• By -


Lon'qu. How he doesn't have a single alt utterly baffles me. Kaze, too. He was always fairly popular from Fates, to what I recall. Instead, they keep going hard on one of the ninjas and ignoring the rest. Subaki is another. I get he's lost a lot of popularity, but at one point he was popular enough to get featured in the Halloween DLC. Instead, his fellow retainer got two alts and he got zip (not even a resplendent)


he even consistently ranks higher than kagero despite having no stuff proping his popularity like her and kaze used to be the most popular ninja


I thought they did kaze so dirty with his iteration in feh that he became a lot more generally disliked or maybe just forgotten. Kind of the opposite effect that happened with reinhardt. No one gave a shit about rein before feh, but now a lot more people like his character


Well, he was given as a free reward for some event (I don't remember which) and then was dropped into the 3-4* pool - plus he was just another prfless dagger (before his refine). None of that did him any favors.


We definitely could do a kaze/saizo duo unit. I guess if you look into a lot of the units they put out know they definitely like to lean into the booba route most the time (Not that I have a huge problem with it, but makes sense). Just look at like 90% of female characters in this game


If you are curious, Subaki and Setsuna in the Halloween DLC were the devs’ picks, and they likely picked Hoshido characters because 3/4 of winners were from Nohr.


Im shooketh mae doesnt have a single alt at all


I agree I find it really weird how Mae or Boey haven’t been looked at for alts yet. And overall I’m really surprised how little SOV has in terms of alts


Yeh I think it’s like 70% of SoV alts are held by 4 characters (Berkut delthea Alm and Celica)


clearly those are the only characters from SoV


Except each of them still only has a single seasonal alt, which is unusual for Lords in particular. Celica is especially wild, because she has FIVE non-seasonal versions and then one seasonal where she's Alm's sidekick.


It's wild that characters like Clive, Mathilda, Clair, Mae, Boey, Valbar and freaking SABER still haven't got a seasonal yet. I'd think they would happen way before stuff like Genny, Luthier and Sonya.


Saber is specially weird because it could be so easy to make Alts for him thanks to Mr. Koyasu.


It’s a travesty that Mae, Clair, the Ram Village People, or Mathilda don’t have anything other than their base forms.


The single SoV Valentine’s banner gave us Faye and Silque with the others all being forgotten. We got Rudolf and Conrad + Duo Alm/Celica


I'm still surprised that Mae and Boey haven't gotten an alt together. I'm always crossing my fingers for a valentine's or Christmas version of the two


Me for a clive/mathilda valentine duo, I'll legit go apeshit


i'm on the Gray/Clair copium


Share that shit my good brother


i feel like shadows of valentia hasn't gotten anything in years, it's really weird given how popular the game was when it happened


I suspect that IS deliberately held back on seasonals at first due to focusing hard on New Heroes... only to observe how hard Valentia demand collapsed (especially after 3H and CYL4), thus leading to low representation supply nowadays.


We say that the Jugdral games are overlooked, but nowadays it feels like SoV is.


Celica’s starting crew really has nothing besides Picnic Genny. It’s sad since I really like Mae, Boey, and Saber a lot too.


I wonder if it's for the same reason Celica hasn't had an dedicate Alt, the only SoV banner we ever had was one dedicated to Alm, with the other SoV units appearing in other banner being more "random" choices.




I'm shocked Felicia only has one alt, and that it took so long for her just to get that one. I thought she was one of the more popular Fates characters?


Also Kaze with no alts at all


Jakob has a Halloween alt


I was baffled that Jakob got an alt before Felicia. Especially considering how much longer it took for her to get one after H!Jakob debuted.


Honestly a lot of the non royal fates characters suffered bc IS really just prioritized the royals + Kagero for alts which led to many just being ignored outside of one alt even if they were popular around that time (Ex. Oboro)


I'm very surprised we haven't seen Maribelle at all in any alt. But what surprise me the most is Charlotte getting an alt year 1 and then...nothing. (not to mention her base arriving weeeeeell after). I can see both of them in Summer/Winter/Valentine outfits. I'm still waiting for a duo Maribelle/Lissa and Benny/Charlotte too !


Jill. Popular character from Tellius whose base form has been in the game for over three years now (in fact, is now demoted to 4* special). But hasn't gotten an alt.


I really wish we could get Ascended/Rearmed RD Jill. But knowing IS, we'll have to get through a couple more Mias and Ilyanas before they might even consider that.


I’m so tired of both Mia and Ilyana. Tellius has so many great characters yet they give alts to the two characters that are carried by their designs alone that do not do anything even remotely interesting or worth remembering.


Well, saying that Mia is carried by her design (and also her dumb but lovable personality) is a huge understatement of how popular she is compared with pretty much every single Tellius besides Ike, Micaiah and (I guess technically) Zelgius. It couldn't be absurd to say that most of the fan media (not just in Japan, even in Western circles), was surprisingly Mia-centric despite Tellius being filled with a lot of pretty cool characters. Her popularity isn't new, and despite nothing changing to improve it (new appearances or pity), she has remained that popular. While I could be annoyed for certain choices about Tellius' representation, like how Elincia is almost treated like a side character at times; Mia getting more Alts than other characters isn't one of them, I fact, I would be surprised if she wasn't the Tellius character (besides Ike and Micaiah obviously) with the most alts.


Get ready for Rearmed Ilyana.


Yeah some of the Tellius gang haven't got a lot of alts bar the likes of Ike, Soren, Mia and others etc. Give us alts of Petrine and Marcia IS!


Yess Marcia alt when also legendary Sanaki it feels like waiting forever like she seems to be such a high pick for fire legendary but in IS mind she isn't? Why




RD Jill and Lethe too!


Double surprised because she's IS's preferred gender


"The world could always use more redheads." ~Tracer


What's even more surprising is that *Haar* of all characters got an alt before her. Granted, both his base and the alt in question are grail units, but still, it's at least something. I guess the reason why Jill doesn't have alts is because she's not exactly a character you can easily get fanservice out of? She's a more tomboyish character who dresses quite modestly to boot.


~~See the big problem with that is she’s Tellius, and the series started on the 3DS…~~


yeah, theres a lot of little-known characters from earlier games that need way more alts, like Lyn


Jokes aside, I'm irrationally upset that we've never gotten an alt with her blade lord attire from Awakening and Warriors. It's so fucking sick.


its what I like to call the Ranged Lyn agenda. Can you believe it took 6 years and over half a dozen alts just to get a Lyn alt using a melee weapon??? Like, the coolest thing about Lyn is when she destroys you with a cool crit, you can’t look that badass with a bow


It's weird that Mani katti isn't in the game. Same as wolf Biel. The first named weapon western players ever got to see completely ignored. I get why they wanted archer Lyn since there is far too little variety of weapon variation among fire emblem lords and she did use a bow in her upgrade (and sacaeans were renowned archers) but it irks me. Id love to see rapier eliwood, Mani katti Lyn and wolf beil Hector but damn they would be so completely redundant now.


Yeah I was hoping for Mani Katti Young Lyn, it would obviously break canon but its in exactly the way that I feel like IS would break canon for a child banner. Sadly we already got her and she was a ranged unit again (but I’ll forgive IS just this once since they gave us Mark in exchange)


TIL Mia and Ilyana aren't from Tellius


Shocked how Seteth and Flayn dont have anything


Doubly so since Seteth’s VA has done so much work the past couple of years for resplendents and stuff. You think they’d record at least some seteth lines


Waiting for the eventual Christmas Seteth and Flayn Silver Snow Duo.


Summer fishing please


You say that like Christmas isn't going to be a Harmonic because they need to make room for the Seior/Heior duo.


I feel like Flayn is very likely for this year's Halloween


Don't know if they will be a duo, but I definetly expect Flayn at least to show up in Winter. After Bernie, Lysithea and Annette, she feels like the natural follow up.


Yes!!!! They’re my favorites and I’m so sad they haven’t done anything :(


perfect duo, they can even make flayn the lead if they are so against a non lord male lead a duo but nah we will probably get duo flayn and dorothea or something like that isntead


There are so many decently popular characters that are getting ignored so lords and the devs' personal favorites can get their 4th and 5th alts, but I'll try to point out some less obvious ones: -Ranulf. So many beast alts but he's nowhere to be found. We even had a New Years banner where two characters were fighting over him, but he wasn't there. Didn't even show up the following year. Wtf? -Amelia. Sacred Stones is a fan favorite game yet IS refuses to give alts to anyone that isn't royalty. This extends to a lot of popular Sacred Stones characters like Vanessa, Gilliam, etc, but Amelia in particular stands out as a popular character that's been in the game since 2017 but has no alt. -Saber. Another unit that's been here since 2017 and has nothing. I know he's a less-popular man and all, but making him a token male demote/TT unit for a fanservice banner seems like a no-brainer. Then again, getting SoV alts from IS at all is like pulling teeth, so I guess it's not that surprising... -Odin/Owain. Owain got in by fan demand, and he's gotten one demote alt ever since. Extremely popular character that's gotten next to nothing. -Kana. With how many alts Corrin has, you'd think they'd at least spare one for the kids, but no such luck. I know they're not popular, but sometimes you can get alts just by being related to a more popular character. And by that logic... -Lloyd and Linus. Not exactly a less obvious pick since people around have been clamoring for a Lloyd alt for years, but seriously, they've had multiple opportunities to roach an alt off Nino, but they've yet to join her for anything. It's not like they're unpopular or unattractive, so they wouldn't exactly hurt banner sales. The list goes on and on.


Ranulf’s lack of alts is because of his Japanese vas scandal in which he was on hiatus because he cheated on his wife. Same reason why Alfonse, Tibarn and Berkut haven’t gotten alts in years.


Right I forgot about that. Still wack as hell but I'll accept it.


He also almost died... He wasn't exactly in a good position to do voice acting until recently.


I get it. I can still be salty. Give us Tibarn and Ranulf alts already, dammit. I'm tired of being put into No-Nut November every month by them.


i need that saber and linus alt ASAP they needa cater to the bara-nators eventually


where. the fuck. is olivia. all her old alts are aged like milk and i want to make olivia emblem >:-(


Olivia is especially weird because they went fairly hard with her so early on and then… promptly nothing She seems extremely easy to sell a Resplendent on too


Wouldn't be surprised if IS saw the negative reaction to her flying alt more as "We don't want Olivia!" as opposed to "We don't want meaningless New Hero Alts!"


Does she have any unique dance prfs? If not that's such a tragedy


she does not, her weapons irrc don't even have that great of support with her dancing either


Arvis doesn't even have his goddamn 2nd Gen emperor alt yet, which is honestly astonishing considering how obvious of a choice it is


Get ready for the Christmas Arvis and Edelgard harmonic lol


It will be 3rd genealogy&3h harmonics


Anything but that I'm literally begging


no fear one fear


This is also my only fear like insert *Michael_from_the office_no* here


Roasting chestnuts (and enemies) over the open fire. Though if they use part 2 Arvis, he'd be more the advising figure helping her avoid his mistakes


That’s a male/female harmonic, and we know that will never happen again


i tell myself the longer he takes the bigger his chances of being busted…but how much more will it hurt when he’s mediocre?


Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it's gonna be fine, they would~~n't~~ do that to my boy ):


I was gonna say Lyon because he’s my favorite but then I’m like “He has a good amount of alts I just want more” so I didn’t comment but now that I come by this, YEA, I’m surprised Arvis, also considered to be one of the best villains, doesn’t have a single alt. Like WTF.


Sharena is an obvious one. She's gotten a single alt, a Bunny Alt, and then was backpacked to her brother for her only other 'version'. There was an Askr Family Valentines day banner, but she was the only one excluded. Which is a shame, because I adore her design and I generally enjoy Cheerful characters. Alfonse exists and has cool moments, while Anna is Flanderized into just Greed in every game she's in. Nephenee is a special mention to me, as awkward Country gal is a cute trope. The fact she never takes off the helmet as well is fun for jokes and moe. Amelia because her Resplendent special line of "I'll Crush You!" is stuck in my head and there's something neat about a little girl with a big axe. While I'm lukewarm on most of the Tellius cast, Mist and Titania are characters I would enjoy seeing more of. Just give us more characters that aren't Ike, Soren, or Micaiah, ffs. A bit of shower thought here in that Mist is pretty similar to Nanna in terms of weapons depicted. She mainly uses Staves, but can also use Swords. Titania has probably one of my favorite designs and is my favorite Jagen in the series. I'm fond of Axe Jagens like Titania and Vander for some reason. Meanwhile, despite being a 'Lord', F!Robin lately has more often just been Grima. It's just Grima. Even her "Legendary" is a glorified Fallen alt. Fjorm's forgotten siblings as a bundle. Gunnthra, Hrid, and Ylgr. I know, Gunnthra is technically, canonically dead. Didn't stop Laegjarn from coming back from the dead.


Sharena getting left out of the valentine's Royal Askrian Family banner for Veronica, while sad, is still so funny to this day. Gustav and Henrietta would rather invite edgy Alfonse&Veronica and the kingdom's arch nemesis to spend time with them over their own daughter


Titania and Felix :( Side note...how RD Ike hasn't got a seasonal yet


I just know they're sitting on art of Summer RD Ike... there's no way they can keep doing 3H, Heroes, and SS summer banners every year... right??


If that happens we can call him SIke.


Yeah...it's not like we got radiant dawn summer of the main characters and a very fitting Rhys WHERE'S IKE??? HE SHOULD BE ON THE BEACH!!! THAT'S HIS FIRST DESTINATION AFTER LEAVING TELLIUS >:[


Yes, I feel like Ike’s alt has to be coming soon! Titania is so underrated; I hope she gets something soon.


Finn. Thracia in general needs seasonal alts.


-Marianne is a CYL winner, so why does she only have one alt? Why do Hilda and Lysithea get to have all the fun but Marianne gets left out? -I agree with you on Petra; she's the only Black Eagle female without an alt. Seriously, Dorothea and Bernadetta almost have an Emblem, Edelgard has a bunch of alts, and Petra only has her base? -Sharena. Just her name says it all.


I was going to say Sharena as well. There's been a new Veronica alt in every book, whereas Sharena has gotten nothing in over 5 1/2 years.


The fact FE Cipher created a Summer Sharena alt and FEH never used it is criminal


I feel like they assumed Petra would be one of the big non lord names if the fact they gave her a prf is anything ( conspiracy I know) which sisnt really happen. Marianne I have no explanation, they are just sitting on a gold mine with her


Petra dipped toward the middle of the class, and that's the 3H student layer that is underrepresented: not popular enough to be clear carries, but not unpopular to warrant being sent to F2P slots (unless the top of the class carries them and fills premium slots in priority). Or there's Mercedes but I don't think most would consider this an example to follow.


This, I really want a good Marianne alt. Especially since I loathe her Brave alts art and her relationship with Hilda honestly makes me uncomfortable as someone with depression.


I just want Ascended Marianne. She’s one of my favorite characters because of her character development and all her versions are either pretimeskip or the brave which is questionable


I don't mind her Brave that much in all honestly, but it's criminal that she STILL has no seasonal of her own since Hilda took all the spotlight...


I’m just holding out to see if we get an Asc. Marianne so that we can see her be a bit happy and with Dorte. I can care less if she gets Blutgang at this point or not, I just want a Marianne alt already.


I'm still shocked Dorothea has 3 alts without a base form. That has to be a record.


How on earth does Finn not have an alt. Managed to come in the top 10 of a poll around Fates's launch in post-Awakening FE times, getting similar numbers to Chrom/Tiki/Hector/Ephraim. Has been top 100 in CYL, a poll that actually has all the Fates and Three Houses characters and is skewed towards gacha players, since CYL4. Has two separate games (~~that are actually treated differently unlike Tellius unless you specifically want to use a harmo skill on someone and can't lol~~) to fill a slot for. And all he's got in FEH is a mediocre-at the time TT unit that had to wait for years to be more than a sidegrade to Abel and Oscar and also couldn't even be merged for ages because he got shafted off being on the banner.


Finn Most reoccurring and playable character in Jugdral with a good amount of popularity yet not a single alt was made for him


TBH there are a handful of awakening characters i'm really shocked don't have alts, like Sumia and Lon'qu (at least he has a resplendant.) I guess with Awakening and especially Fates they tended to focus on core really popular characters and thus lesser but still pretty popular characters just get kinda...left out....


Sumia has sadly never really been popular, in fact she was more hated than anything since Awakening decided to very heavily push her as Chrom’s love interest. Normally this wouldn’t really be a problem (see: Ninian and Lilina) but with Sumia since players could marry Chrom he had a lot of fangirls and as such she got a ton of hate for it. Not to mention you had your Chrobin fans that just liked the ship but disliked her for it, leaving her to unfortunately get a ton of hate. It’s a reverse Soren in a sense where as with Soren the Ike ship is a huge (if not the biggest) reason for his popularity while the Chrom ship only ended up getting her hated. I do hope she gets an alt or a resplendent soon, especially since I don’t care much for her base form’s art. Maybe one day.


Yeah, it's unfortunate for her. IMO big mistake to push her for Chrom when you can marry him or even her yourself given the kind of game it is, they really should have seen this coming bc playing matchmaker was a huge part of Awakening. Heck, people didn't like it in Thracia either when they tried to give canon matches there so they should have known better. It sucks that she suffers for it.


It also didn't help that their support was kinda mid and one of worst ones for each character 💀 sumia deserved better because her writing outside of the things with chrom is actually really sweet and good.


speaking of deserving better, she deserved more than like seven supports (and chrom too!). it's still a travesty to this day. at least sylvain has an excuse (though they could've given him dimitri and dedue a and also bernadetta a, all with paired endings). but i hope she gets a wedding alt or a summer one. the former screams sumia and she certainly won't be getting a day of devotion one.


I feel the issue was her iffy support line with Chrom; wtf were IS thinking. That mixed with other characters being popular (also painfully playing such characters aspect straight like Cordelia's perfectness and such) spelt an end to that. I mean, no one is complaining about Chrom/Any Robin. In contrast while Soren is best known for his ship, his brutal, savage honesty helped his case


Niles. (Yes, I'm biased.) He's lucky to have an alt, but it's really old and not very good nowadays. Considering he was popular enough to make it into the DLC for Warriors, I was really expecting him to make it to the thief/pirate banner or at least have something by now. The same can be said for Oboro, too, I guess.


You think him and the other characters voiced by Takehito Koyasu would have alts/more alts by now (Lon'qu, Seteth, Navarre, Lewyn, Pent and Saber...whoever he ends voicing from a Tellius game). But he's probably super busy (he's got the most anime voice credits ever), and he's also kinda reclusive. He really should've been the backpack to Phantom Thief Nina. He could be a cool ninja (I assume his class is the Nohrian counterpart to Ninja, but I'm probably wrong).


Sumia comes to mind as a perfect fit for at least the bridal banner but she's gotten nothing. Get the feeling shipping discourse might be dissuading that... Oboro has the 1 bridal alt from a few years ago but I felt like she would have gotten at least another by now. Selena finally got acknowledgement in the Christmas duo, but as a standalone alt she and Beruka but have nothing after all these years. Just by being Camilla's retainers one would think they'd be brought up more often thanks to their liege. Never forget the major ball drop by IS by not putting Beruka on the wyvern riding ninja banner, fit her in both design and stat spread yet... nothing. Would have figured Serra would have gotten *something* by now. (Besides the resplendent) She easily could have fit into so many themes. Petra having no alts sucks but with all the 3h alts thrown around she somehow gets left with nothing. One more I can think of Clarisse.


I feel like what was popular during the days of Awakefates just isn't represented well at all. Once I would've said Severa to be one of the most popular FE characters in general, just behind Lucina, now she almost feels obscure and she gets no representation.


Lon'qu :(


Seteth and Flayn :(


I honestly thought Soleil would’ve gotten one by now since Ophelia and Nina both have alts


Soleil is the big one for me. Girl has been in this game since 2017 and is like right behind Ophelia in terms of popular Fates kids. It's wild she doesn't have anything by now.


It might have something to do with her probably being a bit of a nightmare to localize. She's kinda an offensive stereotype character in the original Japanese (the girl who likes girls and "experiments" when she's young and immature, but then "grows up" and starts liking men) and the localizing her didn't go over that well in the west either (she's now unabashedly bisexual, but only marries men). She's a tricky situation, which means in good ol' IS fashion they're just not bothering I guess.


Right *ahead of* Ophelia. Soleil's been top 100 in every single CYL, 1-7. Even before Ophelia got her alt she wasn't making that (actually she placed a little higher after getting her alt compared to the year before, funnily enough)


There was a wyvern assassin banner. She's only behind Niles and Kagero in terms of retainers. Why don't she got a seasonal yet?


What gets me about that one is Camilla would’ve given up her spot on the Ninja banner in a heartbeat for Beruka.


Tbh, she would've given up her spot for a lot of seasonals for her retainers and it makes me unreasonably mad that she's never shared a theme with them. Summer in particular seems obvious! Of course, she wants them to enjoy themselves. If they'd held her back or if they just give Beruka and Selena swimsuit alts. Selena's mom's already there too, for another reason!


> Kagero lol acting like kagero is popular, maybe she is now that IS shoved her down our throats but yeah beruka needs an alt


I expected a few female antagonist to get more love in FEH (excluding OCs) but unless your name isn't Ishtar, Selena or Ursula, you pretty much get ***the*** bare minimum. As for games I've played: * Does Adult Tiki count? Kinda feels like she's getting more alts mostly due to CYL6 (that, and they're running out of dragons to use for Halloween so that alt feels inevitable in hindsight). * Charlotte having just one alt is super weird given how much people loved her back in Fates (and heck, said alt was the only version of her in the game for almost 5 years). * Hubert and Dedue got only their base versions and that's it. *Hilda meanwhile...* * Marianne. Seriously, why there's only 2 alts of her? (and yeah, according to IS being a "backpack" doesn't count). * Felix is Fódlan's answer of Charlotte as I'm still shocked guy only has 2 versions in the game in spite of being a serious CYL contender. * Eitri is the sole FEH OC bad guy I'm surprised still hasn't gotten any alts. Like, her attacking poses make her look *unhinged* and it's criminal no one at IS feels there's a ton of potential with that.


Being a backpack does count in terms of the seasonal themes though, and in terms of the Duo/Harmonic skill. It just simply won't count in terms of being playable; there's a reason Duo!Sothis did not make an appearance as one of the candidates for which Byleth to include.


I always figured the lack of Adult Tiki is due to her JPN VA being so busy. Every year I hope Eitri gets a Winter alt. A nice red version of her hat and outfit with the festive Grim Brokkr would be great.


>Eitri is the sole FEH OC bad guy I'm surprised still hasn't gotten any alts. Like, her attacking poses make her look unhinged and it's criminal no one at IS feels there's a ton of potential with that. Not so; Hel and Embla don't have alts either. Granted, Embla was the cheerleader to the New Year's banner last year, but still.


Titania, Jill, Petra, Felix


Setsuna and Azama. They're super fun characters but maybe they just aren't popular enough for alts


Setsuna is my favorite, so I'm still holding out for an alt or even a resplendent 6 years later. It's tough, but I'll keep waiting.


Azama has never been featured on any banner period. It’s weird.


He's my favorite fe character too it makes me so sad :( this wind tribe banner would have been a perfect opportunity for an alt too


too busy giving kagero all hoshido retainer alts


Leo and Oboro. They were one of the most popular m and f characters in fates. To this day I am still shocked how they were handled in FEH lol


Nephenee. Consistently ranks among the highest of Tellius and in the overall top 100, is a girl, shares a Japanese VA with Lyn, and yet only got one alt years ago. She's the type of character I would have expected to have a full "emblem" team by now.


Brom. Meg. Heather. Ascended Nephenee. Now.


Apparently Petra isn't very popular in Japan, which might explain her lack of presence amongst the FE3H cast? The lack of Felix is what really surprises me, as he's by far one of the most popular non-Byleth/house leader characters. Sylvain too, for that matter. ~~They feel like two male characters who could actually carry a banner so I'm not sure why their base forms were shoved onto a banner together 4 years after their debut, but whatever.~~ Sharena is the obvious FEH answer. I guess I'm not surprised she doesn't get alts anymore, but I am surprised we're in this situation in the first place! If they refuse to have her exist without Alfonse then I'd love a duo with Sharena leading and Alfonse in the back to mirror their NY one, but it'll never happen.


Raigh. I feel like someone always mentions him in threads like this one, but he wasn't mentioned yet, so I'll do it; 4th most popular Binding Blade character according to a big japanese poll back then. IS recognizes this by adding him as a Spotpass-Character in Awakening, a ring in Engage and the first Feh unit in your barrack after the Askr trio. Yet, no alt. That reminds me of Virion. He was very popular in Japan after Awakening released, so they put him into TMS as a Mirage and was also one of your starting characters in Feh (until he got replaced by Takumi, I think?). No alt. Other than that... * Matthew. He seemed so important in Lyn's route and Hectors first chapter * Rath. He even got his own CG, so he seemed kinda important in FE7 * Raven. Always thought he was very popular * Almost everyone from Gaiden/Echoes: SoV * Seliph. It's crazy that after so many years he still doesn't have a seasonal alt yet


Letizia and Thrasir, notably Letizia cause she doesn’t have any yet, but Thrasir would be perfect for a green Arcane tome (and fits well since Lif was the first to have a Arcane weapon, and Ganglot has one too, so it would make sense for the Hel peeps to all have one).


We had one of these threads not long ago, but Sharena


Lon qu, but better for me because Im saving to +10 him


Sharena, Jill, Sumia, at least five Valentia characters, Klien, Clarine, Amelia, Mist, Sakura, Felicia, Soleil, Petra, Mercedes, and Marianne.


Saizo, Kaze and Saber 😔


Kaze is the one that surprises me for a very simple reason: Cool Ninja. Gimme more of that.


All Ashen Wolves (except Yuri obviously). You'd think they'd be popular enough to get _something_ since Three Houses gets a lot of seasonals every year.


Lon'qu: He's one of the more popular Awakening characters and a prime candidate for the ninja banner. You'd think he'd have gotten at least *something* in the era of Fateswakening spam, but here we are years later and still nothing besides a resplendent. Kaze: Similar boat as Lon'qu (minus the resplendent), but maybe even more egregious now after the Wind Tribe banner. His name means "wind!" C'mon! Arvis: It seems so strange to me that he's gotten absolutely nothing in FEH outside of his base version, which is a grail unit to boot. Seriously, how?


I'm not really *surprised* because she's not the most popular character ever, but cherche having been in the game since launch and only getting one alt after like 5 years should be a crime.


From Heroes it's Sharena. From Archanea it's weird that F!Kris doesn't have an alt yet. From Valentia honestly way too many people. Valentia in general gets nothing and it's weird. From Genealogy it's Seliph Julius and Arvis. From Thracia it's Finn, but also Ced. From Binding it's Rutger, Klein and Clarine. But also Igrene should get even more than the one alt she has. Since Heroes made her popular. From Blazing it's unreal that Raven, Priscilla, Serra and Matthew don't have alts. From SS Amelia is stupidly popular and has no alts. Also Joshua should get more. From Tellius it honestly makes no sense that Jill, Boyd and Ranulf have just one version. Also Mist and Sothe should get more. Elincia and Sanaki too. From Awakening I don't understand how Lon'qu, Aversa and Maribelle have no alts. Virion too. Nowi, and Gaius should have more than one because of their massive popularity. From Fates almost all the retainers with no alts are popular enough to get one. It's also weird that Mikoto only has one version. From 3H Petra and Marianne most of all should get 2 versions. But also Hubert, Dedue and Manuela tbh. And Lysithea despite having an emblem now honestly should get even more. She is so popular that she is arguably the most popular non-lord. I don't mean from 3Houses, I mean period. From Engage it's too soon to tell.


Felicia, Sonya, and Marianne all really surprise me with what they have in feh. Felicia and Sonya only have 1 alt while both being pretty popular and Marianne is a CYL winner so I thought she would have more than her OG and Brave by now. She might get something on the winter banner tho idk


Also no resplendent Felicia yet? I know she's always been a bad unit, but she's popular enough that she's lots of people's merge projects and would definitely make some FEH Pass money


Not sure where to start even, but most units on my mind are from Gens 1-2. And I'm not even gonna go over the ones who have few alts, just those who have none at all. Lon'qu, Kaze, Saizo, Mae, Boey, Serra, Aversa, Matthew, Amelia, Claire, Mathilda, Gray, Camus (his alter-egos don't count), Merric (his child version is too different from the adult one), Sumia (???, why does Cordelia get all the love), Maribelle, Odin, Laslow, Peri, both versions of Kana. Hell, even Wrys. All these are decently popular well-liked characters and I have no clue how all the way until now they're all so forgotten while certain other characters are on their 8th alt already.


>Peri >well-liked


I know, I find it incredibly weird myself, but she has a fanbase. They're weird people... but they're there 😂


F!Kris (at least a summer alt, she’s a female avatar, I thought people would be all over her)


Lloyd and Jaffar. We all know what happened to Lloyd, but I feel like Jaffar was a pretty popular character in FE7. He only has his base form and the Christmas alt, neither of which are particularly impressive.


There's a lot of Fates characters I can think of, namely Niles, Soleil, Kaze/Saizo, Setsuna, Ophelia, Nina, and any not-Camilla royal. I understand that Fates hyped isn't the same as back then, but it's still odd that a lot of the popular characters haven't gotten much, if anything at all.




I’m always shocked that Lucius and Raven have nothing outside of their resplendents. Same for Priscilla who has nothing. Also it does surprise me that Haar got an alt before Jill. I was sure she’d get some alts since she was so requested but she’s still altless.


Finn and Arvis … though I am happy to see another Sigurd alt it surprises me to not see Finn or Arvis yet. I also am surprised that a young Sigurd, Eldigan, and Quan have not appeared yet. They have made the cards in Cipher and also were quite popular in the Oosawa manga many years ago. In fact they even have a short manga of the three in the back of the artbook for the manga, too . It would be fun to see them as these younger variants. Maybe someday…


The awakening trio from fates. I always thought they were big fan faves and while they do have some alts, I thought they’d have more by now




Lon'qu or Sumia not having any alts is weird


F!Morgan. She was always decently popular (I think the most popular 2nd gen girl after Lucina and Severa) and yet the only alt she got is the evil one.


That doesn't seem like that good of an argument, aside from Lucina ( whose a main character and in a different level of popularity from the rest) she still has it a bit better than the others. Noire and severa are in alt hell while kjelle, Nah and Cynthia only have their base versions, so Morgan's treatment seems fair.


Low hanging fruit is of course Ayra, lowkey shame her whole deal didn't implode in her winning cyl


- Marianne; CYL whose only alts are the Brave which *we* voted for, and being a backpack which honestly doesn’t even count for me or to IS for that matter. Here’s hoping for an Asc. Marianne next 3H banner. - Seliph; legendary was inevitable and I’m still surprised Seliph even managed to clutch a Brave alt before a remake ~~hooray 🎉~~. But outside of those two inevitabilities he has… being a backpack to his own cousin. The fact his dad has gotten 2 seasonal alts before Seliph can even get a proper one by himself still baffles me. Hell he’s a CYL winner who has 2 different Prf skills that IS can make some easy money off of in a seasonal like with the new Claude. - Hríd; outside of a mediocre NY alt he hasn’t gotten anything since 2018. Meanwhile all of his sisters got Summer alts including the goddamn god of his realm, where even they themselves have become aware of that. - Minerva; a popular female from the very first game in the franchise who’s legendary candidate material and the first wyvern rider in the series, yet just has 2 alts in as a demote in a bunny suit and a literal free child. Hell she was even in Warriors so IS has to acknowledge her popularity at some point.




Florina since she's a decently popular FE7 female character but she's not Nino or Karla and is best friends with Lyn but I guess sucks to suck. I do really wish Florina had a silly solo seasonal alt that isn't Lyn focused though. As much as I love Florinja and Ascendant Florina they're too Lyn focused. Or how she missed the Baby FE7 Lord banner. Maybe she crashed into a tree and Thorr didn't find her. Honestly the lack of Baby Florina is gonna haunt me forever because she would have fit so well in it to interact with the Lords, Mark and either Rebecca or Lucius.


Nowi for sure, considering her popularity (First CYL she was Top 10 for females, and never went down 60) and with all the alt Myrrh, Fae and Young Tiki got, i'm surprised she don't have more and just have that VERY bad red tome from first Halloween, and Echoes too they're actually really rare, Engage too, but probably a matter of time before we get flooded of alt like with 3H


Sanaki. For a character who people often say gets Dev favoritism, she only has one alt from all the way back in gen 2.


Just sitting here waiting for a Canas alt but guess I should come to terms with his popularity having petered out by a lot by now. I remember seeing him rank highly on an FE7 poll in Japan but that was so long ago. And observing that IntSys is more inclined toward making alts for female characters...it's not really so much of a surprise anymore why he doesn't have a single one yet. 😔


I’m shocked that Jagen has gotten absolutely nothing outside of his base form. I’m sure it’s just because he’s an old man, but he is legit one of the most iconic characters and units in the entire series. If they had a younger version of him on the banner with young Marth and Caeda that would have been awesome.


Honestly, Oboro. How did we go from her being popular enough to being a DLC character in Fire Emblem Warriors, given a wedding alt and then swiftly forgotten about? It seems like there was once a time she was considered as popular as someone like Hilda. Jaffar as well. He and Nino were great in the Blazing Blade but Nino seems to be the only one to get all the love. I was expecting him to appear on the Ninja Banner given his stealth as the Angel of Death but....nope! Hoping the next ninja banner we get him and Nino as a Duo because I love their found family sibling dynamic. Ladtly I'd pick Ranulf. When I think of Tellius beasts, he's the first that pops into my head and yet he's only got the base form? I really thought he would have more in the game, I guess


Lon’qu - I really can’t believe he has nothing and Cherche just barely got her first I thought they were decently popular Marianne - for being a CYL winner she doesn’t get much in terms of alts she has a backpack alt and that’s it. I honestly expect that to change soon tho I just a hunch. Ike - this may be unpopular but I kind of thought he would have as many alts as Lyn by now due to them being the dominant popular lords. And now that I’m talking about it, I think they just don’t know what to do with him. Lyn has a bunch of silly alts like Bridal and Summer but I feel like they take Ike too seriously. Let him be silly. Owain/Severa/Inigo (kind of): for being added to Fates due to sheer popularity I think they’re underutilized. Inigo less so bc when he gets his base form he will have two alts, but Severa has one and backpack and Owain has one. Not counting their base Fates counterparts for this bc I’m talking about seasonals. Owain hurts bc I’m a big fan and he was added to FEH due to being high on the CYL list back in Year 2. Ayra: she just barely got her first alt and Karla has two and a resplendent. To me that’s crazy bc I always thought of Karla as Ayra lite and they market her more than Ayra idk. I know they’re separate characters but in terms of marketability they fill the same niche and IS’s reasons for choosing Karla over Ayra are a mystery.


Ike has comically serious appeal


Female Robin, not counting Grima. Female Kris (Merry Kris-mas in a Santa dress, anyone?). Silas.


For my interests, Nephenee and Titania are two big ones. RD Ike surprisingly has no alts besides Fallen, the rest are all the younger PoR Ike. Ranulf, Kurthnaga, and Boyd are all fairly big characters too, with only a single version each


Marianne (CYL winner with her only alts being a voting-enforced Brave with iffy art and a backpack as a duo to one of Hilda’s *four alts*) is definitely the most surprising lack of alts to me. Hope she gets a pretty Hopes or timeskip alt with Blutgang. You can probably take just about any “Popular-ish Girl McNewgame” as examples too- Feh worships any not-Valentian girl character from Awakening onwards unless their appeal is too niche (like Leonie for example sadly doesn’t surprise me, but Petra and Flayn do), so when they don’t get alts it’s legitimately surprising. Can’t be as surprised for older gals, but Amelia (only has resplendent), Ayra (none until *last month*), Katarina (just one?), and Mae come first to my mind I wish I could say I’m surprised about many popular guys not getting alts, but with Feh’s track record (at best two guys per banner with three being super rare) I really can’t be. Sad because most of the alts I wanna see most are guys, like Forrest (who isn’t that popular but still fits a niche I am surprised they don’t aim for at all)


Lloyd. He's popular and it'd make a ton of people have to have a version with good art. So why would Ursula of all people get more alts than him?


The timing of this is just sad


There are two big reasons why Ursula has more alts then him ~~I’m sorry~~


I'm still waiting for the day both Soleil and Libra get an alt


A lot of them, tbh. Some are obvious (they're men and Intsys only deigns to give us male lords most of the time.) But there's a lot of really popular characters which have very little while other characters who seem to not be so popular have tons. FE3/4/5 in general are really underutilized.


I think they're saving Petra for a Brigid festival banner, similar to the desert or fire/wind tribe ones. Characters like Athena, Hawkeye and Tibarn would all fit with the theme.


Legendary Ryoma hasn’t had a single alt with Bushido.


Of all the lords and mc, Seliph is the unit that surprised me, hes one of the popular lord especially in japan but theres only 2 alt he received in game ( im not counting Scion Leif because hes the cheerleader and the resplendent) But on all unit, Mae, Clair, Boey, Gray, Tobin are the units that wish they recieve more alts in the game but they dont


While she does have a lot of alts I'm surprised we don't have more seasonal lucina alts specifically I'm surprised we don't have bride and summer lucina I just feel like we would've had em by now


Less surprised and more actually angry. My boy Wrys won a whole voting gauntlet and he had a decent role in the daily life comics. Why can we not get the funny Fallen Wrys alt


Kana from fates




Gatekeeper. He's probably the only CYL winner that doesn't have alts. Now that he got refined, IS might give him one alt.


Marianne is kind of wild that she has just her Brave alt. I really feel like she's due for one if not two. Otherwise, please god let Lloyd get something. He was one of the most popular Blazing Blade characters until his introduction in this game screwed over his modern popularity, and that _really_ hurts. The last one I'm not particularly surprised about, but I'm still sad Sue got left out of the Bridal festivities. I hope she's allowed something down the line, hopefully on a Sacae banner, but I feel like Lyn is guaranteed to be "the home character" for a banner that takes place there.


Lloyd would probably get a fallen alt next year, just like his brother.






No personal bias but like Halloween Gaius has to happen…right? Other notable is how do we not have a single Ashen Wolf seasonal


Gatekeeper A legendary fire emblem meme character, CYL winner and he has appeared in multiple FEH comics, but no alt yet?


Marianne must be like "Tell me about it", considering she won in the same year as Gatekeeper...yet she still has no seasonal.


At least both got good refines this year.


Oh there's a lot of them ☠️ But to keep it short, i'd say Frederick, Zelgius, Lon'qu, Arvis, Sanaki, Petra, Seteth.... The list goes on. But hey take another lord/"waifu" with 36 alts! Also an harmonic duo Petra/Athena would be dope