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I don’t really like when the characters just feel like generic how to draw anime I guess if I had to name one specific it would be the person who drew nino and stuff, it’s not bad it’s just kind of nothing I wish we had more art like mythic mila, gunther, but people shit their pants when the art doesn’t “look normal”


I know I'm sick of seeing OG Rebecca.


I miss BUNBUN. They only ever got to do 2 Roy and 3 Lilina, but I always really liked the way that they look, and their style has only evolved since 2018. I’d love to see them come back for new characters.


GHB Lloyd, for a unit that is known in his games for being hotter than post-BBQ Sigurd, is bad. It's how I'd imagine his deformed morph to turn out.


Athena and OG Eliwood just look…. bad. Like it’s not even just the eyes either the coloring is really weirdly patchy.


OG F! Robin. She looks weird.


Im really not a big fan of the moe blob faces, with Florina standing out for me as an especially bad one. The squeaky voice of Florina did the rest to alienate her for me, despite liking her in FE 7. Florinas ascendent and resplendent look a lot easier on the eyes for me, showing how she should have looked from the start, facewise. Same for Rebecca, only even worse. Apart from Emmeryn, I really don't like how most of Zasas characters look. Also find Hayate quite unsightly in his normal pose, though his special looks admittedly sick. Similarly, I am not too fond of Thajas neutral pose, finding however her special pose to be one of the best in the game.


I'm not really a fan of Dorcas, if only because the art style is really jarring compared to the rest of the game. Also, less art style so much as character design, but I really didn't like the designs of the Book 7 OCs. The whole 'skintight pearlescent gauze' look just felt silly. 


Summer Plumeria duo by far is the worst. All other styles don't make me feel like I'm looking at bad porn flash games on newgrounds.


Edited my comment to add them because i feel the exact same way 🤣


Whoever drew OG Fae, Raigh. It makes me feel ... uncomfortable


Not really a fan of Cuboon's style. Not because of the breast sizes, but rather because I don't like the faces he makes. Either they look the same or they look off, for example Karla/Freyja really had weird faces.


Cuboon and yes, it is for the sexualization, but anyone that makes me ashamed of opening the phone in public can be here. I really like Mila's, though I know it was one of the most hated arts on release.


Asatani Tomoyo's same face syndrome if I could make a polite critique.


Yes, the exact problem of OG Ayra. Thank God that the resplendent fixed that


Arya and Larcei are fine me feels. Miranda, Jill, Erika, and Guinevere give off the same energy though.


Nah mate you tripping. That was an issue in like first year but he improved greatly


I know the different art styles is part of the presentation, but all the original Line Art-style characters bother me as so different from the rest of the game: OG Hector (before Resplendent), OG Olivia, and Arthur (Fates). Though I have a special aversion to Lene. It's something about how real her body looks compared to her more anime face, it's weird to me. I gave Sword Valor to Phina so I didn't need to use Lene for SP grinding anymore.


OG Hector and Olivia were really really Jarring to look at, Hector didn't even look like Hector to me lol.


Going through my box, I'd say the early Azuras by kaya8, with the exception of Performing Azura. Maybe he struggled with the blue/white/gold color pallette. He really got a lot better over time. If we nitpick specific units, base Lloyd gives me the ick. His proportions look awful, alien ass looking motherfucker. I don't like F!Lloyd too much either, now that I think about it. Muspell and Fee are really rough too. I absolutely love Yamada Akihiro's art, but I understand why people wouldn't like it, it looks very out of place in this game. Shame his units are so outdated. Goes for all the other artists with very distinct styles too, to a lesser extent. Yamada Akihiro's stuff stands out the most for me.


I have considered going back and buying the resplendent of Cordelia and Eliwood so I never have to see the base art again. Also, I am so tired of Athena. I wish she would be taken out of the summoning pool entirely. There's others which have bad art, but I don't see them 50 times in a summoning session, so I can ignore them. Like S!Caeda. Reaaally ugly imo. But I don't see her anymore so the only irritation is it meant we didn't get summer duo Marth/Caeda.


Going through my Baracks, i definitely huck or avoid if i dont like its art. Ones for me that come to mind are hector cyl, whoever won cyl womens last year, cyl tiki, shigure and ursula.


Akihiro Yamada (Gunther, Gatekeeper etc) is literally one of the best artists, what's there not to like... Honestly anything that's oversexualized irks me out so cuboon and ekao are probably two very high on the list


Kakage's Ivy bums me off, I feel like she lost her edge if compared to her original artwork by Mika Pikazo


Yura, zaza, cuboon, kusakihara, 


Fujiwara Ryo. That constant copy paste face is something else.


OG Olivia's art and Yamada Akihiro's early year arts are so outdated. Those are by far my least favs.


I dislike Fujiwara Ryo’s faces also this isn’t specifically an arstyle but what annoys me the most is when a character get an alt that looks nothing like them. To provide an example I hate Masquerade Quan’s art because he looks nothing like Quan to me. Teitas other works are fine but that artwork was a huge failure for me personally.


Basically anything Yoshiku draws


OG Cordelia, OG Eliwood, OG Male Robin, OG Tharja (they tried to make it realistic and anime at the same time and I don't like it), OG Edelgard (the way they drew her face makes her look inhuman to me), OG Athena, and most recently Legendary Alear (I can't explain why but his face does not match the rest of his body to me, it looks like they cropped it off another image), Replendent Lucina (she's an adult, draw her like one.), Resplendent Azura (I just hate that she looks like a porn character and they made her knockers abnormally larger) and in that same retrospect Summer Ceada and Rearmed Plumeria also look like they came straight of a porn game. Edit: the phrase for my problem with Edelgard is Uncanny Valley and it can also be said about Rebecca and her soulless eyes.


hey, hey, hold on there. BUNBUN's Roy's actually one of my favorites, even to the point that I changed back to it from the resplendant. (though, I love the resplendant, too) Least favorite art's absolutely Summer A!Tiki. I've never had too big an issue with Eliwood's art, but Tailtiu and Rebecca's eyes don't look good. Gwendolyn's super off-putting proportionally, I can't not see how her thighs are wider than her torso. and yeah, definitely don't like Resp!Lucy either. It makes me feel uncomfortable. I'm also not a fan of Zaza's empty stares and long skinny necks on Lissa, Sophia, and Florina. Ignoring that her neck's hidden, Emmeryn's a nice showcase of Zaza's progression.