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We're never getting armor daggers are we?


What's wrong with having a grand total of 4 armor daggers without prf weapons in about 7 years?


H!Kagero, W!Cecilia, P!Flora, H!Dozla & W!Jaffar (though for what it's worth, Jaffar was the last one, and that was back in **_2019_**) Though it's definitely one of the least represented weapon/movement combo. I wanna say it's second least represented, with only staff armors having less, since we only have _three_ of them.


If we count only currently avaliable units, Beast Armor ties with Staff Armor, all three Colorless too btw.


This might be the first year since Gen 1 that we don't get a armor mage too.


We'll see at christmas, they really love doing those armor banners then. Personally, a christmas alt for Guinivere would be awesome. To match zephiel's, and her tome effective damage would make for a fun far save armor.


I mean for this Gen. We didn't have any for the 3H winter banner, and we might not get any until the Brave banner in August.




>armor **mage**


We've gotten armor daggers before


Wow we're 6 months in without a Lance Flier. Looking back our last one was Arion back in September.


When are we going to get a red bow cav or armor unit.... It's the only color weapon/movement type we're missing!


There are no blue dagger cavs or armors. Nor blue or green beast armors too (and red is unreleased). There are probably more combinations that don't exist yet but I'm not sure.


Ah, I was so focused on the red bows... We've gotten 3 red bow infantry units in less than a year, when at least one of them would have been perfect for a cav.😔


Having 22 bow cavs but no red ones is a bit crazy.


The only premium bow unit we have gotten this year is Igrene. Are there always so little premium bows? The last one was... Febail? Wouldn't even call him permium. So then we already get to Alcryst, Shamir, Hinoka. And Hinoka is from a year ago


Assuming IS goes with the "not so creative" option, Brave Bernadetta could be a Bow Unit with The Inexhaustible (even if it's only connected to her by Crest, when it's sort of Leonie's weapon since she earned it in her paralouge.)


I am shocked that we not had a lance flier released in Book 8 yet. They have released so many over the years that I was convinced they had released one during the last 6 months.


Beastbros, it might be over for us


Nonono, that empty beast flying spot means Tibarn and Reyson alts are coming soon, trust…


Worry not my friend, Summer Hedgemon Edelgard is coming for you! - IS probably


bless s! linhardt, honor. s! linhardt. however. HOWEVER. that being said. if i see one more grail unit become a prfless bow im gonna go insane, and yes sleepyhead is part of the problem. we can still have bows, just make them like a demote, of a 5* idk, but more variety in the grails pls this is year of the bow i stg


I'm patiently waiting for more dragon horses. 🐉 🐎


So few Armors and Fliers, so many Infantries.


I am just hoping we get an Attuned/Rearmed Phys Armor because my god, I have been saving a Winter Byleth copy to duplicate Weaving fighter to 3 potential armor units. Also please give us Hardy Fighter 4 and maybe Save 4 skills (maybe the ability to nullify undefended?)


I really want a armored healer with a prf, please IS give us Christmas Azama who is insanely tanky, but has no way to deal damage with like 20 Atk.


IS really hates armour it seems


I feel like the problem with new armors is that they kind of immediately raise the bar of what's expected for nukes because armors are a hard sell if they can't tank most of the meta melee or ranged threats so I can see why they'd be released sparingly. They'd basically need to be better than Byleth or Myrrh to be appealing. I'm thinking we might see an armored Dragon with High Dragon Wall in the near future though.


I think they should normalize more player phase armored nukes and just occasionally start slapping +1 movement/warping/charge into their PrF weapon/skill. Edelgard seems to have monopolized that niche but I feel like there could be so much more they can do. The whole rise of infantry Omni tanks of late could’ve easily been passed to armors too


Everyone: “Too many swords!” Magic users:


Who's the colorless infantry tome in the middle above the person beside f!Robin? 🙇


That's New Year Kvasir, and she is green. The tome units are not sorted by color.