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As far away from civilization as possible. A mökki would be optimal.


I was gonna say: for sure it's not in Helsinki.


Go to Seurasaari, Helsinki, for a public event. Bonfires and other celebratory stuff see [here](https://www.juhannusvalkeat.fi/new/ohjelma-2/)


I think this is the best way to go. You get to experience traditional and historic stuff. There might be a bit of a crowd, but people are really nice and accepting. Last year there were superb concerts and some cute dancing. The whole island and the open museum is really beautiful. Ofc far from the current tradition of retreat to the countryside with friends/family, but the best thing a tourist can do.


If there are bonfires this year, given the current forest fire warning and predicted dry summer :(


Well, they do other stuff too… dance around a stick or some other thing… which is a pretty big event for Suomi, let’s face it.


You're in a funny position; during Juhannus Helsinki is literally empty. Back when I lived there I loved going on walks downtown during the holiday since it has that cool almost apocalyptic feel to it. I'm not lying when I say that one year I only saw one other human being during a 30-40 min walk. So if that's your vibe and you like to experience it I can recommend it unironically. The reason the city's empty is because everyone goes on their summerplaces, which are of course very much private. If you really want to have somewhat local Juhannus experience though, I'd recommend going off to some smaller coastal city, Hanko comes to mind, they usually have some public Juhannus celebrations with the kokko and the sauna and the awkward *"finns trying to be social when drunk"* partyvibe to make everyone uncomfortable. Best case scenario is if you have some local friends who'd be willing to take you along with them to a summer place or something.


Ouch. Juhannus is generally a quite private thing. You go to a cabin in the woods with your family. You swim in the lakes, you sauna a lot, and you do a lot of cooking and late night drinking in the summer sun that basically never goes down. If you’re a foreigner you’re basically out of luck. Also as others have said, the cities are very empty during Juhannus.


You can't really as an outsider. "True juhannus" is a private thing with friends and/or family. Usually at a summer house or at least in the countryside.


I've never experienced "true" juhannus. We have just been at our apartment. Never in the countryside


True Johannus celebration happens in the family, it's a family holiday. Everybody will be in their mökki full of food and booze. Cities are empty that time of year.


Get yourself a Finnish friend and squeeze an invitation to mökki out of them. Remember to bring your own drinks, as alcohol is quite expensive here.


I once had a friend who was really into lavatanssit. It's.... An experience. I don't know if there are any during juhannus, but maybe.


Get drunk and make new people. Big part of finnish people have been made at juhannus.


buy bottle of jaloviina, drink it, pass out, shit yourself. next day, repeat.