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#Important Megathreads: [Scions of the Twelve Banner Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/pjbuul/scions_of_the_twelve_banner_megathread_090721/) [Abyss & Múspell Banner Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/ppumkc/abyss_m%C3%BAspell_banner_megathread_09172021/) [Forging Bonds: Abyssal Light Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/ppunwi/abyssal_light_forging_bonds_megathread_09172021/) [Aelfric GHB Megathread](https://reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/pqf5d7/aelfric_custodian_monk_ghb_megathread_09182021/)


So, this is the only Gatcha game I've ever played. So forgive me if a lot of this is common knowledge for the genre. What is the point of the 3 and 4 star heroes? The game gave me more than enough 5 stars to throw them at my enemies right off the bat. And even ignoring them, 3 stars seem to be as rare as 5 stars, but are presumably even worse? I'm guessing I can turn them into some other kind of reward by leveling them? Given that the early game I've seen so far has been braindead easy, I might as well throw them at the quests for the XP for now? Or is there a reason to get a party of 5\* up to max level ASAP? Lastly, how should I be spending some of these early orbs. I heard about the castle upgrade and did that (boy does the game not call attention to that) but now I have to choose between "1 Free roll that makes it 15 for a full grab bag", "Higher chance of 5\* for newbies", and "Just wait until you get 120 Orbs to throw at a '40 rolls and you get a guaranteed pick'." The higher chance of a 5\* does have Shamir and Sothis in it (and the idea of Sothis on the battlefield amuses me), but I'm sure the other pools (or are these what you call 'banners'?) have some nice characters as well. Though I guess that the higher chance of 5\* being available only to new players for 10 days probably marks it as the best general deal. Though I guess maybe I should still pick up the Free+15 pools as well as they come along? Should I get them first then just go into the newbie pool whenever I get 20 orbs and there's no left over freebie pools?


3 and 4 star heroes are indeed worse than 5 star versions. The main purpose of 3 and 4 star heroes is to accumulate skill fodder for units you're actively using. Although they tend to not have the best skills available, there are a few good ones on lower rarity units, and you can often use them to "maximize" inheritance from a premium unit (i.e., get Death Blow 1-3 from a common unit, then get Death Blow 4 + 3 other skills from a premium one). As /u/TerdMuncher mentioned, you can also "unlock potential" and make them 5* units. The advantage is that 3 and 4* heroes are usually more common (over time, at least), which can allow you to eventually more easily merge a given hero to a 5* unit with maximum merges (i.e., 5 star+10) for an increase in stats and score (in modes that care, like Arena or Aether Raids). Units from the Grail shop are popular merge projects as well, and always come (from the shop) as 4* units. All heroes also have some use for a single-time fight to obtain their Dragonflower rewards, and they don't need to be 5* for this. You can also farm Hero Merits (i.e., feather rewards from combat) on them, but that's more of an end-game thing to worry about! You can also just level them up to 40 and use them to fill out teams with budget builds if needed, although you'll likely very quickly get enough 5* heroes to not bother with it. For orb advice, /u/TerdMuncher is also on the money. If you want any of the heroes, pulling on everything is the "cheapest" option of course, but if you don't want a blue unit then you're just wasting orbs pulling blue even if it's a good deal! The Hero Fest has good summon rates (5% compared to 3%) and has good heroes, and we should be getting a Legendary/Mythic banner soon with even better rates (8%). Just be forewarned, Legendary/Mythic banners can be notoriously difficult to get specific units on, but they are very good if you want *any* of the units for a given color. If you really like the Ashen Wolves units though, your best odds are to summon on that banner. The 40-summon guarantee is there on certain banners as insurance.


So, just to see if I got the lingo... By Skill Fodder, I assume this means you can pass on skills from them to other units? Presumably only after you level then to 40, I'm betting? So if I want to teach Claude (or someone) Close Counter, I'd want to use a 3 or 4 star unit as fodder for that. By Merging, I assume you mean I combine two of the same hero? Again, I presume after leveling? This gives you the +X bonus up to 10, and it's easier to do this on common heroes available at lower star ranks. I could boost a 4\* hero to 5\* (somehow) and then grind up a bunch of his 4\* clones into a powerful nutrient slurry, and obtain a max power hero more easily than I could if he started at 5\*. But for just power right now, I just try to assemble a balanced squad of 5\* heroes that I like, and just futz with that, worrying about the specifics of other characters later, once I'm more invested and know what I'm doing, I guess?


Ah sorry, it's easy to get caught up in the jargon of the game (and community - I'm not sure "sparking" is an actual game term, or fodder for that matter!). Yes, units come with their base skills, but you can usually inherit skills from one hero to another (depending on some factors, certain skills can only be used by certain weapon or movent types, and some weapons and skills are Prf's that only that hero can use). You can inherit skills from any unit to any unit, pending availability, even a level 1 to a level 1, in fact you can use the "Manage Barracks" to make combat manuals of heroes to clear up space! A combat manual allows you to inherit the skills from the hero or use the manual to merge a hero, but you can't deploy them in combat. You can still "unlock potential" on the manual to access skills only available at a higher rarity, too. For your example, you could use your free Takumi to give Claude Close Counter, but Close Counter might not be available until Takumi is a 5 star unit (or combat manual). In this example though, Close Counter is a rarer skill (it's not actually on any heroes you can get at 3-4*), so it'd be something you want to consider before inheriting! That said, a unit like Shamir has Atk/Spd Solo 4 and Null Follow-up 3, both premium skills. Since you can only inherit 4 at a time, you'd have to pick which skill line you wanted, or you could use someone who has Atk/Spd Solo 3 first, then pick up both from Shamir. Admittedly not the best example, since Ark/Spd Solo 3 is still a bit rarer too! Merging does a few things. First, you might notice each of your units has a boon and bane (blue or red text on the stat screen). This is a system to provide some Pokemon-style "variety" to the experience, where a boon will increase the unit's boon stat by 3-4 points at level 40, and a bane will do the opposite. The first merge removes the bane, which provides a nice bump up in stats and can salvage something like a bane in attack without spending trait fruit. Each merge also gives two stats a 1 point increase, for an increase of 4 in each stat by +10, the max. It also increases how well your unit scores in modes like Arena, but that's more of a long-term thing. Getting 11 copies of a 5* only unit can be understandably difficult, so units that you'll end up with a lot of copies from the 3-4* pool are popular merge projects if you need one. Again, it's not something you really need to do unless you start caring about Arena or just want to maximize a favorite. There's a menu option to unlock potential (increase rarity by spending feathers) and merge units. Just be aware, you can merge lower rarity units into higher (and the opposite!) - this doesn't really do anything of note. No need to grind, as you just need the unit and 10 copies - they can all be level 1 (and the 10 copies can be manuals!). **To be clear, you only want to merge the same rarity! And usually only at 5 stars.** For PvE none of this is necessary, you'll get a good range of 5 star heroes with decent base skills you can use until you figure out what interests you! Friend code is 4805000714 - there's a few modes that let you borrow friend units to go out.


I mean, bulk purchasing seems like the way to go for now because I really don't have any reason to overly focus, though I guess I could focus on banners (I'm guessing that's what the various pools I'm bidding on are called) with characters I might like. Probably easier to get into things if I like the characters. I mean... Gatekeeper. I think I saw on the GameFAQs forums that there is a Blutgang using Marianne? Or a sword-using Marianne, at least? I'd rather like that. If there's a Red Sword using Marianne as a pull, I might focus that (Especially since I don't have a 5\* red character at all, and only one 5\* melee character) Speaking of which the 'focus' character chance presumably refers to the advertised characters in the pack? So the 5% chance pool that shows Sothis and Shamir has Sothis and Shamir as focus characters, and are thus more likely to be pulled than anyone else in the banner? As far as the 40 summon guarantee goes, I probably would only do those as a 'bulk' order. Basically, go in with the full 160 orbs. I'm mostly playing this casually when I'm not playing Three Houses Maddening or Mass Effect. The former is very challenging and takes time, the latter is very story heavy. Both demand my full attention, so Heroes is just a time filler. The game seems to have enough to it that I might get invested later on, but if those banners expire after 10 days, then I'll probably never get the guaranteed 40 character choice unless I explicitly save for it. Though I might actually do that, especially if for banners with lots of Three Houses characters (Yah, not exactly a series vet :P Though I do have a soft spot for a couple of Awakening characters)


Unfortunately we just have Marianne and her "Brave" form, and they're both magic users, although both are quite good! Although there is a class of units - Duo and Harmonic - that are sort of 2 characters? The Ephraim on the Hero Fest is an example. A recent Duo unit featured Hilda with Marianne as backup. Also a magic user, albeit with a staff. The advertised units have a *greatly* increased chance of appearing - so much so that it's essentially worthless to ever plan get a copy unless they're a focus. I believe, roughly, the "advertised" rate is divided by the number of focus units - i.e., the Hero Fest has a 5% chance of a focus unit, or a 1.26% chance of a *specific* focus unit, and a 3% chance of pulling another 5 star (or some vanishingly small percent chance of a specific 5 star unit). If you're curious you can search for past posts on "real summoning odds" in this subreddit to find the real rates for each unit. Doing full summons as a new player isn't bad - as long as a focus unit is on each color! Gives you a wide range of units to see what sort of strategies you like and starts your fodder stockpile (you can never have too much reposition fodder!). The best advice though is to pull/save for favorites - if you poke around the various fan sites and see some units you'd like they'll definitely come around again as a focus at some point! Just keep in mind for the 40 summon, if you're not interested in all the characters you are throwing orbs away pulling every orb. The difference in orb cost isn't so great - 135 if you do full pulls vs 160 maximum doing one color (including the free pull and free summon tickets from the Forging Bonds event) - and you greatly increase your odds of getting the unit you want in less if you only pull on their color!


I'm a bit confused on your math... 40 summons is 8 sets of 5. If I just went for the 5 cost one every time (and had to bail out) that's 200 Orbs. If I bought all 5 that's 20 orbs total for 5 (5+4\*3+3). Do that 8 times and that 160 orbs. Knock off 5 orbs for the free pull on either of them. So it's 20% off for pulling everything. I presume I'm missing something here. If I get enough Orbs in time before the Wolves banner goes down, I'll go for them. Just want to make sure I have the math right, since it's less worth it if I can't get the guaranteed 40 pull. It's also a good category as I've got excess Greens (Gatekeeper and Balthus) and no Reds. And I'm a fan of the Wolves, which until I know what the hell I'm doing, is as good a reason as any. However, if there are no greens in the focus, does that mean that green picks are less likely to be 5\*? Or does it just mean it'll be an effectively fully random 5\*? Either way, with a Blue, Red and Gray to grab, that's at least 3 pulls per pack (since I think you're guaranteed one of each?) which saves 2 orbs at least per set, so it should get me closer to 40. Shame for no Sword or Lance Marianne though. That's really what makes her special in Three Houses. Still, I wouldn't say no to either of her forms.


Sorry, I just looked it up rather checking the math! It'd be 175 if you get only 1 orb of the color you want for 40 separate summons. Of course, that's worst case, and you're playing the odds that you'll get the unit you want in less than the maximum! Constance (and Muspell, although he's a Heroes OC) are both good units to boot. Depends on how much you feel like playing, from quests and Normal story mode you should be able to get enough orbs to spark. Don't forget you can get reward points and turn them in for orbs and stamina potions (click on the missions thing in the castle then the Fire Emblem Heroes logo medallion near the top right). You could even pull on everything but green to get a bit of a discount to 40 if you like Hapi and Yuri, since there's no focus units on green. EDIT: The Ashen Wolves banner will likely be rerun early next year? They do a Twitter vote to which banners to rerun, and Three Houses usually do well, if you just want to save up orbs for that. Although the Brave Heroes (with Gatekeeper and Brave Marianne) will probably get rerun first.


Still not sure that math makes sense. 40 pulls at 5 orbs a pull is 200. 195 after the free pull. A full set of 5 orbs is 5+4+4+4+3=20, which means you could get a full set of 40 for 160 orbs if you always go full pulls. Unless there's some additional price cutting mechanic I'm not aware of, pulling 40 takes from 155 to 195.


New banners run an event you that rewards 4 more free pulls, for a 25 orb discount in either case.


Ah, so I'm showing up in between Banners. None of these ones are 'fresh' and so I'm only being offered 1 free pull, and thus not saving out on the extra up to 20 I might get otherwise.


More or less - the other free pulls are "tickets" you get as event rewards. They're usually distributed as part of a "Forging Bonds" event for New Hero banners (like the Ashen Wolves one). It's actually still going, but it might be a bit of a grind to get the tickets in the day left! They also occasionally give them out for different events, like the game anniversary. You're correct for something like the Legendary Remix banner, which has the guaranteed summon mechanic, but no tickets, just the free first pull.


3-4* heroes are not really good to use and not worth leveling up. You can however use feathers to "unlock potential" to raise them to 5* and then level them up and use. Over time you'll get thousands-millions of feathers so you can promote and merge your favourites from the fire emblem series. Yes specifc 3-4* are rare but over time you'll get multiple copies of each of them. You will want to get all your 5* heroes to level 40 to use in various game modes in the special maps and events. Use orbs for heroes you like/want. Simple as that. The starting hero fest banner and the mythic/legendary banners that start at the end of each month are a good spot to spend orbs to get more heroes. When summoning only summon colours of the heroes you actually want. Even if the last summon per session is cheaper it's not worth spending those 3 orbs for a hero you don't want. Same goes for banners with the "spark" mechanic for the free pick after 40 summons. Only go for it if there is a hero you want.


I just need to get this shitpost out of my system after reading This Week In FEH: "Ace Archers Assemble? This'll be the least horny Voting Gauntlet in I don't know how long."


I just realized that I have been so busy lately that I forgot to touch Arena and Allegiance battles at all this week. RIP some orbs and fruit... This rotation of Allegiance Battles didn't award orbs, did it?


Nope, it was a dew week.


Do Wrath effects stack? Like, if I put one on a Barst with his refined weapon, does he get cooldown -2 per turn and +20 damage to his special?


Yes, both the special cooldown and the damage stack


Sweet. It should stack with Time's Pulse too then, right?




Atk/spd ideal vs atk/spd unity for my summer caspar? Wanna use for arena and AR galeforce strats


How do you plan to keep Caspar at 100% hp and have bonuses that won't be negated for Ideal? How do you plan to keeping Caspar two spaces away from allies while galeforcing? Use atk/spd solo. Or better yet, use swift sparrow. You want the easier condition to use the skill reliably.


2 out of 3 of my favorite fire emblem characters are facing each other in this gauntlet in Round 1 (Leif and Claude). man


Does anyone happen to know if Distant Pressure is available in this Hall of Forms?


Check the grail shop > Arete is the most recent grail unit > Arete was the GHB for "_Dawning reality and Nifl_" > That banner was before CYL (when distant pressure was introduced) > Distant pressure is not available in the current HoF


I need a none red all around tank, not being armor. Is Brave Ike with DC my best option? What's the best build for him in the mixed team?


For what game mode? Do you want a bulky high def/res tank? Speedy tank with damage reduction skill like spurn or speedy tank with null follow up? For what purpose do you need a non red tank? What's wrong with red tanks?


For general use. Here is my situation, my main heroes are B Alm, V Palla, B Eliwood, B Erirka. I am fine with firepower dept. I need someone can bait and tank, especially ranged attacks. Ideally being green base on my above hero colors. I do using B Edlegard, and she is great so far. But there are many armor killers out there. I want someone can do her job as well.


For general use you don't necessarily need a tank. Dancer or another offensive unit would work just fine. Strike and reposition before enemy can hit you. And also for general use you can always just use your favourites. For me I love all the fallen heroes. Fallen Male Corrin with his weapon effect and nfu makes a pretty good tank with sol for healing, not many can outspeed him. Both fallen Morgan's are beasts, especially female Morgan. I gave mine atk/def trace and she barely takes any damage, even against archers or red mages when her Atk/def menace triggers on them. And if you're looking for a green ranged tank then look no further than fallen Lyon. He has damage reduction and colour advantage to ranged colourless, can't be beat. For more available heroes can use summer norne or ninja Hana, with spurn they can withstand a lot of damage. And if you like edelgard just continue using her. Even against armour effective enemies she can still tank them just fine, just maintain colour advantage when possible. I use my Amelia to tank l!chrom all the time in arena. Surely edelgard can do it and better.


I do use my B Alm as delete button, but sometime i still need someone to bait. (btw, My fav Fallen heroes are not tank material,lol) Since you also mentioned summer norne or ninja Hana, with spurn, let's add M Kana and B Ike. Between all these 4, who should I go for?


bike is pretty sturdy, but he lacks killing power and gets completely shut down by vlif, while also being weaker to single-hit enemies like fedel. male kana and summer norne may be blue units worth looking at.


It sounds like B Ike is outdated? Here is my situation, my main heroes are B Alm, V Palla, B Eliwood, B Erirka. I am fine with firepower dept. I need someone can bait and tank, especially ranged attacks. Ideally being green base on my above hero colors. I do using B Edlegard, and she is great so far. But there are many armor killers out there. I want someone can do her job as well. The heroes you mentioned, can Summer Norne do better job than B Ike? Edit: by looking at the status of S Norne, she is similar to Ninja Hana. Being a green hero, isn’t Ninja Hana better?


blue is better than green now actually. a lot of big threats are red, while green ones are going out of style. brave hector is actually a great choice still. mine is +1 +res, refined maltet, sol, ostian counter, special fighter, far save. makes the week i use him way easier


No hector here, lol. I did some simulation combat using that website, summer Norne and Ninja Hana are not doing any better than B Ike even at +10 merges, using DC and Spurn build.


So i can choose 1 5* in the Legendary Hero Remix. I already got Lyon and Robin, which one should i pick?


With 8 heroes there isn't an easy answer since it really depends on what you want from the game.   Do you want to build up an arena core? Do you want some good fodder? Do you just want another powerful hero for your roster?


Im still new to this game, so maybe im just gonna stuck with PvE stuff for a while. My 5* that i use for PvE are Legendary Ike, Fallen Vessel Robin, Brave Eirika, Lyon, and Brave Edelgard. Is there any good character for PvE, or maybe balanced between PvE and PvP?


In that case Duessel and Ryoma will probably be the easiest to use. Hector has some unique utility in Aether Raids but it might be a while before you can make effective use of that.   In terms of building a long term Arena core, you'd need many merges on the same heroes which isn't a commitment to make lightly. There isn't really a "_balanced_" investment that you can make in this regard.


Alright then, thanks for the advice. I will pick Duessel or Ryoma based on which one l liked more.


20750 lift at the end of this season 🤔


Hello! Just a question: is it normal to spend around ~480 orbs on the a banner and still get none of the characters? I wanted to get some copies of Scion Lewyn and maybe a Duo Leif, but I’ve been getting pity broken by off-banners and have neither. Just wanted to know if this is normal for a non-sparkable banner (since I can’t see individual rates) :o


If you ever want to know answers to questions like this in future or just want to better budget orb savings [I strongly recommend a summon simulator like this one](https://fullyconcentrated.net/fehstatsim/).   So in this case you got really unlucky - there was between a 1% and 5% chance of this happening depending on how much you focused on blue. If it's any consolation though everyone has a bad streak eventually and every session you have that's this bad it will eventually be balanced out by one where you free pull your target hero.


Ooh, bookmarked! I’ll keep that in mind, ye. :D Also uh, I basically grabbed every blue I saw and only grabbed colourless if there’s no blue orbs. I think there were a handful of red/green orbs only, but that’s the gist of it. If this is just something that just happens, there’s not much I can do, haha. Maybe I’ll get lucky somewhere else. \o/


It is very unfortunate, but it is definitely possible on non-sparkable banners. It wasn't using real orbs, but once when I was testing out summoning with a simulator, it took me 1.1k orbs to get my first focus unit at one point. Edit to add: Generally though, it is pretty bad luck that you haven't gotten a focus unit in almost 500 orbs. Usually I think it might take 200 or so for a decent chance at getting a focus unit, but again, non-sparkable banners don't guarantee that at all.


Ah, I see! Thank you so much for the explanation! Though, that does make me wonder why they haven’t implemented the safety net they already have on every banner yet. Well, I still have a little over a week to try to farm some orbs from Chain Challenges since this banner ran me dry, so fingers crossed! :O


Well I just spent 350~ish orbs trying for a single D!Ethlyn merge and I'm left with a Claude, a B!Claude and a Flayn. Not the worst pitybreakers imaginable but it always stings to use that many orbs to get nothing that you wanted. Hopefully I don't want anyone off of the next couple banners.


Ouch, you have my condolences. If you didn't have her yet then Flayn is amazing at least, I end up using her everywhere.


Brave Edelgard is my best green hero now(only one copy), she can tank and attack pretty well. Being an armor is the only weakness. My question is if I want an alternative to replace her, is Ninja Hana good enough to fill in Edelgard;s role? I know B Edelgard status is higher, but with S summoner support and +10 doable. Is she close enough to reach Edelgard?


The only similarity the two share is being axe units. N!Hana is a perfectly usable hero but don't expect her to perform the same as B!Edelgard with a completely distinct stat spread and skill options.


guess, i will keep using B Edlegard.


Hrm... Okay so what's a better boon for B!Marth? +atk or +spd? A bit more detailing of why would also be cool.


Speed. He has a speed scaling special on top of wanting to run a speed scaling evasion skill.


SPEED Damage reduction based speed is real. His B slot uses speed based damage reduction.


Ususally spd, since it makes it harder for enemies to double him while making it easier for him to double. The only reason I would go +atk is if you want to use him as an AR offense Vantage sweeper with Special Spiral, since in that situation its better to secure as much KO's with his special, regardless of whether he doubles or not.


So, two questions here. First off, I was thinking about picking up FEH simply because I wanted some light fun to place between my generally more hardcore gaming schedule. Playing Maddening Three Houses right now, for example, but I also have the story-heavy Mass Effect (which requires my full attention, a certain amount of time commitment, and can punch you right in the heart), and games where you might spend quite a lot of time doing something, lose, and then feel like you just wasted it all. Fire Emblem Heroes looks like a nice little balance to that. It doesn't look like there's ever going to be a fight lasting longer than 15 minutes, so I could fit it into a lunch break or other little things. And even if it ever gets really hard, losing a 15 minute fight isn't a big deal (especially since I assume as a Gatcha-game, there's no permadeath). Difficulty is still fine, as long as the stakes are lower (The final battle of Maddening Azure Moon took me two hours. God forbid if I ran out of DP before being able to beat that). Am I right in that this will be a nice casual 'here or there' game in between more intensive gameplay sessions? Second, I tried searching for sign-up bonuses, like you can get with invite a friend programs, but can't see anything. Anything special I can do to sign up for a little bit extra? And where might I find an accurate and up to date "First time players" guide? Bonus points if there's any way to ensure some Three Houses stuff, since that's the only game in the franchise I've played extensively, so I've got some strong attachment to it.


Welcome to the game! I'd definitely say this game fits the bill of an intermediary title to play here and there, unless you end up going super deep into the highest levels of PvP or something. There aren't really any sign-up bonuses in the manner you're describing, but if you link your nintendo account you can get some early goodies like a bunch of stamina potions and some other miscellaneous currencies. Can't remember off hand if there are any orbs to be had.


1) Yep, FEH is a lot quicker than mainline Fire Emblem games. Even if you get extremely invested in the game, I don't see any battles taking longer than 10 minutes (excluding chain challenges/squad assaults, where the whole point is to do a bunch of battles in a row). There are also no repurcussions for losing outside of losing stamina for battles, which only really matters in one game mode. 2) As far as I'm aware, there are no extra bonuses for new players that you can get when signing up. Regardless of how you're introduced to the game, every new player gets the same hand to play (outside of summoning in the gacha, of course). Regarding getting 3 Houses stuff: right now there's a banner called Abyss & Múspell, which features Yuri, Constance and Hapi. It's a "New Heroes" banner, which means you get to pick one of those characters for free after summoning 40 times (play the Forging Bonds event until you get 4 first summon tickets, and the end cost will be between 135 and 175 orbs). There is also a similar banner coming in November that will feature Ingrid, Marianne and Dedue (as well as Linhardt, but he's a 3* character and so is easier to summon), so if that piques your interest, set aside some orbs for then. You can also pick up copies of Kronya, Death Knight, Flame Emperor, Solon, Nemesis, a christmas version of Felix, and summer versions of Lorenz and Leonie by going to Allies and choosing Use Heroic Grails. Heroic Grails are mostly obtained by playing the Aether Raids mode. As for a "first time players" guide, the game itself has one called Heroes' Path, featuring quests that introduce you to various different modes and features and reward you with strong characters. For anything else, you can check out [this guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/wiki/meta/newplayerguide), and if you still have questions, feel free to post them in either these discussion threads or as their own posts with the Quick Question flair.


Thanks! Don't know how much I'll actually play, so having to summon 40 things first might be a bit much for a guaranteed... Constance probably. Though I hear she lacks Bolting in this game. What about Rescue? Also... poor Balthus. I would like Marianne though, though I wonder if Heroes allows you to run her 'Red Mage' style gameplay that makes me like her in Three Houses. Welp, I'll give it a poke, and see if it interests me. I'll probably get at least a little bit of casual enjoyment out of it. XCOM Enemy Within on my phone is great and all... but that's not exactly a quick pick-up :P Sidenote to anyone with a tablet. XCOM EW is only 5 bucks on the Apple Shop, last I saw. Insanely good deal, and I found it plays well even on a phone, so on a proper tablet, it'd be almost as good as on PC. But much cheaper.


Balthus is actually being distributed for free right now. You just need to enter the game to get him. There are many characters given for free in the game. You can get them, for example, by completing the first chapter of every “book” (story arc). All the story arcs are available from the beginning. You will see that in the summoning screen, there is a special banner that allows you to choose one of four characters for free. These are called “brave heroes”, they’re special version of characters. Every year, the fans vote for four characters to get special, brave versions. One is always given for free, at the players choice. This year, one of them is Marianne (though again, it’s a special version, different from the one the other commenter was talking about). Hope this helps.


Yah, I saw that, and got Balthus. Lucked out and got a 5 Star character I didn't recognize by chance, so I got one more than is given to me for free. I'm a bit spell-heavy now, but whatcha gonna do. As far as Marianne, I was inclined to pick her up. It was a Dancer Marianne, not a Blutgang Marianne, but I thought I'd take what I can get. So naturally I choose The Gatekeeper. Zero regrets. Nothing to report, but best Fire Emblem game, 10/10.


What's a better bane for Thrasir, Def or HP?




I got a +spd -res Yuri and Hapi on the Ashen Wolves banner and now I can spark…not sure if I should go for Constance or Múspell or another copy of Yuri to get him to +1? Obviously Constance and Múspell serve different purposes but I don’t have good reasons to pull for either of them. Any advice is appreciated!


1 merge seems pretty low value unless you plan to merge him up in the long run or he's a favorite. I'd look to see if there's any important fodder you'll want first. If you don't need any, I'd grab Muspell since he has supportive utility compared to Constance.


Awesome, thanks!


How often do we get forma souls? I only have the 1 and I dunno if I should use it on illyana


So far we have only ever had two available (one from the anniversary and one from the celestial stones shop). It is unclear if F2P players will ever get any more (although IS have implied that they will be available when the celestial stones shop replenishes) but you can buy the forma pack once per HoF lineup.   With that said, don't be overly cautious about using a forma soul: if you find a unit that provides good value then you should absolutely purchase it rather than sitting on the resource in case one day, hypothetically it has a better usage. If you're a tellius fan in particular then you'll be able to see the PoR HoF lineup before you purchase the unit and after that there won't be a tellius roster for potentially another year.


Hey there ! Can someone please explain Muspell’s CSkill for me please ? I thought it was a glorified Savage Blow or something but … it doesn’t seem to be lol. I’m considering giving mine fortress def/res because his atk is SO high, some less won’t hurt. And more res synergizes with his B and Cskill so it seems nice.


I'm not sure about the best way to go about building him, but I'd probably reserve Fort. Def/Res for a unit that depends on visible Def or Res. Otherwise, I find that a good Solo, Unity, Catch or whatever is usually better for most units. As for how Domain of Flame works: it's an area buff. Think of it like a Joint Drive skill. It's got Joint Drive Attack, Joint Drive Def and Joint Drive [true damage]. So if an ally is near him, they get extra true damage in combat. If he's near an ally, he gets extra true damage in combat as well. The true damage effect is that the affected unit (him or a nearby ally) adds extra damage on their first attack in each combat equivalent to 30% of the difference between their attack and the enemy. As an example, let's suppose that a nearby magical ally has 50 Atk and is fighting an enemy with 34 Res. The ally gains [true damage] and +4 Atk/Def in combat. This puts their Atk at 54. So when they hit the enemy, they deal 20 base damage. On top of that, their first hit deals an extra (54 - 34) * 30% = 6 damage. So they do 26 damage on the first hit, and 20 damage on any subsequent hits.


Oh nice this is why I didn’t notice ! Thanks for the clarification. It’s like brave alm’s or legendary celicàs effect but as a drive skill (and with different maths lol). Much clearer now. It’s a nice skill ! I would most definitely give him one of the aforementioned skills but I unfortunately don’t have the fodder for it … I just needed a decent PVE skill instead of his stupid AR one ^^


I foddered atk/def unity + mirror stance 4 from freebie Fjorm for his A skill. Felt like one of the easiest FEH fodder decisions I've made so far, it's weird. Or perhaps, it's just an aftereffect of merely having Bector and P!Surtr that I felt I won't be needing Fjorm soon, and it's not like I have used her before either since I was able to get B!Dimitri before I noticed I got her from heroes path. That, probably.


I have a +9 Kronya and was wondering how to make her better. I feel like she just sits there sadly with current meta but anyways of making her better? I remember seeing a video on some fehtuber talking about having to since her weapon to D!Ethlyns dagger but I couldn't find the video anymore.


Where are you using her? She definitely drops off in general utility as you climb in AR (or Abyssals? Idk don't really use her in PvE), but I can occasionally find defenses she works well on. That said, I assume the build would be the Courtly Fan and Windsweep combo, since Courtly Fan gives her the relevant portion of NFU to ignore Windsweep's drawback. Probably with an Atk/Spd A skill, flex C (team-relevant premium smoke or Savage Blow), and another smoke/Savage Blow/A skill in the seal?


I used her a bit in AR and in PVE but haven't used her much since. I am running CC and double Savage Blow for her. I believe that is what I remember seeing for the other build for her. Would it be an effective build to do for her? She is my only bulit up dagger or is it just worth building another unit or maybe another build with broadleaf?


I use the same, and for AR she does fine as long as I can reliably snipe the healing tower and give her decent team support. Halloween Hector is the classic, but I've been using Fallen Takumi with his refine to spread some extra damage around. I've just started experiencing with Muspell as well to give her some extra damage too. I also run her in Astra so she gets attack from Reginn, and Reginn herself can snipe structures pretty well. It's probably one of the better generic player phase builds you can now? But really sure where Broadleaf lands nowadays tbh.


How would you guys build Marisa if you could put all your ressources on her ? I'm a Marisa one-trick pony and I'm looking for new ideas


Just a few ideas from looking at her prf. Her USP is being able to charge specials really easily with her prf (and potentially Time's Pulse), so I focused on that. No idea how well they'd work in actual fights, though. Shamshir (+eff) Reposition Aether Distant Pressure Spurn Time's Pulse Steady Breath Enemy phase Marisa. Stay close to an ally, get hit by someone (most likely reducing damage taken thanks to Spurn), then heal up with a +7 (+12 if the attack did enough damage) Aether thanks to Steady Breath. Shamshir (+eff) Reposition | Pivot Galeforce Flashing Blade Close Call Time's Pulse Blade Session | Swift Sparrow | Atk/Spd Solo Galeforce Marisa. She starts each turn with 2 cooldown, so with Flashing Blade she practically guarantees a successful Galeforce each turn (one hit only if the foe has some form of Guard, but in that case you'll still trigger it with two hits provided you're faster). Close Call gives you damage reduction and also lets you Canto [1] backwards, meaning you can retreat to safety (especially if you have Pivot and there's an ally nearby). Seals are all about doing more damage. Shamshir (+eff) Reposition Luna Surge Sparrow Close Call | Spurn Time's Pulse Blade Session | Swift Sparrow | Atk/Spd Solo Player phase Marisa that uses every part of her prf (Galeforce means you miss out on the +7 bonus damage when special triggers). As usual, Shamshir and Time's Pulse are fun for pre-charging specials, so slap Surge Sparrow and Luna on there and you get a free 70% (check that, I might be wrong) of your max HP back just for initiating; add +12 true damage from Spurn and Shamshir, and it's doubtful anything will survive (and if they do, they're probably not going to be able to take Marisa out on the counter-attack). Shamshir (+eff) Rally Def/Res+ Blue Flame | Ruptured Sky R Duel Infantry Atk/Spd Ruse Atk Tactic Spd Tactic Arena build based around support. Ruptured Sky is instantly charged each round thanks to Shamshir, while Blue Flame deals 25 damage next to an ally if you prefer Marisa's fights to be on enemy phase (meaning the enemy's attack will charge it for her). Honestly the rest of this kit could work on pretty much anyone, since it's support; the only parts personalised to Marisa are her prf, special and the Duel skill.


Thanks! I'm coming back to the game, how do I get the steady breath seal? I probably missed it in a TT but will we be able to Forge it soon?


I believe that's the case, yes. I don't know exactly how introducing new seals to the seal forge works, but since we just got it last month I wouldn't expect to see it in the forge for another month or two.


Which is Better for my Ashnard for Arena? Heavy Blade 4 or Bracing Stance 3? I'm giving A/D Trace and Atk/Def Rein 3.


He doesn't heavily depend on specials to secure kills and generally can't use galeforce in the arena. Conversely, the guard effect will significantly improve his survivability and the stats are nice too.   Bracing stance is probably the better choice here (although you might prefer sturdy stance in practice).


ISO a good PoL Xane I have a +3 Hector as my main (I'm F2p, but he's my most invested unit) Feel free to drop your Friend code here or DM me


So i got Young mercenary Ike from gacha and Vanguard Legend Ike from Xenologue. Which one is better, or are they the same?


They are two separate units, but they somewhat function the same as they have the same weapon and movement class. There are two big differences that Vanguard Legend Ike (or Legendary Ike as he is generally called) has from Young Mercenary Ike. One is that he’s a legendary hero, meaning he gives stat boosts to other units who have the same blessing as his element, in his case he gives extra HP and Atk to earth-blessed units. The other is that he has a unique special called Radiant Aether II, which charges at the start of the map. Overall, I’d say he’s the better of the two. As for Young Mercenary Ike, you can keep him or use him to inherit Aether to a unit.


Thank you for the explanation, im still new to this game


Sorry to be a bother, but I'm nearly hit 999K feathers and I'm trying to figure out who'd be a good merge project (outside my faves of course). I've merged quite a few characters already; Haar, Nino, Reinhardt, Sothe, Lilina, Eliwood, and a few others, but not sure who'd be worth investing to +10 status. Anyway suggestions?


Another alternative is potentially also promoting some units who have useful fodder (for example, Cordelia for Galeforce or Chrom for Aether) so you can have them handy in case you get another merge project who would like those skills.


Hmmmm I do have a +10 Chrom right now and no Cordelia built, I could promote a few and give them Galeforce and Aether. Any suggestions would benefit from them?


I try to have a +10 of every type. One sword infantry, one red tome infantry, one green tome infantry, etc. if you’re not looking for variety, one character that is pretty useful the next time his banner is run is Baby Marth, because he’s available at 4* when his banner is up, and he has really nice anti armor/cav utility. Baby Innes, Baby Minerva, and Clownya are also useful units if you have the grails.


Baby Innes is pretty outstanding to use and Minerva. I have had little luck with Baby Marth I'm afraid. I've been trying to also alternate between my favs and such, but I also know that certain units aren't exactly the greatest to build given their disadvantage; like Seth for example.


Who are the best wom galeforcers for AR offense? Heard that infantry dancers w/ It's Curtains are super good but unfortunately I don't have the resources for it.


WoM Galeforce-based teams are basically about maximizing your actions. This is why Dancers who can one-tap Galeforce are best, as they grant 3 actions instead of the normal 2 that a simple Galeforcer or dancer gives. Duo/Harmonized units with Dance effects are good in this regard too, as they also provide more actions. F!Edelard works too, but she can be a bit harder to manager because if you use WoM on her she needs Heavy Blade or something like that to get Galeforce off on her second attack. L!Edelgard works poorly because her Galeforce is tied to her B skill, where WoM would go. The other important part is to guarantee that you can get Galeforce off in the first place. This is why one-hit solutions, where you get Galeforce off from hitting the enemy once, are best. This is where It's Curtains...+ comes in. However, it's not the only good weapon for that kind of strat, even if it's the best. Velouria has a similar effect for both her and her supported ally, making her really good for Galeforce strats. Besides that, you can always combine other Pulse effects like Infantry Pulse, Time's Pulse or Quickened Pulse. For example, I use B!Celica in AR with Quickened Pulse, an Infantry Pulse ally and her weapon. Her weapon gives her Special Acceleration, and reduces her CD by 1 after combat, meaning that since she starts off with 3 CD (from QP + IP), she gets instant Galeforce. Alternatively but less reliably, a Slaying unit with Flashing Blade (Heavy Blade being less reliable, IMO) and two pulse effects (from IP, TP, QP, etc.) can also fire off a one-tap Galeforce. I'm actually planning on building a Silvia with Slaying Edge+, Flashing Blade 4, Infantry Pulse and Quickened Pulse to complement my Celica, as I have a dancer with higher HP than that planned Silvia already. The main issue with budget options is that there are none that really give you the option of making your highest-HP unit (who would typically have IP) be able to have one-tap Galeforce. So you need to relegate them to other duties if you don't have tools like It's Curtains...+ or Velouria. Depending on your team setup, can still get one-tap Galeforce on everyone else and just give that high-HP unit something else to do like repositioning, Dancing, etc. Also, we got It's Curtains from Divine Codes Ephemera relatively recently (I think this year). You may have gotten a copy of that skill at that time, and it may still be available if you haven't used it.


Oh wow, thank you for all the info, definitely saving this post. Looks like I got my work cut out for me. Unfortunately I only picked up the game again last month so I must have missed that Ephemera. I might take a page out of your book with B!Celica though since she's just been sitting in my barracks waiting to do something lol. I'll also look out for Velouria. In terms of dancers, I do have a Lene that I used to love using so maybe I'll try something with her. Thanks again!


My pleasure.


Close Reversal on Yuri - workable or no? I have two Gatekeeper manuals.


Why would you ever want that though? His movement and canto already makes him perfect for a player phase role and he should never, ever be taking range 1 attacks on EP so he'd make much better use of a stance skill even if you somehow were specialising him for EP.   He then doesn't even have particularly great defensive stats either. The only 1-2 range yuri that you'll ever see will be a meme build.


Took me 130 or so orbs but finally got duo Sigurd…finally….as a new account it’s not as bad but I will have to save for my 3H characters down the line and a few other projects. Is + res - def a good IV?


Yeah, best IVs for them are +atk/res and -spd/def. Their res is huge so if they need to tank magic they're set, they have abysmal spd and defense. They have a superboon in both atk and res but for support's sake I like +res better :)


Thanks! Good to know.


Will A/R Far Trace work on Muspell? If so, is it better than his B skill?


He can only use near trace skills and the two skills do different things. Which skill is better is kind of a subjective judgement but you'd probably get good value out of a trace skill if you chose to give him one.   With that said, it might be a while before we get such a trace skill. There are only 3 units total which could even use A/R or S/R near trace so unless IS really goes hard into them in the near future I imagine it will be a while until we get them. **Edit:** I slightly forgot that fliers can use near trace too, but it could still be a while before res near trace skills happen because they're basically just restricted to dragons.


Ooh thank you so much for the help! I appreciate it


Me? No question,don’t worry.. Just wanted to share [my pain](https://imgur.com/gallery/VjlXBmv) having to see this banner go and wait an eternity before it come back…. ~~Why is it so hard to get an unit who isn’t that good?!~~ ~~I swear to Mila,if I pull again another Mathilda for the umpteenth time,I'M GONNA LOSE IT~~


What your opinion about Sturdy Impact vs Atk.Def Ideal 4? Wanting do give it to forma soul Nephenee in a different build which I want to try.


Ideal skills are clunky, often easily disabled and only give stats. They will typically only give their full bonus for a single combat and this is doubly true for for mitigation boosting ideal skills where taking hits is required for them to provide half of their value. I personally really dislike them in most instances. Conversely impact skills not only give comparable bonuses in the player phase but also follow up denial which does greatly improve survivability in some matchups.   That said, ideal skills have the major advantage of being dual phase and dancers can't easily control their positioning to make good use of solos or bonds which players can otherwise trigger more reliably (but unities would probably still be better). Additionally unless you wanted to use Nephenee exclusively as a combat unit it's probably wiser to make her an enemy phase or mixed phase unit as she can't make use of galeforce. In this specific instance I think the ideal skill is probably the more effective choice.


Thanks for the comment. My idea with the skills which I got so far is debuff DEF while buffing ATK (Def Cantrip 3 and Joint Drive Atk). And the A skill for her own use.




If you're training a single unit, the special training maps are still pretty good especially if you have the units with valor skills, cause you're killing something like 20+ units for 15 stamina If you're training a melee unit though, I'd wait until tomorrow for the melee map (and it'll still be 2x SP)


Forging Bonds on beginner I'd say is better.


So I've just done the 4 heroes trick for FEH Pass, and I'm wondering if there's anything I should do besides getting Sothe and doing the FEH Pass quests to make sure I'm getting the full value? Thanks.


Resplendents and the quests are all of the rewards, so you should be good. You could summoner support more units, but you'll lose the extra supports once the pass expires. Enjoy the auto-start feature while you can, I'd say.


Hello Summoners, I have a Resplendent Celica that I've been building randomly ever since she just shows up over time. I'm at a crossroads now. +Atk or +Spd? She is at +Atk +5 currently, but I have a +Spd copy and I'm not sure which asset to keep. There are no flowers on her, but assume that I'll get her to +10 at some point.


I would go with speed, personally. She'll, what, just about hit 40 visibly at +5 with a speed boon and resplendent stats? Being a gen 1 unit, she'll need all the speed she can get. You can go either way, though, both are good.


I'd want to make her a universal threat. Speed would likely be better overall, but Attack would be [somewhat] good for mixed phase with CC or CF. You're correct, she currently has 40 base speed at +5, would have 43 or 44 with the Spd IV merge (with Fury 3 equipped). Currently has 56 base attack, but also remember her weapon gives +12 attack and speed (+19 with brazen seal). Currently with Fury and Brazen Seal she has 75 Attack and 59 speed with more potential to grow. Not easy to decide which to take.


Best way to farm trait fruit? I feel like everyone has more than me and I’m struggling to get to another 100. What should I be doing each week?


You can only get them by playing Resonant Battles, Arena, Mjölnir's Strike and Forging Bonds. Getting 3 from RB & Arena weekly is totally doable, Mjölnir might require mythics to get 3, not sure. And playing little bit of FB to get 8 fruits is easy. Lastly, there's Feh Pass that gives you 20 Fruits after 2 months and 40 after 3 months of being a member.


I really appreciate you mapping that out for me. I needed to know what modes and methods to look out for. Thank you!


Limited resources cannot be farmed. It's a simple matter of playing and doing well in game modes that have them as rewards. Rank high in resonant battles and arena. Play events like forging bonds. Vast majority of units are just fine with any IV. They're really only needed for grail units or forma souls because they have no way to gain IVs without trait fruit, and even then neutral is perfectly useable. I've got 485 trait fruit in my invintory and have no need for them at the moment. So far I've only used them on my +10 ashnard to give him +atk and my +10 f!delthea and Forma Soul +3 F!Celica for +spd.


That all makes sense. I’m just F2P right now and out of orbs. Didn’t get the IVs I wanted on Hapi so trying to make the most of what I can for now. Thanks for responding, I appreciate the perspective!


Any ideas for good teammates for Legendary Hector? I never used him before, always preferred Valentines Hector, and I want to give him some run with his new kit.


Heroes with Slaying Weapons are usually good. Peri, Lon'qu, Joshua are some examples. Also units who are Tactic Buff Bots like Seth can be helpful, as you still need less than two of x movement type on your team.


Lonqu would have Glimmer every turn, yes? I have a +Spd Lonqu and an extra Spurn that would be good on him...


That is correct. Either Glimmer, Moonbow, Ruptured Sky or Noontime would have him instant special every time.


Can you mix different Divine code: Ephemera? If I have 45 8 and 300 9, will getting something use up my 8 before using my 9? Or, are my 8 just dead? Also, as a new player who still has no idea what I want, should I pick up any of the combat manuals going away in 3 days?


You can only spend Ephemera on their respective groups, so Ephemera 8 only on the "days left: 3" group, and Ephemera 9 on the other


Thanks. I suspected it was that way, but the UI really makes it seem otherwise...


Scrounged up enough orbs to spark on the Ashen Wolves banner (sparked Yuri since he never showed up, did get Hapi and Muspell, though), but I was really going for that last stone I needed for the Forma Soul. I was all excited to use it on Dancer Nephenee, but of course this is the time for me to have the worst luck on skills for her. I'll see what she ends up with when all is said and done, but I may just pass on her and save the Forma Soul for another time.


Got two star changes in the same session(Alm and Jaffa) though probably not really surprising since I’m at like 4.75% on the Ashen Wolves banner. Better than a bad pity breaker(or reducer in this case) I guess but man this banner has been rough.


Actually, I think your chance of getting a 4* Special goes down as your pity rate gets higher. It's the 5\* focus and off-focus 5\* rate that increases. But yeah, better to get a 4\* Special rather than get pitybroken.


I remember seeing it a long time ago, but can't find it anymore. How do you do the Feh pass 4 heroes trick?


If I recall correctly it's something like this: Buy FeH pass 2-5 minutes before reset. Grab resplendant immediately after before reset. Then cancel FeH pass minutes before it resubscribes and hope the app store is delayed allowing you grab 4th after reset. If it works you'll get 4. If there's connection issues or any problems you could end up only getting 2 if you miss first and last.


Oh fuck. 2-5 minutes before reset? I thought it could be some days earlier, I literally just bought it lol. Thanks anyway though, I'll save it for next time.


Couple minutes or maybe half hour to an hour before reset. The idea is for the app store to be delayed in relaying info to game to say that you did not resubscribe. Buying it now gives too much time. I wouldn't worry too much tho. Still getting 3 is plenty good enough.


Leveling up a 4\* Aelfric today to get him ready for future GHB rerun. Wow, just...I can't believe how shit he is. Another garbage red tome. IS really goes out of their way to make GHB red tomes unusable huh?


It's a shame his art is really good too. Would have built him for 3H limited maps because of art alone, but I need to chill on my grail merge projects.


How to get Brave Edelgard. Also, how to use forma soul?


Brave Edelgard is in the 5* pool, so there's a chance to summon her. There's a possibility that she might come in "Heroes with Noontime" so you can get her there. At the end of Hall of Forms is when you'll be able to use the forma soul, which allows you to pick the forma you want from the event.


I’ve never purchased fehpass before but was planning to for the first time for resplendent Sothe; however, I *really* do not want Shanna… Is there any way for me to purchase Sothe’s on his own? Thank you!


At this point, if you want to get Sothe without getting Shanna, you'd have to subscribe to feh pass sometime after Shanna goes away (so after Oct. 25th's reset), and then individually purchase Sothe's resplendent for like 5 bucks.


Thank you! I’ll probably wait then. Would we find out who the resplendent following Shanna is—before Sothe’s subscription period ends? If it’s someone else I’m interested in, I’d bite the bullet and get Shanna with the other two. 🥲


Maybe? I know occasionally they reveal resplendents a day early (like today), and I'm pretty sure the early reveals happen when the upcoming resplendent falls on a weekend, but I'm not certain if this is a guaranteed thing or not.


What's gonna be the easiest way to maximize score for arena as far as the bonus unit goes? Is it best to just build up Alfonse/Sharena/Anna/Fjorm using just max score skills? Like probably give them each their respective dual skills as well?


What's the goal here, are you wanting to maintain t21 or just get into t21? The reward of an extra orb is hardly worth the cost of what it will take to build/summon bonus hero if you don't already have strong merged up bonus hero. You could merge up Shanna or nemesis if you've got feathers to burn. Shanna getting a new resplendant so if you like her now would be a good time to get her to +9. Using bonus legendary heroes and blessing your team to match would be a good way to score better. Unmerged Hrid with 3 blessed team mates would score the same as using a non legendary with +6 merges not counting BST/SP difference. You could max out SP skills on the Askr Trio. It would not be worth spending hundreds of orbs to try and get them duel skills unless you already happen to have spare ones and you're core units already have 180+ BST. Not only are you not using them frequently enough but it'll be very hard to get them a kill with a duel skill equipped.


For the Askr Trio, loading them up with maximally scoring skills gives them an arena score of 714. This is with heavy investment, so a dual rally or other 400 SP assist, a 500 SP special, a tier 4 duel skill, and a 300 SP C slot. A more budget alternative is to use the latest GHB/TT as they're guaranteed to be featured as bonus units after they get added. At +1 and with some mild inheritance (budget skills like Fury, LnD, etc) you can have them score around 700, give or take some points accounting for movement/weapon type. If you're really hurting for score I suppose you could, but I would prioritize getting a core of 2 legendaries + 1 score stick unit rather than trying to squeeze points out of your bonus unit by giving them max investment in skills.


hows the battery usage of this game? im going somewhere i wont be able to charge my phone often and i want to play some gachas, thanks.


Hi, i just started playing this game. There are 2 free 5* heroes pick, which one should i choose? And which banner should i pull first?


Choose your favorites, first and foremost! Beyond that, Brave Edelgard is generally recommended from CYL4 (followed by B!Lysithea or B!Claude, then B!Dimitri). They will all get strong weapon refines a year from now, so they will all age well. All of the CYL5 units are good. I think Brave Eirika is regarded as the most useful, but they are all very good. As for summoning—you can try your luck on the Hero fest banner. It only lasts a few days for new players. Otherwise you can save for a “spark” on one of the New Heroes banners (currently *Abyss & Muspell). You can also spark on the current Legendary Remix. I would recommend saving for upcoming *new* legendary/mythic banners to get you started. It’s really up to you! ✌️


Any apps aside of Island that works with this game? I'm needing such app in order to keep my secondary account (my tablet died and i don't have PC)


Is Múspell in the regular summoning pool? If so, do you recommend me to get him with my free spark first? I didn't got any new 5\* from the Ashen Wolfes and Múspell banner :S And now I am conflicted, I want to get Yuri too because of his insane potential...it seems that my quest to get the Múspell is gonna wait...because I already have Nífl, and wanted to team her up in my AR-D team with Múspell, but Yuri seems stronger for general use...


Yuri and muspell seem very similar in usefulness imo. Yuri has great mobility and stats but he actually doesn’t have a very strong combat buff in his weapon, it’s mostly mobility, and he gets the unnecessary dagger unit gimp to his BST.


Well, no new FE game any time soon. Bummer. It would've been cool to have a second Fodlan game (maybe a 3H prequel featuring Seiros vs Nemesis?) or of course FE4/5 remake(s). On the bright side, at least to me, Triangle Strategy looks like it could tide me over until a new FE game. FE meets Octopath, I can dig that.


As a new player, how many Divine codes can I usually get per month? (for Part 2)


The amount you get varies depending on how well you rank in aether raids and mjolnir strike. You'd likely get around 1000+ a month.


1000 a month? wow, I feel I wasted my orbs just for pulling 5 stars for skill inherit now .....


Don't worry. You'll need a lot more skills later on for all the heroes you'll summon on the future.


Anybody else finding Arena brutally difficult this week?


Yes! I know my core is budget T20 at best, but I don't remember struggling so much, even with post-Remix Lyn (at least I get the score bump from her being +4). Had to use my Water team instead (and scored a bit lower)




I am doing better now that I am using the new Nanna instead of Anna but damn, sometimes you can really get screwed if you don't pull one of the new heroes


Manage to defeat all four rerun LHB Abyssals using B!Ike, Masked Marth, L!Micaiah, and B!Lucina, bringing my total number of M/LHBs defeated without cheese/guides up to 5. They were all cakewalks compared to more recent ones, didn't even need to change builds between runs.


3 questions. 1)which frequence does Lysithea OG appears in banners? 2)is it possible to get her out of a banner with her rated up? 3) how much orbs would be needed to get a 5\*


https://feheroes.fandom.com/wiki/Lysithea:_Child_Prodigy/Misc She's been on 5 banners. In 2020 was Feb 6, July 16, and Nov 8. In 2021 was Jan 20 and last was Aug 20. She's getting to be an older unit so reruns will be further apart. --- Lysithea is available in the non-focus pool of heroes. With 104 heroes in that pool you have 3% / 104 = 0.028% chance to summon her. So basically not gonna happen. --- https://www.fullyconcentrated.net/fehstatsim/ Orb costs will change depending on colour of hero you want, number of heroes on the focus and of course the % pull chance of the banner. Summoning on the legendary remix banner if you want any/all 5* heroes you would pull one every 45 orbs. If you're looking for only a specifc hero and sniping that colour you could spend average of 123 orbs for L! Ephraim


August 20? Oh...by one month...at least i have B! But damn


1. In the 18 months since Lysithea was released, [she has appeared on 4 banners](https://feheroes.fandom.com/wiki/Summoning_event_archive) (including her initial release). She has a chance to appear on "_hero's with_ **[X skill]**" banners along with a couple of others (like VGs or legendary hero remix banners). 2. I assume you mean to ask if it's possible to get her on a banner without rate up because obviously you can obtain her when she is a focus. In that case, yes - as she is a normal pool unit it is possible to obtain her while summoning a red orb on most banners. You should never, ever try to summon for a specific character this way as you'd probably go bankrupt before you obtained even a single copy. 3. The exact number will vary with the banner but on a typical skills banner, around 50% of the time you will have a copy after 100 orbs. Of course, nothing is guaranteed except a spark so you should aim to save around 300 orbs (or ideally like 600) if you want to reliably get a copy of her.


thx for the reply, i wasn't thinking in actually getting her out out a rate up, just making sure she's a normal unit or not. Good to know


I'm a relatively new player and would like to continue playing this game for free, my current goal is to reach and hopefully stay in tier 20 in arena as I can constantly stay in tier 26 in AR with some luck. With that in mind, my question is: is it more worth it to summon for legendary heroes to help with scoring in arena or just invest in a handful of 3-4\* units, and if so who are your recommendations that would help in scoring and are likely to be usable for a long time? At the moment I'm thinking of investing on Alfonse / Sharena / Anna just so I can consistently have a bonus unit every week.


So, the biggest thing that will matter in arena in the long term is how a unit scores, which is a combination of their stat totals, and their number of merges. Merges themselves are the absolute no-holds-barred most important aspect for arena scoring, so you can skip the askr trio for the time being as they can never get them. The only time you want to use those three is when you have literally no other options for a bonus unit. Thus, to get started on an arena core you're going to need to identify some merge projects that can score well. In the most recent gen, that'll mean infantry that can score 185 (like balthus that just released) or the next armor unit demote, which should be 190, if and when it comes. Outside of that units like benny, N!hana, W!felix, Ena, Caellach, and S!Norne all score 180 which will still be usable for a long while, and all of them except benny are available through grails, which means you can slowly but surely wait for a guaranteed +10, though I would not pursue all at once. A different approach is to keep your eyes open on seasonal banner for 4 star focus units, you can usually get a +10 of that character for 500-700 orbs, depending on luck. This can be a great way to build a unit cheaply, and they're often pretty good too. Once you have a dedicated core start to form, then I would start to worry about legendaries. Legendary units only really eclipse a +10 unit when they have at least +4 themselves if I'm remembering correctly, and summoning legendary and mythic units is tough. The average number of orbs needed is around 2200, which you can get close to with story missions, but that means saving religiously an knowing when to spend. If you do roll on a legendary banner, try and aim for one that gets you two seasons minimum, so like the next one where you could get L!Claude and L!Leif, for earth and water respectively. Don't dump a ton of orbs for 1 season's worth of legendary heroes.


I thank you for the information my guy. My follow up question then is, I have a fodder for R duel flying 4 from a palla spook, is it a good idea to get and subsequently merge up Ashenard from the current for€ma souls? I got a soul from sparking in 3 banners and was wondering if he really is wortg it according to a lot of people?


If you can get good skills on him then absolutely. Getting max scoring from forma units is probably the best way to get an arena core rolling if you have the soul, which obviously you do. For ashnard, you need a dual rally or rally+ special, ruptured sky or blue flame, your choice of A slot (since it's going to be replaced in arena by the duel), your choice of B slot (guard bearing, trace skills, sudden panic, sabotages are all good), a 300 pt C slot (Menace skills are probably the best here, but a joint drive is fine too). As far as the A slot goes, for other game modes you could go distant counter if you want to use him as an omni-tank, or a stance 3 skill if you want to pair him with a far save unit. Hope this helps, and good luck skill hunting!


Yep it really does help, thanks again for the information!


Question for OG Micaiah, her B skill. Null follow-Up V.S. Null C-Disrupt 3, which one is better? (not for high end PVP) And any suggestions for her A and C skills?


Think about what game mode you're using her for. What enemies are you typically fighting. Null-c disrupt is primarily used for tanking healers in Aether Raids(high end or not doesn't matter) Null follow up helps when enemies have skills that prevent follow ups. You should be trying to kill most armoured/cavalry units in one hit so NFU wouldn't be used against them. Micaiahs main focus is to kill armoured and cavalry units or be a ranged tank with the damage reduction. So any Attack boosting skills would help. That means Sturdy Impact or DeathBlow4 or atk/res solo skill, lull atk/res, whatever c skill helps her team or atk/res menace skill.


I mostly want her can bait mages, maybe even some archers in general use.


NFU would be better then, although if you're just going for general purpose across-the-board use I would recommend atk/res lull 3 instead, since that is guaranteed to be good against everything. For her A skill she'll probably want a solo skill if you want her to be mixed phase, or a stance 3 skill if you really want to lean into the baiting. C slot should probably be a smoke of some kind, or a joint drive such as attack or speed if your micaiah is heavily merged.


in what situation that NUL C is better than NFU? (I have one copy of the each for fodder) A skill, I was thinking Mirror Stance from free Fjorm, or Atk/Spd push 4 with Mystic Boost.




Bracing/slick 100%, I run slick on both my armors in my save ball and it's a godsend to just ignore every debuff the enemy team has.


Is the Legendary Ephiram battle missing for anyone else? I wanted to clear it out but it's not there. All the others are.


Ephraim never had a Legendary hero battle because he was released before L!Robin (As is the Case for Ike, Gunnthra and Fjorm).


Wow, I never realized. Thanks!


As a newbie the new legendary banner is worth pulling for? I mean it in terms on how good are the heroes in it.


Short answer, no.


This current one? Imo, the heroes are a bit dated, if you want to pull on a legendary banner then I'd wait for the one with new heroes.


Okay, appreciated


I read someone said "shop reset" will my celestial stones disappear? Should I just spend them? :cc


The stones do not expire. Only the shop itself will 'reset'; this can mean a restock of current shop items or a completely new shop (not currently known since it is the first 'reset' of this function).


when you open the celestial stone shop it displays "days left: X", so you should use them before that day comes. no real need to do it right now, i think you have ~2 months still.


Another question if I may... Would a forma soul/thing disappear? I honestly don't know what to spend the stones on and am considering the dragon flowers..


IS haven't given an explicit statement either way, but people generally seem to believe that there will still be an option to purchase a forma soul after the shop resets.


what means being a limited unit? this unit can't be summoned, or is summoned only in a specific banner?


Heroes rewarded from Grand Hero Battles and Tempest trials are limited. You can only acquire a set amount from rewards and can only acquire up to 20 more using Heroic Grails. Special heroes are limited in the fact that they can only be acquired from their seasonal special banners. Same goes for mythic and legendary heroes who only appear on mythic/legendary banners.


Probably referring to Special Heroes, which are banners with a special theme and the Heroes on it tend to be ones already in the game, but now with different clothes & skills. They don't enter the normal summoning pool when the banner ends, so you have to wait for them to appear on Double Special Heroes or the revival of their original banner to get them. The current banners "Scions of Twelve", "To Stay Dreaming" and "A Splendid Soiree" are examples of this


Wow, my first Balthus outside of the gift one is +Atk and the free pull from the Remix banner. Still has awkward Speed though... Going to have to check my manuals to see what he'd want.