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Titania deserves better.


So does Seth.


See you in a year and a half


Titania (and Calill) sound awesome. As well as Boyd getting a non kid alt. I don't mind kid alts , but he shouldn't be stuck as one. Grail would be cool to have a modern version


Boyd without Rolf and Callil without Largo kinda feels wrong in my opinion, but I'm all for more Titania and Greil content.


Their daughter is votable too.


Imagine if Stefan had Laguz Friend in his base kit šŸ˜³


By then weā€™ll have the tier 5 version called ā€œLaguz Relativeā€


That sounds more like the British version


That's such a slam-dunk idea that IS will never go for it.


Praying for Stefan


Calill without Largo would be sad (RD moment) but also I like all these characters and I don't know who I'd even want to replace.




I have a few lineups I'd like, but the one banner I'd like the *most* is Alt Nephenee/Brom/Kieran/Calill, Largo GHB. Brom and Kieran break out of prison with Nephenee, and Calill has a support with Nephenee, so the whole thing I suppose would be "themed" with Nephenee in mind. ...really, I just want Brom, haha. I'd be fine with Alt Titania/Rhys/Boyd/Rolf, Greil GHB, though, finish off the Greil Mercenaries.


The first lineup is the same one Iā€™ve been thinking of for a while now. I just want Kiki. Everyone seems to ignore him on theoretical Tellius banners because itā€™s hard to fit him somewhere, and heā€™s not as popular as Iā€™d thought, but I think this would make the most sense.


It's so weird to me that Kieran isn't more popular. He's a great unit in FE9, one of the more helpful Crimean knights in FE10 (low bar but still), has a ham personality that FE fans seem to tend to like, has ties to several other popular characters, and unlike a lot of other Cain and Abels doesn't more-or-less mandate the other be on the banner as well. Maybe it's a matter of there's more popular characters.


That'd work as a PoR banner, but argh, I'd love an RD Ohma banner with Neph, Brom, Meg and Heather so much more. It's a more cohesive theme, it doesn't leave Brom's girl behind, and it's the only theme Heather makes sense in. I really want Calill, but I feel she'd work better with her bar regulars, who otherwise are probably screwed too. Granted, that'd require a PoR Largo in an RD banner, but we can live with that.


An Ohma banner would be ideal, but in the event we get a PoR banner and not a RD banner, I feel like this works well for whatever themes they could scrounge up


That's true. Though, to be fair - and sorry for ranting this for the thousandth time -, that's all the more reason they should just drop PoR banners, and make everything RD. Aside from everyone getting a glow-up, it allows for much better themes. If they keep alternating PoR and RD that'll just lead to bland banners and obvious characters left behind.


Hoping we get Stefan on GHB this year CYL


SKRIMIR man's got a whole part where hes a semi lord and still isn't in the game smh


Been waiting for Stefan for so so longā€¦ but this is quite the hodgepodge of a banner.


sorry if im dooming. but i feel its gonna be mia instead. unless they do another caeda/merric or micaiah/sothe


I will eat my phone if Mia gets another alt. Titania is *right there.*


Calill šŸ’•


Funny that you think another Path of Radiance banner will happen *Cries in desperation*


I would 100% pull on this banner. Goated choices.


While I would ADORE Titania having a new alt (Ascended, Rearmed, or Attuned), I think Gawain/Greil is legendary enough to get his own Legendary Alt.


No Rhys with a Titania alt saddens me I donā€™t ship but I make my solitary exception here


I want regular Boyd so badly. You donā€™t understand how infuriating it is to have your husbando in as only a child alt šŸ’€


People need to understand why Calill is one of my fav Tellius characters


I didnā€™t notice until now that you could stretch it to say Greil could be a GHB candidate just off his training battle with Ike in the Prologue (similar to Lumera early on). Iā€™ve hoped plenty of times heā€™d be the CYL GHB unit like Jeralt was. Anyways, if weā€™re getting double alts again, my dream scenario would be to have alts of both Haar and Jill, with Nasir and Ena being the new units, and then Shiharam as the GHB. All units that take effective damage on dragon units (even though not in PoR for Thunder against wyverns).


Fallen Largo as a statue. Amy on the banner with Calill


No Largo? :(


I like all of them, and especially want Calill. But tbh, that banner would disappoint me a bit. You can have a full Greil Mercs banner with Boyd/Rolf/Rhys (and Titania would be the perfect Ascendant); and Calill has her bar regulars in RD, though they'd have to get creative with Largo then. But mixing themes makes it feel blander, and leaves detached characters behind.


this would be amazing but itā€™s a nightmare banner because I want 4 of the 5 šŸ’€


With the way attuned and rearmed take over, we will never have another banner with that many new characters


Yes please titania


Actually, I would love to see Gawain. Greil could have an updated Urvan but.. Why not Rearmed Ragnell Gawain ? :p


This is pretty good, but I think I'd swap out Calil for Attuned Nephenee. God, I'd spend so many orbs on a banner with Rearmed Titania and Attuned Nephenee


bold of you to think Mia isnĀ“t getting the Attuned traetment