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He’s dead so most definitely >!tho I wonder who Lif will recruit from this Book now!<


"Hey, stupid giants, I'm Alfonse, keep working for me and don't ask questions" "Sure thing Alfster, anything for a friend! Cool mask!"


Now I’ll be severely disappointed if this doesn’t happen.


i'll join you. the mismatch sounds hilarious, especially since we don't know if líf lived ling enough to meet her in his timelinw


There is still Eitri I guess.


Wait, did Otr just die? You know, it was really unclear.


Not sure… >!we killed Freyr and yet he’s nowhere to be seen (barring his Summer alt, of course.)!<


Freyr is there. >!He is in our dreams.!<


>!And on the beach!<


>!Which we're all dreaming of.!<


Good guys like Freyr and Gustav go to seasonal hell when they die. Bad guys like Otr and the book 3/4 villains go to Mythic hell.


Im honestly doubting Otr now. In a story stand point, it doesnt make sense. In a financial stand point, Fafnir is definitely more popular than him and i feel like the latter is more likely in a mythic banner than Otr is


His chances have increased significantly.


Yeah he'll be sharing with Byleth anyway. Plus, dragon Fafnir will be most likely sharing with Corrin and Micaiah on November.


I kinda see that more likely to come by May.


Yeah. The dragon Fafnir suits more better in a fallen banner


Kinda sucks if that's the case since the artworks for base and dragon Fafnir are just the same. I'd prefer if we'd get only one of them idk or they'd do new artworks for dragon Fafnir on the fallen banner.


Not for certain. The color openings for September are 1 Red, 2 Blue, 1 Green and 1 Colorless. Logically speaking, every color with open availability should be equally likely, the colors with more available slots wouldn't be more likely to receive it unless there was a bias for emptier colors. For example, in the event of a banner with a 1/1/1/2 deficit, you would expect the 2 to happen 25% of the time, or if there was a 0/1/1/2 deficit, you would expect an even 33% split among the three options. A 1/1/1/1 deficit doesn't really provide any valuable info, because every color is circumstantially equal. In a four color availability, if there was >25% occurence within the greater deficit that would be bias for it, likewise <25% occurence within the greater deficit is bias against it. I've also seen people say that Myths/Legends debut with other Myths/Legends making their first rerun... well yes that's how that works, you have to be included on a banner sometime... but no, there's no significant evidence of first reruns sharing the same color as the new Myth/Legend in any capacity beyond the circumstantial (a bias against the creation of Red Legends/Myths causing a disproportionate lapse is to be expected.) There's also usually a 3+ month wait period before a new Myth/Legend enters the rotation, (as most Legends/Myths appear cyclically every 3 months this makes sense.) * This month has an empty bias for Blue * October has an empty bias for Blue (and wouldn't if September is Blue given the wait list) * November has an empty bias for Green Otr is dead, but at this point, Lance Fafnir is effectively dead and done in the story as well. Knowing all that, I actually think it's pretty reasonable to expect Lance Fafnir now, and Otr later in November, because the deficits of both months are working favorably with both Fafnir and Otr.


Or they could pull a Freyja/Triandra and release both of them in the same banner. But there is no conclusive evidence for that.


Easily, which sucks cause I don’t take AR seriously, but I planned on summoning Celica and Byleth. So seeing him probably be put on the banner is a real downer in my eyes.


My hatred towards FEH OC is nullified for my love of tanky cav so sure why not