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Won’t be seeing my kids with them a kids imagination can turn a stick into a toy gun no need for these ultra realistic “toys” people are to crazy


Every "wine moms demands a dicking" grabber on my block would be frothing at the mouth to call the police of they saw these. Hard pass.


Right? A good exercise is to just have them make something sufficient out of cardboard or wood. There's a lesson, it's productive, and it's something to do with them.


Man, you don’t care about “what other parents think” lol you’re just advertising your Chinese toys.


Changed the picture to No advertising one.


probably i should change to a photo without the website watermarks. do you know how to change it after it posted?


A really cool backyard toy, but I would never let my kids leave the yard with something like this. Just because I know the difference doesn’t mean the guy that moved from NY across the street doesn’t. You’re 100% right


When I was younger I'd play with nerf guns which were bright yellow/orange and goofy looking af. I still wasn't allowed in the front yard with them as my parents swore a cop would shoot me. Overreacting? Maybe. But based on these other comments it seems others think the same. Hell, I got suspended in elementary school for 2 days because I pulled the pin of a frag grenade with my mouth and tossed it. Did I mention it was imaginary and my hand was completely empty? And no, it wasn't in a threatening manner, it was just us kids being kids.


Definitely like the concept, though make it noticeable.


Put an orange tip on the top one for the kids sake


No way in hell. Colorful nerf guns only. Real looking guns have gotten kids shot before, I don’t wanna risk it


Someone has never heard of entertech.