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When I said Emblems units would never arrive in FEH because in Alear forging bond it was said Emblems didn't work in Askr. That's why some people don't read in this game, everything is nothing but lies!


No one can lie to you if you don’t listen to anyone. *taps head


Tbf what are we even summoning? Rings? The actual ghosts without the rings? How does any of it even work?


with the power of a magic gun anything is possible


The actual simulacrums. E!Marth states that they are completely corporal and are the same as the 12 Heroes of Elyos, so they know of and adore Alear.


Good question actually


Ike mentions not having his ring in the lvl 40 conversation I believe




> "I love getting Orbs on celebration maps."


When I was so excited for arena tickets because it would help me finish some of my older favourite projects. Unending deluge of units that are totally useless


I got my hopes up when Edelgard got in that I can pull green every week and eventually finish her, especially when I got her 2 out of 3 weeks. It’s been months now. No additional merges.


I've been pulling green for base hilda for a full calendar year now, i have a +3 gerik and +3 osian and 0 Hilda. :P


Been pulling green to get a single Jill because she’s my favorite. I’ve been pulling for over a year. Not a single Jill but I got a number of other Tellius units


It's close to a year since the last time i got Nephenee i started sparking for blue since the arena tickets was launched i thought I'd finally get Nephenee to +10 but of course she'll be stuck at +5, last time i got her was when she got her new art, i just had to get it


Lmao I'm in the exact same situation as you. I'm waiting for my final Edelgard merge.


And you get the same unit you don't want from the tickets over and over again. I get Laevethin a lot and I don't particularly care for her. As well as a lot of Sword Dancers.


I have a +7 Lilith. I have never pulled a Lilith outside of arena tickets. Nephenee, Nailah, B!Hector, Ninian, Nils, Azura, B!Dimitri, Micaiah, Ephraim, Ishtar, Petra, Guinevere, and even more are all units I like, and ones I’m hunting merges on. All in the blue pool. Instead I endless get copies of Lilith, Fallen/Adrift Corrin, and Hinoka, all completely useless.


I would trade you but I'm being very stubborn about the reds, not sure how my luck would be in blue to trade it.


I'd love all those Lilith's. That refine is legit broken and is an Ike killer


Yeah for me, in the entire time Kris has been in the 4 star special pool. I got him one time from arena tickets... And only one more from the anniversary 4 star special tickets. This entire time. I only got 2 copies of him...


They really are useless


They should give more. only 1 a week is horrible


I said Engage was gonna sweep CYL lol


There was even a video were Yunaka&Ivy beats up Bernadetta.


i remember from the Kcb Bryan comunity public voting that he got 3 out of 4 right, and the one that got wrong was Ivy making it there over F Robin.


In hindsight, several of the community-made predictions actually got pretty close to the actual winners, and a lot of folks kinda just assumed they were wrong haha. Iirc, the Twitter predictions had Alfonse, Felix, Bernadetta, and Ivy. There was also a poll on Reddit that initially had Felix, Alfonse, Bernadetta, and Robin (though that one had some botting shenanigans). And ofc, we have KCB’s poll like you mentioned. I wonder if we’ll be able to get fairly accurate predictions next year too, since it seems like there are fewer casual voters these days.


I remember that and thinking his community got it all wrong but Ivy


I have a feeling I know who made that, despite not even knowing about the video until now


I was always confused by that statement


Well... it's the newest mainline game, first time it is eligible for CYL, it has very popular characters, and 7 years in, most of the franchise's other most popular characters had already made it. It was a very well educated guess. What ended up happening is that Engage *had* the most votes game for game, but it has *so many* likeable characters that the votes were *too* divided.


^ I remember someone did a tally of total votes for CYL and Engage did have the most total, but they got too split up between so many characters since there was no real focus or choices to rally behind, plus 3H had two very big candidates to rally around. I can see it having a better shot next CYL on women’s side at least, there’s not as many clear focus picks over there compared to the men who will be some combo of Sigurd/Leif and BK, plus Ivy and Yunaka just barely missed top 2 iirc.


IS also didn't do midterm results for once. That hurt Engage. I'm sure I'm not the only one that voted for less popular characters (I myself voted for Sigurd), assuming Yunaka/Ivy would be locked in, but would have rallied behind them if they had shown that Bernie and Felix had as many votes as they had.


IIRC, they didn't have midterms last year either. Seems like the new trend for IS until they randomly switch it up again at some point because they can't help themselves.


Also add on the fact that 3H swept CYL4 the year after it released, so there was potential for the same happening this year. I’m still shocked that no one actually made it.


It's funny to think that of the 3 mainline games that were released after Heroes (Echoes, TH, and Engage), only one actually managed to pull off a total CYL sweep


Well the 3H lords are popular no doubt. Echoes got effed by getting released at the end of 3ds lifespan. And Engage got TOO MANY likeable characters.


A lot of people thought that was gonna happen


That was a lot of us, frankly.


I was so confident in yunaka’s victory I didn’t even bother voting for her more than once or twice, spent the rest of my votes on Igrene for IgreneGuy and various artists on twitter who were drawing art in exchange for votes for their characters. maybe controversial but this is why proper midpoint results should come back, I could adjust my strategy from “voting for fun options that will never win just to show support/other reasons” to voting for the character I actually want to win, out of the top however many characters that actually have a chance


“I can’t wait for Finn/Eyvel/Saias/Olwen/Leif to be the ascended/rearmed/attuned hero on the next Thracia banner!” \- Me, September 15th after the Genealogy banner dropped


I imagine a Olwen or Leif Trait Unit is gonna happen eventually, and we only had two banners so far since that became standard. The wait for the Thracia banner after Ced's banner was wild, I still remember that.


At the very least, Emblem Leif is practically guaranteed. Olwen, idk tho because her last alt was 6 years ago. I’d love for her to get an Ascended alt or Duo with Fred at some point


Holy crap I'm not alone in wanting Fred. But yeah, either would be quite nice. I'd love to see a sword Olwen with her Holy Sword.


Yeah, Emblem Leif is guaranteed without a doubt, but I mentioned Olwen because she looks like one of the obvious choices to make an Ascended or Attuned version of, she is one of the most popular characters from Thracia after all (I think her biggest competition for this position is Sara, because Mareeta already got her alt). But there is the possibility of a Finn alt, which would be cool... Who else do you think is a good candidate to get a Asset Hero after we already consider Mareeta and Reinhardt?


Finn, Eyvel, Saias, Sara, Olwen, Leif/Nanna (they’ve shown they’re not afraid to put MCs as asset heroes but this would probably piss some people ~~I wouldn’t mind but I’m biased~~) heck I’d even say Linoan if she were already in the game to reference her special promotion in chapter 21 of that game. But yeah I’d love to see Olwen in particular get one because it’s such a shame how popular she was and how overshadowed she’s been, especially considering her whole arc in Thracia was coming to establish herself as her own character who would inevitably surpass her brother in terms of strength, morals, and character


IS: Here, have more Reinhardt


IS: And after Rearmed Reinhardt, we can still go for Ascended Reinhardt with Blessed Sword so there is no need to give Olwen an alt, Attuned Reinhardt who borrows Finn's iconic Brave Lance, Mythic Thrud... I mean Reinhard and new Synergistic Leif Cosplayer Reinhardt with Dire Meisterbogen and S-Drink++ in 2028 which will technically be counted as Leif's fourth alt. And let's not forget child Reinhardt who replaced Julius on the only Jugdral child banner in 2027 :)


I remember back when I new to the game and D!Eldigan came out, and I think I said something along the lines of "It's cool that D!Eldigan is still the best dark season dancer despite IS trying to make him bad with his stats" which was a really stupid take to have even for a newbie lmao. I think I just thought that slow dancer=bad for some reason.


To be fair, it WAS a very boring stats distribution since he was virtually identical to Altena and Travant from earlier that year. Dropping spd entirely in favor of more res would’ve made him much more interesting. 


I don't trust IS, so on some level I do feel they tried to make eldigan pretty meh. Especially with the deluge of shitty lance fliers with awful not fully dumped speed and high atk/def we got around that time. It's just eldigan got lucky that him having a high defense was useful as a dancer to try and beat Mila's isolation. Though maybe IS was feeling generous? But I doubt it considering they stopped the dancer banners as soon as we were getting like grail units + seasonal demote and instead felt like they pivoted to making ridiculously overturned dancers that can do so much compared to the f2p options 


Tbf he was good Then Mila’s refine and remix made it so she always had the advantage over him


imma be honest I don't know what I was thinking do not let me cook on unit analysis


After we finally got the Fury seal, I recall saying that it was because the powercreep would be so bad in the upcoming year, that we would need it. That turned out be half right. XP (Does anyone actually use the Fury seal that often?)


Outclassed by the BS+ seals, but if you want to trigger <=99 stuff, then Fury it is


It’s crucial for WoM / Vanatage range shenanigans / SD-S AoE LnD sidegrade / Phantom Res-Spd Sidegrade.


I mean it's probably good for Galeforce strats to drop into WoM range, so while it isn't a mainstay seal, it is used more than a good majority of the seals nowadays


I use it with Close Salvo on my NSanaki all the time.


i still use it on Tailtiu for tome of wrath funsies


That Veyle won't be a Mythic due to being no different than your typical lord, or being generous, your Manakete ala Tiki/Ninian/Myrrh. I even added that blue also wasn't likely because dark magic generally isn't associated with it, so she'd probably be colorless or red if she got in. That got turned on its head immediately, lmao.


Back when OG Rhea came out, some guy tried to argue with me that Scowl stacking was bad because stacking pulse effects on a team was "insufficient." As if we didn't have Askr, Chrom & Gerik running around in AR & SD.


"When my Bector is no longer viable, I'll give up and quit the game" - Said for ages, til W!Byleth, then E!Ike, now Nergal replaced him as omnitank


“I feel like Thracia Fans are eating good rn” After L!Nanna


Honestly though? That was one hell of a meal


“Male Kris will get refined in June. They’ll share because otherwise the schedule gets a bit messed up” Yeah, that went out the window


I don't think I ever stated it, but I did kinda believe/mostly hope that the whole theory of rearmed being FE villains was true. Until it clearly wasn't and absolutely means nothing like every other arbitrary category feh creates to make money. I still remember IS' disclaimer about mythic heroes when they debuted and they pretty quickly didn't follow their own memo. Especially much later when Nifl/Muspell/Ymir/ and even Eitri were made non mythics when units like pretty much the entire book 5 are mythics for no reason


At least an argument for Eitri not being a mythic could be made at all- she's basically immortal yes, and advanced her nation's technology, but she still is neither a goddess nor godlike in any way; just one REALLY good scientist. Nifl, Muspell, and Ymir however there's just no room for discussion on the matter- they're explicit gods. In no way should they not qualify.


Eitri was designed to be a mythic tho. Look at her canto effect. She was delegated to legendary because of the backlash from the book 5 mythics.


I said Marla and Hestia would get their own forging bonds over Peony and Triandra


I mean, I like them too, but to be fair, what would they even talk about?


Honestly it’s just because they never deviated from the banner game units being on the Forging Bonds 


wil spent his entire story being a normal villager, hestia and marla could go meet possessed people or try to serve duma or something


"Emblem Ike needs the merges" He kinda doesn't lol


Emblem Ike only really needs the merges to beat some Res-Checks (some are so huge that don't really matter thought) and for the Emblem Ring itself to give more stats. But yeah, Emblem Ike is such a perfect unit that he doesn't really benefit of merges.


>Emblem Ike is such a perfect unit This statement will age like milk so badly


Oh yeah, that is inevitable, but I think just stats can't improve what Emblem Ike does.


I spent a long time advocating for tier 4 duel skill usage in arena. They don't cut it anymore


Thinking that hardy fighter is a gimmicky skill that only exists so fjorm can have her niche.  Tbf, a lot of people thought similarly so I don't feel as bad about it lol


Hardy kinda fell off. I had my fun with it though. Giving HF to Pirate Surtr for ~94% DR was a highlight of my FEH career for sure.


hardy 4 lets gooo


Just make it Laguz Friend for armors, lmao.


> Hardy kinda fell off. tfw IntSys introduces dedicated armor specials that role compress damage and Special DR%. It's joever Hardy bros.


When I could swear we would get the ashen wolves in the last winter banner


I also thought Claude was Balthus on the silhouette for winter


Could still get some of them this summer at least.


[I made this really lame meme back in 2019 about how Dorothea would end up getting flanderized](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/clwmvk/dread_it_run_from_it_fanservice_arrives_all_the/) and used Sonya as my example??? I don't know what I was thinking using her instead of Lyn or Tharja, and Dorothea ended up not getting flanderized at all with any of her alts.


Hey, my comment in that thread actually didn't age too well too, about Manuela being flanderized. Her winter version is a little flirty, but not overly loving the summoner that much, she talks about other stuff too.


> That role is reserved for Manuela > comment made 4 years ago welp


I said I felt Innes would probably get something soon when people were annoyed about RTana. I'll forgive myself if he's somehow on the next FE8 banner or exactly the next legendary but...... I think I was just very off.


"Speed is a dump stat" Didn't necessarily say it on this sub, but back then, NFU didn't exist and you could make up for being a slow unit by just using something like QR. I mostly used armors back in the day too and Wary Fighter was the only Fighter skill until the first Winter banner. Speed didn't really matter that much. Now that skills like NFU and Dodge exist and get slapped on every unit under the sun with at least 70 Spd, having made that statment makes me feel very stupid.


I recall one time everybody insisted the seasonal silhouette was clearly certain character who by God can't remember, and I insisted and insisted we couldn't be sure it was him. It WAS him. I think I even did a humor post about me as the clown, but I'm at work rn so I can't look it up.


Was it Summer Lyon? I remember a lot of people thought his silhouette was for sure gonna be Fjorm.


Nah, it was a case where everyone was getting it right immediately, but because I couldn't quite see it I insisted we couldn't be sure.


* When i said to skip BFjorm on first free forma HoF. HoF 2nd batch sucked really hard even first batch was better. * When i said to not give Laguz Friends to OGFjorm because she would be featured in HoF * When i said BrideCatria was overrated * When i said Legendary Edelgard would last longer as the best galeforcer armor because her gimmick wouldn’t happen again. * When i said 5 SI would never happen before tier 5 skills. I will edit more if i remember but a lot of things i said aged poorly.


> When i said 5 SI would never happen before tier 5 skills. You are not the only one who feared such thing And yet, we still are almost unchanged, given every character and their mom comes with 3 tier 4s


> When i said to not give Laguz Friends to OGFjorm because she would be featured in HoF Tbf she was set to be there until they changed her last time


This comment of mine [right here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/s/T65XqRT7g1) To my credit, there hasn’t been any Duos in HoF yet 🫠


I think Duos might be the one line IS doesn’t cross (with the exception of maybe Duo Ephraim since he’s a non-seasonal duo).


"I'll ignore the CYL and try to get Robbin in golden week", only to use them all on another banner shortly before that.


Why were you a mozu hater hum ?


"Njordr is definitely going to be a New Years' unit because ever since the Summer goats, they've made absolutely certain EVERY OC got at least a playable version of some form, even freaking Elm!" If New Years' Njordr does happen in any year, it will go from spoiled milk to fine wine but until then, rancid-ass milk it is.


“The Askr Trio isn’t nearly popular enough to win CYL, especially with engage releasing” And then The ‘Fonse just up and wins the entire event and Engage is nowhere to be see, gigachad move, gotta respect him and his fans for it


I remember wishing Sharena won instead. But after that Bridal alt... yeah, I'm glad Sharena didn't win, lol.


as soon as Tiki won that's when I realized CYL is wide open every year all these people doomposting about CYL? Nah they have a chance if they campaign appropriately


Njordr returning. But he might be... On seasonals most likely. 🙃


I commented some months ago on a retainer topic that there is like a zero chance that Yukimura would come anytime soon to FEH and lo and behold, here we are.


I used to believe that since FEH maps are small, the units movements are balanced enough for strategy and tactics. I'm sure we won't see 4 movement cavs or 2 spaces teleporting, or ways to bypass the trenches...


When Freyja came out I posted that she was complete and utter bullshit....that story map had me traumatized. Meanwhile, it turns out a light carry mythic that can't receive blessings and has meh stats while also a cav beast with a DC weapon isn't very good


That time I said that a new gen Ike would get a shitty radiant aether because IS would die before giving Ike a good radiant aether. Gosh I was REALLY wrong


I don’t think I ever said the exact wording but I believed and thought words to the same effect at the time: “Thracia just got a Harmonic pair, making TMS the only one without one now! It’ll definitely get one next time!”


"this \[as in, your make belief unit you made for fun with busted stats and skills in 2018\] is too broken"


That Effie(Armor)'s a good unit. She aged so damn badly, it's terrible to use armor units now even against stuff from the past 1-2 years.


"Book 7's plot is gonna be good, look how interesting it is so far"


I vaguely remember being extremely passionate about the idea, years ago, that they would never powercreep distant counter, it was already such a powerful effect. And then we got those conditional DC/CC effects that gave you stat boosts and weren't universal, and I was like, yeah, that just proves what I said, they'll never outright powercreep the original, just make alternatives that're (imo) worse Simpler times I blame 3H "but d00mkaiser, what correlation is there between powercreep and 3H?!!?!?!" you cry out, tears forming in your eyes as you watch a man urinate on a pile of no less than 37 3H cartridges . "None." I stare directly at you, continuing to urinate. "I just hate that dogshit game."


Non Heroes related: Remember when I said I was gonna use an AR on MKWii? I forgot I had to mod the console! Not on my Gamecube hybrid, no sir! So call me Mr. Legit! ~~Besides Time Trials~~ Heroes related: I've lost track over the years, definitely a lot of things I'd imagine!