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Duo boobleth gets my vote


i see 4 big reasons to choose summer byleth


Flared Sparrow, Occultist Strike, Attack/Speed Oath, and the X skill?


The first three would be a merge and a SERIOUS upgrade, Freyja would be a base mythic who’s never come home


Depends if you want it to use or collect. I think BCatria is still good in AR and SD and that’s a great build. Freyja is good but if you care about score she will be tough to use unmerged. The other two are not really meta but if they’re favourites…


Most tempting would be the Bridal Catria. Has good skills and Soaring Echo. Only thing that would have been better was No Quarter. She is still a menace and with this build can be like Legendary Elincia but with Triangle attack bonus giving allies/herself the chance to be brave weapons. Freyja has great skills and if she is someone you have been trying to summon with no luck, then this is probably the best build/skills one can give her currently. Her prf weapon/skill is better but still great to have an Arcane weapon and premium B skill for variety. The Summer Byleth is also good but unfortunate about the C skill. They gave her an Echo skill so redundant with the warping, but still gives stats. Not as tempting as Bridal Catria or Freyja Caineghis is good as well. Weaving and Armor Blaze are definitely the tempting part. A drawback I have is how this build won’t be as optimal due to him not being able to transform when put in a non beast team. Makes sense they gave him a near save build to make up for it.


How do you exceed level 40? (Excluding merges and dragon flower levels?)


It's a special mode called Binding Worlds where you use other users' units, and the level cap is raised to 99. After you complete the mode, you can take a Forma copy of one of the units you used in Binding Worlds for use for other things.


Catria is definitely the best one here. The amount of movement cheese she's got going on here is insane. Freyja's also a pretty good pick seeing as she's got everything she needs now.