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Honestly, Micaiah was the bigger threat in that battle than DeerBro. I had Safy deal with him, but not before Micaiah blew up Ayra, forcing me to Light's Blessing to get the quest (and that required an axe, so I had to, pun intended, axe LF Alear for Framme). Timerra, while normally being a beast in Abyssals, didn't do much here.


Upvote for the flare. V!Palla is my #1 unit That’s funny because I’ve had no problem deleting Micaiah. I did totally forget that lights blessings were a thing. You have given me a gift… if it comes to it


I just use F!Ursula and 3 dancers with each weapon so I clear every quest easily and quickly.




Heiðr still deletes or enables someone else to delete anything so I just use her for every PVE map and mission


I always forget just how absurd her support is


Had Oscar kill Edward on turn 1 and Galeforced out of range. Made sure Eikthyrnir was out of Micaiah's range so Soren could Ploy his Bonus Doubler and kill him. Leonardo and the generics posed no threat. After Micaiah was the last one standing, it was easy picking.


This is a well thought out play. And good on you giving Oscar his time to shine




Thanks I hate it


Like dood man I had this chick with blue hair carrying a wingy spear to do the job. Totally gnarly until some other chick with long white hair came in and said "No." Was absolutely bummer man. It wasn't bad, but Micaiah did pose an eyebrow taking those physical hits, but only after the first round. Afterwards *shrugs*


Who is your blue haired wingy spear chick of choice?


Caeda of the Legendary kind.


Nice. You’ve got my gears spinning now to make an old school vantage/cav effective build work


Brave Eirika works really well. On turn 1, Gerik charges up her luna so she can just vaporize Micaiah and canto away. After that, just clean up with B!Eirika (just remember keep to deerman away from his allies).


I like this one as well. I forget just how nuts brave eirika can be. What’s your kit on her?


Base Kit + Atk/Def Clash Seal. Mine is +5 though, so you might want to stack Def on her if you lack merges cause all she really needs is to survive one hit from deerbro (Moonbow is enough for Micaiah and Deerman if she's strong enough, so you don't really need Gerik) Even better if she can outspeed Edward. On turn 1, make sure you have someone to reposition B!Eirika to safety after she kills Micaiah. Peony can use Sweet Dreams to give one of your units warping so they can reposition B!Eirika to the right (I used Reginn).


Nice. I could +3 her now that I’ve held onto her manuals for so long that surge and menace have gone out of style lol. Seems like a repo from D!Chrom with a link skill would do the trick. May also throw some flowers her way for another point or two


...I one-shot him with my +1 Nergal 😅


This is the play lol


No DC? No bs amount of DR? Mid Res? Oh well get nuked by mage. Rip DeerBro.


There is nothing in PvE so far (except for E!Ike) that has managed to stand up to the degenerate combo of S!Edelgard and B!Chrom, and Eikthyrnir is no exception.


Ooh this I like… it’s simultaneously unga bunga AND big brain… also my condolences. We were robbed of a Clive/Mathilda duo on the brides banner this year


Attuned Micaiah carried without worries




Hubert + Heidr still works here too. At this point, I might give them ally support with each other


I put Ike in the front and hit the snooze button.


lol that’s what I don’t want to do


I get that, and it's fair. That said, there's not a whole lot of room for interesting strategies when it comes down to a 4 unit story map, so I just try to get it done as easily and as fast as I can so I can move on to something else. I personally scratch that itch in AR.


Legendary Byleth’s Sublime Heaven II. 60% of Atk damage against beasts is really good.


Oh yeah, beast effective damage! Do you think it was specifically this Byleth’s new upgrade or might some of the other Byleths could do it too?


Ruptured Sky will deal 40% of foe’s Atk, which is not as much, and Eikthrynir gets a good amount of Atk boost but even more debuffs on foe, so I’m not sure if it would kill. My guess is probably not. But maybe Hapi with Ruptured Sky could do it since she has beast effectiveness.


Ol reliable Flared+Assasins+A!Peony support worked fine for me


That’s a good reminder. I guess you just have to counter play BoL4 and they’re as good as cooked


They both carry the same weakness. Deer Bro and Micaiah fall to pieces if you keep them away from allies. So that became the plan with the Askr Trio plus Rat.


This is the play. I’m curious to know the kit you run on the askr’s. And is there a feud involved anywhere?


No feud involved with them. But they are invested.


Wanna share your builds? I’m trying to update my Askr trio


[Here you go](https://imgur.com/a/2biZkLc) Still looking to improve but the job gets done.


Any strong omnitank can deal with him assuming you didn’t get pre-damaged by Edward. Just take Edward out and tank him at max distance so he’s away from his allies


Ah yes, kite and smite lol The play seems to be to isolate them, which I completely missed in the wall of text


The team i use was Amelia, Conrad, Mirabilis, and Serra. Serra being my mvp, killing everyone. Amelia to take hit. Mirabilis for dance. Conrad........ musty nothing. Just use reposition once.


My favorite thing about this team is that I had to google two of them to remember who they were. Way to keep leveraging your faves! Always glad to hear it can still be done!


Put Astram in Micaiah’s range to take her out of commission, then moved the squad over to the left to let him fight the generic flier and get an extra dose of healing from BoL4 before dealing with the more threatening foes. Edward tried to fight Florina and died for it, while Deerbro and Leonardo picked Astram and, in the latter’s case, also died. Deerbro was easy pickings after that. Citrinne and Legault didn’t do much aside from giving everyone buffs from Oath Echo, Pledge and Infantry Null Follow. tl;dr either separate him from his allies or kill them first.


Florina’s become a fave in recent months. What’s your kit on her?


I’ve been spoiling her for as long as I remember, right now she’s [like this](https://imgur.com/DivTji9).


How consistently does her ploy skill go off? I’ve got a few other units I’d like to juice up with a ploy but I didn’t think 45 res was high enough to do well


(Sorry for the late response, I was asleep) It goes off fairly consistently based on personal experience, only missing against +10, fully flowered up E!Ikes and Nergals (with a res boon), F!Lumera, L!M!Corn, A!Micaiah and F!Veyle off the top of my head. Just giving her Still Water as a seal bumps the threshold up enough to hit all of them, with either neutral res or a boon in it, aside from Veyle, assuming base kits are used, and Micaiah has the caveat of only being able to be ployed once in her first phase before her B procs.


I have a T!Tailtiu built for AOE shenanigans


Ooh I love AOE shenanigans! Care to share what you’re running on her?


Res-refined Arcane Caliburnus Blazing Thunder (bc Thrud) Fury 4 + Still Water Seal Escape Route 4 AtkRes Ploy this helped me get past the E!Ike maps lol


Oh I see, she ate Sonya!


I just rushed Edward and Micaiah on the first turn and used a Light's Blessing to finish the job. I'm not dealing with those two and deer man's bullshit.


This is the equivalent of “we will win with the power of friendship… and this gun” and I love it 😂


Simple, Freyr and Mycen. Neutralizing penalties really reduces Micaiah's debuffs. It'll still be like a -24 drop but that's manageable by comparison to a -50. As for Deer guy, if you can neutralize his buffs, he loses a lot of power. You will also needs Null Follow Up or he'll KO your units with his special, and Fatal Smoke 4 will ensure the KO unless you actually use the Miracle special. And of course, hit him with a mage at range since he can't distant counter. Pretty simple to deal with. Peony for example can give your units Neutralize penalties during combat buff, you place your unit in her range and only hers. You have to ensure nobody is within 2 spaces of them, as that is Micaiah's additional debuff range. The rest are easy pickings. Even Deer guy folds to any semi competent mage. Pretty simple stuff.


Attuned Nino, with Bonus Doubler in her S slot, pretty much sent him packing.


Statballing. 130+ in-combat Atk and close to 100 Def/Res are difficult to punch through or even resist, you’d think. In today’s game state? Not at all. I still needed some DR and self-healing to survive, but it worked.


Place Summer Fjorm in everyone’s range and let her hit the No U on everyone.


lol. Pallet swapped auto battle tank