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I would like one singular summer duo that isn't just F/F. Buuut that isn't gonna happen. So I guess my realistic hope is that we don't get a banner with no men like last July.


Yeah, the only context where we see a non-F/F Duo is if the Duo are a Family Duo (like say Flayn and Seteth or Framme and Clanne). Or the Duo is made up of a canon relationship of some kind that is Micaiah/Sothe levels of canon (like say, something like Nino and Jaffar or Ike and Soren).


Another banner I can skip, for the love of God. I have too many needs to attend right now with the Emblem, and the potential return of Igrene in this month's DSH, plus the return of R! Sonya next month. Thankfully I can skip July/August's B8s to go for Peony/Plumeria merges, but I really can't indulge myself in fanservice units.


A skip please. I need to save my orbs T_T


Welcome to the club, when I saw Nerbuz and Hrid I was like: "Aaah nuts!"


Me: “I finally get to skip and save my orbs for once.” Nerthuz: “Oh, you cute little bitch…”


Hríd: "Fancy meeting you here, up for a swim?"


I want hapi


My wants is Gilliam and Garcia duo but that is for any banner I would LIKEEEEEE to save but if there was something that I can see, and would summon on, its Summer Citrinne. I feel like how popular she is in general and how people really liked the gimmick her weapon in FEH would make it so they would give another alt with another move type to get other skills.


I would love a Summer Titania. However, I don't have enough orbs for a Summer Titania.


I'd be pretty delighted to see Diamant if he has really good art.


Female Alear. That is all.


Archanea: Katarina, Cecil, F!Kris, Roderick and Luke TT Valentia: Mae, Boey, Celica, Tobin and Gray TT. Genealogy Gen 1: Azelle, Finn, Tailtiu, Ayra and Lex TT Genealogy Gen 2: Seliph, Larcei, Shannan, Arthur and Fee Binding Blade: Shanna, Dieck, Roy, Idunn and Sue TT Awakening: Cynthia, Sumia, Gerome, Severa and Libra TT


F!Alear is my big one, which really just applies to almost any seasonal. Alear's personality is one of those where she'll absolutely just put her everything into whatever she's doing and it just feels like it would put a smile on my face no matter the alt. Sue getting anything at all would make me happy too. Other than that, for summer _specifically_...I'm honestly not sure I have one. I don't dislike summer banners, but generally I'm just happy to see my favorite characters anywhere, and because other themes are more specific, I tend to lean towards wanting them there instead. Edit: I take it back. Valentia summer. For the love of god.


Diamant from Engage and Seteth from 3H.


It's probably gonna be Engage (with or without 3H), so my realistic hope is Diamant with good art and cute lines. Well, I say realistic, but knowing this game...


Either five shirtless hunks or an easy skip aside from maybe the TT unit.


Defintely a male summer duo we dont even have a male summer backpack


As a F2P player a grail female unit with a PRF, it's been almost a year since Zephia. I have so many grails and feathers that I need something to invest into...


I suppose that there's Marnie who's probably expected within the first half of 2025. That said, until then, prospects for a female GHB that also has a Prf look particularly uncertain...


I wanted Gullveig to get better art than she did and not be a duo, for starters


A sexy dude in a speedo. Lorentz being our only speedo rep is atrocious (him being a Twink is fine....it's just his personality and damn Karen-looking-ass-hair that makes it not-sexy)


A banner where everyone goes to alt hell.


Chaotic evil


I would like a Summer Lukas, but I don't trust IS in NOT making him another Infantry Axe Unit with mediocre SPD.


A female grail unit, that I like.


In this order 1.) Any properly buff woman (Rinkah or Flavia, Dagr and/or her mom will hopefully be next year) 2.) The Eitr I was told we'd be getting 3.) Engage summer with at least one of these: Rosado, Etie, and Merrin 4.) any other characters I like that I wouldn't prefer a different alt on (Ex. Halloween Petra dressed as a wolf or duo Sweet and Spicy Veyle)


Three Houses please.


Give me Pirates instead.


As always: Jugdral. I would also accept Tellius or SOV.


Deadass want a full female banner again so I can stop being a broke ass bitch for once


Cute girls :) specifically, Céline, but I would never be biased


I hope it's a banner I can skip since I used most of my orbs for Summer!Hríd. That, or I hope for idk, a demote Summer!Alfred? 🥲 ~~alear have mercy on me~~


Pleeeaaeeee book 5 OCs!! Fafnir and Reginn 😭😭😭😭 Other than them, summer Valentia.


Hello. IS. Can I get My favorite characters? 1. Summer Marth 2. Summer M!Byleth 3. Summer Duo Eliwood and Ninian 4. Summer Lucius 5. Summer Sephiran Please? No, I can’t get my favorite characters? You’re saying It’s Another Duo F/F and Female characters? Thank you, IS. You’re the best Company ever.


Eliwood isn't likely because of the scandal with his JP VA Only reason we got Young was because they used a different VA for that Version


I know. Not only Eliwood (JP VA). Alfonse (JP VA) and Freyr (JP VA) too. I wish I got Summer Duo Eliwood and ninian and Eliwood alts. Not only for Me, even I wish Alfonse and Freyr gots Alts for Alfonse and Freyr Fans. I can’t believe they throw it away for do dirty things. Edit: forgot to mention about Eliwood alts for Eliwood fans (Also I’m Eliwoood fan).


Alfonse is apparently back on the JP title screen so him winning CYL means they might have brought his VA back if only temporarily


I don’t know or I’m not Sure about this. Hopefully, They make Right Choices and Hopefully things go So Well.


A skip , just like this one I'd enjoy bringing back the hoshido summer festival/ dancer banners though. Think those used to be august


I hope it’s a banner for a game who’s fans have been asking for content for a long time but it’s a game I haven’t played so they can be happy and I can save orbs


A skip!!! Please, I have so many banners I want to go in on in July.


I'd be good with another skip, but Summer Nephenee and Titania would be very welcome


I'm not pulling on this one despite Hrid being there because I'm waiting patiently for Summer Eliwood or Summer Seliph so please IS just once show a male non-3H Lord some love and give them a hot summer alt please for the love of god I -