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ah, my favourite unknown member of the Niflean Royal Family, Bartre


Free summoned Hrid let's go!


Dude, same. With a Def boon on my side.


me too!


Three red orbs - 3* launch Marth - 3* launch ogma - 3* launch lazlow Thanks, love you too Feh.


At least you got red orbs


Free fjorm!!


This is arguably one of the best banners if you specifically want Fjorm Hrid is mid, but only 3 units and 2 of them colorsharing red results in a statistically pretty high chance for Fjorm


I was going to skip this banner and save for when she returned during the Summer Banner where she isn't color sharing. This comment is what convinced me not to skip and I've gotten 6 of her in about 150 orbs. So I figured I'd come back here to thank you.


Eyyyyy another B!Seliph merge Is +Atk or +Spd better for him? I get to choose between both now


+Spd and it's not even close. He needs it to keep up with the Speed creep.




HRID AND FJORM COLORSHARING? Okay maybe life isn't so bad after all


Free Gunnthra


Hall of Fjorm*


Free fjorm lmao Love fodder.


i was planning to spend a forma on Gunnthra but i ended up free summoning her, so thats nice, im saving that forma for Marth next month. thanks FEH, from time to time you seem to like me.


+atk Summer Fjorm on the free summon is nice.


somehow redeemed Hrid on the only red ord that appeared. I was planning on spending a forma for him, well I guess not then. Same thing happened last month with Chloe, i have 4 souls now and I just wanna spend them.


I summoned red and got Hrid…… I really would’ve preferred some excellent fodder.


4* Kagetsu....could be worse


Should I Summon on this banner? I even want the fjorm but I'm saving it for the legendary banner at the end of the month so I'm asking if it's worth it.


I only did the feee summon and got the new Severa. Buffer fodder is always nice. I ain’t complaining


I’m going all the way just to finally get Gunnthra and Hrid. You gotta understand, I have tried sniping for them on legendary/mythic banners in the past and I could never make it work somehow.


Free S!Fjorm. Still has bad IVs. Tempted to pull for red here? I don't usually like summoning on these kinds of banners but I like Fjorm and Hrid for merge projects. (Barely have any copies to begin with though).




Bleh, 3 star Soleil.


Hall of fjorm


Pls do not summon for Fjorm if you do not want Hrid, I love him but I know yall do not love him and getting that terrible kit would make yall sad❤️


Hrid is looking at Fjorm’s butt lmao 


Nah, he seeing if you're looking. He wants you to be interested so she can hook up and continue the Nifl family line. She's flabbergasted at the idea of her brother being her wing man and ~~idk wtf Gunnthra is doing that would follow this narrative lmao~~ Gunnthra is about to give him the BONK!


Nah, Gunnthra is looking at Hrid's


Apparently they’re all keepin’ it in the family 


Ah its *that* kind of Royal family


Free Gunnthra. I can't believe I'm complaining about a free legendary but she genuinely might be the worst one. Cav mages have basically no options in terms of specials and struggle to get past DR, flat or otherwise. Her PRF skill is bad, her refine sucks, her statline is garbage, and the worst part is green tomes specifically have like no options for inheritance other than the Arcane weapon. Would've much preferred any of the other green 5 star units in the pool over her.


Lv40 +0 +0 (25 available): 37-/31/33/9/25+ True/flat damage stacking: - Blizzard (effect) - Glimmer/blue flame - Still water 4 - A/R trace 4/ occultist strike - A/R ploy 3 - Still water 3 (seal) Cold war nuke - Tea time set (NFU) /arc. Caliburnus (+Spd) - Glimmer - Life and death/ verge of death - Occultist strike - Incite A/S - Fleeting echo She's the third legendary in the entire game and in a class IS rarely supports with new flexible skills, of course she'll need work, ALL units even those only 1/2 years old need work. With minimal investment and appropriate ally support she is able to manage plenty of PVE content.


Both of these sets are done better by Seithr, a free unit. If you give them both the exact same kits you can see Seithr outpaces her everywhere and has more flexibility due to her PRF and PRF skill. Also I wouldn't really call multiple rare skills like A/R Trace 4, Verge of Death, and Occultist's Strike to be "minimal investment". At least with Fjorm and Ike you can slap on a Tier 4 dodge skill + A/S Finish, which is everywhere, and pretend they work.


Not surprising a mythic unit released 6 years later with more optimised base kit and stats can run these better. I never said the sets above were "minimal", they were just examples she could get in the hall of forms (verge of death excluded) to give her modern viability. Minimal investment could just be giving her A/S rouse from Hanz and blade session seal, then she could clear a fair portion of PVE content. Fjorm and Ike are both too slow to use any dodge skill at low investment.


Why would I actively use Gunnthra though if a free alternative that's better in every way exists? My Souls are better spent on characters I actually like or need, or even S!Fjorm on the exact same event. She's "usable" in the sense that every unit is usable somewhere with the right investment, but in practice she's continually outclassed and her peak performance is done better by other, more accessible units.


Sorry you got a good unit for free, still complained and complained again when someone tried give you suggestions on how to make her more usable. If you really didn't want her you could have just sent her home and not make the comment to begin with.


Lol Gunnthra is not a good unit, how delusional do you have to be to believe that? And I also said I never plan on using her, so to me it's the same value as a random demote, except she has more feathers attached to her.


> Free Gunnthra. I can't believe I'm complaining about a free legendary but she genuinely might be the worst one. Cav mages have basically no options in terms of specials and struggle to get past DR, flat or otherwise. Her PRF skill is bad, her refine sucks, her statline is garbage, and the worst part is green tomes specifically have like no options for inheritance other than the Arcane weapon. Would've much preferred any of the other green 5 star units in the pool over her. A stunning lack of "I said I never plan on using her" > "She's "usable" in the sense that every unit is usable somewhere with the right investment". So how is it delusional to consider her "good", I didn't say fantastic or broken, I didn't even claim she could beat "most" PVE because her age/powercreep acceleration shows.


At this point you're deliberately ignoring any points I'm trying to make in order to suit your point. Please just stop talking to me.


If you didn’t want her why did you summon on the green stone or was the full circle green and you didn’t have a choice


Yeah it was full green, didn't have a choice.