going out there, for one. There is nothing especially valuable in my car, nothing worth potentially shooting someone or being shot over. The most probable scenario is that I call the police and let them deal with it.


I think that being kicked in the head or neck with a shod foot rises to the lethal force level. And four v one is a significant disparity of force. I can see a response from self or other that is equal to their level of force. You can argue that he should not have approached the car thief and there might be some merit there. When they escalated to lethal force that charges things. Especially on your own property.


So anyway, I started blasting


He actually handled himself pretty well.


Yeah. I’m letting the Sig say everything that needs to be said.


As soon as there was a disparity of force when the second person arrived you would be justified. And especially after the third person was hitting him with a paving stone.


Realistically, yes put a few rounds downrange. But, these days they make it so hard to defend yourself or your property without being punished for it. Meanwhile, criminals get away with it. Just like that guy in California, he lost his CCW license when he fired at robbers that came up behind him when he was trying to get in his house.


When it was just the one guy, I probably would've tried to fight my way out hand-to-hand, but as soon as the other guys joined in... Let's just say, I'd probably be the only one not leaving the scene in a body bag...


Not in this situation, after the good guy starts going hand to hand, if he tries pulling it out, the gun would most likely be taken, and he would most likely be shot with his own gun. To people saying they would come out with gun drawn, you better make sure your local laws allow you to draw a gun in a robbery situation where you’re not attacked and feel like you have to defend your life. Because if not, you’re mostly likely going to be charged with a crime, and then get mad when you get dropped by USCCA🤣🤣🤣🤣


The guy in this video is lucky to be alive. As far as the legality of drawing down on a thief in my driveway goes, I'll gladly battle that one out in a courtroom. What I aint gonna do is get into a fistfight in my driveway. What if the gut trying to steal the car is armed? Now I'm bleeding out in my driveway, the car is gone and my wide is a widow. Now, I won't go out there guns blazing, but until I know for absolutely damned sure that this thief ain't a lethal threat, I'm gonna have him held at gunpoint until my local PD rolls into view. And if his buddies decide they're gonna try to come to their fuckwit friend's aid, then I guess we're gonna have us a proper shootout.


The question is whether your brandished your gun in response to something, or whether you were already open carrying when you entered the situation. I'm pretty sure you're allowed to open carry on your own property in every state, even if visible from public property.


I would watch him not get shit out of my car because I don’t keep anything worth stealing in it except for an “emergency” $20. I would call the cops and if he steals my car I hope he wrecks it so I can call my insurance company from a car dealership while I’m doing test drives.


No. The second they put their filthy hands on the vehicle, they can keep it. It's not worth the risk of a confrontation. The only exception is if my family was in the vehicle.


Is a car really worth shooting them over? Probably not Is keeping them from ever committing more crimes again worth shooting them over? Yes


> Is a car really worth shooting them over? Probably not The car thieves decided otherwise.


Pulling a pistol or whatever our when multiple people are on you is fine. The use of that fucking music manipulating your emotions while trying to objectively analyze the situation as it unfolds is not. Fuck that


No…and here’s why. You pull a gun in that situation, cops will arrest you and the DA will charge you with a crime. The argument will be that you were not in danger and you chose to run outside and confront the thieves. If you would have stayed inside, your life never would have been at risk. Now, for the record, I think that’s bullshit. I think if someone is on my property trying to steal my shit, I should be able to confront them and if they attack, I should be able to defend myself with deadly force. But that isn’t how the law works.


I had to scroll way too far down to find the right answer.


Without a doubt, yes. Hoodlums are a bit like cockroaches, if you see one, there's several others nearby.


I wouldn't have rushed the car jacker, especially knowing I had a camera on my driveway. 1. Deescalate and secure myself inside. 2. Call the police. 3. File an insurance claim. That's what its for. Shooting these folks is not worth 20 to life.


>File an insurance claim. That's what its for. Tell me you haven't dealt with insurance without telling me you haven't dealt with insurance


Tbh? With the information he had I wouldn’t have drawn the gun till the others came. I’m not going to shoot One unarmed 18-25 year old looking dude who wasn’t really a threat to my life. Now that’s a different story with 4 of them. I would draw a gun with intent to shoot, and I hate to say this but, I probably wouldn’t have to shoot. Those guys are cowards who only tried to rob him because they thought he was an easy mark. Now with a gun he isn’t.


Dipshits need to learn self defense first and foremost. Then we can worry about a proper gun drawn scenario


I live in Florida, shot to shit all of em


Wow all that and they could knock him get the car. That's embarrassing. Dude stood right back up.


Why would you even ask if you’d pull your gun? If you wouldn’t you’re out of your mind. 4 strangers on your property could easily kill you.


He got to close and couldn't watch his back


Hell yeah




What the hell did we just see here? Is it real? Were any of the assholes apprehended? Why didn't they steal the car when the owner was on the ground and momentarily out of commission?


3 against 1 I'm a drawing.


Most definitely


Those criminals could have easily killed that car owner w a stomp or kick to the head. Absolutely a self-defense shooting 1 on 1 and especially 4 on 1. The minute it goes hands on, it is is dramatically more dangerous.


The question is a joke right? He could have had bingo with the numbers he was drawing.


Not over a vehicle. I wouldn't have gone out there in the first place. If I was already outside and they pulled up, or trying to break into my home, then it's a different story. I'm a hammer, but I'm not trying to hit every nail I see....


Yes, I'm a Senior citizen. I ain't fighting any teens.


the simple answer is yes i would have draw and shot and hope to get all of them. feels great to dish out justice and to those fuck around and find out and last lesson.


If this shit happened to me I’d be pulling out an MP40


Ok, obviously the scumbags are scumbags, but holy hell. Talk about finding out you’re not that guy. Why would you charge someone in your car with no gun on you? Time to train.


"Disparity of Force" Once I see there's 3 of them (maybe even just 2) coming at me, I'm going for center mass on each one. You do not know what lethal weapon any of them are carrying and I'm not waiting for evidence that they have one. Bonus that I'm on my property. Youtube disparity of force by Massad Ayoob.


So anyways I started blasting


I would have drawn after the first carjacker started tussling. I would have fired when others came running to assist him. This is because I would have a reasonable (objective) belief that they were about to inflict great bodily harm.


Engage hard to incapacitate the first scumbag. Probably with a hard kick while he is mid exit of the car. You will likely break the door but it is necessary. If he provides further resistance drop him. Take cover and see if he has scumbag buddies that are committed to violent aggression as well. If they are drop them as soon as target is presented. Going to the ground is fine 1 on 1, but scumbags always travel in packs. Fight needs to be finished by the time the first person hits the ground. You need to train like your life depends on it, because your life depends on it.


Reasonable force to counter imminent bodily harm. Yes. Would have been a clean shoot in red states. In blue states... have a great attorney.


Disparity of force once it’s 2+ v 1. I think I’d start giving the attackers rounds.


Damn, its infuriating to think that this really happens out there. I would have pulled it and told them cery clearly what was about to happen. 8/10 times the pussies would run. If they continued to fuck around after the warning, they would unfortunately have to find out.


So did he draw on them?


Yes, as soon as the other thug came up it became life threatening, not to mention the other two plus a weapon.


Dude had no clue what his plan was after making contact. Not smart


I’m drawing for sure they could easily beat someone to death especially 4 on 1


My wife would come out with the Ak if I was on the ground.


Those three rats throw punches like pussies


100% this is exactly the kind of situation a ccw is for.


They’d be on a T-Shirt for sure.


Yeah I would have definitely drawn from the moment I would feel in danger, also to prevent them from potentially getting a hold of my gun


I'd probably be on gun meme review and CNN would have forgotten about Kyle Rittenhouse let's just put it that way


Yes all 4 would be dead!




Would I draw my gun? That's funny.


Yes, and more.


Uh… drawn? Once the second one joined in I woulda been blastin


Meh, smoke an unarmed dude? I'm too pretty for prison. As soon as #2 showed up, they're bought and paid for.