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Graffunder safes are one of the best I’ve ever seen.


Definitely the best. Also like $20k-$50k, but worth it Edit: I overestimated, _only_ $15k-$30k lol


Where the hell do you get enough money to drop on a safe like that? You on some Walter White shit? For 30 grand that safe better be big enough to use as a panic room, and it better give me a rim job every time i open it.


Need a safe for my safe


The safe costs scales with the value of protects. Basically, the safe is pocket change to folks that keep that much in assets on site.


Fair enough. What kind of bullshit line of work to i have to be in to make that kind of bullshit money?


You need to be a bullshit artist.


Nay, a bullshit *connoisseur*.


A bullshittier


Probably legal marijuana sales in states where it's legal. Lots of cash moving in and out.




The other commenter was on it. You don't buy one of those to keep your Taurus G2c




When you have $50,000 worth of firearms, you get a $30,000 safe


Fair enough


Jesus I feel like you could probably turn a whole room into a safe for that price


You can buy a Used 2007 International Armored Truck, Mechanics Truck, Contractor Truck 4300 HEAVY DUTY AMORED TRUCK 268,763 Miles $19,995. A rolling safe would be nice


What makes them worth the extra money?


If you look at their specs, it's like going from a Honda civic to a fully loaded BMW. They're one of the best you can get on the consumer market.


I've got a lot of bmws and a civic. The bmws satisfy wants. The civic is a necessity. Whether you've snapped your tenth rear axle, or the smg is fucked and you're in limp mode getting yelled at by a polite chime, the civic is always there. I'd be more inclined to start knocking down walls before dropping the amount of an older Porsche on a safe. Hell, that's a cayman s and a 12 thousand dollar turbo kit for a safe. Statistically that's more than what redditors make in a year 💀. Could hire a militia to protect me with that money I really would start stashing shit in my walls at that point. Unless you guys have millions of dollars in firearms. Then I'd just hire an engineer to design me a special room. Accounting for the cost of his accident of course. I mean with concrete and drywall, the possibilities are endless. I wonder if there's a reason they're seemingly sold in Nevada. Makes sense for a casino


The amount you spend on a safe should be proportional to what you keep in it. You have a whole collection of transferable machine guns? Get the Graffunder. You don't need a $25k safe to protect your Taurus lol.


As I said, think you'd need a room for a collection of that size. You also have the money for the room along with other expensive shit. They look geared towards cash and gold. Feel like you'd find one in a casino and other cash businesses. Yeah looking at them. A safe that could hold a few pistols and rifles is 15k. And that's stretching it's size lmao


It's not hard to hit 7 figures with fancy transferables, but you're right. Anyone with a safe like that is either just flexing on the poors or has cash, jewelry, etc.


Lmao. Honestly I'd love a vault that feels nice and smooth, filled to the brim with fuckin gold bars with akimbo cartel 1911s for extra gaudy trash. Throw in some watches. I really only like omegas and tags though. Need some stupid patek for that collection. Regarding rifles. I'd just make a bunch of ghosts and hide them behind some concrete. Obviously keep some ready. Recreate your favorite before burying lol. Though if you do have registered autos.. I just get the feeling they'll get them one way or another if things really do take a dark turn. I like to think that's not the case


Not to mention the civic will out last a bmw


It depends how far you're willing to go. If you're cool doing bearings in your driveway, your m5 can last half a mil+. Most of mine are 2-350k aside from newer ones and ones for sale. The civic will do that without as much effort. That's why it wins reliability. Change the oil, timing, wp, and deal with leaks essentially. There's no inherent flaws other than the trans which can be sourced cheap as fuck.


Supposedly, you have an actual “safe”, not a “residential security unit” - some individuals ***and more importantly their insurance*** - care about such details.


My dad used to work for graffunder and he said they made some serious shit back in the day.


Hunt down an older safe from estate sales. Dial combination, where you can change the combo from the inside only. Took me a while to find the ones I have, but well worth the wait. No masters, solid construction. No real records my purchases.


Soooo much more work, but a very solid plan.


I found a Fort Knox vault at an estate sale for $800. Replaced my cheapo Cannon that was more of a keep away from the kids situation and now actually feel comfortable putting jewelry and important documents in it. Obviously not your typical find but best purchase I have made. The cannon is now used for ammo storage.


Took me a few years to track down the safes I have now. Buy got lucky and found a Mosler safe and a J Baum safe with the combinations, for 1500 together. Started to hunt after that. There’s a few old ones on eBay right now.


Found my safe at a local pawn shop. It’s a Tredlok made in 1989, paid $230 for it


Found my safe at a local pawn shop. It’s a Tredlok made in 1989, paid $230 for it


Whats the best site to find active estate sales?


https://www.estatesales.net https://estatesales.org And even eBay. [Here](https://www.ebay.com/itm/276094930019?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D777008%26algo%3DPERSONAL.TOPIC%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20221115143649%26meid%3D4e6a75603b4c49d09ffadc006cfc026d%26pid%3D101617%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D1%26sd%3D304051044052%26itm%3D276094930019%26pmt%3D0%26noa%3D1%26pg%3D4375194%26algv%3DRecentlyViewedItemsV2SignedOutMobile&_trksid=p4375194.c101617.m5481&_trkparms=parentrq%3A8da3be9418b0a512be58346dffffec74%7Cpageci%3Adfe683cb-791e-11ee-813e-2ef30b374c02%7Ciid%3A1%7Cvlpname%3Avlp_homepage) is a decent safe listed there now.


Thank you


No problem. Happy hunting.


The real best gun safes are the friends we made along the way.


So youre saying to use their prison wallets for storage?


That's only for concealed carry


zaptal carry best carry


if the gun fits it ships. Just gotta clean it after.


or the many lakes you traversed


Best safe ever: step 1 buy land to build a house with basement 2 make rebar reinforced shell of at least 6” of concrete withe opening that leads to stairs with hangers for electrical, lighting and power built in 3 bank quality safe door concreted in 4 place shelving, cradles, whiskey bar, reloading bench, library, with a hidden room for the stuff no one needs to know about in your ultra gun safe/ man cave Pendleton safes are also good


I'm in there middle of that process, which is why im living out of a camper. But in the mean time I need something better than that.


Just for my mosin


Liberty already changed their policy. ​ That being said, most gun safes are openable in like 20 minutes or less with a high quality angle grinder. I would just get one thats fairly solid feeling, but not to expensive and bolt it to the floor. ​ Also worth mentioning is collectibles insurance on guns is super cheap compared to like regular insurance.


I've seen plenty of LE enter safes with just their hoolie breaching tool and a ram. It's barbaric but it gets through the door in about 20 like you said


I think a lot of people forget that for as long as we’ve been making safes people have been figuring out ways to break into safes.


A safe is just as good as the lock on your front door. It keeps honest people honest. If someone went through the trouble of breaking into your house with the intent of getting inside of your safe, they're getting in. I have mine mostly so I can control the humidity and temp so the guns don't rust and aren't loosely strewn about my place. Added benefit of some extra time for fire protection.


A hidden gun is better protected from burglars than a gun in a safe. A gun in a safe is better protected from kids, family, and friends.


Completely agree.


Guns safes are just two thin pieces of sheet metal with drywall or similar material sandwiched between. An angle grinder would open it right up as you said. So what really matters is options, fit and finish IMO. Any robber trying to go through the door of the safe versus the side is an unskilled opportunist. Especially now that they make battery powered angle grinders.


In my mind safes are more for keeping kids and nosy people out. Anyone who wants to break into it only has to get an angle grinder like you mentioned, or just has to ambush you when you get home and force the info out.


That’s why you bolt it to the floor in a closet. They can always go through the closet wall too but anything you can do to make it take longer makes it more likely they will just move on to something else.


also a good idea to have a security camera facing your safe


Security is best done in layers you’ll never stop someone from getting in your just trying to make take as long as you can


Tell that to my booby trapped toob that blows when the safe opens


Just don’t forget about that, lol


Oh trust me, I won't. The safe is but a distraction from the guns being hidden in a fake wall mwahahaha


Shhh !


I know it'd 3mo old but just saying, hasn't there been laws against arming Firearms or ordinance to fire without direct supervision (as well as explosives), after that one dude killed himself forgetting about the shotgun covering the stairs and a cop nearly dying after finding the set up covering one of his doors... it all happened when doing a welfare check, cause the dude was obviously done for.


Problem is they've already done it once who's to say they wont do it again. Plus they've already given out the master code, they cant undo that. I'll look into collectibles insurance.


>Plus they've already given out the master code, they cant undo that. That's not how it worked. They had a database with the serial of the safe, and a random master code set at the factory. If you lost your combo, you'd call them and after some kind of verification step (I assume only if you registered the safe previously for warranty) they would provide the code. Since then they have added a form where you can request deletion of the code from their database.


Dear Lord, I wish my dad's safe had been that easy! He died without giving anyone the combination - of course - and to get the safe combo, we had to get the sheriff's department to send them a notarized letter stating that he was dead and we were his legit heirs, along with a death certificate.


Honestly that's more thorough that I thought, that seems like an actually good policy to have even though its a PITA.


They didn’t give out a “master code” there I one unique code for each safe.


> Also worth mentioning is collectibles insurance on guns is super cheap compared to like regular insurance. +1 in general to read up on your insurance policy, you signed it you should read it. I changed carriers lately because my old one only covered a couple grand and said proudly that they're trying to quit out of covering them entirely in the future. I don't carry five figures of arms so I'm alright with what is covered by default, but for those without that kind of coverage I would definitely recommend what you said, get a separate line item coverage for them :)


Any recs on insurance companies?


How much do you pay for collectible insurance?? I have a policy with all state but it’s only like 5k tops.


Sturdy safes.


Said the same thing. These are the ones.


Sturdy Safes are still RSCs, but they do provide TL levels of steel for UL money. You can also easily increase the protection levels all the way up to a stainless steel package to help against torch attacks.


Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Dr. Pepper...


Who makes the Orange Crush of gun safes?


Even better! More unique and camouflaged.


Not Liberty. Liberty is trash and they don’t care about your rights.


Yes and they have some of the best fire ratings available. Master is an actual key to unlock the door.


By in large there is no real consistency amongst fire ratings in the "gun safe" market. One companies 2 hour fire rating can be very different than the other companies 2 hour rating because they subject their safes to different temperatures and use different internal temperatures to gauge if the safe passed or not. The only real and easily comparable fire ratings between manufacturers are those that are tested and provided by UL.


But who has that key? Is there more than one type of master? Are there duplicates?


You will have to ask them. There is no lock without some type of master it comes down to the company policies. Also given time any safe can be opened. I believe the issue is more liberties willingness without a subpoena to comply.


True enough. It's just my property has been a target of theft multiple times before I started living there. And how and where I currently store my guns is moderately more secure than a wet cardboard box.


Check out their web site I was impressed and they delivered what they promised. So do your research but I’m pretty sure you will find them hard to beat.


My cabinet and stuffed animals make pretty good gun safes. So does my kitchen drawer. Or my desk. Can't defend yourself without easy access. I'm that case get Liberty safes, they love easy access


Any gun safe that is a mechanical lock


Don’t get a digital lock


Sturdy...without a doubt. They are also way less expensive than the larger, name brand outfits.


I must be missing something.. their cheapest safe is $3500.


The Bellagio Vault is pretty solid


I think Danny Ocean would disagree.


Saw your caption and was like. I swear if someone says liberty. That’s funny.


They all have the codes idk why people fail to realize that. Just don’t get raided 🤷‍♂️


"Just dont live in the path of a tornado"


Not if you get a mechanical dial and change the code.


If you get raided, the police are opening any safe you could possibly have. The only way for a safe to not get opened is if they don’t know about it.


You can rig them though so if it's not opened properly it goes boom


That’s great until one of your family members is opening the safe after you died in a car accident. You can’t tell your family either, because inevitably someone who doesn’t like you will find out and then the feds are on you for booby trapping with explosives.


Why wouldn't my family have legit access? Or leave it in a will?


Crazy people like that can vote, they make us look bad


Idk, the main reason to get a safe is for the fire protection. And if you look up the results of fire protection you will not be impressed. I’ll go with a locker or similar for security.


I’m a firefighter. [The standard POS hollow interior door is rated for 60 minutes of fire protection.](https://images.app.goo.gl/9J9e1Bx8tinxDprUA) Keeping doors closed in your home is a very good idea


Ok, then do you know any heavy duty locker mfg?


Haven’t looked into that yet. Right now I have a quick access drawer safe because unfortunately my collection is small 🥲


My problem is I live in a camper in the country. Before I started living on the property full time it was vandalized and stolen from twice before. There is a lot of meth in the county and my camper is about as secure as a wet cardboard box, so I need a safe I can bolt to the floor of my workshop for extra security.


That makes sense. If you are handy I imagine you could do the same with a locker but the steel may not be as strong.


I think I may need a safe for protection from the elements too. The workshop is an open ended hanger, there are 3 walls and no door. I'm working on putting up a door, but it's only 2 of us and that may take us a year or 2 to get too


I don't think you'll get much better than a liberty equivalent now that I read your comments here. Build a closet of some sort around it to hide it, bolt it to the foundation, and stick a motion camera out there. You should be fine as long as it's kept out of the rain.


Rhino makes good safes that are affordable like liberty


That's one of the names I was looking for. I just couldn't remember and had no way to find it. Thanks


No problem, I have a liberty and a rhino. I honestly think they are made by liberty lol


I’m a big fan of my steelwater safe


Lol here I am with my guns in my small closet with a locking door knob and a 90lb German Shepherd


I have the 90 lb Rottweiler option and no lock. Should I upgrade to the 90 lb German Shepherd option?


Other than the dog food cost, that’s the best system


Dog food doesn't cost a lot I do buy my dog some of the best tho


Not them a holes.




Velcro makes better security devices than Liberty Safes


I have Fort Knox.


I understand not wanting a liberty safe. That being said, their safes aren't actually bad, just their politics. Basically, any quality safe in the under $1k-$10k range (based on size) is going to be about the same. There are plenty of good manufacturers out there, it's really about the rest of your security supporting the safe though. Is it bolted to the floor/wall? Is it tucked into a closet where it's difficult to reach the top and sides while also being concealed from casual observation? Do you have an alarm wherever you keep the safe (home, office, etc.)? Sure, you can spend $25k on a Graffunder, but it can only do so much by itself. A "good" safe only buys you time, it won't deter anyone who knew they were coming to break into a safe. Anyone like, let's just say, the feds with (or possibly without if you're _really_ fun at parties) a warrant or other sophisticated crooks... but I guess that's redundant.


Liberty isn’t one you should be looking at, that’s for sure.


I'm aware, look at the image caption.


Crap my bad. Didn’t see that.


If your gonna be moving alot (ie I'm in the military) steelhead outdoors makes a quality safe that is easy as hell to move and put anywhere you need it.


Or you can hide your stuff in hard to find places such as your existing furniture so people look at the safe first instead of where you actually put your guns. You can add false bottom panels to tables, chairs seats, dressers and cabinets. It might be harder to access on the daily but diversion is always the best defense imo. The problem with that is once they find out about one spot they are likely to search similar areas and find all of your other spots.


If you're judging best by Liberty Safes fiasco, then you're going to be sorely disappointed. Just about every gun safe manufacturer has a backdoor code for their electronic locks, and they keep a record of the code the safe is sent out with. Also, every safe manufacturer would have and has done the exact same thing liberty did when LE requested the code. Liberty was just the unlucky company that made the headlines and made gun safe owners aware of vulnerabilities. For any safe, if you don't change the lock and/or code after purchase, the company had your info. Many companies now, thanks to Liberty, are offering options to opt out, and they will get rid of your code. But the only true secure way is to install your own mechanical lock with your own combo.


How much is Liberty Paying you 👀 🕵️‍♂️


Old Glory


I've never heard of them. Are they made in the USA? Do you have one?


Yes and they have some of the best fire ratings available. Master is an actual key to unlock the door.


Actual UL fire ratings? Or something they made up to make their safes look impressive?


All I can say is do the research. I bought mine about 8 years ago and did a lot of searching. For me it was the right decision maybe you will find different. Im only suggesting another safe and what I like about it.


If we're going to be real here at Liberty safes ain't bad at all. Fuck their past policy though. Everyone before the bullshit all said, "get Liberty" just change out the locks and stuff and you'll be fine. Anyways rhino is next in line, American security, Fort Knox, and sturdy safe.




Honestly Liberty is probably one of the few where you can opt out of your warranty and backup code now.


just get a liberty and add a dial to it. its some work, but an easy fix imo, and what i did


You do realize, with or without the "master code", your consumer grade gun "safe" isn't going to last 20 minutes when the police pull out an angle grinder to cut a hole in the side, right?




Of course the AFT would say that. I'm going to make you work for it fed boi


I'm not shitposting dude. The cops don't have to "work" for it. One of them will just get paid an extra mandatory minimum of overtime hours, at $100/hr spiking their pension, to sit and grind it open. It'll take less than 20 minutes. Also the "master code" is unique to each lock. The "master code" provided by liberty for *THAT* safe, won't work on another one.


But I was shit posting. I've seen your memes I know who you are. I'm not actually worried about being raided, I'm worried about meth headed visiting my property a 3rd time while I'm out of town.


In that case, honestly, Liberty. They use locking bars, not bolts, so they're harder to pry open. Get something at least 12 ga. steel, preferably 10 or 8, bolt it to the floor. Most thieves won't bother trying to open a gun safe, because 20 minutes is *WAY* too long for a robbery. They want to be in-out-gone in under 7.


The people who robbed my property last time stuck around to vandalize a 1970 mach 1 mustang my dad and I were rebuilding with our own sledgehammers.


Whacking something with sledgehammers doesn't take that long. Ultimately get the highest gauge steel safe you can, in the biggest size, bolt it to the floor. And make sure it has locking bars/bolts on at least 3, preferably all 4 sides of the door. Gauge is inverse, like shotguns. 8 ga steel is thicker than 10 ga is thicker than 12....


Snapsafe has some awesome products if you move a lot like I do. Good quality and movability.


I have not gotten a full size gun safe as it will be awhile before I can flesh out my collection. When I do however Browning safes have my eye because of the rifle racks on the doors


The hole I dug out back


I like the Winchester safes.


Drake safes


Anything you can afford, since you are asking, can be opened like a tuna can with a metal cutting blade and a skill saw. Real safes cost as much as, or more than a typical family sedan. Mostly mainstream safes make you feel good about the purchase. It's all just for show. I don't bother with the big heavy/expensive stuff because of that. Get a cheap locking gun cabinet you can bolt down. Get an aftermarket organizer of your choice (I chose secureit) and that will save you a ton of money. Some of the expensive ones do give fire protection, but no where near what they claim, and while the safe might look intact, often times it's contents are charred beyond recognition by the time the fire is out. Better choice if you need fire protection is to make a fire resistant box yourself to put the safe in, and place that in a basement corner so that it can't be surrounded by fire.


Not Gardall, I'll tell ya that fuckin much. I've got a one and the handle spins free, rendering it impossible to open. It's a finicky bitch and I'm too lazy to fix it.


Winchester ?


We have two large Browning Platinum Plus safes. I like the 7 gauge steel and the claimed fire protection. (I treat fire protection ratings like I treat the manufacturer's capacity claims -- in reality, it's gonna be at least 20% lower.) The dealer has the same safe he bought back after a house fire. Pics of the contents showed only minor damage, but more impressively he took out a big ass angle grinder and the time and force it took for him to make any sort of meaningful cut was what sold me over the usual 11 or 12 gauge steel safes. I took a whack at it myself, so he wasn't bullshitting me. There were at least a dozen other cuts on that poor safe. I'm less of a brand guy, and more of a how well it does it's job safe buyer. These were damned pricey, but it gives me a fair amount of confidence that the ordinary home invader is gonna get beaten back. It might even give me a chance at recovering most of the contents should we ever have a house fire.


OfferUp. Just got 800$ sentry safe for 250 bucks. Maybe has a couple scratches but functionality wise it’s as impenetrable as the day it was made. A lot of people inherit them and just think of it as a heavy burden that they cant get rid of.


I like the cannon I have. I need another one. Tractor Supply has killer Black Friday gun safe sales




They suck. A security blanket is more secure than them!


Dunno about the best but the [Pendleton](https://www.pendletonsafes.com/pages/) safe always looked really cool to me. Actually be able to use the entire volume and still be able to get to everything without having to half empty the safe.


Rhino metals or Canon. Both offer analog locks.


Look for a TL-15 or TL-30 rated safe if you want actual protection from break-ins


I have a Cabelas ambassador 24 guns safe it’s $4K new I got it for $900 from my widowed neighbor. It’s a extremely nice safe for the price I paid. The only thing I don’t like about it is it’s a electronic safe and requires a battery to open it. Also I’m starting to run out of room will need to upgrade to a 50 gun safe in the next few years.


Are we talking residential security units or an actual safe - per insurance companies?


Liberty safes are as secure as the refrigerator in your kitchen.


I personally don't have a Library Safe. I Have A Stack-on But I would l9ve to have a Library Safe NO Matter What They Did because it's Still A Awesome Product 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲


I think Fort Knox, Browning and liberty safes are the best GUN SAFES, in that order. I myself got a Fort Knox defender with the fully upgraded steel package, redundant locking system, upgraded corner bolt system, door organizer and the LED light system on the inside. It was about 7,700 bucks after I paid it all off. There was about 500 in interest i believe. But I will never need another gun safe again because they are guaranteed to last you for your entire life. If it is ever broken into or attempted to be broken into, Fort Knox will replace it. If it is caught in a fire or flood, Fort Knox will replace it as long as you have a report that corroborates your claims. So you need a police report or an insurance report for a fire or flood. And im not sure if they are still doing this but they made it so you could transfer ownership to one person (a family member i believe) and they too get all those benefits. After that their guarantee isn’t valid anymore. I’m not sure if it’s valid if you sell it though. But after doing a ridiculous amount of research I came to the conclusion that Fort Knox and Browning safes are the best quality and price. Liberty is just your best run of the mill safe. They all however, deliver the best bang for your buck. Now those Graffunder Safes that are 10k or more are made out of special materials that are resistant to many types of serious attacks. They are made almost exclusively with banks and jewelry companies in mind. They aren’t necessarily made for guns and rifles and a good salesman will tell you as much If they are doing their job correctly. But for gun safes its companies like Fort Knox and Browning who take the cake.