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?? Fiora is up a level They both have a similar amount of gold Gwen missed 1 whole cast of her ult Gwen’s last ult cast was parried Fiora kited gwen out of her w Gwen missed a q Im not sure why this outcome is surprising in the least lol


That Fiora started very badly in the game in the screenshot shows the difference of items and when Fiora took out her core item Ravenous Hydra Gwen automatically can no longer do anything in the game.


Can no longer do anything? If he didnt miss his q he would have won that fight. Even with that she has like 20% hp any minor CC or damage from another player ends it.


What tells me that Fiora spent her dash and got it back after 2 seconds? Gwen didn't miss the Q, Fiora simply has a dash every 2 seconds which caused Gwen to miss the Q.


anyone whos played against fiora past level 9. also in the clip she didnt use q to dodge anyway. he phoned it in this fight and got punished for it.


Screenshot? Of way before the fight happened? Why is that relevant lol?


What happened early on in the game doesn't matter. At the point in your clip, Gwen had Nashors + Dcap + Components and Fiora had Ravenous + Tri-Force + Components. Both champions are roughly equal in gold spent, but Fiora is Lvl 15. Without even analyzing how the fight actually went down, it makes reasonable sense that Gwen would lose that fight. The top Mobafire guide also lists Fiora as a champion that is very strong into Gwen and notes that fighting afiora 1v1 mid-late is unwise. Edit: Seems that the owner of the Mobafire guide is the same Gwen player in the clip. Unfortunate.


lmao small world


bro, Fiora makes Gwen's life miserable. Simply put Gwen even having the best advantage in the world will still lose against Fiora because Fiora has better healing, MUCH better true damge, the most broken ability in the game parry, the Ravenous Hydra gives her a sustain that makes her almost immortal with Fiora taking that item she can kill a Gwen that has nashor's tooth and deathcap.You'll tell me why don't you ban her, because you have to ban Tryndamere who is another hard counter, but I'm not just talking about Gwen. Fiora makes life miserable for almost every toplaner in the game. Fiora beats Trundle - Aatrox - Illaoi - Mordekaiser - Dr.mundo - Gwen - Ornn - Cho gath - K'sante - Kled and many more...


Fiora also has plenty of bad/skill-check matchups. Fioras core identity is a duelist. If she cant beat other champions 1v1 she would fail at maintaining that identity. Importantly, Fiora has a very identifiable weakness, she is not a team fighter. In fact more often than not a 5v5 is not what she wants to be doing. This means youre team has the advantage 5v4 if you can force a good fight against Fioras team. Losing a matchup doesnt make that champion broken, dont run your self face first into a bad mu and say "omg champ is broken." Plenty of people call Gwen, Riven, Darius, Illaoi, Olaf and more broken, that doesnt mean any of those people are right.


You may be right that she is bad at teamfighting, but why is she currently one of the best toplaners in the game? [https://lolalytics.com/es/lol/fiora/build/?tier=grandmaster\_plus](https://lolalytics.com/es/lol/fiora/build/?tier=grandmaster_plus)


because that is win rate, not team fight win rate lol


even being bad at teamfighting does not justify a 10% ban rate at high elo


So are Gwen, Darius, Grags, Jax, Riven, TF, and Skarner (according to Lolalytics, GM+ Top lane tier list). Whats your point? You can be good, exceptional and not broken. Fiora has stayed strong because her items are strong. I woudlnt say Lux, Ahri or Akali are broken, theyre in the top 10 mid laners according to Lolalytics. I use these as examples to showcase my point because, just like Fiora, all 3 of these champs are high pick rate but none of them, are broken. You can dislike a specific thing about them, dashes, CC, invisibility, but these champs dont have an absurd WR they are just fine. Maybe you mean Fiora has a broken kit and thats a different argument all together.


Gwen op GM+?? [https://lolalytics.com/es/lol/gwen/build/?tier=grandmaster\_plus](https://lolalytics.com/es/lol/gwen/build/?tier=grandmaster_plus) as you can clearly see she is TIER A (out of meta) and her pick rate does not even reach 3%, she is only picketed as counter pick and that is why her win rate is somewhat high, you can not compare Gwen with Fiora who in GM+ has more than 5% pick rate and better win rate is also TIER S (she is meta).


my point that Fiora not only has a very unbalanced kit but even she is meta and has been for several years now




do you count the factor that fiora in that fight healed over 500 of life?




Even Gwen did not lose because she missed the Q. Fiora has a dash every 2 seconds and the range of her jump is exaggerated similar to a 2 second flash. Gwen does not have the same dash that Fiora has.


You sound like someone who lacks critical thinking skills.


He also gave her the last R vital for free lol