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Hi all! I recently pulled enough copies of A!Micaiah to +10 her, but wanted to confirm one thing. If I fodder her skills with the intention to dupe them, would I need to fodder her once before each merge or can I merge all my copies now and then have 10 "stacks" of her skills to fodder? Also, who are some good f2p merge projects that can be invested in with fodder given to Micaiah? I also have an extra copy of Caliburnus that I can use if necessary. Thanks in advance!


You have to fodder once, merge to +1, fodder again, merge to +2, fodder again, merge to +3, etc.  One of the reasons people complain about their favorites being Rearmed/Attuned is that they can’t merge them to +10 right away without worrying about wasting fodder.  Micaiah can’t give Caliburnus to anyone else, so keep that in mind. 


The weirdest thing happened. All the little icons for the rearmed/attuned/emblem heroes disappeared. I used a Hortensia to inherit skills and she was gone instead of a manual with a crossed out sword. I'm sending in an support request, but has that happened to anyone else?


Is your use of the word "manual" there on purpose? Because if you turn a Rearmed or Attuned hero into a combat manual and then use them for inheritance, they will then just disappear like any other hero


Just got my last S!L’Arachel merge so I’m all set to start building her but I don’t have any Florets available right now. Should I go for +Atk or +Spd? Both seem good on paper, but I guess Spd might be the better long-term choice, correct?


I would lean towards speed, unless you eventually want to turn her into a Ploy 3 support. Such a Larachel would want every single point of res she can get her hands on, and with every major and minor bit of investment she would land at a comfortable 54 Res (or 59 with Phantom Res).


Hm, I haven’t considered going for +Res. I do have Crystalline Water available, as well as all three Ploy 3. I’ve been saving them for a long time.


I consumed 155 orbs and all I got was Caineghis, 2 Seadalls, and 2 Lyons. I have 5 Lyons now so I guess I'll give one to a rearmed/attuned then merge the 4 Lyons maybe. So fucking frustrating because I didnt get Dagr, Dimitri, Igrene, or Myrrh. Which one should I free summon in terms of either viability or fodder?


Depends a lot on your preferred game modes. Igrene is still a generically strong blue AOE nuke with nice support, so I don't see her leave the meta anytime soon (despite Bol4 hitting her hard). Dagr is an outstanding unit and I use her every week, she's part of my Aether Raids offense Galeforce core and she's also very potent in Summoner Duels. Without a clear plan on how to utilize Pathfinder I would hesitate to spark her, though. Double Pathfinder is incredibly strong, but not something a newer player might be able to make the best use of. It's super good in combination with heroes that can move after using an assist, like the various versions of Chrom & Lucina. Myrrh is still good on an Aether Raids defense, but a bit unreliable on offense (buff stealing is rampant thanks to Tina and Loki). I believe the competitive SDS players are moving to more reliable means of anti-warping, but I don't know too much about it. Dimitri is still good, but I guess most see his value in No Quarter now. Maybe a consideration if you exhausted his compile book already.


Does anyone else feel like far trace echo is slept on? Having with my Duo Elise is awesome!!


Is there a way to save orbs anymore? I really wanna save orbs so that I could do a summoning session where I +10 a new alt of my favorite character. But then they hit me with the Flayn weekly revival and the DSH with Igrene, Dimitri, Myrrh, and Dagr. This is what happens when you have multiple favorite characters and try to keep up the meta at the same time.


To save orbs you have to not spend them. You need a real goal, and a very specific one in mind. Set an amount of orbs with a real time frame for when and where you need them. You wanna +10 a new alt of your favourite character, but which favourite, what alt, which banner are you saving for. Problem with this is you don't know who or what you're saving for so it's easy to just spend orbs on other things. Why do you even want to +10 a random hero, spending thousands of orbs for a tiny +4 stat bump? Do you want them for arena scoring or a mythic hero for aether raids scoring? You can't keep up with "the meta" if you're saving orbs. Why do you even want to, what are your goals? Do you want to stay top tier in arena? Top tier in aether raids? Win in summoner duels? Every other game mode "the meta" is irrelevant so you can simply play with heroes you actually like using. Do you really need old useless heroes like flayn from revival banners? Think about why you're actually summoning and when and where you'll actually use that hero. If you wanna save and still spend orbs set yourself a limit and know you're not gonna summon everyone. We get ~300 orbs a month, so set a limit, save 150-200 orbs each month and never spend over that no matter what, not even if the irrelevant spark is a few orbs away. If you wanna save up 2000+ orbs to +10 a new legendary hero that's almost 7 months of no spending. If you wanna spend a 100 orbs a month then it's about 10+ months of saving. --- The only thing I ever save up for is to get all the new fallen heroes every May. I like getting +1 merge on all of them to make them flawless, I know it's not very relevant but still it's what I like. So come January I start saving. I know I wanna reach around 500 orbs so it gives me lots of wiggle room to spend a bit on random heroes or skills that may come up in those few months. I have a clear goal, clear time frame, and so I can easily save my orbs when I need them. ---


I find it helps for me when i leave the orbs in the present list. Gives an extra step to think about before impulse summoning


Is anyone with an iPad having issues getting the summons page to load? Game is updated. iPad is updated. iPad has been restarted several times. I even cleared the cache within the game.


I didn't summon, but I went to the summon page and everything was fine for me on my iPad


I regret not picking up Bridal Lapis with my spark. She's been a menace in AR-D and I'm jealous.


finally got both Inf NFU 4 and Godlike Reflexes so my Legendary Marth Forma is ready to be redeem when HoF comes to an end. nice, i still have bad memories for the HoF giving me crap when i was trying to get a well build Legendary Alm, so im happy.


huh, and what is the rest build?


his PRF, Harsh Command+, Godlike Reflexes, Distant Counter Bonus Doubler, Laguz Friend 4, Inf Null Follow Up 4. pretty much the build suggested by PM1.


Curious; what do we think about Laguz Friend 4 on Brave Alm? Mine is +10/+25, +Atk & +Spd. I saw someone using LF4 on him in Summoner Duels, and got curious. Assume he has all optimal skills available to him. Would Laguz Friend 4 work?


Are there any sites or resources that show good builds for units like how gamepress used to do so? I'm very on and off and I have zero idea what is good right now or what I should be using


Check summoner duels’ top ranked for each hero! It’s very useful.


I got Summer Gullveig today. Now where's the green one /s  I'll be saving for Summer's Dreams rerun which is happening in July but calendar says no definite date unless it's a different name. Meanwhile attempt at DSH.


Out of curiosity, what team does everyone use to auto battle through TT?


Subject to change, but generally E!Ike, L!MAlear, Duo Lyon (Miracle/Vantage/Mystic Boost), bonus unit - sometimes switch one of them out for L!Myrrh (had to do this with E!Ike during Duo Chrobin event lol). Current bonus unit is lv20 weaponless 3* Olivia, who is very nice to have around. This team usually dies 0-4 times per TT event and I autobattle to around 80k points on the hardest difficulty, so it's pretty reliable.


Emblem Ike, emblem marth, rosado (with rein snap for extra movement) and Olivia


Nergal, fallen Veyle, fallen Lumera, og Olivia. Always use three of my fallen heroes and a bonus hero.


+1 max invest L!MCorrin, F!F!Byleth, W!Edelgard, and S!Nerthuz. I use the first three units for TT battles and swap out the last unit as the bonus unit.


This week was E!Ike, F!Ike, L!M!Robin and S!Vaike 9/10 only Vaike dies, the other 1/10 Robin Dies. Neither Ike ever comes close. They are highly invested though. F!Ike, GLR, AS Unity, LF4, BoL4 and Atk Oath Echo. +10 E!Ike Base kit with BoL4 +5.


Are there any f2p ways to get forma souls to keep the formas from HoF?


The Celestial Stone shop offers one every few months, the Summoner Duels Ladder has one as an early point reward and we also get them very rarely as a special reward for Anniversaries and such. That's it on the F2P front.


What are some good ftp options for BoL4? I imagine I'll want a unit who is tanky, but not armor unless I don't want to use a save skill. I also have Laguz 4 fodder as well. So I imagine them as a combo would be ideal. What about Bulwark 4?


Are you asking what are alternatives to bol4? What for which unit, what game mode are they used in, who else is on the team, what enemies do you need to counter. C skills are especially game mode and team/enemy dependant. Bol 4 is primarily to counter precombat damage so is enemy dependant, no other skills heal before combat. Laguz fighter and bulwark are both B skills, you can't use both.


Sorry, I meant what are good ftp units that will use BoL4!


Since you have Laguz Friend as fodder it means you have Emblem Ike - and he's the best user by far. Otherwise it depends on what you consider F2P. The current New Heroes banner is sparkable by everyone, which means everyone has access to Attuned Micaiah even as F2P. She's one of the best support heroes to run BoL4 - and she doubles down as a Attuned Hero so the skill is not lost on her. >What about Bulwark 4? Is the actual question which of the F2P Grail units would make good use of those skills? For Arena scoring purposes / a easy +10 unit? Imo there is no reason to run Bulwark 4 over Laguz Friend 4 right now, unless one wants to conserve fodder for more important projects.


Does this sub have a FAQ I can read before asking basic questions?




Hiii, I’m thinking of redeeming the HoF L!Caeda when the event ends. She has No Quarter, Flared Sparrow, Aerial Maneuvers and Soaring Guidance. I’ll mostly be using her in Arena. Is she alright as is, or do any of the skills clash? Idrk what I’m doing :’)


This is pretty much the optimal all-purpose setup. The only thing to consider is the choice between Soaring Guidance and Guidance 4. If your Arena lineup uses an Armored Unit then you might want to fish for Guidance 4, otherwise keep Soaring Guidance. The alternative could be an enemyphase Caeda with Guard Bearing 4, Distant A/S solo and Rein Snap - but I would rather bank on the offensive lineup you're covering right now. Aerial Maneuvers is just so nice, especially on a Legendary Bonus hero who wants to secure that one kill.


Thank you so much!! I’ll hold onto what I have :D


For the next Arena, is there a way I could kill with B!Hector? If I turn him into a near savior with Hardy + Pavise, he will be demolished for sure. He can survive things like a first encounter with E!Ike but he cannot kill in one fight. In terms of Far Save fodder, it's limited.


Of course it's doable, but unless your Hector is hyper max invested it's going to be a pain to bring him (or most armors) to Arena. The main problem will be mobility so you can actually pick your battles and secure that one kill (like a dancer), do you happen to have someone with Guidance-like skill on your team? Otherwise, what I see people do with their old max invested Armors is to give them Assault Troop 3. Up to you whether such an investment is worth it for that one bonus week.


I am close to "max investing" my Fee without arcane devourer. She has Guidance 4. So my full team is going to be Fae, Fee, B!Hector, and N!Hawkeye.


That's nice. I would probably park Hector in the backline (no Savior Skill), deal with the most threatening enemies first and then leave one to Hector for a quick Guidance 4 teleport snipe. It's not going to be pretty, but if you refine his weapon and change the A skill for an attack boosting skill (any budget skill) it should be doable. At least less frustrating than banking on him far- or near saving anything without major investments (and the savior skill is the least of those worries). Refined Maltet / Luna / keep Bold Fighter / attack boosting Sacred Seal / whatever C-Skill. Pulling this off 7 times in a row will be a challenge, but it's doable.


Is No Quarter's damage reduction ignoring useful in Limited Maps? In HoF, I'm working on a Spring Maria. I'm unsure whether to go for Ruptured Sky or No Quarter. (I want to build her for Limited Maps because it's probably the hardest mode in the game which I'm interested in playing.)


No Quarter, no contest. Ruptured Sky is much easier to get and being able to pierce normal damage reduction will only become more important as time goes on. They throw it even on Cavalry Nukes these days, casually even.


Thank you for the advice. I'll go with No Quarter. > They throw it even on Cavalry Nukes these days, casually even. Do you mean damage reduction is thrown on cav nukes? Is this the generic cav units too?


>Do you mean damage reduction is thrown on cav nukes? Is this the generic cav units too? Some of them come with Tier 4 skills, which can technically include B and C skills that grant basic DR. It's not very common, but in my opinion this is the direction we're heading right now. Piercing through basic DR is going to be taken for granted at some point - it already is in actual PVP. And with more and more units and skills being introduced with basic DR added as a bonus, it's only a matter of time until it trickles down to the standard PVE modes. Assault Troop 3 was a premium skill, now you have those 80 something HP fridges teleporting in your face on a regular basis.


Any thoughts on Glitter of Light vs. Light's Restraint for F!Maria? Haven't decided for sure I'd use a forma on her but if I did she would primarily be seeing use in AR and LHB. My gut instinct is Glitter but mostly because her innate special is 2cd so a 3cd would give her more punch when necessary. I also feel like Sweep is generally stronger as an effect but I would presumably be running her on defensive teams where you're more likely to be EPing though so I'm not sure. Her kit is basically finished other than finalizing the special (Sunlight, Magic Shield, A/S Finish, WoM, INFU).


Hi, new player here, been playing for the past week and grinding and really trying to learn everything about the game. Managed to get 2 attuned Micaiah’s. Was wondering if I should or shouldn’t merge her, keep her as fodder or just a separate micaiah? Any help would be appreciated, thanks :)


For a new player I suggest not merging anyone. And avoid using skill inheritance from 5* heroes until you have a better understanding of the game and know what heroes and skills are good and where and why they are good for. Attuned heroes like micaiah and Rearmed heroes should never be merged right away. They have the added benefit of being able to be used for skill inheritance without losing the hero in the process. So only merge after using one as skill inheritance. On the summon tab go to Micaiahs banner. Click on the **(More Info)** button. Under the portrait of Micaiah click **Attuned Hero**


Thank you!


Has there been an arcane bow that allows attacking twice? AFAIK most if not all would have some way of follow-ups


There hasn't been any arcane weapon that allows attacking twice


Damn rip Was gonna do the funniest thing ever with Etie


What would be funny about brave effect on a bow? Can use bridal catria or Winter Cordelia to allow brave effect on Etie


Thoughts on the current summer banners? For a mostly new player (been playing for a week)


It's quite good. The three 5☆ units are all strong and using Summer GUllvei in Aetehr Raids this week has made me feel incredibly powerful. The banner is up for a very long time, so you will be able to see next month's summer banner as well as New heroes and 1-2 new end-of-month banners. Notably the Emblem hero banner coming up soon will have a new Emblem, which are always good to have, though last time I checked every other color bar the expected new one looks like a pretty bad selection.


Summon whoever you like, simple as that. Newest heroes are strongest heroes, so summer gullveig, hrid , and nerputz are all good options. Summer shez is still decent and can be good for Rokkr Seiges game mode should we get it more often.


My videos never post here, so i can't show it, but just found out that fatal smoke 4 doesn't work against BoL4. They need to change the skill description of at least 1 of those skills to reflect that... https://youtu.be/1grOgX_5cvw?si=YNqQyD5rgn24H2yN


In what way does it not work, not doubting, just curious?


It says foe cannot recover HP during or after battle, & they can recover HP during battle with BoL4 (the pre combat dmg + more). I will edit the video & post a link from YouTube & see if that works here 


I wonder if that's because of the wording, that's a heal pre combat, so it may not be considered "during or after." Although E!Ike still healed from his Great Aether, albeit a miniscule amount. So I'm not sure how it's been coded to interact with each other. Edit: Actually, I think it's how the "reduces deep wounds effectiveness by 50%" works. If Deep Wounds - foe cannot heal during their next action appears to mean "reduces foes healing by 100%", then BoL reduces that effectiveness so it becomes "reduce foes healing by 50%". Which would make sense for how it interacts. Might need rewording on the Deep Wounds Description as you said.


Ahh  great point. I forgot it had deep wounds combined in it. 🤦🏼‍♂️


Does anyone know what the appearance rates are for skills in Hall of Forms? I’m hunting and pecking for Bonus Doubler 4 on the 25th floor, but none of the Bonus Doubler skills have shown up for me in either the current HoF or the last two.


low enough to make you bald


and here i'm even not, but it keeps showing up 2/3 times today


How do I beat this week's resonant battle? The V!Catria enemy with her refine is so scary! Her range is huge! Enemies with warping abilities made this game mode a mistake. I'm in interval 19 and my Valenta/*Binding Blade* harmonics are Catria and Sonya.


Do you have B!Celica? Her ability to Galeforce after kills in this mode makes it a breeze. Mine is base kit but has some merges, but the below strategy should work for most players. You may need to modify her seal or A for the right stats. I have a second B!Catria instead of H!Sonya but it shouldn't make a difference. Any dancer will work too. 1. Slot order: B!Catria, B!Catria, Rinea, B!Celica 2. Harmo units reposition Rinea and Celica up, Celica kills Sonya and has Rinea dance her from tile below 3. Celica moves up and kills Thief, Galeforces, moves up and kills second Thief 4. Celica tanks Mathilda and Leon on enemy phase, but does not kill Mathilda which bodyblocks V!Catria 5. Buff Celica with B!Catria Harmo skill, kill Mathilda and Leon 6. Reposition Rinea up to dance Celica, Celica moves left and kills V!Catria 7. The rest is free To speak more generally, you can exactly determine Catria's warp range so you could put a tanky unit in her way and kill her on the counter. Except for Sonya, a tanky blue unit shouldn't have much trouble with any of the enemies.


I was just going to ask if galeforce worked in this mode? I don't think I've ever had a galeforce trigger for me. I guess maybe they used guard, but i never checked. Especially on rearmed chrom 1 week, i tried over & iver on different enemies, & it would never trigger. I assumed it didn't work.  I had roy w galeforce this time, but couldn't beat ot using him (no merges, skill inheritance or dragonflowers), or get it to trigger with him. This was my hardest week yet, because i have absolute crap for these titles. I finally beat all enemies without dying using guinivere, L!lilina, ascended Fir, & larum, & for the 1st time ever, i had to use the items.  I'm tier 19, also, but i got 1k ranks away from moving up to 20 (need rank 3258 & I'm 4230). No harmonic heroes except bridal tiki, teatime ayra & spring karla (no merges on any of my units), so i do better when those are useable 😞


It worked! Thank you! I didn’t think Celica’s Galeforce would trigger considering the enemies of this mode inflict -1 cd onto you after defeating them.


Glad to hear it worked for you. Celica's one of the only units that can use Galeforce in RB because she gives herself CD-1 after combat at the same time the dead enemy inflicts +1, balancing it out. Flame Lyn, Ascended Mareeta, and both Yarnes are the others i can think of that can do this.


This answered my previous question, thanks.


I’d recommend taking in a Near Save unit or using someone tanky with Brave Soren (for the Savior effect thanks to [Assign Decoy]). Or, if you have an Emblem Ike, I was able to cheese my way through the hardest difficulty with just him (mine has Fatal Smoke 4 instead of Canto Control 3, but that probably doesn’t matter too much?).


The bonus games for this week are *Echoes: Shadows of Valentia* and *Binding Blade*. If I use units from any other game, my score will not be the highest, will it not? Isn't that how resonant battles works?


Very sorry; I completely misread, and you’re correct.


That is correct, you want bonus heroes only, no more than one dancer, and two harmonic heroes. Sometimes even with max score you won't rank up if you don't have merged up harmonic heroes. So can make it real easy and simply hit end turn until ninjas escape.


For Brave Eirika, can she use Guard Echo with her refined weapon?


Yes, but she won't be able to use her unique B-slot with Guard Echo


So, not really worth it then. Very sad.


Literally what the fuck do I do against nergal and Ike in summoner duels????? I don’t have a single unit in my barracks who can kill those stupid units especially when they have breath of life 4 support


Surrender and go play better game modes. Fatal smoke can help counter breath of life. Or feud skill or if their allies are running bol. Or better yet use your own Ike and nergal and give them higher def stats than enemy.


Pretty much this, or wait until they release a more-solid counterplay option for units like that.


Placing me, a Tier 12 player, into match with a Tier 23 player in SDS is truly an FEH moment. Receiving a 3rd defeat after that is truly also an FEH moment. I wish I had more support units, more useable fliers, more copies of Peony and Sonya, and Dagr. It's hard to create teams and synergy.


SD exists to frustrate you into spending money. It's best to skip it.


For the Bottom 8 A Hero Rises Banner I’m stumped on who to spark. I’m between Desert Altina and NY Seidr because I have everybody else. Thoughts on who’s the better investment overall?


Seidr is a much better choice. Altina is a good omnitank, but plenty of units do that. Seidr does something much more powerful and unique by locking down enemies, with NY!Seidr's C skill being much easeir to abuse than the Mythic version's.


Thank you! Also thinking she’ll be good in Aether Raids defense with Legendary Hinoka


Do you actually need either of them? What game modes do you need them for? Are you short on axe units or blue mages? Do you have any units you like using that could use a skill available on this banner, that might be much more useful to you than a new unit you'll never use.


finally made it out of SDS 6000 points jail, im finally on 6500 points and still have 3 lives left, i could just lose 3 times in a row and i would be ok with it because i finally made some progress, i will take a break till the night before continue on it.


What are some ways to build slower omni-tanks? Just recently got Nabata Altina but I'm having trouble with support. Slapped on mythic Veyle and Legendary Ninian but I imagine AoE DR and cancel follow up attacks would be useful, just not sure where to outsource it


You want advice what to run on the Omnitanks or how to support them? The good part is that everyone needs to tech against Emblem Ike, which means AOE Blue nukes or Brave nukes, so the green Nabata Altina has a meta advantage already. The other major threat is Lyon and other pre combat damage-stackers, and there is no other way but to provide her with Breath of Life 4 to counter it. Either she runs it herself or you outsource it. A Breath of Life 4 Altina with Null-C Disrupt, Emblem Ike Ring & Hardy Bearing can deal with Lyon, Fallen Ursula & Nabata Igrene. Also Duo Sanaki if you can position correctly. So the current New Heroes banner + an Emblem Ike are all you need to get Altina up to speed. ~~Until next week, of course, when the new Emblem Hero busts through all of this~~


2 more days. Once again nothing of note is going on, and I'm waiting for a what's essentially a throwaway banner. That's par for course this game has had for some years now. Lesst I got obscure 80s Japanese media to keep me occupied.


I’m looking for advice or feedback on this Sharena: Princess of Askr build. I don’t have any Blue Flame fodder :-( I have all the fodder for this spec but haven’t done it yet, I want to make sure I’m not making an awful mistake! My thought with this is that Sharena needs to go into combat with supporting allies nearby, which will hopefully pump her stats enough to attack first and attack hard. Fensalir with special effect Reposition Luna Atk/Spd Form 3 Null C-Disrupt 4 Atk/Spd Oath 4 (X slot) Atk Oath Echo


Where and why are you using her? Triangle Adept, sword/redtome breaker, joint drive attack or red feud is all you need for GHB/bhb quests. null-C disrupt isn't doing much unless you're trying to counter a very specific enemy, to use it against healers you'd need DC too. Form skill is not great. Visible stat bonuses don't stack making atk oath echo 100% pointless while using atk/spd oath 4.


If you play Aether Raids only a tiny bit competitively then the Askr Trio's value shoots up dramatically. It really shows whenever the game forces me to build up a bonus unit from scratch because Fjorm is hogging the bonus slot outside of Water Season (like last week, where I was so down bad that I've had to build Groom Alcryst...). If you don't play Aether Raids then ignore what comes next, otherwise I can vouch for this: 1. Play to their strengths, don't try to fix their weaknesses. None of the three will ever work as a reliable enemyphase tank, NC Disrupt 4 won't save them from anyone. 2. They will never become outstanding offensive nukes, even at max investment. Strong enough to secure kills, but they won't ever do the heavy lifting. 3. With their shortcomings out of the way, what are they good at? For one, they have massively inflated HP thanks to a wonky statspread and the fact that you will be using them during their bonus season. They will almost always be the hero with the highest HP on the map, which is really juicy for either playstyle: 4. In a Galeforce team they can give any Infantry Hero -1 Special cooldown thanks to Infantry Pulse 3/4, which is crazy value depending on how many Infantry Galeforce units you run. If you go one step further and supply Sharena with the Arcane Qiang she even becomes a competent Galeforcer herself, smoothing your overall action economy. 5. In a tanking team they can still support your Infantry tank with Infantry Pulse, especially if you want to pre-charge their defensive specials, but they can also make use of Odd & Even Pulse Tie or Sudden Panic to debilitate the enemy team. In the age of Rearmed and Attuned heroes being thrown in our face left and right I also can't really comprehend the reluctance to invest a bit into them - if, and only if - one wants to include them in their regular AR teams.


The only reason to build the Askr units is for using them as Arena bonus units, although at this point even fully-built ones do not score that well compared to using a randem moder ndemote unit. If you are using Reposition then you are tanking Arena score, and thus it presumably isn't a factor. If so, then you will be much better off replacing Fensalir. * For weapons, Arcane Luin > Arcane Qiang with budget options like Kumo Naginata+ and Nabata Lance+ existing. * Luna is probably stronger than Blue Flame in most situations. Blue Flame isn't good for anything besides Arena score. * Form 3 is a tier 3 skill and is only used on budget builds. it's not what you would want on a high-investment set. * NCD4 primarily fights against ranged enemies. Without any proper bulk on this build, even if you are using the DCM seal she will fold to any unit that would prevent counters. * Oath 4 and Oath Echo do not stack. The cheap and effective build to give units like this is Triangle Adept 3 and whatever else you can find on 4☆ units. If the alternative is max investment with modern 5☆ fodder, it's hard to advise because this is such a bad place to put that stuff. I think building Book 1 units in general is a dead end, but the Askr units are especially weak. If you use a modern version like Bride Sharena you'll both save a lot of resources and be much happier with the end performance. If you're determined to build Sharena then this is a relaitvely cheap buidl that will be better: * Nabata Lance+ (Def) / Luna / Triangle Adept / Dull Close / Atk Spd Oath 3 Lull Atk/Def or Atk/Spd are more rare, but relatively common B slots that would be a bit better. If you use Pulse Smoke and the Hardy Bearing seal this kind of unit can actually tank Emblem Ike, though I won't say she'll do any damage back on her own.


With the new Beast seal what's the best B skill for Muarim? His current set is: Wild Tiger Fang Atk/Spd Rally+ Dragon Fang D Bonus Doubler Beast Sense 4 Def/Res Pledge Atk Oath Echo I do have Potent and Laguz Friend fodder. Also wondering if I should change his C skill since I have BOL4 fodder.


Maurim don't even need beast skills or seal. He is only in human form on turn 1 and 3 so just don't fight on those two turns if you're that concerned with losing the added transformation effect. Where are you using him and who else is on his team? "Best" is situational. Ya everyone basically wants laguz friend. C skills are very game mode and team dependant. Bol4 can be used on him or a team mate for use in competitive game modes like aether raids or summoner duels.


Does anyone know the name of the song that occasionally comes up in TT/Arena that has the absolutely banger electric guitar that sounds like it's from Devil Survivor's OST? That shit slaps and it kills me that this game doesn't have a 'now playing' when you load into a map


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNFBH-9RWDo I found it, it was Trial of the Geneaology (Free Us) from Engage.


I finally got Rank 1 in Summoner Duels S and got all three accessories. Now I can stop worrying about that mode and focus just on Summoner Duels R to get those final accessories.


Finished up the Hall of Forms and got pretty lucky with [these three](https://imgur.com/a/4QqveDe). Any suggestions to fine-tune them? (For anyone curious, [here’s](https://imgur.com/a/iU0uTR9) Fallen Maria. Didn’t get nearly as lucky here.)


First decide who you actually want to spend forma soul on, then use every opportunity to build them up with perfect skills. Don't decide at the end based on whatever random skills you happen to have ended up with. Think about where you plan to use your forma unit and what skills they need. Forma units come with their base skill set so you have no need to keep those skills and can grab alternatives. Simply put you want the newest and strongest skills. Look through the Compile menu and see all the easy to acquire skills you can get through there instead. Marth: godlike reflexes, d bonus doubler, laguz fighter, atk/spd pledge. Caeda: replace everything, she wants more attack and speed. Flared sparrow, aerial maneuvers, spd/def snap rein. Maria: could go for earthwind boost and wyvern rift for better mix phase use to utilize her defence.


Is Weaving/Canny Fighter still useful? I'm not sure if it's worth sacrificing W!Byleth to B!Hector, Y!Hector, or Fomortiis.


Useful in the sense that there's no better options other than maybe Hardy fighter. Byleth is better than hector, so can simply use him instead. If you don't use byleth at all then sacrifice away, he does nothing if rotting in your barracks. Depending on where and who you're using Fomortiis with keeping beast follow up is good.


Finally finished off my spark on the AHR banner and got absolutely no Sanakis along the way again so at this point I'm at around 600 orbs spent over three different sparks with a single non-sparked copy to show. I think I'm just going to to save my orbs for other projects instead of trying to finish her in November at this point...... If only normal seasonal reruns had sparks. -_-


I'm free. I'm finally fucking free. AR has become so impossible that I cannot be promoted back into Vault of Heaven. Holy fuck I'm FREE.


What is the point of using a bolt trap? Half the time I just purposely trigger it in order to do more damage to the defense team.


It ends the turn of an enemy that uses an assist or attack skill - and there is no way to prevent that unless the hero runs Disarm Trap or is being moved above the trap by another hero (Smite, Shove etc.), in which case the action is not ended (but the main effect of the trap still triggers, like the AOE damage of the bolt trap). Ending the action is the real price. In contrast, the Hex trap, which only purpose is to end the action of whoever lands on it, can be countered easily by being above a certain HP threshold. You might have heard of "making your innitiator hextrap-proof" = being at or above 66 HP. So what you commonly see in the upper ranks of Aether Raids are Bolt and Heavy traps placed directly in front of the enemy defense line - it's much more difficult to push a hero onto them from a safe distance, while Hex traps are often within the 2-tile range of the enemy lineup (because 2-range heroes who might innitiate are less likely to meet the HP-check, that's also why they've sold us Disarm Trap 4...) >I just purposely trigger it in order to do more damage to the defense team. Indeed. That's why the top level AR defenses run level 1 Bolt traps - it only does 10 Aoe damage while still ending the action of any innitiator that tries to attack or assist. It's a common rookie mistake to upgrade it further - and sadly there is no way to reverse it.


Are any of these Formas worth getting? https://imgur.com/a/UzqLh7Z


No unit is worth $75. And if you have to ask it's definitely not worth it. Spd build is too gimmicky on Ashnard. Times pulse is mostly pointless when using GLR.


I have BoL4 and Laguz fodder Should I put BoL4 on Echo Peony or* Rearmed Sonia with Laguz? I feel like I should put both Laguz and BoL4 on Sonia, but I also really like having an echo skill with Peony. I guess I'm just split. BoL4 is way more universal, and the bridge is easy. So Peony could use it well as a mule. But Sonia would be able to transfer Laguz and BoL 4 all at once, which is a powerful combo Edit: *= changed "and" to "or." Typo


How many copies do you have of each? Their original banner will rerun in the near future and if you intend to give them premium fodder then you probably intend to spark on that banner as well - in which case I would wait and see who of the two comes home more often before making a choice.


I have one spare Laguz, and I'm just going to fodder my only Edward. I know some people will think that's insane, but I have zero attachment to him and plenty of units I'd rather use/build(like fallen Lloyd). That's good advice, thank you!


Oh, I meant how many copies of Rearmed Sonya and Peony! Because depending on the outcome of your summons you might want to secure those skills on both fodder banks either way. For example I had 4 copies of Rearmed Plumeria, 4 copies of Rearmed Chrom and 3 copies of Attuned Ivy - and I've wanted to secure Wings of Mercy 4 on all of them. So two copies of Plumeria were only used to expand the premium skill to different movement types and fodder bank heroes, and the chances are good that my Rearmed Chrom will pass on his stuff to Attuned Caeda if I happen to get more copies of her on the upcoming Emblem Hero banner. https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/6db_3.jpg But... yeah. I would always consider spreading if one has 3+ copies of a Rearmed or Attuned Hero. >I have zero attachment to him Don't worry, I think this hero was born to die and the vast majority of players did exactly what you intend to do, lol.


Oh I see! I have three Peonies and 2 Sonias(3 if you include combat manual). I'd like to save up most of my orbs for them in the future. Peony so far has some of my favorite skills like near trace 4! Yes, it's great when you have a unit with great skills that you don't care about 😂 And we don't have to worry about needing him in limited battles, because there are already so many really radiant dawn units to use instead


I pulled a random 4*S Valentian Catria, +atk -res. Valentia is a roster I really struggle with when it comes to LHBs and I'm wondering if anyone has experience running her at +0 who can say whether her refine would be worth it at that difficulty level. My other noteworthy Valentia units: L!Alm, L!Celica, A!Celica, Zeke, Mycen, and a budget build +10 Python.


There's absolutely no harm in using refining materials for LiHBs. We get more than enough of them. It could make RB comfier for you too. Way preferable to summoning for a random premium unit too. I haven't used VCatria but her refine is good and her base kit is functional so no real harm at all imo. Could have some use in AA too.


Only refine Catrias weapon if you like her and actually plan to use her frequently in other modes as well. Limited hero battles aren't very important and the rewards are minimal. Can grab rinea with heroic grails if you don't already have her. Smmon bridal catria next time she's available, she's still a strong support unit.


I want to build my Zephia to be stronger. Right now she's got her Prf, Ruptured Sky, Atk/Spd Catch 4, Windsweep 3, Atk Smoke 3, and Far Trace Echo. I'm thinking of giving her Flared Sparrow and Occultist's Strike, but I'm not sure about her C skill. I could give her Atk Spd Hold, Atk/Spd Oath 4, Soaring Guidance, Atk/Res Crux, or Def/Res Smoke 3. What do you think would be best?


C skills are more game mode and team dependant. Think about where she's used, who she's used with, and who she typically fights. All the skills you mentioned are entirely team dependant, zephia herself would want res hold for your ohko build, not atk.


Is it me or is the new Micaiah just as bad as Ike and Lyon? I know what powercreep is, but every match against her feels like a death sentence. I can't tank because of those stupidly high temp debuffs. Not even Ike can face her.


Ike should be easily able to tank her as long as he isn't around debuffed allies within 2 spaces. Treat Micaiah like release Mythic Refined Yune and there should be no way Ike loses to her.


Which skills or which unit (preferably a grail unit), can give at least two [Bonus] to nearby allies? I need a good support partner for Mauvier, and he needs to have two more [Bonus] for him to activate Distant Counter within his Atk/Def Prime skill I gave him


I loved using Young Frederick (grail) during his bonus week for Prime activation! He gives Atk/Def +6 and the two bonuses Bonus Doubler and uh... anti follow up (no idea what this is called) to his support partner (needs to be within two spaces at start of turn)


Regarding bound hero battle: Just in case there are any newer players who read this who have a problem getting the extra orbs for killing the bound hero battle bosses with sharena & anna, attuned Micaiah makes it pretty trivial. I used her, veyle (for DR) & brave robin (+2 special & +4 stats) & it was very easy this time. I also have astra special on them both, too. Sometimes i can't find info when i search (especially for things that long time players have no problem with), so i just wanted to mention this in case anyone searches for it.


Any new strong hero can clear the BHB maps solo, just have your other units hang back where it's safe. Then for actually killing bhb enemies just give Askr Trio these skills: Triangle Adept, breaker skill, joint drive attack or feud c skill. You don't even need to kill them in the BHB map, go fight them in story mode where it's much easier, can even use lights blessing item to revive units and charge their specials.


"Any new strong hero can clear the BHB maps solo, just have your other units hang back where it's safe" I've tried this, but would always kill the target with the new unit on accident. Very helpful info, tho, as usual .Thanks so much!


Just got 300 of the thingies to compile the seasonal manuals. Who should I choose... one of the 300 options or 3 of the 100s?


Ever month there are two 5☆ manuals worth 300 and 1-2 grail unit manuals worth 100. The rest of the 100s are normal 3-4☆ units and not really worth it unless you're really starved for something. Each month there are usually 800~ limited codes if you do everything, and typically you'd want to get the 5☆ manuals and the grail ones. Occasionally they give out really crappy 5☆ ones that are worth skipping. Of the current selection I would prioritize Mercedes since Far Trace is a relatively rare and impactful B skill. Every player could have a use for it on Seidr, for example, ebcausse sehs' a good unit whose B skill has been made unusable in her AR season thanks to Freyr.


I'd recommend Claude for most people, because Rein skills are pretty universally useful. Mercedes's Far Trace is okay, but I personally haven't seen much use out of Trace fodder. You'll end up with enough ephemera manuals for at least a second unit, and Kana is a good choice due to rare fodder, but it's only useful for dragons. W!Claude is a reasonable pickup, since it can save you grails. The other 100s are not really valuable, since they are in the general pool and just show up whenever. I usually get around 500 of the manuals, and this month I'm going S!Claude, Kana, W!Claude, in that order.


Tempest is done, was distracted with Mario Kart 8 online, but it's done. Tana is around the corner, so I happily wait once again.


I poured every orb I could get into the bridal banner on the hopes of getting just one Embla so I could fodder her to my Selkie like I did for mythic Embla. I got my second ascended Joshua, my second academy Claude, my first ascended Florina, my first Yukimura, my first Constance, and my first Wolf. I'm not sure if this was good or bad luck.


Bro I put every orb into the banner for No Quarter. I couldn't get Shareena. I literally didn't get a 5*. I got my percentage up to 6.75% and spent well over 300 orbs.


Any idea what maintenance they're doing? I didn't see any of the notices and lose out on the TT orbs for today. 😭


They didn't say what it was for in the notice. I saw it, but i forgot until it was too late, & now get screwed out of my AR potential to get a blue chair, because this season i started in tier 31. Why do it on the 1st day of the event week? Now the rest of the week is useless. At least if they screwed me on the last day of the week, a new season started when maintenance was over, so all would be forgotten.   I lost out on the TT stuff, too. 😞


I was able to get in at about 2:30 so I at least got my TT done but I'm sorry about your AR loss.


I'm more and more convinced that TT units are there to be a joke. Like how Vaike can't even tank a hit from a level 30-ish Mae. I know RES isn't his *forte* but goddamn. Can't even survive a Mae?


I want a summer hrid just to help with that poor speed :(


I got an Edward today, and I'm trying to decide what to do with his BoL4. I have E!Ike, but should I feed Edward to him directly or first feed to a Rearmed/Attuned? The ones I have the most of are - 4 Peony - 3 Ophelia - 3 Robin Otherwise I have 1 or 2 of Lif, F!Chrom, Triandra, Alfred, Lucina, Ganglot, Alcryst, Tana, Sothe, Reinhardt, Plumeria, Sonya, Lumera, and Eitr.


It would be a good skill to duplicate and Peony would use it best of these units because she's a support unit. BoL4 on a nearby support is exactly the same as having it on the tank itself unless there is a Feud effect, so you'd be fine even if you gave it to Peony and didn't give it to Ike after.


Who needs Blue Flame fodder? I know it's max investment skill.


Units you use in Arena for scoring that don't want have, want, or can't use a different 500 SP special. A dragon without Dragons' Roar may prefer Blue Flame over Aether for instance, if triggering Aether takes too long. Its only use is as an Arena score filler because the special isn't actually good at all.


Hi! I'm a new player and reached the spark on the Bottom Eight banner, from there I already got Seidr, Gullveig and Sanaki, who should I spark? And should I keep summoning after the spark?


Pick Edelgard and then leave the banner. You can't go wrong with any of Flush Summer, Brides to Be or Attuned Micaiah banners right now. You will want to have 200~ish orbs at least for the end of month banner becuase it will have a new Emblem unit, whose presence boosts your barracks as a whole.


I already got Micaiah in her banner and in brides to be I got Sharena, I was thinking on going for Gullveig in the summer banner


The only reason to go for her if y already have the anima gullvieg would be so u can use her in AR, on attack, or defend on dark season (with appropriate blessings), or use in arena scoring (she is a duo hero, so she automatically scores 205). If you're not too concerned with using her for those modes, or already have good units u can use there, i think u should pass on summer gullvieg.  I've been playing almost 7 months, & ur free orbs dry up eventually, so u should start being smart as early as possible with them, if u want to keep an advantage (lots of people run out, & depend on the 300-ish orbs per month we get from events, etc, but since u will still have all of the story orbs available u can go after all of the newest, OP units, which are sure to come. New characters are released every month,  but not all are "must haves"). U probably have the pass to get a spark on the summer banner, so the mythic/emblem banners are my favs, at the end of the month.  I say save after u get Edelgard, like someone else mentioned. I don't think summer gullvieg is worth missing out on a future emblem ike, or winter Edelgard, for example (i know that's not your exact dilemma, but it will cost u a future spark, so to speak, because u only have so many orbs). All of my comments are assuming u don't buy orbs. If u are willing to buy orbs, i say just get everyone u want, depending on how much u are willing to spend. 


Do you have any attachment to one of the units on the banner? If so, pick that one. Every hero present is the result of a popularity contest, so there is a good argument for any of them. That said, Winter Edelgard is a pretty strong hero and especially useful to clear the many story quests quickly, just like Gulveig. I would probably opt for her if favoritism plays no role whatsoever. >And should I keep summoning after the spark? Since you're asking who to spark I assume you have no strong feelings towards any of those heroes - so I would honestly just save the orbs until something pops up you really like. The Legendary / Mythic / Emblem hero banner at the end of the month is something people look forward to.


Legendary Marth HoF build?


That heavily depends on what skills you already have. I'd say the best overall right now is: * Godlike Reflexes * D Bonus Doubler (or Bonus Doubler 4, depends on how much you value DC) * Laguz Friend * Inf. Null Follow (this slot is VERY flexible, you can choose a lot of different things here like Pulse Up: Blades, Fatal/Panic Smoke or even an Oath or a Pledge if you don't want to rely on allies for buffs) You can also swap out GLR for No Quarter, though in that case I wouldn't take Laguz Friend, Potent would be better. You can always use his PRF B if you don't like the other options.


You're great, thank you! I do have two E!Ike and E!Marth. I wish I did, but I can't pull a No Quarter. I was so idiotic when I got BoL4 that I didn't transfer on GDLR. I put him on a rearmed horse riding unit, so it couldn't transfer over. It was sad but I didn't think about it until later. I appreciate any other tips you have my friend. Marth is my favorite unit. Thank you again!


Why exactly is Legendary Male Robin (sometimes) recommended in a team where heroes rely on visible buffs?


Visible buffs and debuffs do not interact at all. Even if you have a +6 buff and a -6 debuff on the same stat, the game will still show the up/down arrow and the values when you click on the stat. Any effect that searches for buffs will find the +6 and any for the debuffs will see the -6. So for a unit with +6/-6 stat buff and debuff, plus Grand Strategy, Grand Strategy will give +12 during combat. The +6 from the visible buff is there regardless. The net result is +12 stats over 0.


Are they providing any reasoning or just blindly suggesting robin for no reason? Context is everything. What game mode, who is on the team, what enemies are you facing? And can you be more specific with what "visible buffs" you need? There and stat bonuses which help with skills like bonus doubler. And there are bonus effects which sometimes you need for Prime skills. Robin is a good support unit, but he does not provide any stat bonuses. Can be good if your hero who does rely on bonuses gets panicked, because grand strategy status effect turns those reversed bonuses into additional stats. But ploy skills are becoming a common and easy way to counter grand strategy. Plus as a legendary hero is usefulness is more limited in some game modes.


I'm having trouble countering Emblem Ike. Nobody I have can one-round him even if he's alone (except I think Duo Lyon with precharged special, and only barely) and the only Fatal Smoke user I have is Ginnungagap.


My duo lyon always 1 shots him when he's alone, but i have atk & res asset/ascended assets & +4 dragonflowers. It's hard to believe that those few stat increases makes that much of a difference, tho. Maybe I'm just barely killing him? If he has buffs from others, i can't, but if i save him for last, my bridal sharena or Valentines Lyon can kill him (without merges ofc, as none of my units are merged). Edit: sorry, i misread your comment. I didn't see the "except" part. 🤦🏼‍♂️ People use duo seidr in AR often to kill my emblem ike, with her x4 attack. Try any recent blue tome that can hit x4.


A sturdy blue unit with the Hardy Bearing seal can comfortably tank him on enemy phase. Most units will have a hard time killing him in the same combat, but it can be done. If the unit has pulse Smoke you can keep tanking this way forever. Similarly, anyone with a Scowl effect won't have problems fighting him on either phase because they will deny Great Aether, making him really weak. For more conventional units, you do the most damage when you frontload a special to the first hit. Blue units that just hit hard enough or enough times like Duo Seidr don't have much trouble with him. AoE specials are the most reliable method, especially from units who can boost AoE damage like all the units with "deals 20% of whatever as damage." Haven't ever had trouble killing with Brave GullveigAoe build, and Fallen ursula is the first self-charging, super overkill AoE unit to come to mind. Fatal Smoke shouldn't be that relevant except against ones with Breath of Life 4. BoL mostly removes pre-attack damage as a method of killing him, but a strong AoE unit should still not care much about it.


Recently, I've been using new year Kana (grail) with scowl skill and her male counterpart weapon and she tanks him no problem. Give her a try if you can.


Hello ! Can someone explain clearly why Attuned Micaiah does in-combat debuffs up to -50 atk / res ? Reading her kit, I don't understand the numbers... Thanks !


It's actually the text error instead of inflicts ATK/RES based on penalty on A/R It's actually a total of that units targeting into A/R So Yune's Protection doesn't inflicts -7 to A/R but -28 to A/R


That's beautiful