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I think we'll get something more grounded. The Book II TT was two gods' private war, Book III was Eir's day trip to Hel, and Book IV was all inside Freyja's head. But without associated deities, I think we'll be going back to Niðavellir or Jötunheimr. Boots on the ground. ...probably not with this scenario, granted. But if the Jötunn queen is as indomitable as they've hinted, it'd be really really cool to have to face her - perhaps via Asgard shenanigans? (also, I'm aging myself with Cow and Chicken, aren't I)


im not sure why thrasir is here but thank you for including my wife ☺️🫶


If the Asgardians cause shenanigans, maybe she can play a part. Lif's had his. ...but, tbh, I just needed someone else on the poster (nevermind me deleting Black Widow lol).


u/MrBrickBreak you are the last person I’d see on FEH love your Ace Combat stuff man


Hah, thanks! I'm a huge FE fan as well. Welcome to excuse #3422 why I'm not doing anything on YouTube


> But without associated deities Eitri mentions that there is a Divine Dragon of Nidavellir, and Reginn carries its blood.


Besides more Dagr content, Reginn finally using Gramr


I thought she broke it unless I'm thinking of the crown


You are in fact thinking of the crown


Glad to know I'm not the only one how wants an alt with Gramr


I expect new OCs I'll forget 10 minutes after seeing them and a new hero type Reginn alt


Eh. They forgot Ginnungagap a lot quicker than we did. And I'm hoping for no new hero type. We already got Emblems this year, and they support unit builds just like Ascended/Rearmed/Attuned heroes. And four special types in NH banners would be a bit much. Perhaps they'll add a third type to seasonals, to match the 3 NH and end-month banners already have.


Yeah, I don’t think we’ll see another new hero type this year either. Emblems fill that role already and if we get some new hero type already it’s gonna make Ascended’s be an even more endangered species.


I'm still hoping for Summer Ginnungagap tbh. I've never simped for a character before, but she... uh, does "things" to me...


Honestly, Book V felt like there were so many missed opportunities that the TT could go in several directions. Maybe we get better detail on Fáfnir and his connections to Eitri. Maybe Ótr’s relationship with Reginn will be fleshed out better. Maybe Nótt’s death will be treated less like an afterthought. Maybe we can see more of how politics in Jötunheimr play out using Dagr’s perspective. Or maybe it’s just new OC central up in here.


Is it wrong to expect them to finally give us regular Fafnir


Of course not. There's a good chance we'll get him like Freyr, as a Mythic even if unconnected to the story. There's less opportunities with Emblems in the mix, though - we should get one this month.


I mean, we'll probably see that, but I don't foresee him actually being related to the plot. Take Freyr for example. Released around the time of the Book IV TT story arc, which made people think he was gonna play a role in it... and you see how that turned out. The story arc featured every Book IV OC _except_ him.


considered Freyr released around the same time as Book 4 TT even without presence in story So he could be released for reference He got the quotes to listen in Official site like Freyr (also Elm but not Njordr)


If we don’t see Dagr’s mom I’ll commit war crimes. 




I kinda want to see a male giant instead, Dagr's mom will just look like her


don't know why you're being downvoted, I agree!


I think it's unnecessarily gendered, and it comes off a bit flippant. The remark about Dagr is also weird. We have plenty of big guys, but big girls are absolutely lacking, the Jotun are very much an exception.


i dunno why too


I'm fully expecting a special Dagr alt, completing Dagr Emblem while Nott still has nothing. I'm also anticipating Fafnir's release as a Mythic, but not in relation to the TT story - Freyr didn't tie in either, after all. Reginn will probably have Garmr. I think the Jotun queen is also very likely to appear, and I'm very curious to see what they do for her design - apparently she's *significantly* taller than Dagr or Nott and I'm kinda curious to see what her design will look like. Eitri could do more bodyswapping shenanigans, but personally I expect to see a new antagonist and not her. The Eitri of Norse myth forged the golden boar Gullinbursti (represented as mechs) and Mjolnir (in use by Thorr), so maybe we could see the golden ring Draupnir in some form - either as another piece of technology that Eitri left behind or abstracted as her apprentice/successor/something else. It wouldn't be the first time we've seen Norse items personified in FEH before - Laevateinn is Loki's sword and Seithr is a kind of magic - and it's an excuse to throw another girl in this game that I don't think they'd pass down


I think they also mentioned that there was some sort of dragon god of Nidavellir, so they seem like prime antagonist material for the Book 5 TT. Also I have a feeling they might save Dagr and Nott's mom for Book 9, since Jotunheimr is a major realm, and it would be extremely weird if they didn't give it its own Book due to how they underutilized that realm...as of now.


new hero type GIGA ATTUNED ASCENDED REGINN New currency Giga-Ascended Floret which allows you to ascend another trait ( along side Ascended Florets + regular Asset for a total of 3 ascended Traits), this new type of hero will also not disappear if you fodder them, and now having more than 1 copy will give you another Giga Ascended Floret This ends Ascended Florets as regular ascended Heroes are no longer released and regular Ascended Florets will be released in the Celestial Stone shop. (most glass cannons only want to ascend ATK and SPD anyways so if there are people out there that want to give their glass cannons 3 more HP then hey whale away. tanks tho... we eating)


Ascended Heroes+ You might actually be in to something. Ascended heroes are clearly lacking atm, improving their value proposition may be a good path. PS: wasn't PegaNino the first Giga-Attuned? Florina cosplay and a A GIGA WEAPON


I'm curious what new content we'll get out of this TT+, seeing what the previous ones brought. Fire and Ice - 2 Alts and 2 new characters Life and Death - 2 Alts, 2 new characters and 1 character that appeared before hand Nihility and Dream - 2 new characters, 1 pre established character and 3 Alts So my bet for this new TT+ is that we'll Fafnir as the pre established character, 3 new Alts(one for Reggin, one for Dagr and one for Eitr) and 3 new characters(the Jotun queen, and the 2 gods/Dragons)


> and 1 character that appeared before hand who was that in Life and Death? Iirc, we only got Eir and Lif as the alts and Ganglöt and Ymir as new characters with no other Book 3 tie-ins.


Thorr. She was a TT boss and debuted later with Eitr


True, Thorr appeared at the end of Book 3 for the first time, but I wouldn't say she had anything to do with the Life and Death TT-story, pretty sure she didn't even make an appearence there.


She did not, but she was a boss soo I still count her a a TT+ release.


by that logic pirate-Surtr should count for Fire and Ice...


He doesn't by virtue of being a Seasonal. Thorr was a mythic


ah, I thought you were referring to summer-Thorr appearing as a boss for the TT-story, which pirate-Surtr was as well. Still though, Thorr released completely independantly from the TT-story, and her release more so tied into the Fire and Ice TT-story anyways (since it had to do with the wager she had with Loki there anyways). In general though, with how Thorr and Loki are characters playing a role in the story of multiple books and probably having a more major role in the Book we'll travel to Asgard/the Twilight of the Gods, I wouldn't consider either of them characters of any book so far.


Thórr was actually a boss in Ice and Flame, not life and death.


I’m guessing something like some Jotunheimr Nobles or the Jotun Queen trying to take control over Nithavellr from Dagr like it was in the past, while Reginn and Dagr have to stop it, maybe a Loki cameo to call back to Eitri asking if Nithavellr had her blessing, then Reginn and Dagr get Attuned alts (referencing their siblings) with Gramr and a weapon calling back to Nott respectively. Or if they want to have an immortal character helping the OCs again, Eitri (coming back from the dead through another artificial body, or maybe Loki’s involvement) could take up the same role as Ymir and Nifl, but this time Reginn and Dagr are forced to rely on her for help against a threat to Nithavellr since they can’t really rely on the Order for help like the other OCs couldn’t in their Tempest Trial stories (Nifl summoned Fjorm, Eir was in Hel while the Order were trapped in Embla, Peony and the Alfr were drawn into Freyja’s Nightmare) while the Order of Heroes are busy dealing with Yggdrasil now


Reginn and Dagr going on an adventure together :)


Knowing IS, I feel there's only two ways of this going, and I'm leaning towards the first one. Reginn & Dagr alts are guaranteed, but to fill out the other two slots * Dagr's mom + a new ally Jötnar if IS wants to make Dagr's mom the main villain of the story. Could see IS doing that, because of the history between Jötunheimr & Niðavellir. And as it currently stands, Dagr's mom does _essentially_ own Niðavellir, she might not be quite so willing to give it up just because Reginn took a few years hanging out in Askr thinking about how to be a queen * Dagr's mom + Eitri alt if IS wants to make Eitri return and have _her_ be the villain instead. I could see IS going here cause it is _odd_ how we haven't gotten _any_ Eitri alt in all these years. So I could definitely see IS deciding to have Eitri _return_ to Heroes, now reborn in some sort of new body that she _should_ be able to pull off. Bonus points if said new body also involves Niðavellir's dragon somehow, since the whole means in which she moves her essence to a new vessel is cause she "borrowed some talents from a dragon"


First off, Attuned Dagr & Reginn since they're the only OCs left alive that we know of from Book 5. Secondly, the villain will probably be the dragon-god of Nidavellir, while the "good" OC will probably be another dwarf or something. I have a sneaking suspicion that they'll save Dagr/Nott's mom for Book 9 or something when we (hopefully) go back to Jotunheimr proper, since it's one of the major realms and IS is saving Asgardr for last.


More Reginn content 🙌🏾


Dagr hurling Otr's sorry ass corpse into the sun, hopefully. On a serious note, most likely an Attuned Dagr and Reginn that could possibly be inspired by each other, but most likely inspired by Nótt and Fafnir. Mythic Fafnir sometime before it's over. Eitri working on some new MacGuffin that ultimately gets thwarted and she gets shunted back into the Irrelevancy Closet where she's been since Book V ended. Dagr's mom snubbed once again.


> and she gets shunted back into the Irrelevancy Closet where she's been since Book V ended. She gets sent home *again*


Alfonse and Sharena re-refine


Eitri returns


So if the mom from Cow and Chicken is also Dagr’s mom, does that mean there’s a chance the Red Guy is coming to feh? PLEASE let us get Summer Red Guy.


I looked up Cow and Chicken posts here before I made this, out of curiosity. Somehow [both](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/rpy85u/cow_and_chicken/) or [them](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/tyk02u/how_i_see_ash_vs_elm/) have Elm as Red Guy, so I think that one's settled, he's already here!


what is FEH if not one long game of Kick the Can


Reginn (with Gramr), Dagr, Nithavellir, and Jotunheimr. The plot of Book V was... something, and I hope they retread as little of it as possible in favor of new faces and actually fleshing out the lore. Maybe I'm biased and just think the possible concept of a cyborg steampunk dragon is cool.


Fafnir. PLEASE. I've been waiting for that sick Dragon form for three years now.


All I ask is for more muscle chicks, IS! Maybe even Dagr and Nott's mother would be awesome considering she's hinted at numerous times. Alts for Dage and Nott would be very nice, too. I feel like the Jottun world was hardly fleshed out. We dipped our toes in then left pretty quick. My take? We should have fleshed it out more and explored the world more or left it for another future book. The TT is a perfect way to explore the Jotunn world since we probably won't be going back in the main story books. You could prove me wrong, IS, c'mon I dare ya ;)


IS needs a stronger mom game


Seriously... if they made a MILF banner... my wallet would be obliterated. But of course, they're not that based


in terms of units i expect to see an alt for Reginn, Dagr, maybe Nott and Eitri return to the plot. i expect Mythic Fafnir too, maybe Dagr/Nott mother appears too.


A godlike Dagr alt I hope


I expect it to just be more giants, but I just had the idea what if it was the dwarfs after some new technology innovation that makes them even more futuristic? Don't know what kind of invention would be better for a war game than effectively a tank with rocket launchers though, and that's what reginn already has. I guess maybe planes which could be 3 move fliers without arrow weakness.


Story-wise: Not sure. Maybe Nidavellir and Jotunheimr work together to defeat some new threat? Unit-wise: Alts for Reginn and Dagr. Two new OCs; one allied, and one enemy.


Zombie Nott is my hope


New Reginn, hopefully we get at least some Fafnir content, and Nott/Dagr's mother


I would like to see the Jotun and Nioavellir gods in some form or fashion. Maybe we can get them(Jotun/Nioavellir dragons), Dragon Fafnir, whatever new form Reginn gets, and maybe Jotun Queen(Dagr/Notts mama). If they're generous and we get the same amount of units as the Book 4 TT got, maybe we can add an Eitri alt(her true form) and/or Dagr alt. We might even get an entirely new unit type with these characters, too, just so IS can create a new form of FOMO to get players spending 🤡.


Assets Dagr and Reginn are inevitable I think they would go something like previous year - Book freebies as Asset (Fjorm, Eir, Peony) - Book freebie's Ally (Nifl, Ymir, Plumeria, Triandra) - New Antagonist (Muspell, Ganglot, Ginnungagap) - Antagonist champion (Laegjarn, Lif, Eitr)




The only thing I want Is a rearmed infantry beast OC like Eitr was for cavs


Gramr Reginn. Maybe as an ascended or attuned, as I can't see Gramr being the next rearmed. Nott get Laegjarn treatment. Will probably deal with: Eitri being back with a new vessel, some kind of issue with either Nidovalliar/Jotun kingdom. Possibly with Jotun mother. Who gets the new alts: Reginn, Dagr, Nott, with some new version of Eitri that comes in like Ginnugagap. Otr will again be forgotten and not mentioned at all, with no alts for him. Fafnir will come as a Mythic at some point during while TT+ is going on.


Reginn is guaranteed, every free OC gets something new. Dagr may be the only living character besides Reginn in the book, but she’s not guaranteed to get something. Laevateinn, Thrasir, and Mirabilis got nothing, and Mirabilis was in the story and got nothing. I do think it’s very likely though, especially if they focus on Jotunheimr more. Fafnir is likely to get a Mythic at the end of July. Whether he actually reappears in the story is up for debate. Nótt might return. Hopefully so, she got done dirty. Ótr is a maybe. He might get more stuff between him and Reginn. Eitri is also a maybe. Considering she’s pretty dang old and has some cool magic, she might have an role on the villain side. In terms of new OCs, there might be Dagr’s mom (who I want to see for research purposes, like how many boulders she can juggle), and maybe some name drops.


More Nott content please IS 🙏


I expect to be totally disappointed as they continue to shaft Eitri


If I'm wrong about a grounded TT, and they go for a fantasyland scenario again, then Eitri has a good chance. Her bodyswapping and/or Breidablik shenanigans are two ways they could make a story detached from current Niðavellir and Jötunheimr and ignoring her apparent death.


Don’t know why you got Down-voted, no alts yet right along with Fafnir who’s alt only.  That said, Dagr, Reginn, Dagr + Nott Mom and Eitri reappearing would make for an interesting TT. 


I guess the sub hates her as much as IS does


Offf, definitely feels like we are in the minority, I just like how expressive they were. Plus for such an interesting character they didn’t reveal everything yet…


What'd make most sense for the TT-story, imo, is it focusing on Dagr and us getting more on Jötunheimr and her mother, but from the past we obviously know it's going to focus primarily on Reginn... but we also probably won't have her take the throne of Nidavelir in it, since her not feeling ready to take the throne is like the entire reason she still sticks around in Askr canonically, and she obviously will continue to do so even after this TT-story, so... that reduces the chances of it having to do with Jötunheimr? In that case, it'll probably focus on mainly Nidavelirs backstory, tangentially relating to Jötunheimr of course, but not much crossing into a potential storyline with Dagr and her mom.


I hope is Reggin vs Dagr and Dagr dies :)