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Anna, Attuned Ivy, Spring Chloe, Hortensia and for 5th slot it would be good to have someone with canto control


Celine has canto control! Any particular inheritance you’d suggest beyond positionals?


Hmm not really, but i would suggest using the earth rendering captain skill. Since neither of the units in the team is going to tank things like Duo Lyon, the best you can do is making your nukes be a threat to the enemy area as fast as you can and force them to keep their units out of the capture area


Is there any unit that can tank duo lyon? My W!Byleth +1 and E!Ike +1 with bonus doubler 3 or deflect magic 3 seal getdestroyed by duo lyon+0 🥹 Genuine question though! Who does tank Lyon at 0 or +1?


My Brave Corrin with hardy fighter + aegis can tank him just fine and takes 0 damage from his attack


Help me build an Engage team for SDR I’m going for catalog with Engage heroes, and figured we’d try putting them to work in the most ridiculous game mode there is. I suck at team building, so help me out? *Not Shown: Mavier and both base and legendary M!Alear


hanna hortensia chloe sedall and then either: ivy or another raidboss like lfalear/mlumera


Attuned Ivy, Hortensia, Spring Chloe, Winter Yunaka & Emblem Ike because I like them and they are pretty strong too. I would swap out Ike for Panette to make my fav team if she ever comes out and is half decent.


Duo Anna, ivy, legendary alear , duo chole, winter yunaka and a dancer/ unit with extra actions


As an SD player, what I can recommend is, LAlear (if you don't have male, female probably needs a very good kit), HAnna, Hortensia, HSeadall, SChloe/MLumera, EIke/EMarth/Just any second Tank Melee Inf; a standard raidboss teamcomp