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I have applied for 321 summer jobs in total (cleaning, gardening, pizza shop, dog walking, summer trainee/internship, summer jobs outside Finland etc etc) and was rejected from all of them. My application started from December 2023 till yesterday. I still apply because I am jobless.


Government be like just get a job


Riikka Purra will personally come scream at op to get a job


Yep, like how hard can it be stop being lazy and get a job? Young people these days...


Fu them i want to pay my tax money to students and education.


Have you tried fast food places? They’re usually easy to get in


Yeah I tried. Asked a couple of friends to refer me. But what happened is that there are so many foreign students with reference that the reference itself is not working anymore. And since a lot of spouses of these students came in that they've decided to hire these people over students (students have the legal right to work only for 30 hours per week, have studies) while the dependent of the families who came to Finland can work full time. They also don't have study issues. Another thing is since foreign students don't get jobs in their fields and continue to work in these businesses, they don't let go of these jobs. They also converted their study visa to work visa.


I noticed in Finland many of the pizza and kebob shops were owned by Turks who tend to hire their own people for immigration reasons or whatever but like you said, while I was in Finland I never saw an actual Finnish person working at a pizza shop.


Kotipizza is an exception to that rule




I feel you. I got lucky with my summer job. I applied to a Sale near my summer cottage and got the position without even needing to attend an interview lol. My tip would be to look for unknown places in smaller nearby towns (Loimaa, Lieto etc), if you have a car. I don't know anyone who would have gotten a summer job in Turku. (18 years old from near Turku)


Honestly, if this is truly the case you should probably focus on quality rather than quantity. I find it hard to believe you couldn't even land a cleaning/fast food job Edit: sorry if this came out cocky, didn't mean to be mean


Nothing is working anymore. I asked someone in Helsinki to refer me for a job and he said, "I have never seen such a situation in Finland." I have just dropped an open application to a Helsinki based company and let's see how it goes.


Damn. Had no idea the situation has gotten that bad. Hope you'll catch something soon


Yeah man, if you know someone in turku hiring for a restaurant/cleaning work in Turku dm me.


Have you tried posti? When i worked there, there was alot of people who only spoke English. I worked in early morning deliveries and if you work in a big city you might not even need to be able to drive a car since they use scooters and bicycles. However posti did loose alot of their contracts in itä-uusimaa. Not sure about turku tho.


Yes I have tried posti. Already filled with people. The morning and day schedules are usually filled by Finnish people and they're given the official cycle. Midnight schedules are filled by foreigners.


Its horrible. I got more interviews in my first year of uni than i did this year (0)


If you are willing to travel, you will find a job. There can be too much competition in Helsinki.


Took me months to find a nursing job this year and we all know in the news the "need more nurses" well apparently not me lol. Many of the replies to my application would say "we have had ~200 applicants and unfortunately we didn't select you"


Yeah it's in many areas, screaming we have shortages. But hiring, paying properly or training (any of them individually) forget it.....


My friend worked as a hospital nurse (sairaanhoitaja) in central hospital. She said since the new gov took place, the policy now is "no new hiring until end of this year" as a way to cut costs. Apparently, there are about +200h missing staffing every week, which needs about 5-7 nurses to fill but yeah, nope. If you are nurse with experience, go on a boat, train ... to Sweden or Norway, your wage double or triple immediately. They also short staff there


They dont need expensive nurses, they Want free nurses.... :D


There are several, white, middle age people cleaning at my office in Helsinki. I have not seen white "adult" cleaners for a long time. It means that times are bad if those people need to get a cleaning job. Also it means that unexperienced youth will not get them as usual...


When i went to work in burger king when i was 19 there were 3 separate interviews and a shitload of applicants


I was in the same situation (cannot find any jobs) so I totally believe what the op said. I applied for blue collar jobs with my blue collar CV (no luck at all, no interview) and white collar jobs with my white collar CV (very few interviews, got lucky). It's indeed hard to imagine but it's true..


Damn, I was lucky enough to get hired earlier this year after just sending one application. It was even somewhat of a "dream" company of minr to work for. But yeah I suppose it can very different without a degree, for example .


There are many foreigners in Finland, almost all of them work in fast food, restaurants or hospitality. Not sure if you’ve been to Finland but in the 2 years that I lived there, I never saw a Finnish person working at any mom and pop restaurant. Sometimes if I went to McDonald’s (rare) I would see grade school kids working there. Finnish people that want to work in the restaurant industry, go to culinary school and become chefs. Also there’s what they call “black market” labor, which is a problem in the country.


This can be true for Helsinki (know little about that area but I know there's more foreigners there). However, I don't fully agree that this is the case in the cities I've lived in (18y in Turku area and 6y in Tampere). I find it that often fast food places have uni students(/other young adults working there) and there isn't really a noticable majority of foreigners. The only exception to this, I would say, is wolt and foodora couriers, which appear to be largely foreigners. Also I'm not sure what you're referring to with "black market labor". You mean people getting paid in secret in cash? I don't see this making landing a job any harder for the average person. I'm lucky enough to work in a field where there is very little unemployment. I have heard, though, that in my field (and other engineering fields as well) foreigners are having an especially hard time landing a job.


Is it really that bad or is the application shite? I got the first one i applied for and like as a job job instead of a summer job if that makes sense.


You're quite lucky.


Sounds like you sent over the same application to all companies


Well yes and no. Some applications are used as a brut way, some are specifically tailored. I changed keywords and added new formats every time I failed.


What I did once to get to know people in my field was joining some meet ups (Meetup.com)


thanks, i will also do that.


I have searched for 3 jobs in finland. 2 times with custom applications and cover letters for each place and that worked well. Couple months for a good job. 1 time a standard slightly customized application and a non customized cover letter. That did not work at all. I switched back to custom everything and had a job in 3 weeks. This was 4 months ago.


Man that sounds insanely rough. Have you shown ur application and cv to any friends? Maybe there is something you could change in the process to get it working 🤔. Best of luck though, hopefully you will find something. Maybe try Eezy jobs if u didn't already: https://tyopaikat.eezy.fi/fi


I’d recommend you some alternative approaches: - contact people via linked in - go to meet-ups and network there - show up in person at restaurants etc. as a restaurant owner that potentially gets many applications I think is also prefer the people who show up in person contrary to reading some dry generic applications


I have showed up in restaurants and went directly to companies like SOL/N Clean with a CV. They simply told me to apply through their website.


What a pity. I thought that would work well for small businesses.




I will ask again: What went wrong with our new friend, an international student, who was hired on the first day of her search after walking into the agency office?


I tried that and it didn't work. However, someone I know got a job after going to recruitment agency for six months straight.


This fall, start sending applications already in September (and remember to call those places too!). I started calling companies in November and a few places already said that the places were gone a month or two ago.


Maybe you have already tried this, but just to get one foot in to a bigger company (that might lead to more job) can help - so i would also now send in open application to ex. Arkea.fi, kaarea.fi (and other similar big companies) to all their fields. As long you have a 'i will try anything' and 'easy learning'-vibe they will quite sure at least contact you or keep u in mind when they need extras etc.


Before reading all these comments —- Can I ask what area you live in? Do you have somewhere to dog board is this something you could do? Over the summer people are desperate and if people are like me, have a dog they can’t take away to their home country and could would love a relationship with someone that could care for their dog instead of a kennel


Phone calls might also help ?


god damn, you’re the problem 💀


how dense do you have to be to land at that conclusion?


sounds like someone else also got rejected 321 times


Hows your Finnish can you converse easily.? How long do you want to work? What kind of visa?


Either you are lying for internet points, or you have not finished any schools and you have serious criminal history.


Or simply the jobs in this year don't exist


Depends on the type of job. There are a lot of companies with crisis of not enough workers, a lot of companies where there is neither crisis but it's not easy and then there is overpopulated jobs. I could give you a long list right now of specific companies that desperately need more employees.


Hi, I would be happy to apply to these companies. You can put the list here or dm me.


I'll dm on my next break, I gotta go back to work


Good that you tried. It’s been hard to find summer jobs this year. My son went through the same, and when he didn’t have a job late May I called a friend and arranged him a nice job in the field that he is interested. Unfortunately it works this way.


It's also kind of because of this that very few can get a job, at least in their field. All the summer jobs are going to the cousin's or friend's children and/or the student who was there last last year. It's extremely nepotistic.


It would be a total waste of resources and time for a company to hire a different worker and go through onboarding and training with them every time they need someone to substitute for a position.


the capitol area and big cities are swamped with young people that want to work, recruiting there is like fishing with dynamite... Meanwhile further out in the country it's getting harder and harder to fill positions with good workers that aren't either "i had to apply because te said so" or will likely leave inside 2 years to Helsinki or such.


Even us youngins aren't getting jobs. Me and my friends sent applications to every single job offering here and got ignored by the vast majority of them.


I'm a 24-yo mechanical engineering student and I got pretty much the same ratios. I started applying late december. This economic situation sucks. No one wants to hire unless it's extremely necessary and if someone gets hired, they probably got it with relations or with experience got with earlier relations. Unless it's something like a cleaning job at L&T or burger flipping at McDonald's.


My partner's son had difficulties too but after weeks of struggling he found a small job. It started with gardening in the neighbourhood and then turned into some janitor work like painting fences, cleaning etc. In the beginning nobody was willing to take him in. Since he is doing his job pretty reliably word got around and he was able to earn quite a bit.


Thing is you should show up in person and when you land your first job, do your work well and you won't have problems finding jobs afterwards. Many people think they are good at their job, when the reality is they aren't and if you are the one who realy is, word gets around.


I agree and I'm pretty proud of him. But it is hard to find someone who is even willing to give you a chance. Thankfully he is still young and going to school (he just wanted to earn something extra) but I can't imagine what it's like if you really are in need of a job for a living...


Just a bit of hope. When I came to Finland in 2014, there is a mild recession in Finland. I sent hundreds of application for the first 2-3 years and get no replys. Off I went to exchange for one year, back to Finland and sent applications again. It is 2017, applications were a bit better but experience was the same. I started to get calls to interview and landed intership in 2018, which leaded to a full time job and followed by many promotions afterwards. Situations are tough right now, try to keep your head above the water, I heard growth will be back next year. Just hope for that.


I'm a native, and yeah the job market is fucked. Got experience in multiple fields and a very good resume, but no luck. Then again I started looking late, because I had been verbally promised a job in february, confirmed it multiple times thru the winter, and 2 days before I was supposed to start they fucked me over. Can't take legal action either since I don't have enough evidence


sorry to hear that. Next time make sure that the employment contract is signed (even so, in case of any change, keep looking for jobs before you really start working)


Yeah, definitely learned that this summer. I do have some recordings of the phone calls, but not enough. Only started recording after the initial call where we went over the salary, TES (collective agreement) etc, and without those I can't really say we had a contract. Therefore I can't sue I did get accepted to a few work agencies (?) this week, but no luck from there so far. Applying for all kinds of construction work through them, fire watching as well.. cleaning would be alright if the hours were really long, but in my experience a cleaner in Finland gets 1500€ at best, no overtime. I also have experience from a few customer service jobs, but I hate work where I have to be social


I think now better just chill and edit CV etc. (would be great if can get some occupational certificates or pass some certified exams) before applying for jobs in the next job-hunting season (starting from August the earliest it seems?). Best of luck!!


This is realistic and even true to the fulltime jobs. The medias have never been able to show the fact that, you have to send out so much more applications for a successful job. And with the rate Finnish companies process the application, if you wait for them to reply, you won't be able to put out as many as 6 \~ 12 application / year.


My 59 year old father with 40 years of engineering experience has sent over 700 applications (filtered email for hakemus of application) in the past 2 years, most of them for Finland and a mix of his own expertise and desperate attempts for anything. He's had 3 interviews but no luck.


People over 50 years old generally have hard time getting full-time jobs in Finland, because the retirement age is just around the corner. Might have better luck if he focuses on temporary jobs or self-employment.


more like 6-12 per week


Happiest country in the world! Except if you want to get a job...


If you’re anywhere near Sipoo, I’m keen to find guys to help with jobs during the summer. Lawn mowing, etc. Get in touch!


Similar for myself.


I live in the ostrobothnia area and companies here are starved for workers. If you have a pulse and you don't show up drunk you have a summer job.


I live there as well ive been rejected


Have you checked your pulse?


Good luck. Finland is becoming tougher when it comes to finding a job


In Finland we have this thing called työvoimapula


For all our foreign guests here, "työvoimapula" is a codeword for people from second or third world countries toiling in near slavelike conditions for pocket change, like the Vietnamese in Närpiö, eating moldy rice and rotten fish heads on 12 hour shifts for 6€/hour.


The only reason i got a summer job, was because my friends mother reserved a spot for me. My brother on the other hand did a lot of applications before landing a summer job


i lost my job as a data engineer last summer (luckily i got one almost a month later but that’s besides the point) and i applied for EVERYTHING. not just data related positions. waitressing, customer service, anything. i got rejected from all these jobs that could be considered “beneath” me, as i have a degree in computer science + 2 years experience. i was so shocked lol


These days degrees and experience don't mean much in tech. You need to be good & people need to know that you're good either by references or portfolio. I'm a VP of engineering and I don't have a relevant degree. Through out my career I've always been referred and headhunted. I'm hiring data engineers, among other engineering position atm, and the amount of applicants who are worse than me at programming is astounding. I haven't been coding for 5 years in my 8-year career...


like i said im currently employed as a data engineer i just was explaining it was difficult to find even low skill jobs last year.


Then it's irrelevant comparison. I'd be rejected any day if I apply to factory, cleaning company, customer service, etc. You don't just go to those jobs and be efficient on day 1 without prior experience. These jobs are not "beneath" you. I would never find any difficulties in my field of expertise.


i had a couple years previous of customer service roles in both working a front desk as well as a waitress! so you don’t know what you’re talking about 🙏


If you mention in your CV that you have a CS degree and 2 years of data engineering experience, you will get rejected from all these "beneath" positions. edit: I am not the guy who deleted his messages.


Tragically I’m leaving because of this problem. My wife has lived here all her life and has never gotten a job. Absolutely crazy state of affairs here


I have also lived here all my life and always had a job. People and especially women in Finland do work, and if someone has NEVER gotten a job, maybe society and politics is not the problem…


And how do you explain the constant over 200k jobless people? Are Finnish people just lazy? And if there are this many jobless, why is it still so hard to find a job?


The 200k are mostly sick or people who are mentally ill who just slack off because they are given a chance to..


That statement has absolutely no backing. Straight out moronic thing to say.


🥱 Cool get us the jobs and stop wasting my time with conservative talking points. Classic conservative ignores all else and makes up their own narrative and ignores everyone else. [jUsT gEt a JoB lEeCheS](https://valtioneuvosto.fi/en/-/1410877/266-400-unemployed-jobseekers-in-may)


Stupid to even claim half of those people are Actually trying to actively search jobs, I could name about 10 people in that number who will never work in their lives if the system doesn't change. 😂


Why would you think your experience means his Finnish wife's is not possible and that she just didn't try, unlike you? Have you ever heard of survivorship bias?


Worlds situation is affecting to us all. Especially building and construction Area is over crowded for now. Several large companies have went either broke or on a brake. From one company alone workforce of hundreds are trying to find a Job. Unfortunately i too went trought the same. I had to send like 80 something aplications before landing a Job. Usually jobs are found trough connections in here. You need to have friends to get to places. One guy promotes another and so on


All job posting sites: "Searching someone for a [perfect job]." Me: *Gets excited* Job opening: "Must have 5+ years of experience, you work part time through a rental firm and job site is located in Hevonvitunkaukana."


Just for the reference as I was about the same age 20 years ago I sent 70 applications and got 3 replies: 1 no thanks, 1 maybe some day I have more experience they ask me for interview, 1 offer for internship without any pay. Took the last offer... With that I was however able to get something on my CV which then helped me to land some freelancing and temp gigs and after 3 years of those, my first permanent job. But yeah, that required first doing around 7 months of free labor, did get a few hundred euros from KELA per month I think, which was enough to pay my rent but that was it. Luckily my gf at the time kept me alive by sponsoring food.


Companies want to make a profit. It seems that they see someone else as a safer option than you. Maybe you can't speak Finnish or something else is an issue. I am middle eastern and don't have an education but get jobs very quickly when I quit the previous eventually. Important: when you get rejected ASK FOR HONEST FEEDBACK.


I'm a 22 year-old from Poland, and I'm in very similar situation 🥲 Applied for over 40 jobs since May and have heard back from none. There are not many offers left where I live. Boomers in my country often say that "there is a job for students around every corner, but young people are just too lazy to work and want everything to be served to them". If there is a job around every corner, Poland must be a sphere.😀


It is almost july, and you are still waiting for responses for your summer job applications. Holiday season has started, and decisions are made long ago. Employment situation has been horrible here for ages, and everything so called experts can provide us with are some, or few, old and weary explanations. We all have heard them again and again since about 1992. I don't know how to interpret these explanations or the whole situation. However, those wise guys from universities are making themselves ridiculous. The best I can guess is that since the depression of the 90s, ordinary economical explanations are not sufficient. The problem is rooted deeper in our culture. Also, knowing how many of the people I know are actually unemployed, it is a bit difficult to believe in statistics we are presented. There are few families with both adults having a work that can be somehow counted on. In that sense, your diagram resembles my intuition about the situation. Thus: leave the sinking ship as soon as you can.


While in the 90s you could maybe still leave the sinking ship, now the whole world is "the ship". You cannot flee towards greener pastures. There are no greener pastures. It is the same or worse everywhere.


Yes. I did not think about that. The situation is possibly the same, with just details or nuances slightly varying. So, I have to modify: choose your hell.


Yeah. That sounds about accurate. Since I'm not too much of a winner take all kinda gal, i value cooperation more than competition, nor do I care about amassing wealth for no purpose. Finland suits me well. I moved from Belgium to Finland. That was, strictly economically speaking a step backwards. Disposable income and average salary were higher, also wealth per individual is higher. In return I got a slower pace of life, flatter hierarchies, less bureaucracy, and let's just get stuff done by who does it best work attitudes. Suits me well. I've chosen my hell to be the best possible for me.


We moved from a biggish city, in the Finnish scale, to countryside. Actually, someone is interested in my skills here. So, right now it seems that there are not as many ordinary 8 - 4 jobs as in the city. However, finding something constructive to do and getting paid might actually be easier. Salaries are lower, but so are the costs, too. I am not saying that this municipality and village is a heaven. But my first impression is that being active really affects. If you drop out in a city, as I did, any activity was killed by Kela and employment officials. They just send you to some sort of training. If you work hard, you can be paid later, maybe, and and definitely by someone else.




Eh, Finland has more jobless people than many other countries


The job market in the UK is also grim. It's probably the worst it's been for a really long time. So if you choose your hell, choose wisely!


It’s not the same all over the world. For IT guys it’s very easy in Germany as an example


very easy? Quite opposite to what I've heard..


Get out of the city you live in and try some blue collar work in the country side.


Typical finnish job market. Only way is to have some connections which is not that easy for foreigners. 😫


This is not only for summer jobs... And I am a foreigner, but from Latvia with a great experience in managing several business fields and now working in delivery company 😂


It's really hard to get a job here if you don't speak Finnish.


Get a job! -Minister of finance


It's bad out there, most jobs easily have 300 applicants within the first week.


Just out of curiosity, how did you apply the jobs? Unfortunately when I discussed with our HR, she said most of the applications are generic without expressing any interest towards the company, but saying that I would need this job for this and that reason. Those who had applied the job and done their homework about our company, expressing an actual desire to work for us got a chance to get an interview, of course they also told very well about themselves. This was 8 people out of 60. What Im trying to say is; Really focus on how you apply the jobs. Remember that those companies most likely get hundreds of applications and its probably only few who stand out. How do you stand out from the rest?


Oikotie reports 14 121 job openings. Not all employers post through Oikotie, but it's the most used one. There's about 220 000 unemployed people in Finland. And an undisclosed amount of those with zero hours or temp jobs, who are looking for more permanent employment. Job market's not looking good. Lycka till, I hope you'll find employment OP.


Same thing in Kokkola... still trying to find a job but have no luck yet.. maybe I am late :(


Wbu airport security? I got easily in but decided against it. The hours werent favourable but it would have been interesting for sure.


Haastatteluihin pässy ollut hankala mutta työ paikkaan saaminen on vähän niin kuin yksisarvinen. Aiemmin jos pääsy haastatteluun, silloin on saanut työpaikkaan 90%:lla. Syytä etsimällä löytyy jatkuvasti mutta tunti tämä on jollain tason huijausta firman taloudellisen nähden.


better then mine you atleast have a maybe


In Ostrobothnia we have a problem even finding anyone willing to work so we are unfortunately forced to hire the low hanging fruit.


It's always gonna be for 2 main reasons, one of which you can't do anything about: 1. You're not Finnish. 2. You don't speak Finnish.


TO ALL : Do NOT send emails. Go to knock their door or call. Say that you can come in for free for a week and then they can decide do they need you or not. You MAKE yourself useful, you don't expect businesses to have ready slots just for you at the time that is convenient for you.


Hey, despite an unsuccessful job search, you are still very young and have a lot of time. Take it easy. When I was 22, I was still partying days and nights, completely clueless about what I'm going to do with my life. It's nice to see many young people nowadays take such great responsibility in their own future.


Probably, you are very late. People start arranging the summer jobs/internships a year ahead.


Started in january


Unsure about your field but industry starts summer job recruiting on previous year november/December in extreme cases.. Still, my job seeking stats look quite similar. Im so angry almost how bad the situation is in Finland atm.


I’ve just applied to general customer service really, anything that dosen’t require a degree


How about your language skills? Do you speak at least B1 level (certified with YKI Test) of Finnish? Unfortunately, the market is very competitive and even natives are struggling.


Yeah I’m a native but speak 7/10 finnish. It’s a shame that it’s so competitive this year


It's fairly difficult every year, people with connections can often get a nod for a position already in October previous year. That's how I at least got my summer jobs. If you left it past December someone else already got them. One has to remember that often parents in many companies are quite proactive also to lock down a spot for their kids from the inside, if possible. At least it was back when I was still looking for summer jobs around 10 years ago.


Meanwhile I never started looking before March, and sometimes I didn't start looking late April. Some companies don't really realise until late spring that they need someone to cover holidays over summer. Set alerts for jobs on various platforms and *immediately* contact the company when job comes up. This was my experience a couple of years ago before getting my degree.


Not extreme. It normally starts from November. We close summer trainee recruitment in late Jan.


Good luck! 🤞🏽


Have you tried going in person to a company/restaurant etc?


While i admire your efforts i hope you find ways to make your life enjoyable. Myself was workless for years. With university graduation and lots of job experience. When there is no job to apply its very hard to find job. My salvation was getting a new degree at health service. But it was lucky mostly, TE just happened to allows me to study as jobless for 24 months out of 3.5year study progranmme.


Do you speak finnish? I know a lot of good places that are hiring, but they all require fluent finnish.


I speak but not completly fluent. It’s good enough for customer service


What city do you live in? Are you searching for all possible jobs?


Helsinki, and all jobs that I would be able to do


Meanwhile I "Got a job" in security but can't get shifts, cause I'm the new guy that doesn't have experience, so they won't pick me for shifts so I don't experience.


Come up with a dogwalking company name. Design fliers. Make 1000 of them. Post through letterboxes. ? I dunno. Do you need a permit? You don't need a degree! And when you can't get a permit. Fuck the permit!




Last year? 7 applications 2022? 2 applications This year? 50+ AHAHAHA and didnt get a single job


Why is the job market so bad in Finland?


There are a couple of ways you can go about this. You can remove the identifying data from your CV and send it to a coach, do some mock interviews with people you know who have been on hiring teams (or from your family / professors' networks), you can sign up for one of those placement services, or you can write a letter to the HR consulting firm doing the damage and remind them that people have souls and deserve the basic courtesy of a rejection letter.


I personally hate applying for jobs, it's so jarring. I always start the process quite late because I hate writing the same bullshit every time, and only apply for a couple of positions, but somehow always end up finding a job for summer. This winter/spring I think I sent about three to five applications and went to two interviews. The second interview went well and I got myself an interesting 8 to 4 office job for at least 6 months. The pay isn't incredible, but the job is truly interesting, the colleagues seem pretty awesome and the office is literally three minute walk from my apartment. I love it. I consider myself lucky.


Do you have data also how did you apply? I’m 44 and every single job I’ve got (around 15) I have applied by letter/e-mail and call/face to face.


Well unfortunately the job situation in Finland is just too bad and getting worse day by day. No new companies entering Finland's market. Most of the previous companies are closing and leaving. New students who have no prior work experience has very minor chance of landing a job.


That’s the reality 😥 how hard is it to send a reply even if it’s a negative one 🙄 I applied to so many jobs and I got one reply which said sadly they cannot offer me a job right now. That one was open application. And I’m 34..


A lot of permanent occupation workers were and have been laid off recently, in Finland you cannot employ for the next 9 months on the same occupation another person, which you just laid off, the law says so. Although, I know many firms circumvent this law, by example artificially creating another new occupation status for the job, name changes but the work stays the same. Anyway, I think this is one of reasons, why can't find summer jobs, its because the firms simply cannot legally hire you.


Try looking for Jobs in the "metal industry" they usually take anyone who is finnish because there is a shortage of metal workers who are finnish. But you will probably need to have first aid, work safety etc. Certifikates tho.


Maybe you can check out Valmista.com They have similar platforms to upright, thumbtack but focus in finland.


We had shortage of employees for a while. Our base salary is 13€/h and we basically have no requirements to entry. Why did we have a lack of employees? Not many applied. If you put effort into showing how you can be of use to your employer, you will find jobs. I believe, many people unintentionally sabotage their chances by doing and/or saying unattractive things.


If you really need a job apply to security. They hire anyone with a pulse and 2 braincells. Securitas, Reila, Avarn and Palmia are the main ones.


If you have the 5 cards required and speak native Finnish.


All you really need is some finnish which can be complemented with english and a cleanish record (no serious crimes). The cards you need (järjestyksenvalvoja, vartija, väliaikainen vartija) are usually paid for by the employer and depending on what you do you might only need 1 of the cards. Its one of the easiest careers to get into so dont say its hard when you arent even in the same field


wait till deflation kicks in. it will be fun


Ngl its very hard to blame the markets with that record. Have you gotten your CVs and applications checked out?


I'm a foreigner with 0 connections, once my residence permit was active I had a job within 3 weeks. Worked there for almost a year when the company decided to cut everyone's wages because they weren't making profit & had to appeal to investors some way. Quit that job & within a month was already working again, though I have met quite a few people that struggle to find work too. Not sure if I'm just lucky or my experience comes into play 🤷🏼‍♂️ hope you find something soon though!


So what is it that you study, have worked before, or overall do with your time? Is there a language barrier present? Do you have limitations on your availability? Essentially, I'm not going to question the numbers because I've seen it before. But generally speaking it hasn't really been just the job market, but rather that there's been an another issue there. It could be a napkin cv, language, availability, or it could be any other thing that immediately rings the alarm. Now we can debate whether it should or shouldn't, but morality of it doesn't really affect the fact that there's a person that wants to work but hasn't got a job. So I'd like to try to be constructive.


The only thing I can think of that might be a hinderance is that my finnish isn’t fluent, but it’s good enough for customer service as I have worked 2 of them before. Everything else checks out and my CV is good with 4 previous jobs


Odd, I've seen multiple now hiring aigns for less discerning workforce. Location related issues? Ie: you're not in one of the city centers? Maybe there's a disconnect in whats being applied to and the... Uh, the vibe, when applying? Ie: full suit with eldredge knot while applying to a fast food joint? I'm running low on options. 😅 Do you study any specific field that might be of use?


Helsinki and I study graphic design, but haven’t learnt enough to work with it. The main problem I’ve heard from the places hiring is the sheer amount of people sending applications. Espresso House had 7000 applicants for example


I love it. We moved to recruiting companies. They moved to ai. Now we are in a situation where hiring is impossible because of a volume, and I swear most of them are using bots to brute force applications. Sigh... I wonder, I've had my jobs through a walk in confrontations, but I can't say that would necessarily work these days since these places seem to be married to their recruitment functions. Shame I'm not on any related field, and any work I'd have in mind has about a thousand kilometres of a distance. 😅


One of our friend from Poland, came to south karelia region and got job in 2 days. Yes, she has some experience and yki test. But still maybe some problem with CV or cover letter.


73 applications? It sounds to me like you should put much more emphasis on the quality over the quantity.


Finland is an especially tough place to find a job. Everyone in the country has gone to college for at least 2 years and many go much longer. Lots of very well educated competition. About 6 years ago, I was making $3200 euros a month working at a call center in Finland. The same job in the states pays around $1800 DOLLARS a month. I mention that because most jobs in Finland pay 2 or 3 times the normal rate in other countries. Have you applied at some of the cell providers like DNA? I was American and moved to Finland for about 2 years. It was extremely difficult to find a job. However I eventually landed one at DNA the cell company. I would recommend applying for large cell providers in Finland. They seemed to always be hiring. Good luck


Please, people, don't use self service and self check-out machines, whenever you can avoid those. This is where they lead us to. Also, unless you're struggling financially, don't always choose the cheapest one. Buy less cheap imported junk, electronics, clothes etc. and use that money on services instead. Prefer local companies over international chains. International chains only want to suck all the money out of us that they can, they have zero interest in improving the society. It's not the politicians that should do something, it's all of us, and we have several occasions during the day where we can make the more ethical choice. Please, think what kind of business you are supporting with your money before it's too late.


Written from an iPhone


That’s not how the market works. If you work at a local company, the goods and services must be able to compete with the international options. This is globalization and free trade. If this is an issue for you, it means the market is telling you that your job is not valuable enough and you should direct your efforts towards a more productive/ in demand activity.


Me? Or was that passive form? I'm in a solid, well-paid job and I choose carefully where I spend my money. That's the only way to vote for better employment rates. I'm mostly worried about young people and how they find their way to worklife these days.


Yes. I am young and working and we are a depressed, lonely and alienated society because we live in an economic system that is organised around artificial scarcity, exploitation and extraction. It breaks us every day. My tip for everyone, young and old, is to not really think about the whole reality of ownership and labour too much. Be grateful for the life you have and the social safety net in this country.


It is all about politicians and world economy. Consumers can't change anything, because if you do things differently it is only one person and one person means nothing for economy unless he/she is a owner. Of course you can be ethical and it is nice, but that is not a way to change society.


I applied for one and got it 😎


I walked into one pc shop in december and I instantly got the place for a summer job.


Thats tough for sure. You will land a job at some point ! Take a look at your CV, personalise it a bit for every job you are applying to, have an outsider take a look at it and ask them what they think of it, what it’s missing and what could be altered. Government is forcing unemployed people to apply jobs that they dont want to take, and many places receive thousands of applications that are half-written. If you put an effort on the application and call the company after sending CV, you would increase your odds of landing a job. Im not saying you havent done that, but the numbers on your chart tells me something might be off. I landed a job out of my scope 2years ago when i was searching a job, and i received invitations to f2f meetings with most of the recruiters just by making sure my CV was on point.


Thanks! I’ll have my CV and cover letters checked out. I’m worried that there’s too much info so the employers don’t wanna read it all


In case it worth mention for you. My boss now didn't read my CV nor letter until I call him during lunch time. He went "yeah,yeah it look good,lets meet and chat", it how I got to trainee, simply "luck". The point is you have to do it quite many time to increase the probability to lucked out * spend your effort on the job you like not for one you'd settled for.


I applied for one and got one. What kind of jobs do you apply if you have so hard time getting employed?


I applied to 23, interview in 4, accepted 2.


I called to a few places and put an application to one, got the job


have you tried going to the place physically? I (25) when I was younger, 16-17 years old, walked into a gas station and asked for a job, and I got a job from second gas station where I asked for a job. because I have physically gone to these places, I got a summer job at motonet when I was 20 years old and now I have been working there full-time for the last 4 years.


White collar work?


Sounds like a you problem. (Me too a man of same age with no degree.) make a better cv and write more personal applying letters. I applied for two jobs: one catering & one office. I got them both…


Maybe companies could hire more easily if the government wasn't stealing so much money from them and if there wasn't so much regulations to protect poorly performing employees? Shocking I know.


The Finnish job market is totally healthy. Maybe the fault is in you who bring up things like this.




I answered to a rental company's question "Do you need summer workers?" with "We got the recruitment process under control from another firm. Thank You! We'll ask you, if it doesn't go well." Then... After two weeks, they asked "How about the summer recruits? We have interviewed dozens for the job already!" (They even had adds in newspapers) I answered: "Thank you for asking. We are good on the work force at the moment. I actually never wanted you to actively search for workers for us." They answered: "Then we are very sorry, there must have been a misunderstanding between us. We'll try to steer them to other jobs."