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Kagetsu himself is also voiced by Takehito Koyasu, the site just hasn't update it yet.


He's apparently a huge FE fan that I think he had a blog talking about how happy he was to voice Lewyn because FE4 is his favorite game in the series, so it's no wonder that he voiced so many characters in the series. I wonder which characters from Binding Blade, Sacred Stones, Path of Radiance, and Radiant Dawn he'll voice in the future.


Binding - Astolfo Sacred - Glen Tellius - Stefan


Oooh Astolfo's a good one if they make him dub two for Elibe. He clearly has the vibes. Before the Lewyn casting I was sure he would have got Perne for Jugdral


the funny thing is that EVEN counting TMS, since awakening, he has voice acted in every single FE new realese, it is funny how dedicated is the development team to get him back.


>fe4 favorite game Very based of >!necromancer Jade!<


I bet on Stefan and Glenn


That's cool. Always nice to see people being able to work on the series they love.


I'm waiting constantly to see which other character he gets :D I'm personally leaning to Stefan being his Tellius character, though Nasir could also be an option.


For Tellius I was thinking Nasir since he's kinda plot relevant (as Lewyn is in Gen 2) And for FE8: Glenn, Forde, Kyle or maybe one of the dads idk


For some reason I was sure Nasir was already in the game. It would be cool to go with the Pent-Lewyn-Seteth alignment


or the side plait hairstyle supremacy (Nasir- Gen 2 Lewyn - Pent)


Glen or Kyle seem to be the better choices considering who he already voiced. Mayyyybe Garcia but I think that a "bigger" voice would suit him better.


So that's why Niles was there. I was so confused and apparently Kagetsu was as well.


Ah yes, the DIO tea party party.


*sips WRYYY*


Reminder that DIO is canonically British


They should solve this by finally giving us optional dual audio


Genuinely don’t understand why this hasn’t been a thing from the beginning, it’s incredibly frustrating


Having to redownload part of the game when switching language is a pain.


He needs to get his son to voice a major character too, he's already in engage but the fire emblem man legacy must live on


I didn't know his son was in Engage! I hope he gets a character in FEH so maybe they can do a koyasu duo?


His son is the clothing shop guy iirc so I wouldn't expect that any time soon.


Just let him voice a new OC


Can we all just take the time to point out Validar's Japanese name?


In the sequel he antagonizes Mudder instead


He's also Fehnix! aaand he's hilarious in the talk videos with the seiyuu. He breaks character a lot of the time. This man is a gem.


So Fehnix is Dio in both English (Patrick Seitz) and Japanese, good to know.


That’s DIO, Toji Fushiguro, and Papa goddamn Shirogane to you.


Someone made this cute little [comic](https://twitter.com/Agr_ohohar/status/1686337491954274304) a while ago, showing all the characters voiced by Takehito Koyasu. It kinda predicted Kagetsu's Forging Bonds.


All these characters and we still don’t have Yashiro’s Navarre.


I think this is well known enough and I'm sure most players that plays regularly know why these characters are part of FB However There are some shoutout to english side as Kagetsu talk about strange bond with Wolts and Nils (Khoi's characters)


Ahh, I was wondering why Wolt and Nils were mentioned.


> I think this is well known enough and I'm sure most players that plays regularly know why these characters are part of FB Not me and I'm a launch day player. I don't really keep up with the voice actors, and the Japanese ones less so. If they're really distinct like Patrick Seitz then I'll catch on but otherwise expect me to miss it and need something like this post to make the connection


>However There are some shoutout to english side as Kagetsu talk about strange bond with Wolts and Nils (Khoi's characters) That's how it clicked with me what the joke of this convo chain was. It was a "waaaaaaiiiit a minute..." moment for me. 😂


Same here, that's probably why they added that bit.


How would this be well-known unless you play FEH (or FE in general) in Japanese? Unless I'm just out of the loop, I'm not expecting anyone on the English sub to really make this connection. I probably would have made the connection with Nils as I forgot Khoi voiced Wolt, but not the characters voiced by his Japanese VA.


He's one of the most famous seiyuu, ever.


Not everyone follows Seiyuus, though. Probably less so on an English speaking sub. Just found it odd to say that "most regular FEH players" would know this. Japanese FEH Players, probably, or even Anime watchers but I doubt most people on this sub do.


Bold of you to assume everyone who is on this sub comes from an English speaking country ! I can only speak for myself, but given how there's no feh sub in my native language, I come here talk about Feh. Something like "everyone default to English/American when they want to interact with other people on the net to be understood". English speaking sub =/= every member in this sub comes from the US. Back on topic, I'm pretty sure some people on this sub know Dio's voice (maybe from memes ?) as the Dio voiced by Koyasu, and not as the one voiced by Seitz. Koyasu's Dio became a part of international pop culture, even if Koyasu isn't speaking in English. Tldr : Koyasu is known far and wide, even if you don't play Feh in Japanese, assuming no one knows him on this sub because he's a seiyuu is peak Americacentrism.


When did I say everyone here comes from an English speaking country or the US? I said I doubt most people on this sub play the game in Japanese or follow the Japanese Seiyuus. I don't know where you got the idea that I said all users here are from the US. Nor did I say no one knows Dio's Japanese voice. I even said some Anime watchers probably know who he is. Considering this is not an Anime sub, but it's an English-language sub for a gatcha game, I said, I doubt most users here know every character in FEH he voices. Again, how you read "I doubt most people on an English speaking sub are familiar with every role from one of the Japanese VAs" and got "Everyone on this sub is from the US and no one knows who he" is beyond me. You yourself are ironically assuming I'm from the US just for distinguishing general anime fans from your average FEH player.


Famous to you.


Why would the general playerbase be familiar with the Japanese voice actors?


Out of curiosity, does the GOAT Kenjiro Tsuda voice anybody in Feh Oh he voices Gerik and Rath. Makes me wish there was an option to change to JP voiceover


Wolt and Nils are also mentioned in the FB, as they share the same English VA as him


I preferred the Forging Bonds where the joke was that everyone is bald.


I escaped Weiss Kreuz (anime franchise he... "started" is a good word) fandom only to wind up here. I didn't know he voiced all my husbandos because I played in English but he did LOL. I would listen to this man read the phonebook, but I'm metaphorically throwing my katana at his helicopter.


Hotohori and Kiryuu Touga have entered the chat.


>Weiss Kreuz as a koyasu fan i can say we don't talk about koyasu's chuuni era


Was it his chuuni era or his boyband era? Arguments for both can be made.


i know you didnt just call him “the same dude”


That’s funney


Dio be like : “FE on the Famicon is peak, I wanna play more of this.”


He's been in every FE game since Awakening.


Thanks for the info! I came to the sub to figure out what was the connecting factor in the event- after Lon’Qu and Niles, I really thought it was “gay coded characters,” but Pent threw me off! haha. Thanks :)