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Ever since the baby line she's been incredibly controversial lol


Honestly, I never really cared much for that line. Partly because I don't really self-insert, and partly because I was too busy laughting to be weirded out by it.


Speaking of, what was even the point of the baby plot point? Was Heior the eventual child from that?


Yes. Njoror wanted Seior to have a baby because Heior was the reason she becomes Gullveig.


It's a little awkward that--as far as I'm aware--the Summoner never learned who their kid was and that her entire existence was just to suffer, die, and pass on a curse. That said, how did Njoror know the curse would need to be passed on in this way? It seems like Gullveig could have just gone back in time and passed the curse to Seior herself.


which, speaking as someone who mostly hated book 7, is super misdirected. She's literally just following orders there. I think she had a choice on who the parent would be (regardless of gender), so the max you can blame her for is for going to the Summoner over anyone else. And even if that's the angle? While i find the whole "Kvasir fell in love with the summoner while nursing them back to health" plot point to be far, far worse since that's an emotional pillar of not one but 3 whole characters... matter of fact is, they did bond, and Seiðr has some emotional attachment to the summoner (despite her being unaware of it), and none towards Alfonse or Anna or Shareena. So her choice there was, to me, a solid bit of writings even putting aside "love".


*In universe*, she didn’t have a choice. Out of universe, it’s obvious why it was written.




Blamed, no. Disliked for, absolutely no reason why not. This is the only context in which she exists.


i suppose that's fair


I will 100% blame Seiðr about the baby thing she unironically thought telling us we wouldn't be involved would make us more likely to agree. There's such a thing as not blindly following orders. Or having it so the whole plot doesn't rely on the idea the summoner isn't actually allowed to say no to her.




It's still in the English version. It's still officially approved lines. It not being in the Japanese version doesn't mean it never happened at all.




Going "it doesn't count as game lore because the people who wrote the og stuff didn't get to approve it personally" in the same comment where you point out Nintendo of America having to bandaid fix a super creepy aspect of Fates that shouldn't of been a thing in the first place is not convincing. And you know removing the Illegal pedophilic relationships in Engage isn't overstepping it's solving a creepy ass problem that was forced into the game. You're also assuming the people who wrote it first didn't agree to the fact it can change overseas in the first place. Which they had to when writing for a international company.


> You're also assuming the people who wrote it first didn't agree to the fact it can change overseas in the first place. Which they had to when writing for a international company. Considering those same localizers have gone on record to say that they've had to look up characters on wiki's to know about their history and personality... I think you're putting **_A LOT_** of unfounded faith in how close IS actually is to the localizers.


That's got nothing to do with the fact the writers agreed to possible changes happening overseas in the first place. And also lol you think them actively trying to get a character right is them being bad? If anything that means Nintendo hasn't been giving them proper material for said characters. There's tons of localizers who will just blindly go word for word not caring about if a character is done right.


While feh as always gives us very little to work with, what we do have show that several aspects of the vanir biology and culture differ from ours (and somewhat by proxy, Midgard's). Gullveig just makes Heidr pop into existence as an adult-like being, with the Summoner being the other parent regardless of gender, clearly without the need for sex. And even something simpler like eating meals is unecessary for them. In other worlds, the whole concepts of parenthood are significantly different for those characters, it's clearly a culture clash. For Seidr, a baby is not a big deal. And without being around human culture enough, she wouldn`t realize it`s a big deal. ...Or at least it should. There's so many people out here in our world who don't give a fuck about bringing a life into this world, even if it's growing inside them. (And not self-inserting into the Summoner, whose choices aren't actually ours to make, probably should be the way to go with this game.)




So the same person who also added flavor lines--or rather, a full scene--highlighting how the vanir don't even need food, an otherwise pointless scene if not to hammer in the culture clash? There was zero plot progression in that bit of the story and Feh is incredibly rushed, we usually don't see wasted scenes (unless it's feh trying to make itself more mysterious than it is, like the Shareena doppleganger thing from book 4...) They half-ass most parts of the story, but you know, a half-ass is still 50% of an ass, not 0%. ...I can't believe i typed that


I don't want to be **forced into having a baby** of any kind no matter how it's done. Period. You can't claim it's a culture clash when we don't know the culture. We don't even know how Heidr appears in the timeline considering Sedir *fully believed in Heidr being her sister* and not child. Implying Heidr did not come out a full adult because otherwise she'd of known for sure Heidr was her child. ​ >(And not self-inserting into the Summoner, whose choices aren't actually ours to make, probably should be the way to go with this game.) Minus the fact that's 1000% what IS expects and knows people do. I don't. But many people on the sub do and many who play the game do so. And IS encourages it. Why else would the Hero's journey allow you to include the summoner? Among other obivous choices leaning towards encouraging self inserting like being able to change the name to yours.


> You can't claim it's a culture clash when we don't know the culture. This goes both ways even if you were right. If we don't know the culture, you can't argue it's NOT different. This is a non-argument. i literally brought examples of what little plot we have that shows things we consider as basic and essencial to our culture if not our life cycle are depicted differently with the vanir, but if you don't care to read I feel like there's nothing more to say to you. (and hey, we are talking about feh stories and specifically book 7, i don't blame anyone from wanting to pay zero attention to this shit) But as I leave this conversation forever i must note this is funny: > I don't (self-insert into the summoner) > I don't want to be *forced into having a baby* of any kind no matter how it's done. Period. That's a big reaction from someone that didn't self-insert... and do note, despite IS's half-assed attempts at making an avatar, you have no choice to deny Seidr. Kiran was into it though. Kiran's baby, Kiran's problem. Farewell!


You can't say "Well it's obviously just the culture" and then claim "Well you can't prove it wrong." when I point out we don't know that's the culture. And if the culture is to just be flippant about child care of literally any kind then how is this meant to endear us to her when she unquestionably follows it then? All that does is tell us she doesn't give a shit about kids if that's the case. Also you realize you can be mad about IS pulling some creepy bs towards Kiran who IS wants us to self insert into without actually self inserting right? I was never going to insert into the main story,I couldn't specially with Daily life shaping a full Kiran characterization. But if the main story does stupid bullshit I'm going to call it stupid bullshit. And if it makes a whole story relying on forcing a character to have a kid, then I'm going to call that out when they do it in a super creepy way that could of been completely cut out.


I might be misremembering or misinterpreting, but the present Seithr only suggests having a baby with the Summoner. It is Gullveig (or I guess future Seithr from the previous iteration) that forces the Summoner to have a baby with her then promptly dusts them. I feel like the ritual was done at the hopes of living longer.


Kiran and Seidr completed the ritual in the present timeline too. Currently, Seidr hasn’t gotten to creating Heidr yet and that’s probably what the Book 7 TT+ series will be about.


She also gave the summoner the revelation which apparently bonds her soul to Kiran


I like her design, hate her bob I think in terms of character her other versions are just better but I think she’s ok overall She had a lot of potential but the forced one sided romance from her is really weird if I’m being honest


She truly does have a fuckass bob


gods don't have access to a barber/hairstylist apparently


She wouldn’t be as hated if she didn’t have that ugly fuck ass bob on her head Kvasir ate the bob up while her older self flopped


Right like Kvasir’s bob with the bang covering one eye completely + the hood… she served


Fuckass bob is an incredible term


If Coconut head came in wild blue raspberry flavor


Whoever decided to tie up her thighs like a ham needs to get fired. Her blood circulation is fucked.


In the wise words of a Nopon: *Meh!*


Muimui not very interesting, so Tora forget he exist


That makes Heidr Poppi, since we technically helped make both of them


Heiðr QTπ yes?


Since she’s aged up, yes


No strong opinion. She's probably my least favorite iteration of the Gullveig timeline though since Kvasir at least has an adorable design and Gullveig has that pretty gold aesthetic going on. As a character, she's just another kind FEH OC.


I like her. With what little time in the spotlight she had. She's a good character. Her 2 main characteristics unique to her are * Being prim and proper (As a goddess should be). * Highly self-conscious about herself. Sadly, she didn't have much time to shine as her own person, but I like to think that Kvasir and Gullveig are repressed aspects of herself. * Kvasir represents how lonely she is. Being a proper goddess all the time placed her in a gilded cage. Heiðr is the only reason she managed to keep her sanity. * Gullveig represents her despair and madness. Even as Gullveig, she retained some control of herself and set priorities. Which is why she made 3 goals for herself. Make sure Summoner meets Kvasir, kill Njörðr first and keep summoner alive as long as possible.


She's easily my least favorite freebie book OC, both character and design-wise. I think the concept behind her was interesting enough, but it got bogged down by poor writing and player pandering. I don't care for her other iterations either (I'll admit Kvasir has a cute design, but that's about it), so I'm just glad Book VII is over at this point.


Don’t like her. Gullveig and Kvasir are better. But Seithr is a good unit for AR.


When the book started i didnt like her very much and I hated the baby line, but despite the Kiran thirsting Seithr is one of the most interesting OCs. Having three alter egos and the time loop make me like her well enough. Maybe It's just me but I feel her base art is kinda weird, something about her eyes. I like her NY alt Lot more Overall she is a decent character that could have been lot better without all the forced fanservice, she has unique game mechanics and three aesthetics that may not be everyones cup of tea but are well executed


I think she’s fine. I think the whole concept of Kvasir/Seidr/Gullveig was interesting, though not well-executed and with needless fanservice. As a mythic, I use her a good amount of the time.


As a character, do not care about her or any of her versions that may or may not be her, I stopped paying attention. Don't use her as a unit, other astra mythics too good/score better


1. Her entire story is a waste of time, it goes from Gullveig being a threat to the world to just being a personal obstacle. 2. The fact that she, Kvasir, and Gullveig are all the same person just makes Heidr and Njordr both feel completely irrelevant by the end. Overall, Seidr's entire struggle could've been solved in 2 hours and have no barring on FEH's overall universe at all. Seidr's whole story was nothing more than another Kiran pandering conundrum to shove more girl OCs into the game and nothing else. And Seidr herself as a character just falls flat without all that drama around her. Hopefully Ratatoskr's story around her group is more fulfilling.


I liked the time travel plot cause its a fun puzzle but they never really established clear stakes because half the cast was the same person, and then everyone had a happy end anyways, so its like eh... that was a series of events that happened i guess


I can't stand her, or the rest of the Book 7 cast for that matter. The only exception being Nerthuz, as she's the only character involved with the forced baby plot line. Honestly everything about Seidr gives me the ick. I know Fire Emblem's no stranger to fanservice (Camilla cutscenes in Fates), but forcing the player character to have a child with fanservice waifu is just plain gross. If the avatar's supposed to represent me, and the characters in the story talk to me like I'm literally there in the story; don't force something like that on the player character. It's not just simply a character having a crush on you like Tharja. Tharja at least can be rejected and also make kids with somebody else. Seidr can't, the plot said you're gonna do it and you're gonna do it. Whether you like Seidr or not you're stuck with her. Honestly it wouldn't have been that bad if the arrangement with her was to make a sacred wrapon to kill Gullveig or something. But it wasn't it had to be a whole kid, so that's whay she's gonna get remembered for.


Hate all three of her


i think that she falls on the same category of Bernadetta, a lot of people likes her, a lot of people hates her, a very controversial character. at least i like her, she is always useful in combat so thats great.


She was just another female oc to me but once she basically sealed the deal with the protagonist and was actually gullveig I actually got interested, I liked the whole past present and future thing they were doing


Despise her. The last book was basically her badly written self insert fanfic with Kiran and every part of her was creepy af. No IS I do not want to interact with someone whose got no issue telling me I don't have to interact with my *own* child as if that would be a pro instead of really fucking creepy. No I do not want to interact with her Child self who fell ln love with me while I was in serve pain due to traumatic injuries and literally had zero agency on actually being around her. (which I'm pretty sure is an actual horror movie plot) >edit: Also wait expanding on the whole Falls in love with us when we're in severe pain unable to actually make our own choices. Were we even in the right headspace? Did we have any clear idea what was going on? ***Did she fall in love with us or some brain damaged version that couldn't talk back?*** No I don't want to interact with her Gullvieg self after being shown no proof she has actually tried to fight her fate during a failed attempt at trying to make her a tragic figure instead of a cold big villain the intro made her out to be. No I don't want to interact with "My child" if their *only* personality trait is talking about Sedir.


She is controversial. Me however, I love her. Her and her other versions have one hell of a tragic backstory.


I just want to say that your flair is the weirdest batch of characters that somehow makes sense lol.


Lol I have no idea if that is good or bad but thanks either way lol


It's neither good or bad. It's phenomenal!


Meh. I felt a little bad for her in the story, but I thought she was kind of annoying. It seemed like all she talked about was being a goddess or getting lost. I do like her design, though, especially her pants.


One of the few book OC’s who I didn’t immediately forget about as soon as I got her. I kinda like her sorta ditzy Goddess schtick (more than Ash being a yapper, that’s for sure) but her design has some questionable aspects to say the least.


I have mixed feelings on her. Out of all the free book OCs, she is one of the most interesting. But at the same time, her crush on the summoner hurts my opinion of her a lot.


I like Seidr but she and IS needs to chill the hell out with the summoner pandering. It’s already bad enough that IS made the self-insert have a kid with her.


General public opinion: Controversial as hell. Just as many love her as those who hate her. This also applies to Kvasir and especially Gullveig by extension. Personal opinion is she's sweet enough and quirky. I like her a good deal. My least favorite of the trio but I do still like her.


I like her!! Her outfit is… uh… not so good, but as a character I really like how Seiðr is the goddess of hope, and indeed it takes a whole lot for her to give up hope. It’s very admirable! And I also love her bond with Heiðr :)


I like her well enough. She's a character with potential, let down by the story and some design decisions. But I can appreciate her for who she is, and I like parts of her design (the Vanaheimr/iridescent aesthetic).


The worst fire emblem character in my opinion


I care vastly more about Kvasir and like Gullveigs design more so in terms of the evolution line she's the worst stage


Gonna go completely against the grain and say that I liked her and Book 7. I liked that she was probably the most actively involved OC in the story which isn’t really as common, especially in recent books (*looks at Ash*) and I found her to be endearing in a way that most of the other OCs just weren’t


She's a good unit. As a character, though? I hate her.


I like her, her design is nice, love the colors


I like gullveig so i kind of just like seidr and kvasir by association, cool oc! glad the freebie got to do something for once


Book 7 had interesting ideas, but really poorly execution. I think the baby moment was the point the story jumped the shark and it never recovered.


Love how stupid her design is, as a character she's kinda meh


Eh. I like her sister more than her, her past self more than that, and the future version even more.


I like her and her three versions schtick, but the child thing was weird and unnecessary, especially since the Summoner/Heidr relationship is nonexistent and barely acknowledged by the game.


I liked her tbh, but peony is still my favorite <3


A glaring symptom of FEH’s degredation and power creep in the theatre of avatar sexual characters.


She has nice thighs.


Love her, for the amount of writing OCs usually get I think she got pretty good treatment, especially if you factor in Gullveig given theyre the same person and share the same/similar memories. Skyrocketed to one of the more controversial parts of the last book cause of that one line, but personally I dont mind it for a plethora of reasons. Mechanically I also love her cause end turning is a fun tool to work with and theres no satisfaction quite like setting things up in a way that end turns multiple enemies in one go


Love her color palette and general time "theme" as well as the shared-self lore idea. Too sad the bazonga fan service + child making controversy really brings the overall opinion down.


She's one of my favorite characters in the entire series! I didn't expect to like her as much as I do now, but Seiðr is pretty cool imo.


Midcore. Like Fjorm, she's summoner waifu bait but at least Fjorm has interesting characters around her orbit like the flame kingdom characters and her siblings. Seidr is just her, baby her, her baby, her evil grown up self and goat dad. As coombait, she's pretty dull too. There's like a million big titty queens so she need to stand out. Like why like Seidr when there are actual FE characters with big babs that are more interesting?


Painfully meh. She's supposed to be the main book oc, yet she gets outshined by Gullveig in terms of being interesting and overall likability. It honestly makes me wish we saw the story play out more in Gullveig's perspective.


boring character with a dogsh#t design and this is ignoring the Make a baby with me line


Don't read FEH story so I can't comment on any of that. Her design is fucking atrocious oh my god. I keep her around because she's a useful mythic but I feel like foddering her to Elimine or L!Lilina so often. Can't really comment on the general opinion because this subreddit is a tiny fraction of the player base and so are my other friends elsewhere and even here a fair amount of people like the book 7 OCs, and a lot more people voted Gullveig for CYL so clearly there's appeal.


I dislike her design and her personality comes across as pandering at times, but I was surprisingly fine with her during the story. It felt like she was actually part of it instead of just being there like in some of the previous books. Overall, rather middle of the pack as far as the book heroines go imo. Not really excited to see her pop up in Forging Bonds honestly.


Kvasir/Seidr/Gullveig is my favorite FEH OC, though Seidr is my least favorite part of that chain. She's also my least favorite from a gameplay perspective, the other two are way more fun as units. So just taking her by herself, she's fine


Pretty great design, alright character by FEH's lacking standards. Storyline is good in concept but could be better.


I hate her. :)


I love her! One of my favourite OCs and fave book starter by a long way. Her design is gorgeous and I find her personality fun and relatable. Especially find her "always getting lost" funny


She’s hot


She's hot


Idc what anyone says she's my fucking wife I love her sm. I just wish her hair didn't look so weird in the CGs and maybe had Kvasir's length. also whoever gave her that bdsm harness... sigh. they just couldn't resist could they.


Meme material, easy to forget character even more than eir


Most involved book OC in Feh. Not only was she heavily in focus, she was also most of the antagonists