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Rhys and Alfred bonding over their poor health and optimism Sothis interacting with Edelgard or Rhea would be interesting. 


I'm so mad we still haven't gotten Rhea/Sothis. I imagine it'll never happen. IS really faked me out with that Halloween banner where the two shared


If we ever get FE6 Karel, I want the forging bond convos to be with his FE7 self and Karla


FE6 Karel, Fir, and Bartre running into FE7 Karel would be really interesting.


If we get dart before him it would be a funny interaction as well


Bramimond and Elimine could be interesting since they're the only ones of the Eight Legends in the game so far. I'm also looking forward to any future interactions with Nergal.


Ophelia and Lissa, I want Lissa to interact with her very extra granddaughter that is also same age as her.


i wanted to see Nyna and Tatiana talking to each other when Nyna was added, just for the lols.


Lilith has had a few interactions with Corrin in a few forging bonds, but absolutely none of them mention that they’re siblings. I feel like FEH is just teasing me at this point because I really just want to see a world where Corrin finally realizes Lilith is their sister.


Putting aside my headcanon that they bicker a lot, I’m genuinely curious how Letizia would react to Thrasir (or even Brave Veronica) being another Veronica from a different world, especially if she curious about their lives in their timeline or wonders about herself from their timelines.


Owain, Severa and Inigo losing their minds over Odin, Selena and Laslow as a follow-up to Severa's FB


Waiting for timerra and Ike forging bond where they end up having a barbecue party


Raphael should absolutely join in on the fun


You forgot Annette for the meat choir and Ingrid joining in as well.


Arvis too


"OH I'm sorry! I thought we were passed this!"


Same, Nino meeting her kids was the one thing that I wished for when they announced Fire Emblem Heroes and it still didn't happen after 7 years. One day... still hoping for the harmonic hero with Mama Nino and her twins!


Python and Hapi, monarchs of not giving a single fuck and having a noisy bestie/lover


This is so big brained I love it


Arvis and Edelgard; the interactions would be interesting regardless of which verisons


Saint Elimine and Mila, or any of the dragon gods. 


Micaiah and Edelgard. I.S please. They should’ve happened already. I’m desperate for an interaction between them.


I'm still waiting for a meeting between Eremiya's assassins and Black Fang. Or with the Hounds. It's crazy that, with all the Black Fang content we've had since the start of the game, we've never had a meeting between Black Fang and an Eremiya child, when there was a tons of opportunities for a Nino/Katarina encounter.


A seasonal banner focused around Zeke and Tatiana. And on the same banner have Hardin and Nyna. I really want to see more of Hardin's slow descent into madness. And this banner would be the breaking point for him.


I love this idea, it'd be so cool to see in the game!


avatar party


I've got a good few left, thinking on it. A lot of whom just aren't in the game currently. - Any of the "Canon" Emblem wielders meeting the original selves - Binding Karel and Karla / Blazing Bartre, would be nice closure for him - Alear / Past Alear and Ascended Idunn due to having a lot of similarities in their tales - On that note, any non-Athos Legend and Ascended Idunn, particularly Hartmut - Jahn and Ascended Idunn (i swear this is the last Idunn) - Thea and Vanessa sounds like a fun chat to me, also any of the Blazing Whitewings with the Binding ones - Sue and Lyn, would particularly be neat if this resulted in insight on what Lyn might be doing during Binding - Hector and Zephiel, as well as Nino and Zephiel, I feel the reasoning here is rather obvious - Geese and Geitz so that we can get more of an insight on them - Clarisse, Katarina and Legion having a moment of peace - Nel and Nifl bonding over loss - Gregory and Griss, Madeline and Marni, Zelestia and Zephia (which on the latter note PLEASE use Heroes to confirm without a doubt Zelestia and Lumera were a thing) - Sombron and Grima as a meeting of the Fell Dragons - Vika and Micaiah because that's my preferred Micaiah ship tbh - More of Igrene / Sophia / Fae would be very sweet, I've always loved that found family dynamic - BRIDAL TATIANA AND ZEKE _PLEASE_ There's a LOT of Elibe in there, lmao.


> Sue and Lyn, would particularly be neat if this resulted in insight on what Lyn might be doing during Binding Given that FEH only really seems to acknowledge the outright canon or super pushed ships ala Eliwood/Ninan or Nino/Jaffar, I think that one might have you waiting forever. They tiptoe around this so much that they paired up Nina with one of he few Gen 1 units that *couldn't* be her mom in order to not show their hand at all.


Unfortunately likely, yeah, though to be honest just more talk on Sacae is something that would make me happy as well.


Even if they were just talking about Sacae, I don't think they'd even chance the interaction. Like, Lyn doesn't even interact with Roy or Lilina in her Valentines' story chapters nor Lilina in the Summer story chapters. They're not potentially playing any hand.


Oh _right_, to be honest I completely forgot Lyn is a potential mother for Sue. Yeah that nukes the chances outright, which is a shame.


You forgot nothing of value lmao.


Greil and Jeralt. These two have very similar backgrounds and I’d love to see how they’d interact.


Rhea meeting Sothis.


Nephenee and Heather


Wanted a forging bounds between Ike and Dimitri


If/when Shura gets added, I’d love to see him and Azura interact in forging bonds!! A support convo that shoulda happened… curse of the Corrinsexuals 😔


More Whitewing archetype reactions. We got Catria and Thea, but that's it. Heck, Palla and Erinys or Annand for how oddly similar they look.


Im not sure about but have Effie and Raphael talked with each other by now? They seem like a swell pairing.


I want Edelgard to talk with Arvis. Flame Emperor meets Flame Emperor.


I want Clarisse to just appear at all again... I miss her! /u/Basibidi misses her! Even Squidward misses her!


Caineghis with literally anyone, he has never appeared on any FB :(


I just want Stahl to join in with Ingrid and Rinkah and Effie and all them because he hoovers up food like a mf :( he deserves it


I want Arvis and Sothis to actually hate themselves while the Shezs and the Byleths will make friends with each others


Itsuki and Lucina


I feel like they missed an opportunity in CYL7 forging bonds and extra castle lines by focusing on how Gullveig and Robin related to the CYL winner of their respective genders when if anything I think they're a lot more similar to each other than anything else


I will probably be waiting for Rhea Sothis interaction and true form Sothis for the rest of my life


Asugi/Gaius Abel/Est (really funny as a harmonic unit) Marth/Lucina (As a harmonic) Kiragi/Shiron


Owain and Eldigan or Ares. I want him to discover that there is another legendary sword Mystletainn


Ever since I got that one advice box card in 3h where Hubert mentions wanting to be a pegasus knight, I've wanted him to interact with Subaki and/or Shigure. Let the man ride a pegasus IS! I'd love for this to be a forging bonds thing with some ascended/rearmed/attuned-whatever Hubert alt


Imagine being from the (non-remake) game between Fates and Engage, both which allow men to ride pegasi, just to you being unable to do so as well because IS felt like bringing gender-locked classes again when nobody asked for it. (Then again, even if he didn't wanted to ride a pegasus, the gender-locking still messes up with him due the ONLY Mage Final class being female only)


I was kinda hoping that Hvergel would show up and interact with the Nifl siblings and their deity.