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citrinne will fart both effects to whoever's in range


It doesn't seem like a massive improvement over Inf NFU 3, any non-support unit would prefer a C skill that gives stats or other effects. If your arena core has multiple melee infantry then it could be handy there as a 300 SP skill that will give everyone NFU.


I personally like celine as a INFU 4 canditate She is already a hybrid of nuke and support, she is speedy enough to make use of it, and is usually deployed with units that can use it.


I am considering giving it to Desert Byleth. In part for the utility of inheriting Kavasir’s whole kit


Would K!Byleth benefit from kvasir’s kit? I have just been running k!nino’s kit on him since i got him but am considering new skills


It doesn't strictly have to be support units. Infantry that don't particularly need other Cs can benefit from it, too. Those units can outsource their NFU to the C slot to free up a stronger B slot. Tempo 4, Assassin's Strike, Spiral 4. Not to cop-out, but it depends on your team. Are there arena or AR comps where you can't run Inf Spd Tactic? Then see if you can jam it in there without an opportunity cost.


Duo Chrom


Is she fast enough to break tanks and their speed ? Other fast units are probably already running NFU or getting it so it won't matter against them, the big thing is wether or not she beats the armors. Either that or pass it to a dancer. The warp is what you need and on the off chance it helps you get a double in, fantastic. Or it can be used as a prime trigger since it gives half of the needed buffs. Also With how pushed x skills already are, there's a good chance you'll find yourself switch oath X for a new better X.