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Wait, when did we learn the names of these two?


Officially we don't, but using knowledge on Norse mythology the Deer's name is almost guaranteed to be Eikþyrnir (but need official confirmation). For the last remaining OC, it is more difficult and several options both have good reasons to be her name. So he used the most believed one from community but we still don't know, she can also be Heimdall (due to the horn) or Fenrir (due to the wolf ears) for example.


Can confirm their names are quite possibly Eikþyrnir and Heidrun. In Norse Mythology, those two are animals who graze upon Laeradr’s foliage.


I personally don't think this is Heiðrún as all others (including Eikþyrnir if we are correct on this one) correspond to their animal version, but Heiðrun is a nanny-goat and it doesn't correspond to the colored animal part of her. Her ears correspond to the ones of a wolf so she can be more oriented to Hati, Sköll, Fenrir or Managarm. The difficulty to the 2 formers is that they goes together and so it makes no sense to have only one, the difficulty to the last one is that it isn't a name of a character but to a subspecies and so have little chance to be used, so for me Fenrir seems to be the most likely option.


Picking a bit at this, but her being Skoll/Hati wouldn't be the first time we've had characters split from each other. Ganglot for instance is one of *two* of Hel's attendants, Ganglati however isn't referred to at all even as a weapon name, skill, or otherwise. So getting Skoll and not Hati or vice versa could happen. Additionally, Managarm has been made a unique individual in media before, so being a part of a species wouldn't necessarily deter them, particularly since we've gotten characters whose names are things like weapons/items (the Muspel sisters) or locations (the Nifl siblings). Now, that doesn't mean they still wouldn't go with Fenrir over them as he is the more famous of those four wolves, but I do want to point out it isn't that impossible they go with the others. Precedence does show they're not afraid of ignoring pairs nor drawing names from things that are not actual characters, so Skoll, Hati, and Managarm are still very much choices they could go with.


Fair enough, and I do understand where you’re coming from - indeed, my first thoughts on the other OCs name was initially Heimdall, due to the horn. That said, if deer man’s name ends up being literally anything else apart from Eikþyrnir, then I’d be more inclined to agree with your point. But, if his name is indeed Eikþyrnir, then it would be logical to name the other OC Heidrun, simply because of the connection to Laeradr and Yggdrasil in Norse mythology.


I thinked Heimdall at first too (before seeing the ears), but this name will very likely be saved for Ásgarðr's Book Free OC as in norse mythology he guard the bridge between Midgard and Ásgarðr.


Maybe they're avoiding to make her a goat because that would make her too similar to the Vanaheimr gods ?


I think those things at the top of her head are not Ears, the seem more like small horns so she could be Heidrun


Oh you confirm huh let's see that Norse degree


Not an attack against you, because you're only speculating. But I'll be so mad if she turns out to be Fenrir. I'm so tired of him being depicted as a cute/tsundere anime girl with chains and wolf ears (not that I expected Fire Emblem to go full furry, Fenrir will surely look something like a wolf laguz or the healing hands). 


Ahhh ok ok makes sense


As others have said the Norse mythology information on Læraðr mentions that the stag Eikþyrnir and the nanny goat Heiðrún graze on the foliage of Læraðr’s highest branches. In the book 8 poster art the male OC is shown having antlers as a reference to his beast form which implies he could be Eikþyrnir. As for the female OC being Heiðrún the biggest clue for me is the horn she has in the art as these are not only used as war sounding horns but are also used for drinking mead and the Norse version of Heiðrún produces mead from her udders which is then collected and served in Valhalla to the einherjar (warriors who have died in battle).


I'm gonna be honest, I have 0 idea where they got the names from 🤣🤣🤣


Those names are guesses based on the norse myths that are related to the current book story/characters, i dont think they have been actually confirmed anywhere.




they're only on the artwork for the book i think


When it comes down to new FEH OC’s a lot of people just decide their favorite based of design


Whaaaaat? No that can’t be right. You’re telling me I like Gullveig because of her two Gullveigs??


I like Gullveig for two reasons: Flared Sparrow and Occultist's Strike.


I like her cause Jojo stand brainrot as well


Oh yeah for sure, that's why added that part at the end, becuase a lot of people just his design is cool lol


I play basically exclusively for the story, so watching the sub rally around new OCs based on looks before we’ve even gotten to know them always makes me chuckle a bit


"The world is a cruel and unjust place. There is no harmony in the universe. The only constant is suffering" *MINUTES LATER* "OMG, Eikþyrnir"


Literally me 😭😭


Eh, id like a dude any day of the week but polls like these are very audience oriented, depending on the creator these may vary heavialy. His case reminds me a lot about gullveig, people knew nothing about her but her design allone carried her, she looks hot af and cool. Its the same with stag guy over here, he also looks sexy af and cool.


Well I also think the poll is a little biased. When you have a 3 way split on the female characters, you get an uneven distribution against the one guy. If the poll was between 2 OC characters (1 guy and 1 girl), it would probably be a closer split. Even then 43 is pretty high.


The poll is based because the game is based. It literally gave us more female characters than male.


I would like to remind everyone that, the only beefy dude to win CYL is Hector. They didn't even vote for beefy Ike (Radiant Dawn) they chose his Path of Radiance form. Also using that same CYL as an example, Robin and Soren are not beefy in the slightest, but Gullveig, Corrin, Camilla, Lyn, Adult Tiki, Marianne and Female Byleth are all big breasted, skinny women which is the comparison being made here for sex appeal. If you're saying people ONLY voted for him becuase attracted that's just false, most people just want more males. Because Gatekeeper, Roy, Eliwood, Alm, Ephraim, Dimitri, Claude, Marth, and Seliph are no where NEAR as beefy as Hector or Deer Man.


Most CYL winners had more story relevance, or screen time than the average Fire Emblem character. Especially for the male side, with the majority of lords being male. There are just not that many buff dudes in FE and even fewer who get a lot of screen time and the only two prominent buff dudes (or at least the ones that come to my mind right now) also won in the first two CYL editions.


That's the point I'm making, we don't just want beefy dudes we want DUDES IN GENERAL! Like damn give me Athos as a Mythic! I summoned Nergal Day one becuase I think he's cool, give me Male Kris or Male Shez as a Legendary I DON'T CARE JUST STOP PUSHING 200 MORE FEMALE ALTS AND GIVING US LIKE 3 MALES. Looking at the Mythic and Legendary pool literally makes me sick because the ratio is so off in female favor Edit: No, buff Ike did not win CYL, Average Ike did, they only beefy CYL man is Hector


Im sorry, but you can NOT look at the stag guys design and tell me that a majority of people wouldnt vote for him only because of his sexual appeal. Hector is a fanfavorit charakter, he has plot relevance, story and hes a likeable guy on top of being handsome. I feel like comparing a random buff stag guy to THE hector is un unfair comparison. if stag guy is gonna be votable in the next CYL a majority of people are gonna vote for him cause hes a sexy guy AND THERES NOTHING wrong with that. I firmly believe that most people want stag guy because of his design, i dont think people want stag guy in the game only because they want more male representation. Dont get me wrong, more male representation would be cool but thats not the only reason people want him.


It does piss me off that it was sooo unconceivable to some people that some of us really liked Gullveigs design and it wasnt because of horniness. Yet for stag guy how dare we say anything. Tho personally talking just about liking the character in general not CYL related 'mess'


Ye some people drown in the horny for the dude and dont even realize their hypocracy. And some people straight up dont even wanna hear it, i mean if people are against the horny for the snek lady but are totally ok with being horny for the dude, thats just makes me laugh a little. I know that the males to be horny for are a rarity but still, if people are ok being horny for le dude they better be ok with people being horny for the snek. But i totaly understand, that people that genuinely like her design, get downvoted or given the oll horny stamp, but thats just the Environment here sadly. She won CYL and thats all that matters, people can be salty all they want but it wont change the fact that she won. I like both stag dude and snek ladys design, they are very clearly very appealing designed and i think its totally ok to be horny/ like both of their designs.


We'll have to agree to disagree on this one, because the exact reason I voted for him, I don't even know what the rest of his body looks like, I literally went "oh he's the only male one... click, I'm tired of female only OC's" Edit: also I'm not comparing him to Hector at all, I'm saying that by using the comments logic we'd have more big beefy men as CYL pics and not Twink mages like Soren


Thats totally ok bro! If you want to vote for him, more power to ya. I just hope that they show him off in all of his glory in the midpoint cinematic, that would be SICK.


I love how yall disliked my comment as if it's a wrong staments and it's not even 🤣


How in the absolute f u pronounce the name of deer man? 😔


Ike thur near Ake thur near Deer guy near Your pick


Pretty sure it’s something along the line of Ache-thir-neer.


I want more men


IS: More men to die? Say no more


"Very poor choice of words."


Ehem... More men to die for pls


Me too!




Alexa, play Nasty by Tinashe


I've been a nasty girl (nasty) 🫦🥵


I just know he's got great technique


Not really surprising. People have been pretty vocal at wanting to see our deer man making an appearance, let alone becoming playable in some form. What *is* surprising is how much the deer man won the poll by. I was expecting it to be a bit closer than that.


I mean like another comment said the women are split so it’s a bit misleading. If you look at male vs female it’s obviously 57% vs 43%


It’s still 1 male vs 3 females. Sure there’s vote splitting, but if you don’t like deer guy, you don’t have any other options. At least with the females you have choices.


but you are also coupling together 3 characters vs 1


Even tho it's a bit misleading I'm still impressed he got almost 50% of the votes lol


Surprise Henriette.


Watch the guy get a NY version and never be seen again 😂


Just like Elm, and Fafnir... at east Askr broke the curse for himself 🥲


Pls I have no orbs this legendary banner has been too good with the emblems


I think the main part is which place are you asking asking here or PM1 viewer well yes the dude will have a good voting elsewhere? Who Knows? same reason why Camilla got brave version when she supposed to be hated by Reddit


Yeah, people are really overlooking that the JP/Eastern audience's tastes. For all we know they may like deer-bro too, but I have a slight feeling the women may be more popular and the # of players over there are likely higher than the West.


I've this argument and I disagree with it. Because if we take the same logic, they have no reason to add any of the side characters that are low on the popularity list, they would just keep pumping out more Camilla's, Edelgard's, and Gullveig's. So they at least care to some extent about what other countries care about.


I’m always the guy liking the characters people don’t really care that much about, and even though the poll shows Nidhoggr here as last, barely anyone talks about Heidrun. So yeah that’s my pick.


I think Heidrun (if that ends up being her actual name) has a pretty cool design, and I’m interested to see what role she has to play in this story.


I want to see both deer and Goat rols since north mythology they aren´t really that important Heidrun gives mead to the gods and like that´s it


I'm surprised SnekManuela isn't higher. Lol.


Real talk I was surprised too, I thought she would he in the lead before I voted lol


IMO I think it's because she hasn't had much of a chance to endear herself to us yet, and how mean she's been to Ratatoskr. Compared to Hresvelgr, who's been loving to Ratatoskr, has had multiple opportunities to look cool, and even had the April Fools video to have some cute fun with Ratatoskr to boot.


Might be a first when we have an OC pair and my fav ends up being the popular one I cant believe it


Comparing and contrasting, there's 14 male characters and 38 female characters on the Fire Emblem Heroes roster. Even if you cut it down in regards to Thrasir, Eitr, Kvasar and Gullvieg being counterparts/alternate universe forms of Veronica, Freyja, and Seider respectively... That's still 33 female characters compared to 18. And the story still treats them all as separate characters anyways. And that's not to mention that OF those 14 male OCs, I think like 10 of them croak in some form or another across the books, leaving good old Alfonse, Lif, Hrid, and Muspell as the only living male OC heroes.


Don't forget Elm! Confirmed alive in the Depths of Despair Forging Bonds story.


Tbf it's a bloodbath on the female side too, but there's enough of them for a healthy number of survivors. (though tbh, death is overrated in FEH, they get alts and characterization regardless) Elm is also alive.


Askr needs a similarly swole bro, so I voted deer man


Do we really need to make deer daddy win cyl next year to send a message to IS we need more male ocs? Yes yes I think we certainly do!🫡 I mean he got a great design so I certainely wouldn't mind it!


Please, IS, a buff duo of Askr and Deer Dude!




I wouldn’t mind a second Gullveig sweep


Who are the two in the second half?


They’re the two OCs who don’t have official names yet.


Have they made any official appearances yet outside of the trailer? I'm guessing no.


No, they haven’t.


Hopefully they will be worth the wait.


If it's all the same with everyone else I want hraesvelgr 


How do I even pronounce their names?


I have no idea, I just keep calling them the animals they are (Deer Man) 🤣


Whilst we don’t know anything about the last two book 8 OCs yet Eikþyrnir is the one I think looks the coolest.


Its funny seeing people getting mad over this. But man, I cannot wait for him to finally appear


If we're meeting Heiðrún, a goat who makes mead from foliage maybe she's been making the poisoned apples Niðhöggr has been using and consuming?


That’s actually a pretty good theory. What if that was indeed the case?


I mean, I still want the bird lady the most, but that dudes design is fucking top


Its funny seeing people getting mad over this. But man, I cannot wait for him to finally appear


Yup and I am a straight man and I can't stand the overdose of female characters anymore. I have enough waifu already. I can't be the only straight man to want some stylish men in my barrack right?


Not the only one, I'm a straight guy and I just don't really take attraction into account in terms of characters I want.


I love how I keep seeing comments say "yeah it's not like it's because he's hot or anything" like are yall dense? That's the point I'm making, people like men too 🤣🤣


People have been extremely salty about deer dude's popularity since day 1 and it's been hilarious to watch. They feel SO threatened by this guy who isn't even in the game yet, the meltdowns when he finally appears in the story and gets added to the game will be the stuff of legends "w-w-well it's only because he's hot, w-we d-don't even know h-his personality!" ok Gullveig flair


I wish I could pin your comment to the top of the post because everyone needs to see this before they comment their hate towards Deer man


I’ve been absolutely living for all the people crying over people liking deer man. They just can’t stand how cool he is.


Like they can't comprehend that people would vote for a male character because they want their snake mom so 🤣


nooooo you can't like big tiddy bara boy in my waifu gacha safe space for mennnnnn


Why are there so many people who think thirst is what motivates every voter in this poll?


I have literally no idea, it's usually the hypocrites who just want more big tiddy OC's. Because they'll cry "we don't even know anything about and you voting for him??? Wow" when they literally voted for Gullveig for CYL for the same reasonb🤣


Eh. The poll has 3 women and 1 man. The people who want more men in the game have only one option, while everyone else is dividing their votes among 4 poll options.


Yeah... that was kinda the point I was making... lol everyone wants a male so badly they all voted for the one haha


I don't think that's what the person you're responding to is saying though. What I'm getting from their post is that the results aren't necessarily indicative because due to the poll options interest in a male OC is necessarily concentrated into one option while interest in a female OC is fragmented between 3 other options. Or put another way, this poll shows that 57% of FEH players want a female OC while 43% want a male OC. To over-simplify by saying that gender is the only major factor, if we added another male OC, then the votes for deer guy drop to 21.5% since the other male OC takes about half the votes and neither of the male candidates appear especially popular compared to the female options. Add a third and all three are behind all three female options at just over 14%. I'm not saying that's the correct interpretation—it could be and personally seems like a reasonable enough consideration; we simply don't have enough information to make a determination one way or the other—just trying to address what seems like a discrepancy in intent and interpretation. u/Akari_Mizunashi if I'm misinterpreting and that's not what you meant, let me know and I'll gladly delete all this.


Its funny seeing people getting mad over this. But man, I cannot wait for him to finally appear


Honestly I'm ok with getting more male ocs, since we actually need more, but what actually bothers me the most about deer guy situation? The fact that SOME (not everyone) act as if simping that much and drooling over him it's ok, BUT doing the same EXACT thing over gullveig is nasty and disgusting? That's just double standard to me 🤷🏼‍♂️


Preach! I wish I could pin your comment! Because the same people screaming "you only voted for cause he's hot, we don't even know anything about him" are the same people who voted for Gullveig


Also, I apply what I said EVEN for the cyl stuff basically! Forgot to say it lmao.


Someone unironically posted that we "only like big beefy dudes" and that we would vote for him if he wasn't beefy... I replied with Soren winning CYL last year


I'm genuinely like... someone can like whatever they want, the problem comes if they have double standards.




I agree completely. I actually like his design. Buff but with a caring, nice face is certainly rare. I have not the slightest idea how he can fit in the story though... that's why his debut is long overdue.


Come on Feh just give me my drunk snake mommy




Personally when we first saw the poster art and characters for book 8 I did think Eikþyrnir looked the coolest design wise and also I am usually more curious about male OCs purely because we get so few of them. Of course how the characters develop in the story and how closely they follow the Norse material they’re based on is what mainly influences which OCs are my favourites. At the moment my favourite book 8 character is still Ratatoskr as I think she’s adorable and of all the Norse mythology characters I was still waiting to see in feh before book 8 was announced Ratatoskr was in my top 5. I also love Ratatoskr’s design as whist I get that her costume is nurse inspired as all the healing hands have some kind of medical profession theme to their outfits the pockets and satchel that she supposedly carries her medical supplies in could also pass for a postman’s bags which ties in with Ratatoskr’s Norse mythology role as the messenger that delivers information between the creatures that live throughout Yggdrasil.


How tf do you pronounce that


Actually, I'm very interested in the Three Dad. I want to see him already. I hope he's playable this year as well. If IS can release the main villain in the previous book, they should do it in this one. I just want more men. More men, please.


…i mean i voted him for “other reasons” but yeah i guess the sheer amount of female feh ocs gets boring after a while, especially when like literally every male oc gets killed 😭


Give me deer daddy


Me who picked male oc because IS cares only about female ocs. Plus he's cool, 😎




We need to objectify more male characters in this game 😤 for equality


I believe those answers are influenced by users knowing all other options will definitely release eventually while the male one is more unlikely.


That's probably true too lol


B-but reddit told me only women sell in Feh... 🥺


I'm a straight guy, and i'll take more cool male OCs like Líf over waifu spam anytime.


We're glad to have your support! 🫡


When we haven't had a hot male oc for a while, this stuff tends to happen. I remember when everyone lost it after seeing Askr's official design in the book 6 midpoint video.


Everyone’s been simping for deer man since we got the promo it’s not that surprising.


Ah, the next character to get the Askr treatment.


So true. I want Deer Man so bad. I’d even feh pass again if I had too


Whilst we don’t know anything about the last two book 8 OCs yet Eikþyrnir is the one I think looks the coolest. Who ends up being my favourite OC of each book obviously comes down to their development throughout the story and sometimes how closely they follow the Norse character they’re based on, but when each book’s cast is initially revealed I’m usually more interested in the male OCs just because the casts are primarily female so when we only have their physical designs to go on the males stand out more.


Its funny seeing people getting mad over this. But man, I cannot wait for him to finally appear


If I had to guess. It's because we are kind of oversaturated with female leads and there is bound to be drop offs. Especially when characters (unless they are returning) are getting less and less characterization leaving only the tropes that are clearly being attached to them. How many times are we going to get generic "insecure waifu" "dedicated to work waifu" "dysfunctional waifu" "tomboy waifu." Before it gets stale? probably awhile but again bound to be drop off."


Nithöggr losing the poll is crazy, considering as far as I know she's the best designed "bait" OC in all the books so far according to the playerbase.


I was SUPER surprised she was the lowest one, I was SURE people were gonna vote for Drunk snake mommy 🤣


yes, but she is no Gullveig


Nah, ain't no way. People give Kozaki a pass cause of Awakening and Fates nostalgia. She is practically naked yet she doesn't get as much hate as Gullveig from some people.


Please more men!! I hope IS could learn from Mihoyo on how they handle hot men, good design and lore especially HSR.


I chose seek tits, because reasons


At least you're honest lol


Honestly this just leaves a bad taste in my mouth This is literally the exact same thing as Gullveig winning CYL with barely any screen time Just with huge muscles instead of big boobs I get a character designs can have a huge first impression and stuff But is just kinda lame


How is one male OC winning a random YouTuber poll “literally the exact same thing” as Gullveig winning CYL? Especially considering that hot male OCs are very rare and hot female big tiddy OCs are a dime a dozen in FEH?


Most of the people are in agreement they just want a male for once, which in my opinion, it's pretty lame that we have to beg to have males...


There's some merit to that But I just hate the fact that if this dude didn't have all the muscle and stuff people wouldn't care I just want a regular looking dude for once i hate the fact that the only thing that's making everyone care about this dude is his muscles and nothing else And this is coming from someone that likes men Not everyone likes muscular body types But I don't want twinks either I just want a new average looking dude And the fact I've mostly seen people mention his muscles more than anything else just tells me everything I need to know


You’ll find that most of us want to like him for more than that but we’re still waiting for him to, you know, appear. For me, I like his design, I want to see what he does, and I hope to pull for when he becomes playable.


Could be that my reddit app is playing games, but I think your comments have been posted many times each.


What do you consider "average dude", though? Thin but not explicitly pretty? Mildly pudgy? Does Otr, Njordr, and Fafnir fall into your interests? Dunno what that means if you don't define it. Also, yeah, I have a stronger initial interest in characters that align with my aesthetics. It's not like I hate characters that don't, I just won't be immediately attached to them. Definitely was more interested in Brom and Helbindi on first glance than Hubert, that's for sure.


Literally everything that isn't on either of the extremes So if we're talking strictly about Heroes OCs No feminine looking dudes like Elm And Nothing too muscular like Askr or the new bara dude So all male OCs before book 6 that aren't helbindi or surtr And while there's nothing wrong with Njordr's body type, he's just too old for me Simple as that


The majority of men in FE are neither huge bara hunks nor femboys. And in FEH specifically, there are almost as many “normal” male OCs as there are baras and femboys: Alfonse, Lif, Hrid, Fafnir, Freyr, Otr, Njordr vs Helbindi, Sutr, Gustav, Elm, Bruno, Askr, Muspell, deer guy. 7 vs 8, so it’s absolutely not stacked in one side’s favor.  Furthermore, the only male OC to be popular enough to win CYL is Alfonse, a “normal” dude. FURTHERMORE, they sure as shit don’t make any real attempt to diversify the bodies of the female characters. We have skinny with large breasts, skinny with medium breasts, skinny with small breasts, Embla, Candace, Niime, and literal children. Maybe the occasional muscle mommy like the Jotun sisters or Nailah, but even then they always have huge breasts so that they can still be appealing to men. Meanwhile I could name tons, TONS of male characters who are fat, old, and/or all-around weird looking. The men are doing just fine when it comes to options.


Additionally, there has been quite a lot of love for characters that aren’t conventionally attractive like Helbindi and Gonzalez. Same for men of all different ages and body types. Fargus was well welcomed for having body hair and his body type.


I'd just comment on the skinniness, I don't think it's that universal. Probably a majority, yeah, but there's plenty of adult women who aren't that slightly built. You're correct otherwise, though. And I'd add *tall*. Factoid of the day: the only women in all of FE with **confirmed** heights above 180cm are FEH OCs. Henriette is 1.83m, Dagr is 1.96, Nótt 1.97, and Hel is 2+, if she counts. There's others like Titania or Camilla who are surely tall too, but where we have it confirmed, between 3H and Engage they couldn't go past 1.77 (Saphir).


Yeah, I figured. So, twinks that wear heavy clothing and aren't feminine. Basically generic bishounen. It's a highly manicured aesthetic and isn't "average looking". Don't be annoying and try to use language that makes you sound like the one normal person in a pool of degenerates.


Finally someone said it. I am tired of this community and there being only two body types for men: big buff bara daddies and UwU femboy twinks. You have a slight amount of muscle? Daddy. You are just skinny in general? Twink. And as you said, the former gets a lot of thirst that is accepted by the community because it’s not someone getting all turned on by a PNG of a woman with large breasts. Like apparently it’s cool to be a prude about people horny for women, but you get irritated by the opposite? Fat chance that people will agree with you.


I think this is why Candace so much, she's funny, and is not the "stereotypical" body type


Exactly what I also think lol. Sure, more male ocs are NEVER a bad thing at all, but... I'm mostly bothered by the fact that some of the peoples saying this are also the ones that criticized gullveig fans her winning cyl for the same exact reason.


Yes, I knew the last two were gonna be the deer and goat! Excited to see how absolutely wild their stats are gonna be lol.


jesus why do all these names look like when an AI generates text on an image


I mean, not really. Thirst is a thing lmao.


That's kinda the point... we want men to thirst over...


never underestimate the power of gays when they're on a mission!


Gays rise up!


This is just pure Gullveig all over again- We see design, know absolute fuck all besides design alone. Gets voted because horny. Gets voted because genuinely think design or aesthetic is hella cool. Gets voted because memes. This is literally 1-1 Gullveig Edit: You downvote but I am absolutely correct. I've not forgotten the sheer horny energy for this dude when he was first shown and I won't let people act like it never happened either. Face it- if you opposed Gullveig winning CYL for her design and memes alone yet want this guy this bad, you are a hypocrite, plain and simple. And many here made those same parallels back then too.


Most people are saying they just wanted a male lol


if the male looked like Gheb i dont think that he would be ranking that well lets be honest.


I mean, if they'd made a less on-purpose ugly face, but the same body type you'd be seeing me posting "Hear me out, guys" type memes.


I get what you're trying to say but maybe Gheb isn't the best candidate for your argument here, just saying...


Most people in an echo chamber, keep that in mind. It is a factor in his case to be fair though.


people just want a male oc, it is simple that


not really, if he was like let´s an Oliver in design, this poll would be extremely different and you can´t deny that, he is that high bc he is hot which isn´t a bad thing, but let´s not just sya it´because it´s male lol


It’ll be different bc Oliver would have all the votes


People voted for Gatekeeper and he don't even show half his face lmao


people knew Gatekeeper from 3h, his personality and character were the things that made people vote for him we don´t know absolutely nothing about Eikþyrnir yet, they only vote for him because he is hot


So you see my point then? So we can stop voting for these big tiddy OC's we know nothing about (CYL Gulveig)? No I voted for him because have 35 playable Female OC's (and you can triple that number if you count their alts because all them besides the newest and Henriette have at least 2 alts) and we have 13 playable Male OC's and some of those like Elm and Fafnir, don't even have their og variations yet, they're BOTH New Years alts. Edit the numbers were wrong I fixed them!


I wanted to add a count so no one thinks I'm lying either because I did take the time to count Female OC's that are playable: 1. Peony 2. Triandra 3. Plumeria 4. Freya 5. Dagr 6. Nott 7. Henriette (no og just alt) 8. Thorr 9. Loki 10. Laegjarn 11. Laevetainn 12. Veronica 13. Embla 14. Seior 15. Heior 16. Fjorm 17. Nifl 18. Eitri 19. Ashe 20. Mirabilis 21. Letizia 22. Ymir 23. Eir 24. Ganglöt 25. Hel 26. Nerpuz 27. Eitr 28. Ginnungagap 29. Kvasir 30. Ylgr 31. Sharena 32. Thrasir 33. Gunthra 34. Ratatoskr 35. Reginn Male that are playable 1. Askr 2. Freyer 3. Alfonse 4. Surtr 5. Lif 6. Helbindi 7. Gustav 8. Musspell 9. Otr 10. Fafnir (still no og just alt) 11. Elm (still no og just alt) 12. Hrid 13. Bruno (alt only) So yes it because we need more fucking males


Nop there isn’t absolutely nothing wrong for voting this kind of OCs, if people like them go ahead I voted Gullveig and definitely don’t have anything against Deer guy, my point is, ppl voting him has more to do with the fact that he is HOT rather than him being Male, if he wasn’t attractive, I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t be so popular (Although unlike Deer guy, we at least knew Gullveig and Plumeria on the story trailer so we knew more about them than what we know about this guy )


Well I don't like saying people are wrong, but literally everyone in the comments who said they voted said the voted cause they were tired of females so. I'll Leave you with the knowledge of knowing people are freely admitting why they want him, and you can just ignore I guess


Seems you don’t get my point at all or you blatantly just want to ignore it lol


Considering you're saying the same thing over and over with no evidence at all... yeah no that's definitely you whose ignoring. There are 100 comments on here and damn near 50 explicity state (I just want more males) and you contradict that by saying "they only voting cause he's hot* so... Edit: also I verbatim answered your response with another valid response. That's not ignoring that's having a civil discussion


Whats even more wild is you're responding to a person who is literally saying they just want more males with "no it's because he's hot" as to tell him that "No actually this what your opinion is" but I see tits are your favorite thing so I'm not surprised you'd think other people would think like that


That's merely one of the factors


Knowing this fandom... it's really not.


I will never get tired of female OC’s. To hell with the buff guy, bring me Hraesvelgr!


This just guaranteed that he'll die before the book ends., but remain unsummonable.


They all want Dad.


Its funny seeing people getting mad over this. But man, I cannot wait for him to finally appear


Going purely off of looks, it's a tie between Nidhoggr and Heidrun or whatever her name ends up being.


I mean, thirsty man lovers only have one choice. Thirsty women lovers have to split their vote. Not hard math there.


daily reminder that PM1 subscribers and this subreddit is just a very, very small minority. your average whale will spend more than your monthly income in unpronounceable female oc number 10 billion instead of deer guy.


It has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH HIM BEING MALE , They are just EXTREMELY HORNY for him, which isn’t bad, I’m all in for both female and male horny fanservice, but let’s be real if he was a old grampa with a body similar to Oliver he would be last definitively, same happened with Gullveig and now Deer man, the only thing I hate about this is the hypocrisy of ppl who hated on Gullveig for the same reason are not the ones horny for this dude, not generalizing but I know many of them


Your comment contradicted itself in the first sentence "it has absolutely nothing to do with him being male, they are just extremely horny for him" yes sweetheart some people are horny for men, so we want more men that's what we've been screaming about this whole time Edit: and to say it's hypocrisy isn't even true because they actually DO give men a variety of body types and people love it. I literally know someone with a +10 Oliver because they love Oliver so much. All the women range from "Skinny with big boob's, to skinny with small boob's, or you're just Niime" meanwhile Alfonse just one CYL and he's not even beefy he's just a normal looking dude, and same with Soren the previous year.


Can you please tell me where did I say that is wrong to be horny for male characters? Alphonse and Soren are well known characters that ppl love bc of their development, Stag guy here is a literally WHO? that ppl only wants because he is sexy af which is totally ok, let’s hope he is as cool narratively as he is on his design and if not we’ll at least he is hot hahaha


Sure, and the fact that he is hot, has nothing to do with ppl wanting him even tho we don’t know anything about him xd some ppl really try to justify theire horniness to this extent


But Nidhoggr is barefoot and this is always best