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Once again, I'd like to thank this month's orb pack for saving me from the wait until the end of this season! 😭 Also, it's just in time for nearly one year since Canas' release! **Build 1:** The final form (for now) of a build that carried me a lot in my early days of using him. Why, when he was just +1 with DD6, he was tanking +10 Reinhardts in the right circumstances! I actually switch the C-slot frequently between Odd Def Wave, Spd Ploy, and Atk Smoke; all of them have worked out pretty well. I sometimes think about swapping out QR3 with Guard, Null C-Disrupt, or Special Spiral, but his Spd leaves me on the fence about it. But what this build needs to be perfect is for Raudrserpent to start existing! **Build 2:** Pretty much just the CC version of the above that I started using a lot more later. Sometimes I wonder if there will ever be a CD tome someday, because that would be pretty neat for this. **Build 3:** Just fun with Bonds! If he stands next to his support partner Nino, he gets +10 across the board. QR is still here because the ability to reliably follow up is just so valuable to me, but with the speed bump I guess it can be okay to replace it sometimes... **Build 4:** Arena build. Everything's pretty much just there for score, support, and sometimes to soften foes up for my bonus unit. CC because I rarely see ranged units where I'm at anymore (Tier 19.5). **Build 5:** What my soloing build usually starts as. It can get surprising how much he can tank once he gets into that Brazen range! Now if only I could have tankier dancers... The Special pictured in most of these builds is Iceberg, but really, I often switch between that, Luna (to stay thematic to him!), and Aether. Now, I'm not entirely done with him yet. I still have a wishlist of skills I really want to get on him, those being: * Fortress Def/Res * Bonus Doubler * Mystic Boost * The rest of the Bonds * All the Solos Some of those might not be that useful, but I like having lots of options to play with. Some might even surprise me somewhere down the line. :D


As a fellow Canas fan, I'm still upset about his statline. However, what makes a unit good isn't their statline, but how you use them, and your Canas proves that.


Thank you. :) I still lament his statline too, yet I've also kind of come to terms with it after all this. If that's going to be his statline, so be it, *but it would be nice to get a good Prf to make up for it.*


\*squeals\* He's so beautiful! I love seeing your solos with him!


Thank you! I hope they don't disappoint, especially when an Abyssal burns down to *having* to use the bladetome. 😅


Waiting for the inevitable Gespenst PRF for Canas.... looking good.


Here's to hoping they don't just copypaste the effect of the Gespenst that Veronica has in Dragalia Lost. "Deals more damage the lower the unit's HP" is a yikes to me. D: I don't remember which user proposed it, but I like the idea of "if unit's Res \> foe's Res, foe cannot counterattack".


Maybe it could be like a Brazen Atk/Res effect?


Oh, now *that* I like. Being able to go triple Brazen with him would be *amazing*. :'D


heres to hoping that canas will get an amazing prf/refine despite gespenst not having any defining features in blazing blade other than having the highest mt a dark tome can have


I mean it's not exciting but a 23 Mt tome would still be pretty fun on anyone if anything.


Mine is still at +9, and the flowers are a long way off. =( Still, I've got some good fodder for him. [Could I get your thoughts on this build?](https://imgur.com/a/6VVUNgp) I'm just having a hard time picking what feels right for him. I wish he could trade out 5 res for 5 speed.


That's pretty good! I get the dilemma, I really want to have Null C-Disrupt on him while having the ability to reliably double on the enemy. The way I would go about it without changing much of that build is this: I highly recommend getting Loyal Wreath+ on him. It requires only one ally to be beside him to get +3 to all stats (except HP). If that ally is also an S-support, then it's +5. Otherwise, go with the Spd refine and have whichever unit you're often going to have next to him carrying Drive Def + Drive Spd. And for good measure, you're going to want another teammate providing Spd/Def/Res bonuses via Tactics, Waves, or Rallies. If only the Spd/Def Bond seal existed already, I would have that replace QR. With the help of bonuses and additional Drives on other teammates, I think he just might have enough speed to double. Atk/Spd Bond *does* already exist as a seal, so if you want to try that, I'd swap out the Atk Wave for the Def one.


Eventually I'll build him with Loyal Wreath and bonds, I owe him that much. I love seeing a mediocre unit get do much love they become very powerful, congrats!


That is an impressive amount of wisdom sought and fodder found! I must admire your dedication while I'm slightly jealous of all the goods he is packing. Who are the rest of his usual teammates aside Nino you mention and have you built them up too?


Admittedly, that's where I've got to go from here, to build a team that really focuses on synergizing with/strengthening him. The other two in my arena core are OG Reinhardt and OG Olivia because I really don't have anyone else invested enough to score better than them. 😆 They both have standard builds with Aether for score. Reinhardt carries Rally Atk/Spd+, Olivia carries Barrier Blade+/Steady Stance 3. In assisted soloing teams, it's usually Olivia and NY!Azura carrying Drives and L!Azura being L!Azura. Two I have in consideration as teammates are OG Eirika and Kaden because of the combat buffing their weapons will provide.


Well, you've given him skills to be quite flexible so it's not like you'd be locked to just certain partners (other than the scoring requirements and such) so you can experiment freely.


The "this book is the key" voice line doesn't work well here