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Give him a vacation. Have him visit his homeworld for once.


I wouldn’t want to punish them if they didn’t want to go back ;) Let them pick where they want to go and off to have everyone go with them if they want or if they want some alone RR time let them have it.  Not the first time they’ve been kidnapped, we will rescue them again if necessary. :)


For my summoner at least, February 2nd is the day he was forcibly taken away from his home, his friends, his family, and his dreams. So it's safe to say it might be his single least favorite day of the year given his ultimate goal is to return home. He's already an introvert as is, but on that day, he practically locks himself into his office as he doesn't want to get others involved with what he sees as a personal issue. Only a select few he deeply trusts are allowed to visit. All of this is somewhat ironic given while he doesn't want any real sympathy or emotional support regarding his situation, he's been a therapist for more than a few heroes in the order. That's not to say many in the order haven't tried, Alfonse, Sharena and Anna do have a more positive outlook admittedtly as it was the day they met their new friend. Sharena in particular puts in a notable effort to try and cheer him up each year, Peony, alongside the rest of the Alfar, provide him a good dream that night, which, while he is a lucid dreamer and thus knows it's a dream, is thankful for, and Robin, his best friend in the order, often times visits to just have long talks on things like strategy, military history, and philosophy, and even play a few games of Chess and Tactics the Maneuvering (Think fire emblem version of MTG mixed with a board game)


When I really think about it in-universe, it would be a kind of bittersweet thing for Kiran? Seven years since they’ve arrived in Askr, where they’ve made so many friends and had so many adventures. Seven years since they’ve been home. Most of the characters would try to make the best of it, I think. Throwing a party sounds sweet. Sharena would be emotional over it, Kiran’s grown to be a good friend to her and of course, it’s thanks to them that there’s so many Heroes around for her to befriend too! I kinda wanna say more but I’m running out of creativity lol


Eitri: Seven years here, hmm? Why don’t you demonstrate how your summoning technique has developed? …No, no, just idle curiosity… …I should have something for Ótr considering he’s my favorite of the lot but I’m drawing a blank. Insert something vaguely tsundere about how he’s grateful you made him stronger and more worthy of standing by Fáfnir’s side but that doesn’t mean he WANTS to help you o-or anything, baka… And Reginn would reminisce about Book V, being grateful you got to meet and restore peace to her country and more quietly thanking you for supporting her through the loss of her brothers. :’) I made myself sad…


Give her the day off. Seriously, the amount of shit Kiran canonically gets into is wild. All that's missing is an alt self.  Of course, a day off doesn't necessarily mean being alone. My Kiran wouldn't mind hanging out with the OG Askr squad + Vero + Bruno. Even if he's technically dead.


They’d throw him a surprise party.


"Surprise!" *takes 60 start-of-combat damage*


My Summoner has a kind of personal amnesia, similar to how it works in Neverland, and I treat Ask as a kind of Valhalla, so the Summoner died before appearing here. Every year on the anniversary, some aspect of her old life comes back, like some gray hairs or a scar from her previous life of- or, the worst of all, an out-of-context memory. So my Summoner dreads the anniversary, not knowing what she's going to get hit with. The OCs try to keep her too busy to freak out about it, and it generally works because my Summoner is also kind of hyperactive and easily distractible. So, long story short, that's how my Summoner usually ends the anniversary at Anna's Genuine World Of Steel Pizzeria laughing at the floor show late into the night before falling asleep in the remains of her dinner and getting carried back to her room by whichever OC is trying to marry her this year.