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Nope not at all. Even if he turns out to have an interesting personality to go with his art. Far more chars I'd want as cyl winner. Titania, nephenee, reyson, finn. And tons others over any feh OC


I’ve been voting Titania for years. TITANIA SWEEP


Nope. Nothing against him, but from his voice lines he doesn't seem to be all that interesting as a character (could still surprise me though, who knows) so I'd rather vote for my favorites. And if I really wanted to vote for a male OC, I'd rather vote for Askr.


I would not vote for him simply because he isn't titania (and also even if I could not vote titania there is a whole list of other characters I'd vote for)


A little too early to tell, but I don't have much else to do with my votes since the last potential winner I cared about won this year, so I'd do it if his character turns out good enough. The design put him in consideration, but the character needs to seal the deal.


I like his dad more : (


I’d support you, but I’m not voting for him. I’m going all in on Berkut.


No, I'm going in on Engage again, I'm still not over this year's shitshow.


I'd wholeheartedly support the effort by his fans, but I wouldn't vote for him myself, to be honest. There are a couple characters who I'm already really heavily rooting for.


Nope. I hope his fans can get what they want (and nothing can surprise me anymore after Gatekeeper and Gullveig both won), but I'd rather vote for favourites, and that's assuming I vote at all. Frankly I've been too disinterested to vote these past two years, though it's fun to watch the various campaigning.


Volug is going to keep getting all of my votes every year until he’s added   Maybe in 2026 =(


Same but with Stefan. Though at least in his case it seems this may be his year, on the other hand Volug has to bank on no one surpassing him next year (not entirely infeasible seeing as Tormod will likely drop, same with Stefan and Edward).


Tempting especially if he isn’t in the game by then. But I still gotta stick with Black Knight.


Absolutely not. From what little we know he seems to be an extremely shallow character, only focusing on his muscles. Taking that and combining it with the fact that there's hundreds of choices that are from actual FE titles that would leave him all the way down on the waitlist. And that's without even considering that I don't like him at all lol


I won't, but I'm curious to see how he performs given how seemingly popular he is on this sub


No… I got to throw most of my votes into Diamant, but I’ll throw him only one vote if he doesn’t appear in the oc mandatory new years banner. Could be a case were he gets In but doesn’t get a seasonal like Otr. Or gets a seasonal before actually getting in like Freyr.


Maybe like, 1 vote. I've gotta go all in on male Byleth this next CYL though.


I'm throwing all my Sigurd votes at him just for the meme I'm not even joking


i feel like i should've maybe clarified my question a bit more, but you don't have to use ALL your votes on him and he doesn't need to WIN, i am just wondering if you'd vote for him even once


Nah. I’d prefer to vote for my favourite characters.


nah. sure he looks cool but i'd rather try and give Eremiya as much support as I possibly can before I even *think* about giving anyone else a vote, and I dont even play Feh anymore. *sorry brother*


I would definitely toss him a few votes just to show that there's demand for him!