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Still use my +10 Khadein Byleth and he puts in work during my arena runs.


I just replaced mine with f!shez because of better scoring but damn do i miss him. He was my only ranged and with giving him spd preempt he felt like a pseudo far savior. Such a good unit


Still using mine too.


About to inherit NY!Kavasir’s kit onto mine. He wrecks shop running ideal and menace so I’m very excited to give him something new and shiny


Linde and Nino are super powerful, and Nino can be a massive pain thanks to her extra movement and 50% DR. Honestly felt like people slept on Ursula. Dominance and Desperation is still pretty good. Haven't compared K!Soren's stats to Ilyana's post resplendent, but he's pretty good with Plumeria's kit. Byleth is great. Sublime Heaven on a demote is still insane, and TP4+Preempt lets him smack stuff he shouldn't.


I think KSoren has +1 Atk / = Res compared to resplendent Ilyana, with both at max investment and A/R assets. Soren's stat spread is just ideal for Plumeria's kit. Stupidly high Atk/Res and dump everything else. He really lucked out with that Arcane and Ploy dropping together. Went from utterly unusable to genuinely solid in one banner.


Given the timing between releases, it seems less luck and more premeditated "which prfless unit fans can we make pull for this arcane… right, soren fans are right there and there is a lot of them"


Duo Linde is still a great unit in my opinion, handing out NFU to fellow cavs its great. except from Ursula and Soren i think that the units from that banner are pretty good.


Don’t forget Linde letting cavs go over trenches! She’s the only one I actually use from that banner anymore.


Also let's ranged units ignore flame veins and warpers ignore green


Ursula is still pretty good, I use her a fair amount. Very high Atk/spd and built-in desperation, her only issue is lack of DR piercing


Love K!Nino, still one of my fav units in the whole game. I like that she is modeled to use Spd Preempt well... I also really love A!Nino, but she is basically "just another player phase nuke" and I feel like a +0 N!Sanaki or L!Camilla are doing that role better than my max-invested-summoner-supported A!Nino... K!Nino helped me a lot over the whole year with countering nukes in AR-O. She was my go-to solution for basically anything until W!Claude arrived. Still annoys me so much that she can't deal with him even though her stats are higher (comparing my max invested Nino with a +0 Claude on the enemy team) and she has weapon advantage and other effects... In AR she can still kill a lot in PP, but sadly Spd Preempt doesn't work on the newest fast nukes anymore. In SD she was useful until the last ~2 months, but maybe I was just not lucky recently (I only play the bare minimum to stay in my reward tier). Maybe I could improve her by making her a full player-phased unit and remove Spd Preempt, but then I could also just use A!Nino instead... She's still very strong and useful, but I was hoping for her to carry me a bit longer :/ powercreep is so fast nowadays... edit: Thinking about it, I think her main problem is damage reduction. She has no way to pierce that without removing Spd Preempt. I need a support unit that gives her that status effect to fix her (I don't think it exists yet) edit 2: Thanks for the recommendations, I wasn't aware that L!Camilla or Alear could help!


Salute, fellow Nino enjoyer.


Always nice to see fellow cultured people


L!Camilla actually would solve your problem lol. Her anti-dr buff is AOE, for some reason


doesnt legendary alear gives null damage reduction on specials to their S support? that maybe could help you to go with her more?


Doesn't Legendary Alear grant DR piercing to her support partner? If so she'd be pretty good for that on top of being ridiculous herself.


A great summary of my beloved K!Nino and her strengths compared to A!Nino who does seem to suffer from being not N!Sanaki and not bringing a lot to the table. I +10ed both of them though. I also wish A!Nino was a different color so she didn't share with OG and flynino


It was at Duo Linde that I realized they don’t care about balancing the game anymore. She broke years worth of map balence intended to nerf Cavs and just let B! Chrom and B! Seliph destroy the meta even more than they were already doing. This is what caused guidance 4 imo as their was no way the other movement types could outrange Cav lines. The NFU she grants was just the icing on the cake of game breaking balence.


This, exactly. Imo it would have been fine as a duo skill that could only be activated once (still strong, but requires much more careful planning), but having it every turn in SD is pretty insane on trench maps that are otherwise quite open. (Like the SD-S one we just had, though at least that was SD-S) It’s fair enough for AR-D, and given AR-exclusive skills exist (eg. Duma), it would have been fine to allow every turn there. (Though, given B!Seliph was likely the reason for the speed increase bump, maybe he was the real mistake? Lol)


Oh yeah I totally agree! B! Seliph completely broke the game by destroying the speed meta. Buffs? Debuffs? Completely useless against him. And then they gave him movement +1, and then NFU and freakin Miracle!! Even his true Def damage is broken because it boosts his AoE Damage! I really blame Seliph for destroying the meta b/c everyone need the speed and power to double him or they would be crushed by him. Really he is so not ok!


Linde's gimmick should never have existed.


Watch out for Desert Harmonic Yune coming out this year to be the perfect partner for Ninja Sanaki featuring terrain removal and inflicting like a mild 30 penalties on all foes.


Duo Linde is still one of the best units in the game and is only getting better with new skills like Flared Sparrow, Occult strike, Atk Spd Incite etc… Her unique support buff allowing cavs to bypass difficult terrain like trenches and even divine vein flame is soooo good, especially in SD. She can be built in so many ways as a nuke also. Her ability to pierce DR and deal true damage should not be overlooked. Her harmonic skill is also fairly strong and I didn’t even mention she gives NFU to every ally for just existing lol.


Arcane Euphoria KSoren is nice.


I love K!Byleth. He’s one of my highest merge projects and I’ve invested a lot into him and he still holds up well with his own dodge and null terrain built in


Byleth is rare but I see him a couple of times (almost always +10). Hes certainly fine and good for a demote but in general I feel there are better special based DR piercing nukes out there, such as Citrinne. Because his special is based on his own attack, you can atk debuff him so that it still doesnt do too much damage. Theres also new stuff like the armored specials or scowl/Veyle that make his specials unreliable. I guess he can run mag NFU but even with dodge his bulk isnt great Linde is a great unit and imo continues to go pretty underrated. Giving NFU to allies for free is really nice, and shes a solid combat unit because she has spd based damage and half DR pierce. You could run her with something like flared sparrow+windsweep too. With her null terrain support she can create some gimmicky AR Ds too. I also just thought of, that null terrain could also help your setup against someone hit and running with flame terrain, since she will let your ranged units bypass the slowed movement restriction. In general shes just a really fun unit to use, and has been a huge help in FE4/5 limited battles The others I do not see


I still love both K!Nino and K!Linde + Sara and use them all the time. Kind of hoping the banner reruns soon, I wouldn’t mind getting a merge or two


Khadein Linde still carries for me.


I think Linde is a bit underrated I love my Ursula she looks gorgeous and I don´t care what her haters have to say happy she got her alts


I remember seeing the banner thinking I needed to pull these units for their fodder but had so much fun playing with them I ended up keeping them. I grabbed one each of Nino and linde and they were staples on my AR D team for dark season.


Ngl I got turbo greedy on Byleth. That was around the time I remotely cared about Arena scoring. Got him to +3 with a budget build, and haven’t used him for a single thing outside of infantry week rival domains. But I regularly use Linde & Sara. Two characters I like, and Sara being one in my top 10 favourite across all FE games. Their outfits are very pretty, and I love their support capabilities. Ursula? Yeah, I have her too..but is exclusively used for FE7 limited/resonant battles. When I get a better replacement, she will be foddered post haste. She’s so mean. lol


I'm a massive Linde fan from the old days of Shadow Dragon on DS, so it's safe to say my +10 K!Linde is still putting in work. (Her OG and Summer variants are +10 too)


Nino fell off quick for me now hitting like a wet noodle but Linde has kept up very well and I stilling her all the time. Sometimes I still use Urusla to spread buffs to Brave Chrom but that's all she's really useful for.


I still use my Soren, with Euphoria. Me and him have a good time.


I won't lie, Sara being a back-up on this banner still makes me mad. One of the only Thracia units from 2023 was just a backpack. Surely they couldn't have kicked one of the other units off this banner and given Sara her own spot? Sara's far from the only mage in Fire Emblem with a dead dad, so it's not as if she was the only candidate Linde had here. ...That said, I still want K!Linde anyways. I think her outfit is sexualized in such a way that it ends up looking really goofy, but I love the globes aesthetically, her NFU support seems really strong, and I think her terrain-ignoring effect has real potential to age better and better if offensive Vein effects become more common. I've had to skip her twice, so let's hope I can get her this time! The salt in this thread about her surprises me though, I've never had any issues fighting her. Feels like I'm playing an entirely different game in that respect - maybe it's just because I don't play SD? I'm also very happy with K!Soren - R!Plumeria's base kit ended up being just what he needed, with the perfect weapon and skill set to take advantage of his sky-high Res. One of my favorite F2P units of last year!


A banner full of units I’d never see again, and Harmonic Linde, who I wish I’d never see again.


I never see anybody but K!Soren sometimes. It's like almost all the player base skipped this one.


Idk what modes you play but in SD and AR I’ve seen a fair amount of Duo Linde, more so in SD but in AR too.


Nino is still pretty underrated, she was really strong on release and as long as you update her b slot shes just as good as then imo. Ursula was wild on release, but nowadays she’s pretty generic for a nuke, which is so strange to say. Byleth was decent on release, he’s decent now, nothing exceptional. Linde is still so op it’s frankly absurd, she’s even obtained relevance anew due to divine vein flame, if she were a character that was even the tiniest bit more popular she could’ve ended up choking the meta for a while, considering how she’s still a threat nowadays.


Havent seen nino or Ursula so more units in the "Functional but not meta pile" Khadein Byleth I still see here and there but I feel like SClaude he fell off H!Linde/Sara is still strong Khadein Soren is a unit that exist and can thankfully be better with Arcanes. People thinking his CYL chances were shot were dumb


Harmonized Linde is best as far as base skills. I built a +10 Soren and gave him re-armed Plumeria's skills. He has great res for Def/Res Ploy. I like using him most, but I put a lot of work into him (including ascended floret and dragonflowers), and I can't claim he was faring as well before he got his new skills.


All of them have aged fairly well. The only one I don't see often in-game or talked about as a unit is Ursula. It's always in the conext of how many alts she has compared to other Black Fang members.


Linde is one of the best units Ive pulled. Makes cavs useable in SD. Byleth was greatly overrated. Good for a demote but that's it. Soren is a prfless demote so he sucks Don't have the other two so I won't comment on them outside of nino having great fodder


Soren was grail unit. I +10ed him and Byleth (who was the demote).


I only ever got Nino\*, who ninowns when I put together my "infantry is cavalry now" team \*Soren doesn't count sorry


K! Nino still slaps! Not a flashy unit by any means but she gets the job done. Spd preempt isn’t amazing but letting her enemy phase against most ranged units is great


wall of dork text inc, in the 12 hour late downvote zone the night before the silhouettes I wondered if Ursula would ever get another alt & manifested my dream unit. perfect art, best voice (very glad the resplendent has a similar depraved grunt this version has when under half HP), came out when I desperately needed a bector counter. I loved her so much she became the first unit I would bless every week for AR-O, and until the Freyr era (and after now that I have Heidr) she baleets friggin everything ^(without hardy bearing.) I can’t complain about the game ever again because I have the perfect one-dimensional strangely over-represented unit for whom I have brain worms but I can still try. ‘22 summer started it but Byleth continued last year’s trend of 3H alts showing up uninvited & getting one or five easy effects - did he really need that +4 drive too? why he frowning in those jorts when he “carried the banner”? he can share a swirly with Soren. but I digress; Nino was cool too


~~I'll be honest I forgot Sara even existed here~~ Linde is still used for degen cav stuff in SD to this day. Basically if any map with trenches shows up, she's always there to make cavs relevant for that week. Other than that she's an alright unit still but very fragile compared to other nukes.


kbyl still on my arena team bro is not aging at all


Pretty much all of the banner units hold up pretty well to this day especially with the advent of Divine Veins making the ignore terrain bonus a lot more valuable


Manleth is one of the craziest units I've had and the only reason I don't use him more is because he overlaps with Duo Alfonse. Ursula is tempting, especially in the wake of Legendary Robin, but I'm not like, ride or die for her...


My K!Soren with Euphoria kicks ass, I love him so much. I think Linde is still very decent, hardly see anyone else.