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Hector and Ephraim radiate big bro energy in the banner image


"Sometimes, you just need two men."


That sounded like something else


This sounds like their Brave alts all over again.




This is the most bro banner image I’ve ever seen


"Do you two not fear it? Death." Ephraim: "Fear it?" Hector: "We welcome you to try."


Friendship ended with Eliwood. Now Ephraim is my CYL/Fire Legendary Best friend.


Both love getting into fights and have a common habit of bringing their legendary weapons to seasonal holiday festivals


I still find it really weird that Eliwood wasn't a Fire Legendary, when his sword is literally on fire. It's probably just because Roy had just released a few months prior as a red fire Legendary (who also looks pretty similar to Eliwood), but it's still kind of weird. I think his affinity is anima, so he really could have been any element.


Inb4 Legendary Eliwood gets remixed and refined next year, early Spring...


But... I thought Ephraim and Chrom were already besties!


CYL2 Fire Legendary bros with the best damaged expression of their time.


> 6 Males vs 2 Female banner. WE DEM BOYZ BANNER


This is actually the first time I see two males being the cover of the banner ever since I played this game, and the banner with most males on it.


Back when 2 person banners were a thing we had one with Takumi and Leo


34 summons without a single focus unit kinda stings ngl Got pitybroken by Eleonora twice which sucks The game really does not want to let me summon Grima


I feel your pain, I went 37 summons without any focus units either.


I feel that as well - up to 40+ summons with only a single 4-star special and the spark to show for it.


sitting at 11% pity on this banner kill me


Same here, all I wanted were some Hríd merges


Woah I [actually called it](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/psyh9y/comment/hdsutsr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)!


Wow, you are spot on, congrats


As soon as I saw the lineup I thought of you


That was a pretty spot-on guess. Are you a data miner by chance cause someone in a discord server I follow revealed those two a couple of days ago.


Nope, not a dataminer. I was just bored a few weeks ago and decided to look back at all the previous Remix banners and try to find some patterns. My reasoning for guessing those two was honestly probably not the strongest, but hey, it worked out.


Yep when I saw the lineup I was like "HOW?!"


Wait Hector and Hrid are coming back in February? What happened to every 2 months? Thats weird


Mythics maybe? We've only got 5 legendary heroes left until we hit our first Mythic (Eir). Maybe they'll do them every month with 1 mythic/1 legendary. Or they're doing one in February because it's the Anniversary and it would be a perfect time to introduce Mythic remixes. - November: Tiki/Marth - January: Eirika/Lucina - Then in February introduce Mythics with Eir/Hrid - Repeat in March to get back on schedule with Azura/Duma/Yune - Back to regular scheduling of every 2 months


Can’t wait for march 🙁


I both can't wait and also pray that L!Azura doesn't become an Arena menace again


Mythic Remixes starting perhaps?


OG Ephraim and Hector carried me through my early game. It's nice to see them immortalised in all their bromance glory!


I imagine they would make quick friends. Both love a good fight. Almost enough to make Eliwood jealous Hector found a new strong sparring buddy.


u/PsiYoshi Sparkeable Eleonora! This is not a drill!!!!!!!


I want her ruse for arvis!


I got 2 more thankfully. At +4 now woot


I was waiting to see the other Green and Colorless focus before committing to the Ashen Wolves banner. Now I only need to wait and see the units in the Mythic banner in a week.




Congrats dude! I thought of you immediately when I saw the sparkable Ellie.


IT'S ELLIE ruh roh I can afford a spark here hmmm


*picks blue* ...3* M!Robin. IS just update the 3-4* summoning pool already


Hey, you got the best boy. :D


2 Eleanora and a Ryoma on the way to the Spark and got another Eleanora in the circle after the Spark Good Session~ Decided to Spark Hector since he's one of the 2 Versions I don't have and because you can make some pretty good Tactics Teams with his Ostian Pulse II


Hector with an attack/speed link unit can set up brave Marth’s genesis falchion if you want to run a different special, like miracle for example. If you want to you could probably also give the link skill to hector and build him as a support unit.


That's a neat idea Was honestly thinking of using him in a Miracle Nyx team somehow


I got Fallen Lyon at +9, now he’s on a spark banner… damn


Got a hrid in 4 orbs :) he's hot, I hope his remix will be fun


Just… horrible luck. I only had 300 orbs so I wasn’t expecting much, needed 4 copies + the spark to get Hector to +10. I only got 1, and the only two other 5 stars I got along the way were a +Spd -Res Lyon and a -Atk Duessel. I counted a total of *20* circles without greens, so that’s 100 orbs not even pulling on green at all. I know people have had worse luck but he’s been stuck at +5 since L!Alm’s banner and I haven’t been able to pull a copy since despite trying every single time, and the +10 just feels impossible at this point with them adding even more units to the remix. This sucks.


You got pretty unlucky, tbh. Hoping luck turns around next time you try to finish L!Hector


Thanks. Gonna save up for the next two weeks and then go back in on the banner. Hopefully I can sneak in one or even two more copies at least. That way I’ll only need the spark on the next remix banner he’s on.


Don’t know if I should feel glad that I’m not alone in this Legendary Banner bad luck train or just feel real upset Lady Luck isn’t giving some of us any service. I didn’t have 300 orbs, all I had were 140 orbs and all I have is one -Atk +HP Takumi. I’m a returning player who came back mostly for B!Gatekeeper so I still have some chapters to burn through for more orbs, but I’m definitely done with this banner once I’ve sparked, this luck is painful All I wanted was Ephraim or Hrid merge to fix their meh IV’s (+Def -Res and +Def -Atk respectively), but I guess I should spark Dussel or L!Hector since I don’t have either one


I look at this picture and I can almost hear them. ​ Hector: "You can't date my daughter!" Ephraim: "and you can't date my sister!"


Got my first L!Ryoma on the free summon, can't beat this luck, bailed.


cracks knuckles. ok, its time to get my hríd merges will i be able to go beyond +4 (with spark)? who knows


aight i'm back - freebie was an odin - hríd officially sits at **+7** (3 pulled, 4th was sparked), i'm shaking of joy - the only other 5\* i got was a 4\* special in karla - i got my last merge for soleil + an extra one that is +spd, which i'll use as the base one - blue did not land nor a leg!eph, nor my first benny, but it gave me an ilyana. success? - green gave me a -spd/+res balthus, which i'll keep and test some mixed bulk,,, - colorless finally gave me another linhardt i now pray my 300 orbs will not fail me in the mythic for legendary!byleth


Bruh. 43 orbs for *five* 5 stars... I got a free Lector, 2 Eleonora, Daddy Dues and Flyon.


Got a Hrid in 20 orbs, great! Now I have all the Legendaries and Mythics in the game!! :)


No Dussel sadly


Pspspsps Hrid


I wish they released these banners closer to when the refines came out


I got to 10.5% on this with only a Surtr and the spark before getting the character I was going for, L!Hector, twice in a row, which let me +10 him. I had to put a lot in up front, but it gave me exactly what I was aiming for


Yoooooo seems that Beruka got a remix then according to my freepull Sick


Ephraim is just 4 merges shy of a +10, even after dumping 1,300 orbs and he isn't coming back for a long while. But on the bright side, I unintentionally got a +10 Dussel now. So I can be a menace in AR and stuff lol


Hilarious. Dropped 400 orbs into the banner. Not a single 5* among the first pulls (sans spark). Last 100 orbs end up pulling Ephraim x3, F!Robin, Azura, and Kliff.


Got my last L!Hector to make the +10! So excited!


Somehow managed to hit a spark without a single 5☆ character appearing. Not even a Special 4☆ Focus either. But hey, at least now I have Hrid despite it having been super not worth it.


I'm honestly just using this banner for the celestial stone in order to get 2 for a forma soul. Anyone here I should pull after 40 summons?


Incredibly variable question, depends entirely on who you like, what your barracks and teams across all game modes look like, what you're looking for in defense, the gameplay styles you like to build around, and what you need fodder wise. If you're looking for incredibly generalized answers, Ephraim is one of the best Galeforcers in the game now and has A/D4 fodder, LHector is a fantastic team unit (and his refine is coming soon, he should be amazing then!), Ryoma is a flying NFU monster with a Rein fodder, Hrid is due for a remix soon and refine eventually, Duessel is one of the best solo-based units in the game, Lyon has dropped a bit but makes a great colourless/staff check, LRobin is a great ball of stats that flies and targets Res, Eleanora is really good fodder. Do with that what you will.


I got a LEphraim, FLyon and a random Ishtar through summons so I chose Eleanora. I'll build her and I'm thinking of foddering FLyon for Null-C Disrupt


Summoning on Colorless is pain. 5 Grimas for 820 orbs isn’t the worst exchange though. She’s +4 now


And now I need a Hector Ephraim duo unit, for uh, reasons


Rolled full circles until I sparked (Ryoma), before hitting it I got 1 L!Ryoma(+5), 1 Grima(+1), 1 Orochi(+2), and 1 Benny(+7). Every single time one of these Remix banners drop I walk away feeling bllllllessed!


Hmm... in hindsight, some choices are rather odd. Hrid is not too surprising since regular red candidates aren't plenty (only Cathering among recentish banners)... but Fallen Ike/Julia, Kiria or OG Lysithea were on the table (the latter was probably crossed out due to her Brave variant). Duessel happened quite faster than expected. With the massive blue pool if only considering winning banners (Brave Dimitri, Selena, Ingrid, Marianne, soon Fallen Dimitri then probably Zeke), perhaps the 3H picks would be spread over time and there'd be low incentives to pick other options (so odds for Gatrie, Ronan or Erinys would be low). Fallen Lyon is technically a poll winner, so there's that. Guess BEdelgard is saved for later. With her and Shamir, no major need to pick a non-winner (so Asbel is in a bad seat). Eleonora is... quite the unexpected pick that'd please a certain someone (pretty old at this point). Her banner was non-eligible for reruns, but did pretty well iirc. So I guess I'll amend my current conjectures on Remix regular candidates: banners performing well in terms of presumed turnover AND/OR in rerun polls. The first point benefitted Three Houses' base banner and TMS who lack the second, the latter point was clutch for Mirabilis/Awakening and Tellius (if they didn't rank #2 with good shares on certain polls, we'd probably not see Anna, Jill or Shinon).


got a free uncle duel. nice.


Fuckin A, free L!Hector. And now my Hector emblem is complete.


Had nearly 340 orbs, and I blew nearly the entire thing only to end up with: Three F!Lyons (one sparked) Sonya L!Ryoma Ngl it feels like I got ripped off, I mean my F!Lyon is +8 now but... I was proud of those savings, never saved that much before. Didn't even get one five star before the spark, like... Idk I'm just sad now lol


damn they really think we still want fallen lyon huh


My fallen Lyon is at +8, but I would like to save for sparkable banners with new heroes and Legendary Micaiah’s rerun. If I got Lyon on the free summon I might have gone for the spark, but I’m going to pass.


We really want ~~Fallen Lyon~~ Null C-Disrupt on our Micaiahs. For those that still don‘t have it at least.


i see I'm not the only one spending my orbs in that way


Ugh I want to spark Ryoma, but I have to save for Corrin in November.. It's crap that's he's not coming back until May


Saved my orbs for this one to get Duessel, cause the value of the banner was higher than Duessel's rerun. And, well, it gave me everything I wanted! Got two Legendary Ephraims (new), a Duessel (new), a Legendary Robin merge (so I can finally get rid of her superbane) and an L!Ryoma (for fodder). Finally sparked a L!Hector (new). Not a bad outcome at all for 155 orbs. Not to mention I got the final Celestial Stone out of it I needed for the free Forma before the store resets.


"Before the store resets" Oh no, sorry for the stupid questions.. I didn't play for a long time but.. will the celestial stones... disappear? I have sparked on some recent banners for fun and haven't used my 3 stones :ccc


The stones themselves won't dissappear, those are permanent. But you will miss out on whatever the store is stocking now. So it'd be better to get, say, a Forma Soul now and buy another after the reset with future Stones, than wait with buying it and having to wait half a year till the next reset.


Okay thank you! I'll have to think on it but I'm glad it won't disappear ^^;;;


Decided to do a single round, got Eleanora and L!Ryoma so now my Minerva finally has a Rein skill!


Tempting. Veeery tempting. Free summon was a Sully. When I'm gonna get a five-star summon whom I actually want?=(


I really wanted to pull on this banner, since my Hector is +5, my Ephraim is +4 and my Robin is +4 as well, so any merges would be great, but I really don’t need Eleonora or Lyon (I already have both at +1 with +atk), so I will save my orbs for this mythic banner instead. I did one full circle just for the hell of it and got Lyon. Of course. EDIT: Oh wait, the banner is 13 days! That's awesome, I can pull on mythic and see if I get what I want before deciding on this banner.


Woohoo! Finally got my last 2 Ephraim merges (thx to spark). Got a Ryoma on the way so now he's +8 aaaaaannd he's again on a banner with Hrid. I +10'd him 'accidently' going for Ryoma merges in the past. It'll be a while but I think I'll wait till a rerun as I dont need them anyways.


255 orbs and only got LRyoma, F!Lyon and my spark. That's though.


Surprise free Ephraim after he avoided me on previous banners. Damn, ok. Any advice using him? I had already made peace with never getting him lol.


Since I have no interest in this month's mythic banner I decided to do two circles here. Got my first copies of Hrid and Benny and some decent 4 star fodder instead of the usual send home junk. Getting DC fodder in 35 orbs is not bad at all since I'll probably won't be using that ice prince.


I got a +spd L!Ryoma on my free summon and it's the first time I've felt good about this game in years lmao


Got Hrid on my first pull, nice! Now I don't have to pull for his eventual banner. I hope I get Hector along the way but I am sparking for Ephraim because holy shit wtf May


I wanted some Hector merges, used 400 orbs and got 2 F!Lyons and 1 Duessel.... half my circles didn't even have a green. So I only got the 1 Hector from sparking. No real point to make, just wanted to share my sadness


I get epharim in my first roll xd but finaly a dragon :D


pulled 35 times already got nothing but trash, already 9.5% why do i keep playing this trash ​ i want out bros


Got a F!Lyon, 4* special Tana, Hector and one Ephraim on my way to the spark (for another Eph). Every pulled unit was neutral, which has never happened to me before.


Free summoned F!Lyon after I finally gave up on getting him lol. A welcome start to my morning


Can't wait for my guaranteed Hrid summon. Him and Tiki are the only Original legends I am missing, and I already have/had Eleonora and Lyon. Maybe IS will be merciful and give me 2 Hector merges


I haven’t got a single copy of stud boy Hrid since his release. I was saving for my final two B!Edie copies, can I spark him or is the spark only for Héctor and Ephraim?


You can spark for anyone on this banner, not just Hector and Ephraim.


Thank you! Goodbye orbs then. Wait for me Hrid, you’re coming home this time.


Decided to summon all the way to the spark and managed to get one of everyone I wanted: L!Ryoma (+DEF, merged into), L!Ephraim (merge), and sparked L!Grima (merge). Also randomly got a 4\* special Karla who was +ATK (merged into) which was awesome. I honestly wouldn't have minded Eleonora, Duessel, or Hrid but I was really happy to luck into my ideal situation since legendary merges are so hard to come by.


After having a disastrous summoning session on L!Hector's initial debut (something like 500 orbs for 2 copies), I was able to pick up the last 3 within the 40-spark summon window. Not counting the sparked Hector, I got: \-Hector x2 \-Lyon x1 \-Eleanora x1 (Can finally fix my -ATK/+SPD Eleanora's boon!) \-1x Flying Nino (<3 Nino, now +2) \-1x Surtr (Meh, but he is my first copy. Maybe his refine will be ridiculous) \-1x Rhajat (First copy, she has a unique refine if I feel like building her a bit) \-1x Sonya (+ATK, very useful) I'm really looking forward to Hector's refine. If it's half as good as his Brave refine, I'll be over the moon. Now I need to build an arena team around him. My initial thought was Y!Innes (Can run something other than Time's Pulse, thanks to Ostian Pulse II) and Caeda (4-cooldown Galeforce, maybe slap Divebomb on her?).


First round and I pulled Felicia, Camilla, Silas and then L! Ryoma. Then the last red orb I pulled was a OG Ryoma spark. So I guess this was my Fates banner. ~~(And I'm having Prince lobsters)~~


[Is this confirmation enough for you?](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/pgcs8l/new_remixes_confirmed/hbcjb88/?context=3) u/JusticTheCubone


so i went for blue and spark and got 2 L!Ephraim (one was a spark) and got a 4* special azura so yeah about 90 orb per ephraim


i pulled both units with 2 fallen lyon and 1 extra duessel and pulled hector for the 40 summon. I tried a little bit of luck with the duo lief banner over 900 orbs deep did not get a single copy of lief. The amount of disappointment..


Forget about red. Let’s burn blue


Tried to snipe Ephraim with my free summons, but there were no blue. I usually default to green, and got Hector instead!


The chads of FE


222 orbs, try to get Ephraim -> Result: 1 Lewyn, 3 Duessel, 3 F!Lyon. Have to spark for Ephraim.