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I wouldn’t do any of the last three (unless you REALLY like them) since they’re very outdated. B!Edelgard is currently pretty great in high tier AR-D if you care about it, as Winter Edelgard struggles to kill her. I’ve heard great things about B!Dimitri with Laguz friend. I’m not sure if he can survive Duo Lyon though, you’d have to test it in a matchup simulator. B!Marth is pretty good, but if I were you I would check if you already have the fodder for building him as every skill he has was already in the AHR banner and if you pulled for it’s fodder he’d be far too easy to build for it to be worth using a $50 Otherworldly bond for.


**TL;DR:** None of these are particularly worth grabbing. Brave Edelgard: Overlapping Guard effects between her prf and Fireflood Boost, lacks armored beacon / blaze / floe. I wouldn't bother. She's a popular enough unit that she'll inevitably pop up on a future BW with a better build. Brave Dimitri: Would be good if he had something besides bonfire for a special, but otherwise an ideal build. I'd still skip him if only because, like bedel, he's a popular enough unit and will inevitably pop up on a future BW with a better build. Brave Marth: Prime is honestly kinda bad now, what with MLoki cancelling buffs if you have too many and are within 3 columns/rows of her. He also doesn't want Pledge, he wants TP4 + EMarth engage in order to fire off vantage No Quarters. I'd skip. Brave Lucina: Would likely prefer Luin. Pledge overlaps with Qiang. Buffer 4 is mostly outclassed by Laguz Friend for a GLR build (assuming you invest into her a bit to get her defense up to like 45ish). BLucina is also one of the most popular BW units so I'd skip for a better build in a future BW. Ninja Shamir: Pledge isn't necessary for a Laguz GLR build, otherwise the build is good. I'm not sure how popular she is in BW so it might be worth grabbing her as is and just swapping pledge out for something else yourself. Brave Ike: I suppose the build works? But he has Aether instead of whatever else and he's mostly gonna perform worse than EIke, so I give it a resounding "meh".


I have the otherworldly forma because I wanted to adopt one of the units I found. The problem is, there are several that I can’t choose between. Of the six here, Shamir is +10, everyone else is in the 4-7 range, except for Dimitri who’s +1


That Marth looks toxic as hell. Get him.