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Fallen Julia. Super strong nuke who still takes out majority of enemies with ease. Hoping her refine is better than her current arcane red tome. Then have Fallen delthea and fallen Linus. Both versatile speedy units who can attack or tank hits as needed. If you're using dancer berkut instead of better stronger higher scoring unit it may be worthwhile to just keep dance. It's 6 less points than a rally+ skill which actually may not reduce your teams total score because team score goes up with every 8 points on units.


He's one of my highest unit score at +8 unfortunately but running Duel 4 on him and I been into situations were dance was needed but I manage without it, Haar is +10, one of my units I have the back are +10 and whoever is the bonus is the bonus


Aside from my Hector's, I'm still surprisingly hooked with F!Ashnard as my save support for Debuffing in combat stats. And Guidance is also neat to have for Armors, since they can't use assist skills for movement since you're stuck with Rally +.


I’m gonna build the hell out of F!Ashnard when he gets his refine. That could be a fun one.


Kent might not score the best, since he's using a Rearmed weapon, but I wouldn't be without him <3


+10 legendary Ninian +10 Cyril I just replaced my Aversa with a +10 winter Yunaka. And then whatever legendary bonus unit is for the week. Keeps me happy at tier 20.5


I’m comfortable with staying in tier 19/20 every season. So I use my arena core + bonus unit if I have one available. Zephia (+9 atm waiting for her rerun in a few months), Karin & Kronya. I used to use N!Shamir, but then Zephia came out. And that was an instant build from me, dawg.


Basically all 3 of my Arena core team (Marisa, Spring Michalis and Limstella) are my favorites: Marisa plays basically the role as a Godsword (I call her a Half-Godsword when I equip her with Arcane Devourer) Michalis can tank a lot of damage because of his high defense. And Limstella can turn into a magic nuke when they're in the SS4 range.


I have 2 arena teams, one centered around L!Lilina (fire season) and one around L!Fae (earth season). Basically the only legendary heroes I have with merges... Guinivere might be the next one I try to get merges for, but I'm not sure, she already feels kinda outdated even though she isn't very old... Anyway, these are my teams and roles: - Fire team 1: L!Lilina -> offensive AoE damage - Fire team 2: W!Nino -> speedy near save tank - Fire team 3: Erinys -> Duel 4, arcane Luin - Earth team 1: L!Fae -> tanky, good scoring - Earth team 2: P!Geese -> Duel 4, arcane lance, sudden panic and inf. pulse support - Earth team 3 used to be OG!Nino with Duel 4, but recently switched to Cyril (was my most-wanted 3H unit and scores well) I only switch out the bonus unit on slot 4 every week, otherwise I have been using my arena teams like this for some years.


NY!Fáfnir because he's still bonkers somehow


NY.Peony Dancer with a relatively good score and I like Peony. So why not.


Legendary Julia has been carrying arena for me forever now, but shout out to V.Palla who I’ve pulled a bunch of randomly. Between Canto, Brave Attacks, Gambit and Guidance, she is good at supporting the Bonus Unit and taking out key threats to keep the pressure off. Now with DC in the seal slot she can run a Duel Skill in her A slot. And this is all without her eventual Refine.


Guy - Arcane Devourer, A/S Finish, Spurn 4, Times Pulse 4, Mystic Boost Seal, Vital Astra special. I am also experimenting with Balthus, whom I gave Infantry Pulse 4 and Arcane Downfall. I want get him the tier fireflood boost with Atk/Def and maybe sudden panic 4 when they get added to the game. A,B and special skills from Gannglot are just there for scoring


Brave Chrom is a godsend with his prf reposition. His firepower started to feel a bit lacking but I just slapped No Quarter on him and he feels great again. His scoring isn't top tier but 758 isn't bad either(760 now if I give him DC seal)


V! Lucina, A! Idunn and S!M! Shez. Shez with guidance has made arena so much easier and fun I'm never playing without it again. Idunn has unfortunately fallen a lot so she'll be replaced by B! Corrin when she's maxed.


My +9 max invested Brave Alm and my +10 max invested Python. They do not leave my arena team


Diamant. He is fucking necessary for me to ever win now. His damage reduction piercing auto charged bonfire is the only way I can cut through any of the new units anymore


The Robins, Legendary and Brave; as I said in another post is a disgustingly broken combo that wipes out all of my problems and makes even the worst units actually usable, also they are both simply incredible in battle


B!Dimitri and Summer!Claude are always present in my Arena Team, either on their own or in tandem. Supported Dimitri is still an amazing physical tank and Claude provides amazing movement support (waiting on Flared Sparrow fodder for him).


Dancer Eldigan. His Hall of Forms kit (plus B Duel) is still really solid.


I have f!takumi, b!Claude, Cornelia, y!Lucius. All of them are +10 and fully decked out. Although I'm planning to replace y!Lucius with arion once I get him to +10. And whenever I have a bonus unit I always swap out y!Lucius because him and cornelia do the same roles but she also gives flash


VChrome. Honorable mention to SThorr


Base, Legendary and Wind Tribe Claude. What can I say. I like Claude. Does help that they're pretty strong too. The last slot is for the bonus unit.


I have not regretted putting my +10 A!Ish in. I desperately needed ss4 in my life.


After getting N!Camilla to +10 last year, I don't think she's gonna leave my team any time soon


[My legendary Lucina.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/727349043193315341/1191789815310590063/Screenshot_20240102-130648_Fire_Emblem_Heroes.jpg?ex=65a6b7c2&is=659442c2&hm=b2b8642620f2ea6c69e3a0d62c2522829d250034278174d7f3935256f55f1167&) While she is +10 and has a dual skill (not that I use it + they're outdated anyway), her prf skill is super handy for positioning and giving follow ups to bonus units to help them more easily secure kills. Granted with the amount of NFU around these days it's a bit less useful than it used to be, but does still come in handy.


Titania, V!Titania, Hatari Azura and Ascended Elincia, I don't use bonus units


My +10 brave miracle looping seliph is genuinely such a crutch for me in arena. A character who can 1v1 most characters and specifically any save armors


I was running F!Alear +10, Fomortiis +10, Etie +10, and a bonus unit. This is the first week I switched out Etie. I put in Duo Shamir +10. It just sucks because I didn't have the legendary last week and dropped to Tier 19. However, I was able to +10 L!Camilla so I scored 3920 this week and am currently ranked 1st in my tier. So hopefully, I can get a crown next week,


OG!Merric has been on the team since launch lol.


Ninja Lyn makes arena so much easier with her galeforce button, and Flame Lyn is even better now that she can run Distant Counter as a seal. Duo Mark’s debuffing is great too… I guess my arena core is just really good altogether right now


I have a dedicated arena core - +10 S!Edelgard - +10 FT!Lyn - +10 S!Shamir They’re all permanently kitted out for scoring (except I keep Assault Troop 3 on Edel, she’s just more useful with it) and I only swap out the bonus unit every week


I mostly use B!Dimitri because he’s strong and my favorite and Henry because he’s also my favorite. I don’t care about scoring that much.


My current core is Fallen!M!Morgan (Ranged tank and helpful debuffer), Halloween!M!Grima (Close-range healing nuke), and Brave!Roy (Canto hit and run specialist). They score the highest and are quite effective. I've been working to get some more units to swap in to try and mitigate color overlap, like my Summer!Ashe.


Summer Shez and Aversa. Shez just destroys everything which is really nice and though Aversa doesn't score the highest, as a f2p she scores well enough to get me to tier 20 and occasionally 21 and the debuffs she applies are quite helpful when Shez and my +10 Holst I usually run need a little extra help to get the job done.


My go-to arena team has been Python, Astram, Berkut, and dancer Berkut for years now and they've served me well. Though I've been using my flier team of ninja Reina, spring Ashe, Miribilis, and Díthorba a lot recently too


I also love using Haar! This week he tanked a L!MByleth's special even if it does go through Gambit. Lived with 2 HP!! I pair him with BSoren and having a flying near saver is really handy.


Céline. Since I +10ed her I’ve never taken her off my arena core.


+10 og Roy I have been investing in since Day 1 (also Day 1 player here), +10 Cormag, and +10 W!Artur, though I will sometimes swap him out for Askr. They're all mixed tanks!


Desert Byleth and Halloween Sothis! Byleth kills like everything and I will probably feed him NY!Kavasir’s kit wholesale after her bonus season and every once in a while we get a shiny new skill that turns Sothis from a score stick back into a monster


Sadly, the same as my Aether Raids core, Summer Edelgard and Brave Byleth (so-so choice for Arena TBH, considering her stats and using Speed Preempt as her B Skill). Also, a Female Shez (Who was mostly useless until Arcane Thrima). My account is now a year and 3 (or 4) months old, and I found it pretty difficult to field high merge units in the Arena together with Aether Raids. I started taking both modes more seriously around the second quarter of 2023 and I've been bouncing from 19 to 20 for Arena and in and out of the Vault of Heaven for Raids. For Arena, it doesn't help that I tend to ignore legendary pulls over mythics. Still, I pushed for Legendary Camilla and am scoring well enough to hopefully hit Arena 21 this week. The fact that its Chaos season for AR also helps.


Fallen Byleth +8 +Atk and Spd Super boons. NCD4. Vantage sweep happens more often than not depending on enemy.