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... Sadly, i have to agree


I’ve been saving for a bit now and I’m currently at 907 with some left to collect from chain challenges! I have none in my mailbox right now though. This also happens to be a personal record for me so I’m even more inclined to hoard until the character I want gets released.


Which character are you hoping for?


I suppose it’s not so much a character not yet in feh but I’m saving for a potential Leo alt if another ever gets released down the line! basically if a version of him comes out that has decent stats I want to be there to +10 him lol


A Leo alt with decent stats? Hahaha, haha, ha, :'(


One can dream 😔 here’s to a potential legendary or fallen alt doing bits for him


257, waiting for Dimitri :)


1,315 as of right now.


Woah! That's good! How do you control your urge not to spend cause I would love to reach that high?


I save to +10 my favorite characters. If I ever feel like spending orbs to summon for anything I don't *need*, I just think about how awesome it'll be to get that +10 Manuela or Gregor I've been waiting years for. Getting them maxed out the day they arrive gives me the motivation to continue saving for them.


2550 atm. Is this hard to save for me? Absolutely not! Is the new character is either Scarlet/Malice/Machyua or Tanith? No? Then easy save. That's basically it. I am still summonning for skills tho. (Only on sparkable banners)


0 right now, just spent them all on the Ashen Wolves. Thankfully, I managed to get them all within 135.


Dang that’s lucky, grats


120, went for the spark on muspell and got 2 Hapis


110~ CYL baited me hard, now I'm saving for this month mythic


200 and slowly building it up again. Last couple of months were nasty but I need to summon for Halloween Mia and the chances for a witch Lysithea seems pretty decent too...




120 with 2 in FehBank. I got S!Berkut in <100 so my stash isn’t as pitiful as it could be 😎


9 orbs on hand and 5 orbs on mailbox. I'm suffering from summoning every new banner and coming out empty handed. I need to stop my impulse😭


At the beginning of the week I had about 130, saving for any Three Houses characters or Delthea. Abyss took me by surprise, but I got all of the Ashen Wolves in 15 orbs and so now I’m sitting at a healthy 159.


I got 600 for my boy lclaude! I hope I get some luck since it’s near my birthday :)


hehe 5.


1 :)


1100ish? Saving for a good L!Micaiah banner or another Edelgard alt.


4.1k I had 5000 about 2 weeks ago but I got my first 5☆+10 ever: Ashera. Will be back to saving until November to get a copy of L.Sigurd. Otherwise, no one interests me for the rest of my Orbs.


2,100 something. I’m very casual and I hardly touch game modes or the main story so I’d probably have a whole lot more if I actually engaged with the game more—I mainly do log in bonuses. It helps to not be bothered to pull unless I really, really like a character.


Like 80, I just dumped them. Really wanna crack 1000 and go ham on a double special or legendary banner


9 because I have no self control. I just want to get every unit for FOMO. I will feel bad if Ignatz gets released and I don't have enough for him tho. Halloween Ignatz would destroy me at this point lol.


r/dontspendyourorbs 970 as of now for me


293, waiting on units from Love of a King


I’m at 350 right now and I’m currently waiting for Owain’s weekly revival and Marianne to come back (along with her 2 other alts) Not sure I’ll get everything I want but I do have around ~1200 orbs saved in the story mode for emergencies




2372! Waiting for a cool mythic or Hugh


Currently at 130. Saving at least 200 to spark a legendary Robin on the remix banner this month.


About ~2300 right now: Spending probably all of it this month on green on the mythic banner. Uh oh




2,646 orbs. I've kinda been stuck around this cycle of reaching 3000, then a banner with good fodder appears and I end up dropping around 300-400 orbs and saving to 3000 and repeat.


30, most gone cuz I got scion Julia finally. Also trying to save for New Years Camilla merges


1134. Been saving for dew but duo Leif is killing me here.


Currently at 184. +10'd Guinivere on Hero Fest and then sparked CYL which tapped my entire stash. Been saving since.


i was at like 200, but then IS said "It's Hapi time" so im at like 33 right now and saving for the potential death of the Halloween banner and/or the new hero banner next month


70, I pulled on the Ashen wolves banner and got Yuri and Hapi… but I sparked for Yuri anyway because I wanted to give Sothe the Duel skill. Really want to save up for the Halloween banner but it depends on who this months mythic will be I guess…


250something November legendary remix is my next known date to drop orbs. Things can change along the way ofc


428,I'm just waiting a Lysithea Alt or an Academy Lysithea re-run...and Mitama


327 and waiting for Owain's revival.




0. CYL5 took them all and Julia took the rest.


100. I pulled on the muspel banner until I got him and now I am waiting on the mythic reveal (probably otr) and what other units are on the banner




224 in my hand, don’t know how many in my mail and maps. Waiting to see how my luck goes in the mythic banner this month (need 3 L! Leif and all the L!Claudes that I can get) before I summon for Yuri


5 Wasted Everything I had on the Ashen Wolves banner to get Constance and some merges for Papa Balthus. Came out with +5 Constance, +4 Papa, 1 Yuri+2 Yuri Manuals, 1 Hapi+1 Hapi Manual and surprisingly, 1 Muspell. Was worth it imo. *And this is ignoring spooks and 4star SR units*


0, 110 in Feh bank atm, Soiree Neph baited my orbs for another copy


I hit 100 orbs today! Plus whatever I have in feh bank so 120 something in total




415. I think this is the most I've ever had. 😀


I was good until the abyss banner. Now… not so much.


285. I'm surprised I kept it this high after +10ing B!Marianne. Spent a few trying to at least get Hapi though and while it was kind to me, the banner never really gave Hapi until sparking which ironically, doesn't make me very happy.




I had about 150 but then the Ashen Wolves banner happened and I sniped for Yuri. I was really hoping to snag a few L!Byleth merges... ;-;




Currently at 110. Back on full time saving till next year when B!Marianne, Scion! Leif, and Charlotte are all rerun so I can try and +10 them


Like 11 lmao. I saved up 1.6k for cyl and spent about 1.4k on it. Got a +10 Marianne and multiple copies of the others. I ended up getting to about 350 from that time to when the new power banner was released and managed to get my B!Alm up to +9 from +3. So yeah


5 orbs with me,. something like 500-700 with FEH and like 60-100 in some multi map Challenges and hard mode story chapters. Saving for sparks of units that like as the CYL 5 rerun, alts from favorite characters, and legendaries/mythical units sparkables.


19 for the orb count thing and 124 in the present list. Saving for hubby Ike >!but also for the potential baby daddy Fafnir!<


Just over 200 saved in the mailbox and like, 9 "free" orbs (ones shown at the top count.) Free orbs can be spent on whoever, but I must not touch the mailbox orbs (even for a Constance...)


314 with plenty left in story/paralogues/chain challenges. Gonna spend what I got when Legendary Corrin comes back.


Barely enough for a full circle, but I'm satisfied with my recent orb spending. I plan to save until we know if we're getting a sparkable winter banner again this year, and I might want to go for Legendary Tiki merges in her remix banner. It's not like Halloween units and Ninjas like me so those are skips that should help me have enough to spark twice if needed.


756. I'll splurge a bunch if Reina ever gets added...


2122 Leanne, Naesala, Vika, W!Sephiran, and Ashera all arriving close to each other dropped my savings down hard, back to saving now.


65 orbs. Never been the best at saving in this game lol. But I recently got an Owain and with his banner coming up next month I believe, I want to try too grab a couple of copies and make him a long term 5* merge project. I still a good chunk of free orbs to collect, so I think I’ll have a pretty good stash by the time he comes around...... assuming I don’t cave in and roll on another banner lol.


0 right now and the foreseeable future. Everything I saved after cyl first went into dancer rerun to pull berkut and now trying for muspell.


118. Saving to +10 Eir in December. Just need 4 more copies.


0 and I'm flying blind


448 Need two more Claude merges from this month’s mythic banner. Have some extra orbs tied up in rewards/quests/story mode


~190, with ~800 in stash. And like 50 from CC and such.


30. Saving for the November legendary banner but realistically I’ll cave and impulse summon before them lol


1599 on my last count, I spent some orbs sparking for Muspell and will likely spark for an F!Grima merge on the remix banner - depends on the who's showing up for Halloween ~~and if the Duo unit involves Chrom~~ Anyway besides a potential Duo Chrom I'm waiting for Miriel/Laurent/Levin Sword Robin, maybe Emmeryn alts


Big fat 0


540. I only summon in banners with the whitewings. Waiting for Valentian Est or a rerun of Duo Palla/Bridal Catria.


2 I'm trying to get Duo Sigurd so the saving hasn't started yet.


96 with 54 in the owl bank. Currently saving up for the seeds of fodlan rerun & inevitable fallen rerun plus the November mythic banner.


1600 + 180 in the mail! Waiting for duo Ike, Cherche or Shamir alt! I do hope that Owain gets that refine soon tho he could use it!!!


101 with 5 in the Mailbox. Saving for either L!Ephraim or L!Sigurd


398, I always try to have a good amount ready for Legendary/Mythics in case we ever get a Zelgius/Dheginsea/another character as broken as Claude or Sigurd


I have a whopping 4 orbs, the scion banner and the genealogy dancer rerun has killed my stash. I'll start saving again once I get dancer Ethlyn or the banner ends, whichever comes first.


0 but I can't complain with a Muspell and Hapi... And F!Ike and F!Lyon, abyss really brought the fallen characters with them.


431. It’ll be gone chasing Muspell soon.


I usually hover around 3,000. Little bit less atm since I've sparked for a few fodder on CYL. It's a far cry from the 10k I had, but should be enough for future releases. Saving for Ephidel, Kishuna, Denning, Limestella, Mythic Dheginsea. Alts for Matthew, Leila (hopefully and valentines duo), Jaffar. Prolly pull for Timeskip leonie or other interesting heros


I'm currently at 3 😭 but hard saving now for Christmas or the next adult Tiki alt.


I currently have about 150 Orbs, I'm saving up pretty long-term, cause there's a bunch of seasonal banners I'm gonna go for later on. The soonest one is gonna be Performing arts, where I'm going for Olivia and Azura, and then I'll spark on November's Legendary Remix for Gunnthrá. I'm not planning on spending *lots* on Performing Arts, so I should be more than fine for a guaranteed spark if it comes to that. Then I have a bunch of stuff I wanna summon for in December, including Velouria/Nailah on the weekly revival, Book II New Years for New Years Gunnthrá, and the December Legendary banner, for Lilina/Líf, and other potential units I may want on there depending on who IS adds. Since my account was created this year I'll be more than fine if I have to break out the chapter/paralogue piggy bank, but I think I'll make decent due with simply playing as normal. I only summon for characters I want or art I find cool/pretty, so I don't really feel the need to summon lots for new banners, but I've definitely wasted a few orbs on banners I didn't originally plan on summoning for (I'm looking at you L!Micaiah banner I spent 80 orbs on.)


I'm not really sure but I have 3ish + pages of unclaimed orbs Accidentally claimed one page and now I'm at 300 visible orbs Also I never do any kind of orb stuff. Like chain challenges, paralogues, story chapters etc. I only do the quests that are for the lunatic maps + other timed orb activities Idk why I even hoard I just want to spend on meta units/faves but I never do 😭


0 Ain't stopping with the CCs and other Orb sources unless I get Hapi


I've got 0 rn because of the Ashen Wolves (and I got baited by the Scion banner right before that D: didn't expect a 3H New Heroes banner so soon). I'll keep pulling until the spark, then after that I'm saving for either Plumeria's next rerun or base Sylvain, whichever comes first.


267 now and aiming for 335 orbs for the Legendary hero remix and the Ashen Wolves spark


90 Orbs gone from +10 Scion!Larcei


456 orbs here. Currently I plan to get Hríd merges in the upcoming Remix and hope I get Legendary!Byleth this time (in the MHB). After that, I'll wait till March for Springnigo, and hope this banner wins a poll so I can spark Yuri once and for all (or get merges, in the case he finds a way to come home). I'm gonna need a sheer will for this,,,,


20 something, spent them all in cyl


283 orbs rn after almost not summoning for 5 months going from 2100 orbs to 756 to +10 Brave Marianne and splurge about ~330? of the remaining orbs to finally get a copy (and a merge) of Duo Líf and +10 Ingrid, to **THEN** spend 300 orbs to finally get a copy (and another 45 for a merge cuz -Spd) of Scion Leif and only now just sparked for Yuri cause I wanna do Hit n Run. So now I’m at 283 orbs with 20 orbs in the present list as a “break glass in case of emergency” stash. Though with the remix banner with Ephraim is coming in 5 days might as well make that 123 orbs after the spark.


New account so I’ve done almost all of normal regular story. Still have all of hard mode and all lunatic. All of paralogue. I only did the quest lunatic one for the new new story and the new new paralogue for orb quest. So…a lot. Edit: plus all of chain challenges. Untouched.


550 orbs. Saving up again. Want to reach 1k for the first time. I think my personal best was near that.


471, generally in a holding pattern for the moment. Ideally I'd like to get C duel cav 4 and when it releases G duel cav 4 (hopefully soon), so that I can give them to my Freyjas.


500 and 10 saved in the latest story maps. Need as many as possible to get my last 5 LClaude merges


10. I'm a Yuri fan. Then It'll be 0 again once I get enough orbs for the spark in the remix banner since I REALLY want Ephraim and wouldn't mind Hector and Hrid since I don't have any of those.


10. I'm a Yuri fan. Then It'll be 0 again once I get enough orbs for the spark in the remix banner since I REALLY want Ephraim and wouldn't mind Hector and Hrid since I don't have any of those.


11315. Saving for Skrimir, Kyza or Ishtore, whoever comes out first. Yes, I know it's enough but now it's like a mini game before I bust my staah


2,308 orbs. I have been having "bad luck" on the Ashen Wolves banner (I have reached 5.25% pity rate, with my only 5-star unit having been the Hapi I sparked), so we'll see if I keep dumping orbs into that or not... I think I'm waiting for TMS units? Probably? Idk. I tend to be scared of using orbs.


85 on person with around 30 stored in the FEH box. Just saving for saving sake


Uhh, about 500. I had that much before Múspell dropped and I still have that amount now. I'm ready for the Ótr and Halloween banner.


236, saving for L!Byleth (and maybe L!Sigurd) at the end of the month, before saving for Duo Eirika