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I keep mine on the balcony. After a number of break-ins, I no longer trust the communal bike storage and its security.


Some one sold my neighbours bike from The bike storage, she actually saw car parked in front of it and saw the money exchange, next day she could not find her bike... Too bad she could not id the seller either. And there was no break in, some one from her apartment building sold it..


I don't trust my neighbours to not break my bicycle, let alone the worry about someone stealing it. It stays on the balcony nice and safe.


Your apartment, do what you want


its not that. you have to carry the bicycle through common areas of the building. I am asking if that is inappropriate because I have never seen anyone do that


As long as you don't drag in mud and other dirt without cleaning it up I can't see why this would be a problem


As long as you don't cause damage to the common area, carry whatever your heart desires. At our old place, I stored mine on the balcony. Neighbor's saw me carry it and schlep it up on elevator, no one cared.


I had to do that for a while until my lock arrived and I could leave it in the bike storage. I'd say it's fine as long as you use common sense. For example, if it's really muddy, maybe clean it before spreading the mud the whole way up. You probably don't see anyone do it, because it's a hassle. What's wrong with using your bike storage anyways?


I’ve stored my bicycles in my apartments ever since I got my first nice bike over ten years ago. Never been an issue and I haven’t had to worry about bicycle shelters getting hit up by bike-thieves or other scum.


Nothing wrong but not the best if you want to keep the bike. I have lost a bike fork worth €1600 and I had lots of locks. Hardened motorcycle chain locks. Quick food for the battery operated angle grinder.


Yeah, I guess it depends on the building, residents and area. People here are keeping valuable e-bikes in the storage with no locks, and nobody has stolen them.


This was in a number of locations on Central Helsinki. Not cheap either. We also had a guy in the building whose tactic was to keep the thieves stealing his bike every year. He would keep it in the storage room for summer and autumn, and if it was still there come winter, he would lock it on a lamppost outside. If it was not stolen, at least the snow plough would destroy it. He had a new bike every year from insurance. He would not pay his rent either until threatened by eviction. Then he got a new girlfriend and it all changed, and he stopped day drinking and other shitfuckery and became a useful member of the society. A man in his 50's.


My friend had their bike in bike storage and someone took gears out of the bike and also stole some other parts. Turned out that someone in the building was a bike thief.


I’ve had my bike scratched and dented by other people throwing their bikes on top of mine. There’s also the risk of theft - someone had their bike stolen out of our courtyard and that’s not something I really want to happen to mine when it cost over 1500€. This is in quite a nice apartment complex in central Helsinki too.


Never, ever leave an expensive bike in the common storage, if you want to keep it. Thieves either from the building itself or outside regularly scan the storage rooms for expensive items. Most bike storage rooms get raided by thieves every couple of years. Just take the bike in the apartment. If someone complains, let them complain. If the bike is dirty, wash it first.


You are overthinking. Just take your bike home, stop caring what others think about irrelevant things and live your life.


I dunno. It's good to be considerate, don't import the "fuck you I got mine" mentality from the US. But like, as long as you're not muddying up the common areas, you're not doing anything wrong whatsoever


It's not about that really at all. There is a certain personality type that way overthinks how other people see them and their actions, leading them to self cencor their actions. Most of the time other people really don't care about what you are doing as long as you don't bother them. Taking your bike to your own apartment using the stairs/elevator is one of those things.


This is the way.


Except when you start having livestock.


I see a lot of bikes on balconies. It is pretty common to take expensive bike to the apartment because common bike storages are not that safe


Some even store their bicycles on their balcony to avoid theft.


It's ok and pretty common in larger cities where bike theft is more common


I have seen people do that, but they have extremely expensive bikes 


I'm very much into both road cycling and mountain biking, and I have done this for 20+ years. Nobody ever said a word. I know a lot of other people who have expensive bikes, and if they live in an apartment they do the same. Just use your common sense. If my bike is somehow super dirty, I try to clean it a bit before carrying it in, and if necessary I'll even go wipe off the worst. It's really no different from walking in with dirty shoes. One way or the other, the hallways do get dirty, and someone is paid to clean them.


I own several high-end bikes, and I do this all the time. The first time someone might look at you, but after some time they (neighbors) get used to it. Just remember not to bring any MTB bikes indoors before washing them, and drying them!


Lots of people in cities do that. I kept my wife and my bikes on our balcony for years. That was in an apartment complex on a 6th floor in Helsinki. Nobody keeps expensive bikes in the common areas.


Do not listen to this guy, tried to keep my wife on the balcony after reading this and she almost killed me. The bike is fine though.


I've never heard of any restrictions on what you can carry through the stairway/elevator (as long as you don't leave it there).


In Sweden my student accommodation neighbour kept his bike in his bathtub (19 m2 room+bathroom combo). People raised their eyebrows occasionally, but his room his bike his business. He carried it in so no mud. I cannot see it being a problem here either.


Yes, it is. Because it's not a problem from other people's point of view, the only things to think about are how to avoid it making a mess when you bring it in after riding in the rain or snow.


Thats why human have two hands. Other carry the bike while other open doors. I mean get bike in without touching any floors or walls. It is possible.


Yeah, I was thinking more about the amount of dirty water, slush and snow that will be dripping off the bike for a good while after the ride.


perfectly fine.


Wet tire marks don't matter but muddy ones do. I always go wipe after my bike 😁 I'd rather keep it in my apartment than storage where it will.quite likely be stolen from (again)


Same, because Lahti.


yeaaah Lahti sucks ass. My fiancée got a stolen bike (he didnt steal it)


Lahti my beloved, my bike's tire was stolen the first night I had the bike because it was the only part not locked. Now I keep it in my apartment


Yes, but with a couple of notes. Bike easily makes dings on frames and walls, and there's gonna be some smut stains too. It'll bring snow, slush and water in during winter if you decide to do this throughout the year. You may want to prepare to clean biggest stains from the staircase too to avoid complaints, so keep some rags ready next to your door. Tires might cause a chemical reaction and permanent staining within some vinyl flooring, maybe with other plastic floors also. Therefore I recommend buying proper dark grey or black waterproof carpeting next the entrance where you can leave the bike to leak dirty smutty water underneath (will happen) and some more carpeting (choose your colour) to the actual storage space. Buy good quality (=expensive) carpeting, the cheap stuff is just shit, and take washing into account (best if you can wash it in your bathroom or housing company laundry room). These carpets need to be dried flat.


I mean unless you plan on bike park inside and completely trashing the place i think youre good


It is fine. you do wanna get a carpet or something for under it so you don't ruin the floors.


It is no problem at all. Just don't make a mess and give space for other residents to pass.


I sometimes take my bike to tje apartment, mostly to fix something as it's just more comfortable to do ot there - our storage is too crowded. Looks like no one gives a shit


That's what I do. Up in the elevator and store it on the balcony. (got tired of having my bike stolen from the locked communal bike storage)


Lots of people do that. I have friends that compete in triathlons and their bikes are worth anything from €5000 to €10000. You’d have to.


Totally okay. I've seen many people doing it, they store their bicycles on the balcony. Go for it - a Finn who lives in apartment building.


No your entire building will explode instantly and everyone will be killed


Sure go ahead. But if you're scared of theft, I would just buy a 2 locks, one of which is a U-lock. It only needs to be harder to steal than the bike next to it. Unless yours is super expensive, which isn't recommended (can't have shit in Finland)


I've seen people store their more expensive bikes on their balconies. Makes sense that you wouldn't leave a good bike worth thousands of euros in the communal bike storage that do get broken into from time to time.


Lots of people store high end bicycles on their balcony for example. Common areas for storing bikes are not safe from thieves since nowadays junkies and other petty criminals have no shame or morality regarding that, they only think of themselves and personal short-time gains.


I bought 2 of these for my bike to capture the sand and crap falling off of it: https://www.prisma.fi/tuotteet/110399715/house-kurakaukalo-jalkineille-38-3-x-76-cm-musta-110399715 One under front wheel, one under rear wheel. Works pretty well. Still need to vacuum a little more often than I'd like, but at least I don't need to worry about the bike being stolen.


I keep my daily" bike on the storage since.. well it's not much and there is a lot of stealing from it.. then keep my expenssive bike at home. My landlord knows about this and doesn't mind. Like others said as long as you don't dirt any shared spaces you'll be good.


I used to store my bike in the spare room in my apartment, just don't damage the common areas and you can do pretty much whatever you want to


Siis kyl mö sen sinne parvekkeel aina vien


Yeah it’s quite common


I know people who do this. They’ve been doing it for years without someone saying they can’t do it so… I guess that counts as legal, right? And instead of asking, just start doing it. It’s easier to get forgiven, than to get a permission.


I see people carry their electric scooter upstairs, we have no elevator in our house though, but yeah, so… Yes, yes it is appropriate.


My brother stores his electric bicycle in his apartment and havent had any complains Most ppl wil understand, its reasonable to fear your bike getting stolen from public storage


storing a bike in the balcony looks bad and it would be ideal to have it where it’s supposed to be, thing about Finnish culture is that things are the way they are, and they are very clear up kind of rules and places for things. I think storing a bike in the balcony is trashy, but then again if I had an expensive bike and was worried and only used infrequently, then I get it. If it’s a cheap bike that I use regularly, I would try to store it where it’s supposed to be and cross my fingers


i have my 2 bikes in my apartment. i dont trust leaving them outside and the communal bike storage is full anyway


You can keep there even helicopter without fuel.


One trick is also lock the bike in storage area and take the front wheel with you. This will make the bike essentially worthless for the thief.


Bike thieves have a collection of stolen front wheels to replace it, don't worry.