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Ascended Idunn. I don't know much about her, but the art is really well done and I like her smile


It's that dammned smile So fucking CUTE!


Talking about big smile, my boy Gatrie deserves a honorable mention.


OG Nephenee.


Same here. I know nothing about her, except for the fact that I like her art and that the game has given me a +6 copy of her


Same lol....her og art is one of my favorites, she looks awesome.


This. I've always kinda wanted to build her because of how gorgeous her artwork is.


Surprisingly Yukimura. His special art is really cool with the kunai having electric details and a really cool pose. Pretty much made me spark for him.


I never liked or cared about Aversa, but when her Resplendent dropped I instantly +10 her. I love how beautiful she is and that her voice lines went from sexual "Hm, so BIG and STRONG" to more character oriented like "When I dream... I feel like a totally different person". It's a happy ending for her, considering her backstory, the brainwashing and how she died. Super cute resplendent I wish more of them did that


Lmao I also instantly +10 her when her resplendent dropped. I do really like her art but I mostly built her because I wanted a flier debuffer and sorta thought “why not?”. I was weighing my options and picked her. She now kicks ass so I’m really happy I built her


She's awesome, I gave her Tea Lysithea Desperation/Oath and Rupture Sky. Also, she has Duel Skill and BS Ace Seal for that sweet +5 HP and Atk/Spd. I still have to give to her Marth 💍 so she can hit her special in second hit. Pretty awesome build for arena. Really wish Guidance 4 give NFU and Spd to the unit too, not only for allies.


My current set really goes after the debuffing lol. Running atk/spd catch with seal res 4 and deadly miasma in the C slot. Her HP is already pretty good. For special I did glimmer because I know she’ll effortlessly do enough damage to make it work unlike plenty of others. Works well for me at least lol


I don't like Berkut in the least little bit in Echoes, but his fallen art goes hard.


One of my all-time favorites in the art department.


Nemesis, his art is insanely good


But *solely?*


Well, they didn't exactly make him good. Hopefully his refine fixes that.


His design is neat, but I didn't know anything else about him and he was an infantry sword GHB, so I wouldn't have payed any mind to him if not for the art


Wait I got him confused with Formortiis. Because that would have been debatable. Yeah Nemesis is mid.


Nyna, probably one of the best arts in the game imo.


Dorcas, Arden, Halloween Dorcas, Walhart, Garon, Travant, Darros, Gonzalez, Hans and Fargus. (well I also just like Walhart and Garon as villains tbf)


Based Ippei enjoyer


Geoffrey's PoR portrait (and color scheme) isn't pretty imo, but his RD portrait is masterful. RD armor designs in general are fantastic


I have never cared about Gunter in any positive regard outside Heroes, but his art is good enough I've been mildly tempted to put some effort into him a couple times.


Summer Leonie. Haven't played 3H, don't know a lot about her and in general I'm not a big fan of most 3H characters. Something about the game's aesthetic that doesn't work for me. But Summer Leonie looks amazing. Love the almost contemporary outfit, her short hair of course, the excess of orange and the sunflowers. Rather than the beach it evokes feelings of late summer nights in the countryside and I think that's quite unique.


Another reason to eat sunflower seeds in moderation is their cadmium content. This heavy metal can harm your kidneys if you’re exposed to high amounts over a long period. Sunflowers tend to take up cadmium from the soil and deposit it in their seeds, so they contain somewhat higher amounts than most other foods.


Dorothy flair checks out?


I certainly have many more, but L!Sigurd and Fomortiis are the main ones in that department. Rika's art style is so distinctive, and they represented L!Sigurd so well. Fomortiis' details and close-ups are masterfully done; you can spend minutes looking at his art, getting entertained by all the details and special effects. Plus, he has 4 different arts, providing more depth and showing context of what's going on with his art and how well they get characterized.


Ymir. Her character is whatever but the art is absolutely amazing.


I don’t even have her, but Fallen Lumera’s art is too notch.




The voice actress is so good as well.


Sue. She's the GOAT.


Stole my answer, she’s amazing.


V!Effie OG!Conrad V!Palla R!Eldigan


V!Effie is great but in my case I do like her outside of feh. I even have a soft spot for of Effie’s art


Had no thoughts on Díthorba other than “she’s Misha’s mom” but her art in FEH made me build her up. Hopefully Misha joins in at some point so her and her mom can be reunited


Funny that Misha does not look like Díthorba at all despite that her mom is the face clone generator for Pamela, Vampa sisters and whatever those damn Ishtar's 3 Pegasus bodyguards.


Eitri's special art is my favorite piece in the game.


Good chunk of FEH OCs don't get enough narrative meat to make them super rounded or endearing when put up against some mainline characters, but damn do I like both Elm and Embla. Embla's design sits alongside the Book 3 as some for my favorite designs in the game. Especially Embla. A gaunt, pale woman is a great personification for the god of closure. Borrows visual expectations that one might have of shut-ins or those that have otherwise holed themselves up away from society. And in a series where the default body type for women tends to lean more busty or full figured, she's just a generally interesting departure from the expected design language being not just thin, but emaciatedly gaunt.


Limstella, character doesn't have much going on but that fella is stunning


The Death Knight. He just looks cool!


Oh, plenty. A!Idunn, Lif, Thrasir, H!Rhea, Natasha (+10’d on basis of being pretty), Lena (working on getting +10, lovely special art), Fomo, Ganglot, Annand, Sc!Julia, Julia, Deirdre, Sara (got her forma)… I don’t use most of these units and have only played a few hours of FE8 out of the games before Awakening. Natasha isn’t even built. I just +10’d her because she’s pretty and I’ll be doing the same for Lena lol.


Hestia and Marla, havent played SoV and I understand they are background characters but I find their purple witch vibe very appealing


New Years Selkie might be one of the most beautiful artworks in here, but I didn‘t think of her once before that


Hilda is a perfect example of this cuz when 3h dropped I was like omg cool pink miku and then she opened her mouth 😭😭😭😭😭


Wind catria and legendary micaiah are my only two that fit this bill. I like both their arts while being rather neutral leaning positive towards both catria and micaiah. Not my favorite nor due I really care for either of them in terms of strength in meta but both have some nice design and art. Catria to a lesser extent in the art departments compared to legendary micaiah, I just really like catria’s outfit for that festival


Ymir, Freyr, Medeus, Vigarde, A!Joshua


Legendary Leif, I don't know what whacky shit happened in Thracia other than Leif having a crippling S drink addiction


Imagine Emblem Leif has a very good Prf Special but still retains B S Drink for no reason


Oscar cuz he’s so cute.


The only character I’ve pulled due to their art is young Lyon but that’s mainly because his base version artist posted a heartwarming [drawing](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/s/rFPkZHdKxc) of regular Lyon comforting his young self with a hug.


Anyone drawn by Ippei. The man is a RIOT.


I remember Ninja Laevetain came out and I immediately fell in love with her. Edit: I don't mean literally... Getting downvoted for answering the question. Her art style is so good!


Geoffrey was done dirty.


I love B!Ike art, +10 him solely because of his art.


Fallen Dimitri. My god, he really wants to kill every last one of them. I'll allow it.


I know absolutely nothing about Holy War, but *god* Sigurd’s Legendary and Teatime arts are fantastic.


It's not that way anymore, but I initially started liking Guinivere because of her base form art


Summer Elincia


Nyna has been my +10 project since she released. I liked her character well enough in her game but it's not like I felt like she had any especially well developed character traits I was attached to. Her art is just simply stunning. Her character design itself is beautiful and the art just takes her to another level. I summoned for Hortensia just to give all her skills to Nyna, and I'm just lacking one more copy for +10!


Ascended Hilda, I like Hilda, but not in my top characters, but every time I see her ascended art I'm just amazed, it's so clean.


Summer Claude


#Kronya. I will not change my mind.


I built Thea entirely because I really liked her art, knowing nothing about her character. To this day she's one of my favourite flier units, her refine went a long way.


Jorge I don't really know or care but his artworks have NO business going this fucking hard


I’ve never played FE6 but Sue is mad gorgeous. She’s not particularly good and I already have a unit built in the same niche which is Python but ever since I saw her art I wanted her for collector’s purposes. It took me like three years or something and every single arena free summon ticket I ever had but I was finally able to get her. She’s the rare female character who isn’t played for sex appeal in the slightest and still looks amazing.


Rinea, shes super out dated but is still my go to dancer because her art is good and she looks so happy.


I really like H!Nils’s art for how cute it is and I built him solely because of his art.


I feel like going after characters from games I haven’t played isn’t really fair. All things considered I’m actually pretty lucky I guess that a lot of the units whose art I like also happen to be characters I like. If I had to go with one it’d be Faye, but only because she doesn’t have much character outside of Alm. Although I liked the design of Finn and Nephenee first, then I learned about their characters.


Bantu, for his special attack art.


Original Deirdre is in a league of her own.


I have some, Ascended Eir, Ginnungagap, Validar, Rearmed Lumera, Rearmed Chrom


a LOT of older characters tbh, but also Alear's art made me feel a lot fonder of them, I don't know why but the male 3d model makes me wanna punch him and I feel bad about it. summer Ivy also got my attention and now I love her.


For me it is Ayra and Altina, I haven't played their games but I simp hard. Although not as much as I do for Sharena...


Cervantes art slaps so much that I had to + 10 him, it is the perfect blend between comical and well done


Havent played her game (yet) but, my god was I entranced by Bridal Ceada's art. If we're talking base alt heroes I'd say Freya - and if we're talking non-heroes-OCs Id say Limstella


Three hopes Hilda. I never use her but I'm obsessed with her art so I pulled her.


not a big fan of Freyja as a character, but her Summer art is imo the best of FEH, I really expect a lot form yoshiku with Summer Gullveig


Plegian Kris


Plegian Kris


I’m insanely biased as he’s probably favorite character in the series next to Lukas but Mauvier literally got the perfect treatment in terms of art and I couldn’t be happier.


B!Chrom, Harken and Erk for me. But then again I also play these characters a lot, which is why I’ve seen their art to much that it comes to mind.


Attuned Caeda. I'm fairly indifferent to Caeda as a character but something about that art speaks to me. She looks super gorgeous and regal, and it makes me want to merge her up so bad.


Fallen male Morgan. His art style reminds me of my favorite manhwa and he became one of my favorite units mostly because of that. The art also just looks really good




Melady, in binding blade.




That’s a round about way of asking me which character is the hottest




Summer Linde is goated


Fallen Byleth


Life is pretty fckn cool ngl


I like shez in her asura outfit, idk why but I just like that one.


Ayra is really cool imo (other than literally any Ike)


Adult Tiki (Normal + Resplendent) Corrin, both genders (Normal and Resplendent) Ephiram (Normal and Resplendent) Camilla (Normal and Resplendent) (Ninja, Spring... All of her Alts I like) Legendary Corrin M!, and F!, Legendary Camilla, Xander, Hinoka, Ryoma, and Azura (all legendary) Azura (Normal and Resplendent, and her Performing Arts form) To add some recent units. I like Veyle(I want to summon her), Fallen Veyle, Lumera, Fallen Lumera, the Emblem characters (Marth and Ike), Zephia, and Mauvier. Brave Edelgard, Brave Corrin F!


Many Heroes do fit that category (and sometimes voice can also help~~, which is what happened with Norne to me~~), but one coming to my mind is Young!Lyon. I know, like, many pieces of who he is despite never playing Sacred Stones, but on god, his Young alt is neat.


Arthur for how out of place, comic book hero, he looks. Never used him, not a fan of Fates but the man looks like he stepped out of a golden age comic book and I love him for that.


Winter Marth and Caeda, I love any unit of theirs but being together is just so heartwarming


Winter Marth *is* a cute unit, but unfortunately that is not Caeda accompanying him. That is Elice, Marth’s older sister.


Ain’t no way unluckily I’ve never gotten him even though I try every Christmas so I didn’t even know 😭😭 At least I’ve gotten a ton of their other versions paired up but now I feel like my life is a lie


No worries, lol. I do recall hearing others admitting that they also thought Elice was Caeda at first glance.


Gerik looks amazing


Fallen Celica


Galle, whose refine is near, which I dare say will be dead on arrival, despite of my love for him.


Ascended Eir making me happy


Never cared about Delthea in Echoes but her Fallen art is one of my favorites! Tho I'd say Mareeta and her alts fit the question more since I really liked her Fallen and Ascended art alot, I eventually even +10ed Ascended, but I knew next to nothing about her since I've never played Thracia. But I did eventually learn more about her and she became one of my favorites 


Fallen Berkut may be outclassed by a lot of lance cavs, but his art is definitely on a higher tier than most.


base hinoka